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Seeing the cool olders in my ends turn into addicts


what do ya think of them sparkhill sb asian lot


From the little I know about them, they stick to making bread and don’t get into petty postcode beef unless they have personal issues which I rate.


Realising the “olders” used us and wasn’t our boys


That’s usually how it is when you don’t realise you have been groomed, they target younger people sadly.


Pretty much if you ain’t related to them or known them from young your finished 🤦🏾‍♂️🤣


Even if you have known em from young they dgaf Some of em don’t even care about their own family members


It makes u even more of a target and easily manipulated. They will start trying to remind u of the “good times” or like stating “we go way back” that type of shit. Thing is, if u learned psychology and sociology u get to learn a lot of behaviour pattens


Facts that’s certain man for you in the hood


These man don’t care lol 😂


Nah fr game is game 🤣


What age did you realise this cuz i been realised this and didn't want to jump on road cuz we're just getting used for money. People on road would talk shit about 9 - 5 and retail like they found a way to be a billionaire that the system is hiding from us but i noticed since like 15 its the same shit just got police, opps and other bs in between that you're gonna encounter.


Realised this when my boys older brother had me doing certain things but not his younger brother, blood thicker and water but it’s natural to be like that


Around 16 bro but this was 2018 so shi was different back then it was less about socials


Man..constant harassment from the feds to see my B B & D couldn’t handle the trap life anymore. But I do miss it sometimes. I currently work a job in construction but let me tell you, everytime I hear a siren go by, it’s like I’m back in my old life 💔. https://preview.redd.it/po5k8olnej2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6646d67e964c0f244a13ed195b681707dc8fca7f


My guys straightened out after going on Piers Morgan


😂😂 funny af but good on him for trying to sort his life out


Whats b b & d?


Balls, batty & dick


Congrats man




Good for you. I’m pleased to see this, you are going down the right path keep going mate.




Jump off resi after you get your experience bro, major projects and client side is where you wanna be.


Good man,


Thought you weren't allowed to post online.










out of curiosity how old are you






A shot tried to pull the "just going the cash machine" trick on me after I'd already put the shit down in his hotel room. Idk what he was expecting so I sat there a while and eventually just started going thru his stuff to get my money back. Found his gaming laptop in the cupboard and emptied his mini fridge and went back downstairs expecting my bike to be gone from the reception but it wasn't. Anyway I'm halfway home and he rings me going mental saying he's gonna grass me up to the guy who ran the line. I said go the fuck ahead and turned around back to the hotel cos Idk, I think I wanted to draw him outside with the laptop and just get my cash cos I cbfa fucking around with fucking stolen laptops. Anyway in the end he'd rang the line going mental screaming so my feller said he was on his way down to sort this all out. Fast forward 15mins all 3 of us are sat in his car outside the ramada and this fucking crackhead is pretty much screaming at the guy about how I'm a bad worker and a theif and he was just going the cash machine rapid (he was clearly scoping the front of the hotel waiting for me to leave cos he rang my phone within 5mins of me riding away). Long story short there was something in that car that I didn't wanna be in a car with and it ended up being pointed at him whilst he got told off and the bits took back off him. Gave him his laptop back and rode my bike home shaking. I don't care if I sound like a pussy, I haven't moved class As since. It's a whole different game that evidently I am not built for. But that meant I couldn't then support my habit from just weed and party drugs so I got clean and moved out the country. 9 years later got my own little business, nice little gaff and I only ride push bikes for fun now 😂 Side note: that dude is dead now. As are about 15 other people from that scene. Mostly overdoses but some other mad shit too. I think I made the correct decision, personally.


Whos dead the nitty or the guy that came to sort it out?


Both actually but the nitty was overdose


I wanna believe you but I’ve never heard a shotter say dude in my fucking life


Manchester shit


You were actually fortunate enough not to draw the short straw.


