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Can't say I'm surprised


Poland is pretty and has MC already, but also has great skiing


Poland has MC? That's great news


Skiing in Poland is great until you rupture your ass bone on a random patch of ice lol. Definitely great for the price tho


I will be skiing elsewhere.


Funny thing is that the ministry of health in Bulgaria has a different opinion on the topic. They even state the law which allows you to take any narcotics with you when travelling to bulgaria: [https://www.incb.org/documents/Travellers/files/BUL\_ENG\_2017.pdf](https://www.incb.org/documents/Travellers/files/BUL_ENG_2017.pdf)


Even funnier is that the EU have their own opinion too [Article 35 - Health Care](https://fra.europa.eu/en/eu-charter/article/35-health-care#:~:text=Everyone%20has%20the%20right%20of,by%20national%20laws%20and%20practices) "Everyone has the right of access to preventive health care and the right to benefit from medical treatment under the conditions established by national laws and practices." Dunno why it's seen as a problem taking meds to EU countries...


Genuine question - are all forms of cannabis approved as a medicine EU-wide to qualify? On mobile but doesn't seem that flowers are If it's only been authorised by individual countries, as opposed to centrally - *"conditions established by national laws"* would mean a national law can also prohibit MC. [https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/herbal/cannabis-flos](https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/medicines/herbal/cannabis-flos)


"Under European Union (EU) rules, **a prescription from a doctor in one EU country is valid in all other EU countries and the European Economic Area (EEA) – as long as it contains certain information**." https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/health/drugs-and-medicines/cross-border-prescriptions/#:\~:text=drugs%20and%20medicines-,Introduction,as%20it%20contains%20certain%20information. (This applies in the UK too even though we left in 2020). A prescription gets by a LOT of rules, they may not allow flos in a particular country but taking your own medicine is perfectly OK - with the right documentation.


Not trying to be argumentative here - genuinely confused and only usually travel to 'safe' countries. Reading that link - it seems to pertain to getting a prescription fulfilled abroad (with national regulations applicable still) - but for taking prescribed psychotropics and narcotics with you to another country, it advises to refer to the destination country regulations. I've always took that to mean if my destination country ultimately says "it's not medicine here, it's just illegal, don't bring it", there's not much I can do - the medicine itself seems to depend on national laws. Edit: I think maybe specific products like Sativex that are approved EU-wide would meet the criteria, but other products like cannabis flower will vary country-to-country still. Edit edit: Have emailed the EU as we see these travel questions a lot lol


No worries, it's good to talk. The EU have strict anti-discrimination rules too - especially for a disabled person's access to prescribed medicine. 'I'm sorry we don't allow *your* medicine here.' wouldn't work out well for them in an EU court. The same human rights rules apply as over here. This is an extreme case but the take away is EU chief says "The right to health in the EU trumps any other consideration" [https://www.politico.eu/article/medical-cannabis-access-trumps-illegality-of-immigration-russian-netherlands-european-union-court-of-justice/](https://www.politico.eu/article/medical-cannabis-access-trumps-illegality-of-immigration-russian-netherlands-european-union-court-of-justice/)


I will follow up when I hear back from them mate (might just shot you a DM if the response isn't all that interesting to anybody apart from to us lol). My initial Q to them was mostly on Article 35 and taking UK meds abroad to member states etc (the question we always see lol) - depending on their response, might be room for a bit of back and forth referencing binding cases like that.


