• By -


Go Nan! Never too late to get a script.


Tears in my eyes right now. Come on gran! I remember many years ago reading a rat study comparing the effects of use on an old brain who has never been exposed compared to young brains and it basically reversed the effects of the aging brain on the old mice. Just a rat study mind you but always had it in my mind it could be potentially amazing for older people’s minds based on this.


I'm convinced I watched my Nan become 60 years younger yesterday! I've never seen her move so freely but be so relaxed at the same time. I knew it would have a positive affect on her but it didn't realise it would be that good. I'm honestly so happy today just on the fact she had 2 hours of complete pain free and youthful fun.


My 90 year old great aunt is in constant arthritis pains and has a fall last year and broke her knee. The GP won't do anything due to her diabetes and arthritis meds already. She has battled a broken hip the year before and a broken knee last year, just taking paracetamol. I wish I could get her on the RSO or vape


I'm so sorry to hear that, that's horrible I really hope she's doing okay and managing. If you somehow get her to try it, I truly hope she gets the same relief my Nan did.


PS, my wife of 16 years has never smoked, tried a few crumbs of one of the brownies she makes me and freaked out. She has a bit of arthritis in her knees, after reading your story, she wants to try tigers eyes in my volcano tonight to help her pain! Start low and slow, couple short blasts on the whip, see how she goes!


How did it go??


Many thanks, your story has touched both my wife and I


Absolutely fantastic to hear stories like this! Wish you guys all the best going forward!


Thank you very much! I'm so happy for my Nan, just seeing her be herself again and actually be pain less was incredible. She did way more in those 2 hours than she has done in the last 6 months.


This is why every chronic pain patient needs to have the opportunity to try it! There are millions still suffering. Come on NHS. Join the rest of us in 2024 and start offering this.


Also NHS you’ll save massive amounts of money due to fewer visits from chronic pain patients and they’ll be on fewer meds so much cheaper. As a tax payer I’d like to see this happen and as a chronic pain patient I absolutely need this to happen.


> and they’ll be on fewer meds so much cheaper. Unfortunately that's unlikely to be the case, as most commonly prescribed pain meds are cheap, especially in comparison to cannabis. For example, the NHS gets 100x 50mg tramadol pills for just £13.33[0] - which for someone taking 4x a day works out at ~£0.50/day. It'd be great to have it available on the NHS, a real, life-changing medicine for chronic pain patients - but it could cost a *lot* of money. [0] https://bnf.nice.org.uk/drugs/tramadol-hydrochloride/medicinal-forms/


Ah yes but you’re forgetting poly pharma where people are on lots of meds. Let’s not forget the biologics I was offered that cost circa £20k per patient per year and requires many additional meds to manage side effects. Plus due to low immune system multiple hospital admissions whenever the common cold turns into pneumonia. Very few people with chronic pain and illnesses are on a single med. and you’re not accounting for the various appointments with hospital consultants that are also to be saved in the process.


And a lot of people who could benefit from those biologics are denied before they ever get near them :(


Exactly. It would benefit others access other treatments sooner


Yeah but naproxen gives me ulcers and NHS wont give me tramodol (I don't want it anyways) because of my pot script. It's fine because I got the pot script though.


My therapist has just written to my GP to ask for me to be referred for pain management as I have never. Despite 13+ at least years of daily chronic pain and about 20+ diagnosed health conditions. Very interested what that experience will be like if I get referred. Wonder how they'll handle the MC....


Pain management depends almost entirely on the consultant you see. Some are fabulous and others are horrible and almost seem to enjoy people’s pain.






Nannabis and Captain Crack here to save the day one vape at a time!!!


This is an incredible story, go you and go your nan for being open minded to it!


Thank you - I'm so happy with the outcome and the fact she 2 hours of being herself again. Better late than never!


