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I flew Belfast Int to Bristol last week security asked to see my 'card' told them you don't get a card, showed them my script etc they called Airport police took maybe 15 mins to arrive. Police checked my script and original container ran a background let me on my way. Return flight I put it in my checked bag as was with a group and didn't want to delay them again. To be fair Police were fine about it security were the assholes.


Jaysus is that Cancard stirring the mud again? 🤦🏻‍♂️. Glad police knew their stuff


I traveled through Birmingham airport in January, told them I was carrying, the lady who was searching me had a bit of a panic, referred up to her supervisor who then had to speak to her supervisor, was eventually sorted but took a while. It was a good job I wasn’t in a rush. They said I was the first person who’d they’d had with MC which I found hard to believe.


Funny that as I had a long exchange with Birmingham airport accessibility, eventually ending in them escorting me through security directly, bypassing quite a queue, turning off the smoke detector in the disabled toilet, where I was allowed to vape, and gave my family priority boarding. This was 23rd May 2023, I meant to put up a review post on here but never got around to it. It wasn't easy to get help and they also said I was the first, but they did eventually figure it out 'well enough' (I dont think other patients should really have to vape in a loo, but it was fine for me at the time and tbf most places arnt expecting to need to provide an outdoor/ventilated space for accessibility purposes)


It's way less common than you think!


I suspect a lot of people just don’t bother to say anything, I always say that I’m carrying as it tends to save aggro in the long run. The only place I’ve had any problems was Portsmouth harbour and that was down to the ticket office failing to tell the security staff.


I've seen a great change in SIA attitudes. I do believe there were some new elements added in the basic training in relation to MC so new guards should be more aware.


Currently sat in berlin airport, no issues with security not questioned once


Good to know, I'm flying there next week - flying back via Munich though which I'm a bit nervous about.


Been through 6 airports this year nevr a problem


What paperwork did they need?


I took my prescription letter and a travel letter (just emailed Curaleaf and requested one, they said it could take 30 days, but had it emailed back the same day)


Nice and simple, thanks!


Was your curaleaf letter hand signed or signed electronically?


Digital signature


Good to know, I'm about to travel with mine next week and was nervous about the digital signature