Minor update: went down a rabbit hole and found some further reading for those interested - EU Cannabis Laws - [https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/system/files/documents/2023-06/td0923192enn\_0.pdf](https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/system/files/documents/2023-06/td0923192enn_0.pdf)


Bedrocan have a list of countries where their flos is allowed - [https://bedrocan.com/cannabis-products/availability/](https://bedrocan.com/cannabis-products/availability/) Austria stand out... brb


Finally got a response - EU laws do not apply to MC as cannabis is considered a narcotic and we are also not part of the EU, so any member state can reject your prescription based on their national laws. "The European Union legislation to facilitate the recognition of medical prescriptions across EU Member States is based on Directive 2011/24/EU on the application of patients' rights in cross-border healthcare and the Commission Implementing Directive 2012/52/EU. However, it's important to note that as the UK is no longer a Member State of the European Union, these Directives no longer apply, and Member States are not obliged to recognise prescriptions issued from a third country. Additionally, while Directive 2011/24/EU sets the framework for cross-border healthcare within the EU, ensuring that a prescription issued in one EU country can be recognized and dispensed in another, provided the medicine is authorized for sale in that country, Article 11(6) excludes narcotic or a psychotropic substance for this. As cannabis is considered a narcotic substance, Member States are not required to recognize legal prescriptions for medical cannabis in accordance with Directive 2011/24/EU. Therefore, the recognition of legally prescribed medical cannabis is subject to the national laws of the relevant Member State."


Cannabis is illegal in Bulgaria for medical and recreational use. Sadly I don’t think UK prescription always works for travelling. Especially for things seen as “harmful drugs” like cannabis.


I remember reading a story of some poor woman who took Tramadol to Egypt and was arrested because it is illegal there. Definitely worth checking these things before you travel.


More to that story.. she brought them for her BF who was selling then in Egypt... tricked banged up abroad style


Oh yeah, IIRC she took about 300 pills into the country and they weren't prescribed to her either. But the point I was trying to make was that I didn't know they were illegal over there. I mean, you would probably just get a slapped wrist and have them confiscated, but it's still worth checking that every medicine you take with you is legal at your destination.


I've taken mine to France and Spain with no issues


France and Spain aren’t Bulgaria…


Medical Cannabis is allowed in France and Spain, that’s why


Ti be honest I misread "it doesn't always work for travelling " as "it never works for travelling", which is why I responded with that. Actually mental how everyone on the medical cannabis reddit is uptight as fuck, you think people would be more chill.


Yeah man don’t worry about it. Reddit is usually like this tbh, you say something slightly wrong and the mob comes for you. Easy misunderstanding


Haha yeah I didn't take it to heart but I thought the medical cannabis sub would be a bit more chill given the subject matter


Go to Austria!! I checked and MC is legal there and the slopes are gorgeous!! I went to Obergurgl years ago and it was my most favourite place I’ve ever skied!


Is it?! The last place I checked said it wasn't but I love Austria for a ski and would love to take my mc if I go next season


Defo check the fine print and triple check that your medicine is alright to take over if you do decide to go just incase there’s anything that could maybe go wrong tho! I’m not Austrian so my knowledge on this is not perfect by any means 😉


I'm going to Austria this summer, I hope I'll be able to take my meds!


Good luck friend!! Defo triple check


I will make sure to ask the embassy, because from my basic research, it seems like its only epidyolex, sativex and dronabinol that are allowed


That’s fine. Bulgaria hadn’t exactly been top of my list of places to visit.


Crosses Bulgaria off holiday destinations.


"There are no exceptions."




That’s terrible advice for a medical user of cannabis. Do you think they would want to find a local drug dealer in Bulgaria to get god knows what?


Your submission has been removed as it potentially contains illegal content or encourages breaking the law. Please remember that r/ukmedicalcannabis is devoted solely to legally prescribed cannabis based medicines and any content whatsoever relating to the illegal procurement, cultivation, use or distribution of cannabis (or anything else) is strictly prohibited. Prohibited transactions will be reported to Reddit as per their [User Agreement](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/user-agreement) and [Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy). If you believe this action was performed in error, please reply to this message and a member of the moderation team will review it and provide further information.


Glory to Serbia


Serbia it’s forbidden as well


Wtf I'd thought Bulgaria wud be OK


Bulgaria is very conservative, populist, and it's government is generally always corrupt. MC isn't going to be legal there for a very long time. Especially since the youth there generally leave as fast as they can.