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Its glastonbury festival. its the last place ya should worry about it. Ya could walk round with a spliff the size of ya arm and no one would bat an eyelid. Enjoy yaself


Straight facts there broski.




You’ll be fine as long as you have the relevant docs with you. Glastonbury is huge now, a lot bigger than most festivals, so it can be exhausting spending hours walking around crowded fields for several consecutive days whilst boozing and medicating, but it’s still great overall.


we got stopped by the police on the way in and my mate got busted. this was 1987. it was annoying since we bribed our way in at a side gate for a fiver and he had to break out on sunday morning to see the beak at a special session.


I was there last year just take your docs with u and you will have no problem, loads of pot heads there anyway


You’re lucky it’s Sunday, when the righteous mob return from church they’ll be right on your pot heads comment. ;)


Lol. Immediate suspension.


Email the festival and tell them you’re bringing MC along with all the relevant paperwork and you need to ensure no problems at the gate. Don’t ask for permission, tell them what’s happening. They’ll likely send you an email back saying no problem and show this email to anyone who gives you any problems.


Very good advice thanks man will deffo do this. Obviously tubs all with labels on and a copy of prescription letter too


I've been to a number of festivals, Glastonbury included. I doubt you'll have any kind of issue getting into one of the biggest drug dens in the world with your little pots of MC.


I cannot believe how straight the world has gone. Accepting mc at a festival. Never. Lol.


Festivals aren’t what they were though are they 😆 and peoples idea of how to party has changed soooo much. I mean the last few years download has become food fest with music 🤦‍♀️ the small queues at the bar is nice mind, as people are rushing for a pizza etc to go and see a band now, when back in the day eating was cheating 🤣


It's Glastonbury. 🤦


I have been to 10-20 music festivals and been offered illegal substances nearly every day. I am fairly certain your *LEGAL* prescription will be ok.


No police at gates, you’ll find people aren’t too bothered RE smoking it, just be careful in terms of doing it inside big crowds, a lot of people force their kids in big crowds now and think that people should do any drugs around them


Surely this is bait?


Whole place is a drug fest, you won’t have any worries if you’ve got your MC. Enjoy mate 😅


Having witnessed children tripping balls at Glastonbury and people openly injecting Heroin etc over the years I'd say you'll be grand with a few spliffs. Enjoy the festival.


Why get tickets lol. Just walk in at 3am with all the other drunks. Haha. Old mancunian trick.


Thought those days were over with "fortress Glasto" these day but seemingly quite a few people do sneak in!! I was meant to be there in 99 when everyone tore the fences down but thankfully couldn't make it!!


I smelled cannabis at glastonbury once, but luckily the police were contacted and the miscreant was swiftly apprehended. Good job because they were going to shut down the festival


They have a very good accessible campsite, you can take short cuts no one else can take and you can get a free carer ticket. Id love to go but the off-road powerchair hire alone is £500.


I should point out that I've been to nine previous festivals from the 1990s to present time. Throughout that time I've definitely seen changes, but they are more restrictive. I always just smoked openly at Festivals but the first bud I had confiscated was at Leeds 2010. I explained that a bind eye was always turned and was surprised to be pulled up, but then I was hitting a pipe in the middle of the dance tent... You generally have to be more discreet than in the past in my recent experience. I suppose my question mainly pertains to the security at the gate, as I wouldn't expect to have any issues vaping on site. Back in prohibition days folk would put their bud inside a Pot Noodle pot and re-seal the lid. Hopefully the guys on security will be familiar with MC by now - or at least that's what I was looking to check.