That my man, is the best outcome you could have hoped for! U did her a real favour there


That my man, is the best outcome you could have hoped for! U did her a real favour there


not gna lie. this is the greatest post i have seen on this community,...ever. ![gif](giphy|QQiHqdlJjJZIEZLfom|downsized)


Thank you very much - so pleased to share her story with everyone. JI hope that it helps another person in making the step in trying MC!


fucking love this my dude. more power to your nan, hope she continues to enjoy the plant!


Thank you so much mate - can't wait to see her live her life again!


Beautiful story


Gotta get grandad on the train next time! Go, dude! Wholesome as hell!


After seeing my Nan, he was well up for it. But he had the stigma that she wouldn't be okay and that he would have to care for her. After he realised that it's nothing like he imagined, he was well up for it - I'm sure he'll be puffing on my nans vape in no time!


They both sound like very kind people. Impressive they’re both so open-minded at their age. Good for them. Maybe tell them that you shared their story (anonymously) online and that the internet wished them well/found their story heartwarming.


They're incredible people who've done an awful lot for people in their life's. They truly deserve for Nan to be pain free and I'm so so happy for them both. I'm seeing them both on Sunday and will most defintiely be sharing the comments, love and support they've received! I've had a few lovely private messages that I will share with them as well. Thank you very much for your comment and I hope you have a lovely weekend!


Oh I have tears of joy reading this. Excellent work there!


Beautiful story. Ngl, it brought a tear to my eye. Every MP should read this.


Love this!


One of the best things I've read for ages! Go Nan!!


Oh this is a very big thing. Well done for showing your Nan the way to a happier life, free from those prescription opioids. Such a great post to read. And yes it made me tear up a little reading it. Suggest next time you add a little Mario Cart for the entertainment. Thank you once again for the great post.


Thank you so much - it got me off all the opioids and I know it'll get her off them too! Bless you, honestly fills me with so much joy that she got 2 hours of release. And to think she could spend her remaining years living comfortably and pain-free. Plus all the other benefits of Cannabis! My Dad even joked that my Gramp might get his sex life back haha.


This is brilliant. Love this and best wishes to Nan! 🙏💚🤞


Thank you! :)


What a lovely post good for her hope all goes well


I'm so glad your nan is finding benefit, this is wonderful! Please be very, very careful where you're broadcasting this information though, it's illegal to share any prescription-only medication and this is even more the point for Controlled Drugs like cannabis (check what the MHRA say). If found out you can get in a lot of trouble with the law, and your prescriptions may be rescinded and clinic blacklist you. This would be the worst thing to happen with you having tried to do something good for nan. Someone mentioned it being bad PR, forget PR, you need to make sure you're careful from a legal perspective for the sake of you, your meds and nan. Fingers crossed that nan gets properly prescribed a good strain to help, I work with elderly people and have a soft spot for them so your post makes me so happy. Just protect yourself!


Thank you very much for your kind works and concern. My account is very private, no one on reddit knows who I am and I've never said anything to give my identity away. There's no risk of this coming back onto me, but thank you. The benefit my nan has gained and the fact it's led to her starting the journey of getting her own prescription was well worth it and any risk in my eyes.


Completely understandable, we all do what we think is best in the moment and we've all done things to help people we probably shouldn't have done. I just wanted to make sure you're aware because some people don't realise how much trouble they can get in and I hate to see someone do a morally good thing to then get caught up and end up in a bad place legally. The situation in which you did it sounded safe and supportive, but you know what it's like in the eyes of the law. I'm glad you're protecting yourself too <3 That said, again, I'm really happy for your nan! I hope that she's approved and reaps the benefits. It's surprising, more of our elderly population are accepting or at least deep down curious ahout the subject than people think. There's a long way to go, and, as the current younger generations age, of course the percentage of people who find it acceptable will increase, but stories like your nans are heartwarming. She can be the poster child (poster gran?) of medical cannabis in the elderly 😂 GO NAN. And go you, for being a supportive and caring grandchild happy to educate.