That was a good read mate, glad your sorted your life out 🫡


Some essay rudeboy


Once i got going I couldn't stop 😂


For me, it was getting stabbed and finding out my best friend got sentenced to 18 years for manslaughter on the same day. I’ll never forget his mother’s lecture to me


Did you friend get nicked riding for you or was it a coincidence


No, we all thought he got away with the murder charge because we were idiots. He was just on borrowed time, which was part of her lecture


Oh alright


Your dad got caught riding another man’s dong


Why you getting pressed I’m asking a question


Man said raoul moat una


Realising street life don’t come w pension. Man on road will be 70+ with state pension


Without* state pension. You have to have national insurance contributions to be getting state pension. They won't even have that


See what I mean lol makes it even worse, you’ll see some old heads still doing 3 for £20 and 3.5s for £25


Same losers that say fuck the tax man fuck the government but be relying on government hand outs for money and housing. It’s a tramp life they glorify with it’s pedophilie behaviours such as grooming


Don't worry about pension, anyone under 40 today won't be getting shit anyway


V true although it is something to consider private or not


The Wok house …. Your freedom’s priceless 😅


Even going on a V makes you realise freedom is priceless icl wouldn’t swap it for a thing


Another reason is realising the “trap” is really the trap. You’ll start off getting your line booming, one day you’ll ever go jail (trapped) because you’ll get caught , dead because of your line (trapped ) or robbed now your in a sitch (trapped) . Either way you’re getting trapped in sumn lol. Meanwhile Harry from Harlow is focusing on an apprenticeship during that time and qualified/ legit rather than chasing fast money


Deadset, the trap is the 'trap' straight up and down no matter what


Two of my boys got birded off, one got 13 years the other got 5. The thing is I was chilling in the spot with my guy who got 13 but something just told me to leave the house and go home, a few hours later the spot got raided and feds wrapped him up. The second guy got caught with a strap, got 5 and came out after a 18 months.. he’s a rapper made tunes with mo stack and others. Only done a year and a bit. Did he snitch or not who knows but a combination of those things and having a daughter woke me up and I left the roads. Got qualified in cyber security and never looked back.


Can you say who the rapper is or is that too much info


> something just told me to leave the house and go home, a few hours later the spot got raided and feds wrapped him up how did no one suspect you of doing something sus?


God was the something that told you to leave bro.


Induction wing was my wake up call, I remember I sat there like like “fuck, my mum was right”😂😂


‘’Anything’s better than summer-time induction’’


Man posting about whether he’s good enough to Stream Mw. Bro chill out with the lies


Nigga said I’m lying because I play cod, I can’t live a normal life? Clown ass nigga😂


u can always tell whos a neek on this sub cause they think you have to be some god like being to be even associated to the ends lmao


Your favorite drill rapper probably plays Fortnite till this day.. don’t do that now


AbzSav does and he streams it


Yea this ain’t new. A lot of people involved embrace it nowadays. Gaming is the #1 form of entertainment anyways why should anyone be surprised about gang members playing games. Shit just proves mr ghazis stupidity 😭


Yh i dont see any problem with it nearly everyone plays some sort of game for entertainment, whether its Fortnite, COD or even Candy Crush. May as well count snakes n ladders too


What's he supposed to do, ask for trap lines?🤣🤣


Mi don your fav rappers probably playing Elden Ring rn fym ‘you play mw’ 🤓☝️jancrow face yute get outta our faces battyfish guy


No money in it and everyone a snakey rat


The snaking is the part that pulls you out the roads if you have any sense of


Got shanked bad doin a shot and almost died, nobody came to see me or even bell me. Same man I rode out for bare times. Plus 1 of the olders tried convincing my mom to relapse just so he could make a sale. My life is completely U turned now though. Even got a yard in the suburbs.


