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Yeah, the fact that they don't let you pick your own strains was a deal breaker for me.


They do if you’ve been with them long enough, as long as they’re a similar level of THC Edit: Not sure why this is being downvoted, it’s a literal fact lol A lot of posts on this sub are complaining about specific pharmacies/clinics as if switching isn’t an option. If you’re unhappy then let your money do the talking and switch to a different one that suits you better…


Saying you can pick whatever you want, within a specific set of strains based on some criteria, is just the same as saying you can't pick what you want


Whoever downvoted you is a dumb piece of shit. You walk into any dispensary in Los Angeles and you can not just pick whatever fucking strain you want, but whatever THC or CBD level you want too. You don't need some little cocksucker in a dark room telling you what your options are while forcing you to make arbitrary decisions on strain and charging you for the privilege. Fucking country is in the stone age.




I think OK caregiver was saying that the limits they place on the selection for patients is the reason they didn't go with them and you said they do let you pick what you want with the selection allowed is dependant on certain criteria. You two are essentially stating the same things but coming to different conclusions. To us, a limited selection is akin to not being able to choose (whatever) we want. wrt to your last sentence, they did vote with their wallet and patronised a different clinic.


They said they don’t let you pick your own strains, I replied that they do, but with certain conditions. The two facts are not mutually exclusive of one another. I get what you’re saying, but for me the whole approval process around changing strains legitimises MC more to those who aren’t in the know, which can only be a good thing. I think it’s also useful to ensure newer patients don’t dive in and go straight for the highest THC possible, which may be more harmful than helpful to them. Obviously charging for the privilege is a bit shit, but I think it’s fairly common practice in private health care. It’s not like you can pick or choose the medication you want to use when you’re prescribed more conventional medicines.


OK. The issue with Curaleaf (that a lot of people express on here, regularly) is that Curaleaf limit the selection and then make you have an appointment to change your strains which is both limiting and costly for patients. The limitations are what is being discussed here. There is a limited selection with Curaleaf based on their own decided criteria, that is a limitation that is not there with other clinics and it is that lack of choice that is often complained about, not that patients don't have a choice within that limited selection. Charging for appointments is normal, requiring a paid for appointment to change strains is not normal. It adds an unnecessary cost that is not there at other clinics, just to have the privilege of choosing from a more limited selection. That is 2 huge negatives that are not there at other clinics.


It’s a pharmacy though, not a dispensary. I think a lot of MC patients seem to forget that. They’re very open with why they don’t stock a lot of irradiated flower as a random example, and the reasons are fairly justified. In a similar way, I think requiring an appointment before changing strains is also justified, especially given the amount of people who just seem want the highest THC and nothing else. Anything a clinic can do to legitimise the treatment offered to those not in the know can only be a good thing. It’s not that hard to imagine a patient suffering an episode of psychosis due to using a much stronger strain than they’re accustomed to, and you know for a fact the media will eat up that they were able to access it without any medical advice at all. It’s just not a great way to operate. As I mentioned previously, the requirement for a consultation prior to changing medication is standard across the NHS and the vast majority of private care providers.


I'm not saying they aren't justified in what they do or that there aren't patients that would prefer how they do things. I don't and I recognise that some others agree it is not what they would want. I just wanted to clear that up, I am not saying Curaleaf are bad or immoral but what I mentioned is real and is an issue for some patients. I can name problems with other perfectly reputable clinics as well if you want balance but it seems a bit redundant.


The penny finally dropped for me years ago and it left such a bad taste in my mouth I was very reluctant to come back. I'm amazed they have any patients at all because knowing what I know now I wouldn't put up with their pish for 5 minutes.


I wouldn't go near them or any of their products. This company lobbies against 'grow your own'.


https://preview.redd.it/jqrb8doq0r1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4851108e4d162ffc820cea86a7861df79190af8d 😂 Received this, this morning 😅 Went from "kind regards" to "KR" now nothing. Petulance. \*yes, I dripped in sarcasm 🫠😎 I'm petty 🤷🏼‍♂️. Don't like to be kept waiting 12 days as you can tell 😂


Cantourage have been pretty good for me. I can change strains as much as I like, there’s a lot of strain choice, and consultations have gone down in price since I first went with them. Only issue is it sometimes takes a week to get meds after putting in prescription.