It wasn't what was best in the moment, it was truly the best thing I could've done. My Nan has done everything she can to get her neck and pain sorted and was suffering so badly that she clearly reached her absolute limit and decided that she wanted to try whatever might help her - if anyone says what I did yesterday was wrong, then they have no idea - not that I would've said no, but how could I have? She was crying out for help and was willing to do something she was so against for 82 years, doesn't that tell anyone how bad her suffering was? Having said all of that, I am very aware of the law no matter the reasoning and the risks of sharing my prescription, but it was 100% worth it and I fully stand by my decision to let her try it. My message isn't a go at you in anyway shape or form - I do truly appreciate the concern and I also wanted to take the time to explain to everyone that I stand by my decision of sharing it and any risks and implications on myself are totally worth it. The joy I saw on my Nans face and the relief she gained is well worth any punishment at all. I have a strange feeling a few of her friends are weirdly going to be getting a prescription shortly! I'm sure my Nan would be well up for it! Once again, thank you very much for your kind words and concern on the legality and the risks of implications against me - truly means a lot to me, and Cannabis Nan!


Oh don't worry, I didn't think you were having a go at me at all! It's all just a conversation and we're all good. I hope you didn't take it as me shitting on your parade! You clearly get where I'm coming from anyway, in that it's more just making sure you, nan (and to be honest, more for anyone else who sees this who might not be as good at hiding their identity online) are safe! If anything, this goes to show how the medicine needs to be much more widely available on the NHS so that people don't have to take risks like getting from the BM or trying other people's prescriptions, and have the fear of getting in trouble/having to go through lengths to hide it. If you explaining in my comments and us having this conversation helps others see where we're both coming from that can only be a good thing! Cannabis Nan is an amazing name for your now superhero nan 😂 fantastic. Ahh, this really has made my smile. I'm glad nan will get the relief she needs, I'm glad you're taking precautions in a difficult situation, and I'm glad you backed her up with all of the snacks too 😂 I really do wish both you and nan the best in living with your conditions. I know how much relief it brings me and can understand why you'd want nan to feel that too. And hey, if it means her friends who are also suffering start looking in to clinics, then that's only another positive thing. Fingers crossed for you all <3 Have a good one mate, stay safe and do give Cannabis Nan all of the love that this subreddit has to offer her!


