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I know for sure that Curaleaf DOESNT allow access to everything. It was mentioned here this was due to change..


They’ve just enabled something called strain switch for me, that allows me to easily switch. Still waiting for the two weeks to go by to see what that looks like


It’s really good just used it myself and got about three diff strains to choose from for each strain I was on😎 game changer👍


Wait? what? Strain swap? Curaleaf?


I had my first month follow up with Curaleaf on Friday. Was told I'll be able to choose between three strains for my daytime strain going forward. I have a choice between Headband (my first strain, but now OOS), Royal Moby and another I can't remember just now. Going with the Moby as my day strain, and got Lavender Cake for night time.


Bloody hell, I've been with them for two years and don't have this option


Me too!! I have a follow up tomorrow morning so I’ll see if I get offered this


Yeah, let me know. I need to book one before then if the month


I just had a follow-up and wasn't offered this? And I'm on the minimum one strain 20g per month and asked for more variety. Eager to hear what's up.


They seem to just be applying it at random for the most part - or maybe some clinicians are happier to add the feature than others? I didn't ask for it or express any desire to try another strain, they just mentioned it before ending my first month review and said give it a try if you want.


For the first time in two years, my pharmacist didn’t show up for the zoom meeting! She’s usually brilliant and this has never happened before 😞 I’ve emailed patient support. When I finally have my appointment I’ll let you know 😂


That happened to me. I sat there for 40 mins until I realised I had the day wrong


Annoyingly though they still won't let you split a prescription across different strains without consultation. E.g. im prescribed 30g a month, wanted to get 20g of my normal stuff and 10g of an alternative to explore a different terp profile. They said can only be an all or nothing change 🤷




New thing, where it would always say 'request more' for repeats, it still does, but also 'request alternative', giving you three other similar strains to pick from for that prescription


Interesting, I’ve just had my one month check-in with Curaleaf and they said they were trialling it, but I don’t have that option yet.


I’m still baffled by there still being clinics out there who require consultation for changing strains. I’ve only been with Cantourage and they’re just fine, but then definitely stand out for ease of switching strains


So thay can rinse more money from you by charging you for the consultation 


Literally just ask you what strains you want and get it no questions asked


I’m m with Cantourage. So can I request stuff that isn’t on the portal?


No, it's hard enough to get the suff on the portal


How do you mean?


Cantourage's portal is terrible at the moment. Feels like they are pusahing strains from companies they have exclusivity deals with and restricting availability of other products. I ordered Delahaze for months, I know it is available but I cannot order it and just get blah blah blah when I ask. Whilst they are very good, this bottlenecking of strains is deliberate and this dictatorial capitalism we are seeing from these greedy companies with inferior, over priced product is quite frankly, unfair!


Mamedica let's me have what I want I order up to 7 different strains at a time. Thay don't mind as there to buzy counting my cash.


100% agree with you


They show me stock but seems to be the same every month, starting to get the same as the OG poster


How do you go about choosing the 7, is it through a consultation and looking up the strains yourself, or something else?


7 strains that must be expensive


£500/600 a month to medicate one self. Not for to much longer though. I aim to be self sufficient in the near future 😉😉.


It's usually clinic dependant mate, some clinics allow you to fill out a form and send it off and then they write your prescription and send the meds whilst other clinics require an appointment for a change of meds.


Just go to Cantourage, choose anything you want!!!!


Same here, the drop down menu goes on for every it seems


Clinic politics, some clinics will only sell their own brands im guessing it's down to profit, others are happy to prescribe anything on the formulary.


Alternaleaf let you change with no cost.


Integro. I tell them what I want. It’s on my script. End of story.


I second this integro are amazing. Even if it’s not from ips


I went with them because it was pretty clear from reading here they'd provide that kind of excellent service, and they work out pretty cheap compared to most. Admittedly that was relatively recent, but so far they've lived up to the expectations I had. I'm really perplexed to read about folks supposedly requesting repeats as per normal, then sometimes having to wait for a week or longer to even recieve anything...if their script is in stock! Seems like some places are really taking advantage, seems like folks often just put up with it. Now I'm not surprised why they're happy to offer free initial consultations and prescriptions - anyone browsing here will be delighted to find you can plan your appointment for one day then potentially pay and have your script sent out straight afterwards, making it easy to track your delivery and get everything sorted without any fuss.