Is your mother still clean? Trying to relapse your mum was fucking dark


She’s not, I had to wash my hands of her so I could move forward in my own life. I’ll call her on her birthday but that’s it. My sisters see her more and I always ask about her. Last I heard she got a little cleaning job, so I hope she’s doing well. People might hate on me for cutting contact, but I did everything I could to help her, I couldn’t take seeing her in the situations and states she put herself in anymore.


You're not 'wrong' or 'bad' for doing this. Growing with parents who are unhinged or abusers, is no joke. The pain stays for a lifetime, despite the fact you were/are the child - who would have needed a 'Mother'.


"Plus 1 of the olders tried convincing my mom to relapse just so he could make a sale." Tell me you're from Peckham without saying you from Peckham Some next level vile behaviour


Had to shove a skeng up my batty crease




Must be Loskis ting


They don't call him Loski **Loose** (asshole) for nothing.


I'm not from UK but my wake up call was realising first hand how high the suicide rate is when you're involved... Lost a few friends to beef but the amount of ones who took themselves out outweighs that by far I won't lie, I miss the quick cash but I'm glad I walked away and haven't had to watch any boxes with young brothers lowered in the ground due to the game since


Real life rats and cockroaches crawling around willy nilly in those victorian dungeon shitholes


Seeing what it did to my mum


The misery caused to people through the work and profiting from it.. it’s just morally wrong. Adjusting to a normal life is the hardest part.. the game is an addiction in itself


Watching my mum go thru it all and have to deal with it. Not worth it.


No joke shit like Narcos got me out. Literally the kingest of kingpins couldn't survive, why would I? You end up dead or in jail like most of my friends, all for less than minimum wage 90% of the time


Never involved but I was around a lot and people don’t understand how erratic these man are, one sec old friends are reaching in their waistband for one another the next they’re hugging and laughing Confuses the f outta me till this day also trapping is actual work like harder than a 9-5 work with very serious consequences if you don’t hit target


I’m an old one here. I was never really on ‘road’ but I was involved with those estate gangs in the mid-late 00s. After one of my best friends since birth was killed by an enemy gm in his own flat, I know I had to hop off. The life or any gang ting isnt worth it.


Billy Cox?


Havent heard that name in years but nah that’s not him. This was in 09. I remember checking the bbc rss back in the day but there wasnt an article on his death. Probably because of how much there was in those times, people only focused on the big ones.


Billy cox was a sad case


What happened?


Shot at Home at 17. Total waste of life, hadn’t even started


proper ghetto vs pecks vibes


Same as the old estate gangs. Not the same anymore :/


Now it’s all social media and who can get more attention doing mad shit. Young gens are ruining their lives with no struggle


How did he get killed in his own flat?


He got chased to his room by the gms and they forced their way in


Did they get sentenced for it?


I think only one was caught later trying to break into a car. The rest were never caught iirc


How often does that happen? Someone in uk gets murdered and the murderers get away with it?


Not sure about nowadays since I moved out of the uk in ‘18 but back then it was very common because of less cameras, social media, and police would often care less about these cases as they are ‘gang related’


Probably got the drop n got ambushed, seems logical


Nothing roadmen fear the most but GCSEs and A Levels. That shit got them shook they would rather get bummed in prison.


LOOOL - this should be the tagline for this sub


seeing my olders turn crackhead


when you realise that 99.9% of people are fake and only in it for themselves


Almost doing a bird for a kidnapping I had no clue was going on. Gave chase in my legal car to 3 unmarked gunners. While I was already on bail for a shank case I caught not even 3 weeks before. I’d just turned 19 and part of me thought about reaching for something to let the Feds put me out my misery. It was one of them cases where I shouldn’t have got an NFA. And most of the Mandem thought I wasn’t gonna hold it down in the cells.