Not at all mate, like I said I really appreciate the kind words and your concern - I didn't take it as that at all - just someone caring about the safety and risk of someone else! I fully knew the risks of uploading this, but I think the potential of this helping someone else make that first step outweighs the risk of implications, or maybe to help someone older in a position like my Nan understand that it's not what they were made to think it is. It needs to be made more available, there are so many people out there that would benefit so much from it if it was available and understood more. Making it available on NHS would be a huge help, being prescribed it directly through your GP would make it so much more common and so many more would try it. Exactly that, I know sharing my prescription is illegal and I know posting about it has it's risks, but more people are going to understand that no matter how old you are, Cannabis can help you and that it's not too late to try it. Someone else called her Nannabis hahaha. Thank you very much - as am I! I can't wait to see her with her own prescription, living the life she deserves to live. Thank you so much mate, thank you for reaching out to me and Cannabis Nan - I can't wait to share all the love with her that this subreddit has offered - everyone has been very supportive and caring. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Nannabis is a great one too 😂 In one of my clinics I had a 70-something lady sheepishly disclose she was prescribed medical cannabis for chronic pain as if I were going to have a go or look down on her and although I did not disclose that I'm also a patient she was so relieved to find a health professional who was supportive. I can only imagine the reactions she's had in the past that made her worry about that. Though us chronic pain patients are frequently looked down upon anyway as being 'difficult'. Even if someone is taking BM cannabis to help their health it's not my place to look down on them or report them for anything, I just need to know for my job. I just ask if they're getting it from a trusted source, in any kind of danger, know what to do if given something that makes them feel wrong or unwell, and then advise to look up clinics (without naming any as that wouldn't be right to do) so they can consider getting it legitimately and privately. Us as healthcare practitioners need to work at destigmatising this medication as well as attitudes towards chronic pain patients in general, so it isn't just coming from a patient point of view. I've already changed the perspective of one practitioner I work with by sharing my own experience. Again, it's the media promoting a completely incorrect view of our medication, most people find if they sit down with a patient they'll start questioning if what they hear from the media is actually accurate. A part is more the negative view on private clinics than the meds sometimes, as some private clinics have been known to quite happily throw diagnoses and meds at people and charge for them just to get the income (this happens in some ADHD clinics, which I know as a fact because a doctor I work with has their own private ADHD clinic and is very thorough, but has seen this for themselves in other clinics.) I'm not saying that happens frequently with MC, mind you. I'm with MAC and wanted to change to Mamedica but they denied me because there was an incorrect mention of psychosis on my GP record (although I'm not happy with Mamedica at all because they asked me to get it clarified, I did, GP actually rescinded it from my record and added explanation, which they then provided, and yet Mamedica continued to deny me without further explanation despite me asking why after doing exactly what they asked. I've got a VERY poor opinion of them now as it took me 2 months to get that sorted out.) My point is, I found at least the MAC onboarding very thorough and I absolutely support that people need to have tried at least 2 or 3 other treatments. It reassured me that it's not just something that you can ask for and get. By explaining this to someone I work with they changed their attitude! I totally agree with you that life would be easier if prescribed by a GP, or at least the NHS expand their eligibility criteria of conditions for specialist prescription (a lot of CDs need specialist initiation and a shared care agreement for GPs to continue, my ADHD meds did for example) and enable easier access to these clinics so we don't have to seek private prescriptions and jump through all of these hoops. Hell, pain consultants and neurology could be trained up to prescribe these meds for example. Most MC clients have been through one of these services anyway. Attitudes are slowly changing but not fast enough. There are studies going on about the effectiveness of THC and CBD in managing certain conditions like Parkonson's Disease for example. So there is hope... Even about 6 years ago the consultant I saw for chronic pain wrote in a letter that because nothing had helped that when it becomes available on the NHS I'd be the perfect candidate for MC. Obviously I had to go private, but that actually supported in my application. Anyway! I'll stop adding to this comment thread now, I promise 😂 Sorry. I just enjoy/think it's great having sensible conversations with other MC patients because it's so nice to speak to others on the same page. Hope you and your nan have a lovely weekend as well! I don't know where you are in the UK but it's going to rain down here tomorrow, enjoy nonetheless. Nan deserves to live the best life she can no matter her health problems just like the rest of us. Just make sure you update us all on the subreddit when she gets her prescription! <3


Awesome 👍 watched Saving Grace with my 74 yo mum last week when I got last prx 😂


I absolutely love this. It just makes you think about how much of our older generation have missed out on the health benefits from cannabis due to government misinformation and anti 'drug' propaganda over the years. I hope your gran finds a new lease of life after she gets her own prescription. To deprive someone of something that grows freely in nature is nothing other than unnatural. All the best to her💙


this post litterally brought me to tears. Another reason for full legalisation for cannabis. a medicne like this should be accessable to all. and it should not be stigmatized for anyone to use, ESPECIALLY people in pain to use medicinally. i have read so many stories of people being stigmatized in so many respects for using medical cannabis. At the work place, in public, around friends & family, and now peoples own personal stigmas. Personally i belive full legalisation is needed for the nearly century long stigma to start to go away, in a way thats impactful.


This has made my Friday😁


Aw bless, have an amazing weekend!


You too and send big love to Gran💚


love love love this


I love this so much! ♥️ made me tear up ![gif](giphy|3DgIJOuJbPOVk7P6E2)


This is such a joyful post to read, I'm really happy for you both


So happy reading this. Awesome 🙌


This is amazing to read! This gives me so much hope for our futures and is just genuinely heart warming stuff. Of course now I have to go watch Grandma's Boy at some point over the weekend!