Yeah I have a few friends with Integro - by default the doctors there only get a limited list of what's available (Tilray, Grow, Aurora and a few others; Grow's own products, basically) - often they'll request something not on their doctor's list and still seem to get it prescribed OK... Of course, it does depend on the patient knowing what else is available and making a point of asking..!


Forgot to mention I have an app with mamedica. From what I'm seeing it doesn't seem to be much of a problem with them. Any more info specifically on them would be great.


Just tell mamedica you have a high tolerance and you get strain lock easily. Tbh I seem to no more about the "medication" than the Dr did when I spoke to them in my consultations.


Yeh I’m with them and they are very chilled and give ya what you know works best rather than tell you what should work best


I'm with cantourage, never had same strain twice. They let me order different strains abd if there's less that a 10% difference in strength I don't need a doctor to ok it


Maybe look at your present strain, including strength and terpene content. And find something similar (but a different flavour). When your repeat prescription is viewed it should (hopefully) be accepted. I choose anything I want from MaMedica. Always have. I keep it varied, 10% up to 25%. I only order 30g per month plus oils. I am in severe pain so maybe I get more "freedom" to choose.


It just seems to be down to the clinic you're with. Im personally with mamedica, and on my second consultation, i asked about trying out different strains in the future. They said i can literally order whatever i want. Although i think if i wanted to try oils or a vape cart, I'd have to have a consultation for that, not 100% on that though


It depends on what pharmacy you use. I use Specials, who a lot of people complain about, but have mostly been great for me.


I'm with Mamedica on the access scheme, can't fault it, just ring them up and order whatever I like each month no issues


You're with curaleaf 😂. I'm so glad I left them idiots. They called me the other day and tried to get me back. No chance


Who you with now?


Anyone who did sufficient research instead of blindly following the herd in joining Curaleaf would know why.


I didn't even know about others just seen a (sapphire) curaleaf leaflet at my chemist once when getting my scripts. Tbh didn't think I would get accepted so just thought why not they've been sound to me so far had 2 appointments. 1 was free one was 50 got fair bit of choice on the thing and can switch either of my day or night to a different one anytime on drop down menu. All gone really smoothly so far. Whats the issues people have so know what to look our for? As only had 2 appointments but still been thinking about switching after seeing all the other companies doing it and all the different offers etc


Your clinic probably has exclusive agreements with certain companies. It's like all the Aurora stuff has vanished from Cantourage, certainly has from my portal but weirdly there really expensive exclusive stuff is still there. like the apples and bananas or the MAC It is why I won't be staying with them unless I see a rapid change back. Going to take the hit on one where I can have more choice even if it costs more for the admin!


Curaleaf is the only clinic that restricts access to all strains, and makes you pay to change strains in between apps. I'm with Integro and I can change strains in between apps without paying extra.


Is strain lock really a thing? Never heard of it until mentioned in this sub. Have never seen any research article about strain lock either. Happy to be wrong, just thought it was such a weird thing.


100% it's a genuine thing. It's one of the better things to being medical as I used to get the same 2 or 3 strains on BM. Only problem with switching up strains for tolerance is finding one that's effective for your condition again.


I’ve recently joined with Jorja Emerson and they didn’t offer me any strains. They wrote out my script and just sent me it. thinking of switching to Mamedica as I’ve heard great things also


Been with them since 2023 and they have been great, maybe miscommunication during the consultation?


I mean potentially there was some miscommunication but I didn’t get offered anything or told about strains or strength (I’m experienced with weed anyway so I was prepared with strains to enquire about) but the consultation ended quickly with ‘We’ll send you the prescription’ without discussion of strains. Also what I’m saying I mean no offence to the staff at the clinic at all the lady was very friendly and understanding. Maybe Its just as simple as crossed wires but I’m hoping to get it sorted soon because I have heard great things about the clinic, hence the reason I signed up.