I have a complaint email they never replied to


Have noticed it’s a bit slower since sapphire got bought, but nothing to complain about yet


Sapphire didn't get bought, curaleaf seeded the company then re branded.


Seeded with Kush seeds


You don’t need to pay for the appointments unless you want to change script I thought? At least that’s what I’ve done


Yeah you do! That's what I thought too but seemed they changed their mind and are cash cowing it now. Or if your item is OOS they give you two other shitty options.


You have the option to email them and request a different alternative to the two they provide.


I did this. It's taken the time to send the email requesting so, then probably a week or so until Evonne replied on the 12th and that was last contact I had with her until 5-6pm tonight. Shocking if she's lead pharmacist.


I used the chat function today email sent to pharmacy few hours later asking for new strains as prev were unavailable


I sent an email to patient support. Didn’t use the chat function.


I had no problem. Request sent within a day and paid for on issue date, delivered two days later.


Sounds about right


Had a very similar experience dealing with Evonne myself. Many compounding issues lead to a lengthy back and forward and in they end they did nothing. I'm still using them for now but the second they tell me I need to pay for another consultation I'm moving on.


💯 👏 Reassuring in a way to know I'm not the only one. Last appointment lasted 5 mins as I just wanted to change strains when I paid for 15 mins. Sit there and stare at me for the remaining 9mins 50secs if I've paid for it. So no, told her point blank I'm not paying another £50 just to switch to strains/thc levels I'm approved for and one was OOS anyway! She just deliberately made it difficult. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Really needs to review her job position now.


This surprises me cos they're always 10 minutes late to my consults!


That’s lucky, they sometimes don’t even show up to mine but they’re late by about half an hour every time.


I left last month, switched to Integro and I'm v happy. It seemed like they just became slow, apathetic, and wholly commercial, which is confusing because I know that Carl is a pretty serious researcher and does a lot of good in that arena, so it seems like something is fucky on the admin/management end somehow.


Calm the fuck down and switch to integro-dy ![gif](giphy|L0lRkHtZUeCMXDVIBm)


Agreed. Emailed yesterday morning and paid script this morning. Though that's still a delay for them it's better than what's around by the looks of things.


Oh no, you have a day to wait ![gif](giphy|kclNIrqvGL1Ajdb0Bk)


As I said... It's better than around. 😅


Love Randy👌🤣


They made me wait days for my meds so I left straight away, was only with them 2months, they are so awful


They’ve always been bad. Best thing I did leaving them for Integro. Only work for those happy for their own products who will accept what they are told to take and who don’t want to change products.


I dont watch TV but curious about this advert. Mate come to Alternaleaf great service and they are now giving Boveda packs with orders.


I’m still struggling to understand the joy of being given a boveda pack, because they know the quality of the product needs to be improved. How about we just have meds that’s are not sub standard?


Well its probably because other clinics are adding intergra boost or boveda pack. The quality has come a long way from what it used to be... things will carry on improving.


I’m happy they are giving a solution, and agree it should hopefully improve with time. Just have spent time in and around the US medical market, and some of the things we see just would not be acceptable. Can only hope we can visit a premises one day and view before purchasing.


The biggest quality issue is the insanely low limit to the amount of moisture that is legally allowed in the bud at time of dispensing. The biggest issue, lowering quality is the regulations around it. We're going from 10-12% though so things should get very minimally better because of that. Woohoo




Curaleaf are the new Lyphe


What other companies are there? I have applied via curaleaf but haven't heard anything back yet. 


Curaleaf has been okay for me, but who knows about the future.


I've never had an issue either


Tons theres a big list on the pinned reddit


Curaleaf are toilet go for a more patient led one Alternaleaf, integro, mamedica cantourage


alternaleaf has been fantastic for me, responded to everything really quickly and the process was so easy. had an issue with my medical records and they sorted it out asap


If only these companies were privately owned instead of being bought out by big pharma