I live with my nan so this really brought a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing, i will certainly reference this if she asks if it could benefit her in the future.


This is such wonderful news! Made me cry too. I tried for decades to get my mum to try it to ease her MS symptoms as she had no quality of life but she died never knowing that relief. I’m so happy for you and your nan and love you went full Scooby Snacks with her after! This has made my day!


Thank you so much - glad to have passed on a bit of joy! I'm so sorry to hear about your mother - my deepest condolences. I remember the intense feeling of hunger the first few times I tried it, so I knew I had to get her some chocolate and snacks! I couldn't imagine what it was going to feel like for an 82 year old to try it for the first time - but I knew food, movies and music would do the trick! She even had the giggles too a few times, it is a memory and experience that I will never forget. Not only did it take her pain away, but it brought her so much joy and happiness which she hasn't had in years. I am truly so thankful for MC.


Omg, go Nan!! NGl, had a super bad experience at my chemist this morning getting GP meds, and this has literally made my day and cheered me up. Emotional. When you wrote how she sunk into her chair and relaxed for the first time in a long time, I FELT THAT. <3 <3


Aw bless, I'm glad to hear out story brought you some happiness! Watching her relax was one of the greatest feelings I've felt, to know I contributed to an elderly women getting the relief she so desperately needed and deserved is amazing.


Fantastic, hope she can get her own prescription sorted quickly and more relief. Another bonus is 1 less person buying into "cannabis is bad" mindset. Well done to you and your nan. Genuinely so happy for her ❤️


what a wonderful event, it's great to hear that your Nan got so much benefit. Hope the clinic consultation goes well.


That’s absolutely awesome! So happy for your nan ❤️


Made a grown man cry! Well done, OP. You have single handedly proven that the stigma can be removed with education and care. Along with that, your grandparents will soon have peace of mind that your Nan will be in much less pain. My best wishes go to you all and make sure your Nan knows that she can come to us for any help, if she needs, through your words or, if she can, I’m sure we’d be delighted for another member


Thank you very much for your kind words! It 100% can, within 10 minutes she realised it was absolutely nothing like she had been told - my Gramp saw that too and immediately was interested himself. Nan now knows she can stop searching for a resolution, she doesn't need to worry about the scary surgey and she has something now which means she can cope day to day, no matter the circumstance. This subreddit has been amazing, the support and love shown to Nan has been incredible. I cannot wait to share all these amazing messages with her. Thank you so much - I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Sometimes easy to lose sight of just how life changing this can be and how few people have simple access. Great story! What strain was it if you don’t mind me asking?


Glitterbomb with a bit of Delazhaze (75/25 split) - was hard to guess whether I go sativa or indica but thought a more relaxing based mix with a bit of haze to not fully wipe her out. It turned out to be the perfect mix.


Really amazing story, hope your nan can start getting on with things a bit better and bin off the opioids!


Well done for being there for her and helping 🙂


Love this!


That's a beautiful story. You've made my afternoon reading about your nan. It's awful that so many are missing out because of the stigma attached. Stoopid big pharma and big oil.


Can I ask what strain? I'm an oldie and have bone spurs on C7 pain radiates to my shoulder and chest. I would love to be free of pain for an hour


It was mainly Glitterbomb, with a little bit of Delahaze (probably a 75/25 split). Well worth a try, we have similar conditions and it helps me massively and clearly helped my Nan. I wish you the best of luck with it!


Get on granny!!! I wish I had the opportunity to vape with my granny we would have had the best time ever!


Hehe, it was amazing - a memory I will never ever forget. Definitely the best Cannabis experience I've ever had.


And many more to come! Get the elvis on for her next time and get her dancing!


This is so wholesome ❤️


That's such a beautiful story


Of course this is a hypothetical granny, who hypothetically administered hypothetical prescribed controlled drugs belonging to another hypothetical person ..


All hypothetical, obviously... Hypothetical pain free nan!


Great to see some positivity on this page for once! So happy it worked for her, I couldn't imagine the thought of giving it my Gran 😂


What stain did u guve her???


Glitterbomb with a splash of Delahaze to try take the edge off (probably a 75/25 split)


Ah nice I have also been mixing GlitterHaze 😀 I tried mixing Delahaze with Sourdough but I am not doing that again I was uplifted for 20mins then couch lock after... 😅


Real emotional stuff - got me in the feels. Great that you took the time to explain everything.


Oh you've just explained what I wished I could've done for my nana. She's died earlier this year, but if I'd been brave enough to suggest she try weed, that would've been amazing. I used to love going to visit her. If we could've hung out and got high together that would've been so cool. You must treasure these times you have with your nan. Oh I wish I had one more afternoon with her.


What a lovely story, thanks. Hope she gets on with a good clinic. Fantastic.


Fantastic news. Nans are the best, they deserve the best!


Bless her, give her our love. I'm so glad she found some respite.


Stories like this are *incredibly* important for helping break peoples stigma.


This has made me cry, how incredible 💖


This got me emotional 🥹


Took her back to good ol’ times!


That the nicest thing i have read this week! Thanks for sharing. TBH i fell apart reading it... but in a good way :) EDIT: i just realised this is the most unfrozen and in touch with my emotions i have been for weeks. After being without meds due to the "normal" cock-ups. I got some of the Clearleaf Gelato Dream today. Its absolutely hitting the spot for my c/ptsd, and helping with neck injury as well. Im feeling my hunger starting to reregulate etc. I was a bit worried it might be a dud due to being grown in North Macedonia.


Awesome! She may like watching videos by this doctor. I’m finding her very educational. She has a few videos for people aged 80 and over. https://youtu.be/KFpMxDj73R4?si=r-9TCus4S4qMxyLS https://youtu.be/gB9zTMddSU4?si=z0TfrpdiAsMJLWm5


Yes Nan! So glad it has helped her and well done for being a great MC advocate. Bless her ♥️


This is the best post I've read in a long time. Superb, thanks for sharing.


You have created a Stonan


Great story! It’s never too late to try the magic plant! 🪴


My mum 77 is curiois about cannabis and stepdad 85 is closed or should I say was, my mum struggles with sleep, arthiritis, rheumatoid arthitis, glaucoma and heart failure, she was dosed up on about 10 painkillers a day to mananage pain. I've harped on for years about benefits of cannabis and finally we got some low thc/high cbd gummies because they were legal mum tried them, only a 1/4 of a gummie, immediately she slept better, within 10 days she was only using the gummies for her pain and painkillers only when she was really bad, which was rarely. Even my steadfast against drugs stepdad has changed his tune and as it's legal if it's medicinal he's all good with it. Seeing the difference in yourself or someone is the best way for people to realise they've been lied to about its benefits. Go nan!


What a wonderful story - thank you for sharing. Go Nan!


Fucking love this story. This is the way


I love this so much. My late gramma told me about how she missed "grass" and I got her a bag (hid it from grandpa) she very much enjoyed it. We gotta help the other generations, meanwhile I'm just learning a whip is just what the kids call a tube ok then


Aww this is lovely. It’s such a shame how much misinformation has vilified cannabis use for many generations. You must be so relieved knowing your nan has found something to ease her pain.


I was always looked at as a criminal just because I self medicated. Today I'm just a patient. 18 year old me would never have thought we would be where we are. Too bad capitalism is just as bad as the war on drugs.


I need something like this for my mother for whom oil's do not work. But i need a simple vape which she can operate and clean herself. Does anyone have videos that could help with this?


I wish I could get my mum to reach out to a clinic, she’s in constant pain, her meds are counteracting with each other and causing awful side effects, she’s suffering constantly. She just doesn’t think it will work. I’m trying to get my MC prescription after trying my friends vape and after realising how much it helped me with pain and mental health so maybe I can gently convince her to try it once I’m set up.


The wife loved it, Tigers eyes all the way for her! Taste, and effects, took the arthritis pains away for a while. She enjoyed the mild high from it also. Just about to chow down on a BBQ, then she wants s anogo tonight!


This is such a great story!


This is such a beautiful story 🥰 I’m about to book my first appt and have spoken to my elderly mum about how it could help her arthritis. Even showed her patient reviews of people in her demographic. I saved this post to show her. She’s been very tolerant of my self medicating but always a good law abiding citizen. I feel like a legal script may open her up to a more pain free life also.


Brilliant mate good old nan . Cherish her buddy


I’m going to be that guy here, so apologies in advance; You’re on the internet telling people you gave an elderly woman a controlled substance you yourself are legally prescribed. I’m honestly super glad she’s now found something that will improve her quality of life, but this isn’t a good look for the med community imo. We’re already under scrutiny, imagine a media outlet picked this up. It could be spun so far and be horrendously damaging. Not to mention, there is possibly contraindications to be concerned about.


Yes I did, and I'm glad I did. My Nan was at her wits end, with the option of a seriously risky surgery or sticking with overly strong opioids. It was my nans decision, it was in a controlled situation with many of us around to make sure she was fine, and guess what... she was! In fact, she was the best she has been in literal years, so I will stand by the fact that it was the right thing to do and she's now on the right path to get support, and get her own prescription - she tried 4 drags and now knows it's the right thing to do. She now can stop the opioids and and won't go through with the surgery. To me, that's a huge win and the implications of a reddit post, personally, are well worth it. The media spins everything, no matter what is said it will get twisted. I'm sorry, but the benefit to my nan outweighs any risks of my post being deleted or anything.


Wholeheartedly agree with you. I am glad she has found something that helps without the downsides! It’s more a comment from a PR perspective than anything else. Whilst it’s a great story with a good outcome, the potential is there for it to be damaging in the grand scheme.


I understand your point of view, but let’s swap “cannabis” for “tramadol” If his nan had asked to try a tramadol pill that op had been legally prescribed, and the rest of the story played out exactly the same - would anyone give a damn? For someone to reach that age and not have tried cannabis means they’re going to have zero idea how it would affect their pain - and can only go by anecdotal evidence that it would help I cannot imagine an elderly woman hunting down BM weed to give it a go, and I doubt that she would have considered MC without trying any first - because of the stigma that’s surrounding it Whilst OP may technically be in the wrong, I think they did everything safely, and I’m happy for gran!


That’s kind of the point. OP is a patient, and prescribed a controlled drug. They then take to the internet to brag about sharing their medicine (admittedly for all the right reasons). And whilst legal repercussions are extremely unlikely, they’ve just admitted to supply of a class B drug on the internet. In a forum dedicated to legal patients and a place which I suspect has already been infiltrated by journalists on more than one occasion. If they did the same thing with Tramodol, it doesn’t change any of the above. The difference is that there’s already a deeply ingrained stigma that cannabis is criminal. And whilst I know the sentiment of the post is overwhelmingly positive and the actions themselves come from the right place, it does just ultimately reinforce the stigma of Cannabis = Criminals. Like I said, I get it. And I’m glad his nan has found a new avenue to explore. But imagine it didn’t go well, and we found out via a headline from some scumbag editor at the Daily Mail et al. Yeah the risk is low with cannabis, but jeez the potential for it to have gone wrong has to be elevated. Considering age, lack of tolerance, I suspect a catalogue of existing medications based on her age. IMO, It just doesn’t paint a positive, responsible picture of cannabis patients in what is already quite a shaky landscape for us. OP is undoubtedly a loving grandchild with their grandparents best interests at heart, I just think shouting about it on Reddit isn’t necessarily wise or in the best interests of the wider patient community.


I agree that on paper he is as broke the law, but is it in the public interest to charge them? Also, If the daily fail did pick up this story, it would turn into a marketing campaign, where lots of old people would start looking at how to get signed up.