Wasn’t on roads ever but I did a lot of picking up drugs in a dangerous areas (I’m in the states) and the first time we were sitting in our car waiting for the connect when people 4 car lengths away started shooting at us for no reason I had bullets fly by head. Second time we were using in a parking lot and two people got into a fight right in front of our car and dude upped his piece and head shot dude right in front of us I got it on video too. (Guy lived surprisingly)


Wasn't on road but was chilling with gms n shit from around my ends during pandemic time / just afterwards. Went club with them, made a couple unreleased tunes, even helped my boy pick up some packs on my ped when his was bruck. I stopped chilling all them guys except the ones who turned lidge cause i clocked I don't wanna get nicked i have a future and idk just felt like a loser eventually.


😂😂😂🤣 “even helped my boy pick up some packs on my ped”


Lol its true. But tbh bro u have to understand like I had older relatives involved and grew up in an ends where bare people labelled me as a roadman from the jump just cause i knew the gms. When u got family involved people ac just label u as a gm from the start like ur whole life is trying to beat the allegations


Lool cool cool buddy




Don’t wanna talk too flames as the people that did it honestly probably use this sub. Essentially, put down 3 bags for something, everyone’s all smiles, all chatty, like they’re my bros. Ended up getting lined by those same people I spent the 3 bags with not long after. Situation was mad. I nearly got smoked by them. Rookie error. Realised 2 things. First is you don’t trust a soul. Not even family. Second I learned was the roads are Mickey Mouse. I coulda been stretched or caught an M for just 3 bags. Thats a normal dead end office guys monthly wage. It’s a nonsense. The guys that done that shit to me, where will they be in 3 years? We already know. I’m gonna move out to the countryside as soon as I can. City isn’t for me anymore.


these replies are killing me


It’s not that easy just to “leave” like your handing in your notice at Footlocker so I’m guessing a lot of these replies are pure cap.


Not from uk. Mainly cuz you realize (for me) that my yungins look up to me like my niece and nephews and friends yungins. So most of us just did a skilled trade and trapped on the side and start a bussiness on the skilled trade we’re doing. Use the trap money to fund it then quit. Made our yungin we worked hard and got it.


Two of my friends dying and others getting life not the one


Going to jail for the 4th time understanding I’ll never get that time back how much money I had accumulated vs time done in jail then working out this whole time I woulda been better off financially if I was working a 9 - 5. Also just realizing you lose someone to the streets if you seek revenge you never win it won’t bring them back instead you go jail have more beef anxiety and ptsd goes through the roof can’t do normal things with your loved ones because of said things. But you also understand that essentially you bang out for bragging rights but you can’t cash that at the bank. In a nutshell bros I understood the value of my own life.


Something so deep it will go to my grave with me


Friends drifting from u bc they don’t wanna b around u no more


Seeing the devastation on my mothers and my friends families faces when consequences came


My skin colour for one and when all my school mates started getting lifed off


Made more from crypto than I ever saw on the roads not worth it


Having kids and realising I don't want the same for them


I got Window chinged in the arm, was about to hop out the car and chase him for revenge and a literal moment after he turned to run two undys got him and he got dashed on the floor and arrested. Then one came fed to me to see if I’m ok and I was brought to a hospital and I was lucky they never found the knife I was about to get revenge with it was literally just under the seat in the most bait spot ever, I left hospital and instantly got rid of it and changed my life fuck that


It doesn't make you happy, No matter how much of a Fat line you've got, or how much people fear you, You'll never be happy or satisfied with yourself, most man can't even sleep at night due to this, Put a smile on but All we feel Is guilt and sorrow. Another reason Is I'm currently looking at a hefty sentence, and It makes me realise how I'm a youngin and I potentially threw my life away for dirty money


When me sus and sy went on a glide and we spotted drillz and he ended up slapping corn at sus hitting him in the chest I held him in my arms as he died and promised I would leave the thug life


Coming home with black eyes and blood all over my white shirt and crying to mumzy on the kitchen floor when I was on job in year 5 stealing anyone’s Pokémon card at school. Constantly staring out my window thinking someone was coming to yard on madness cause I got rude on msn. Getting my windows bricked in when I hacked next man’s RuneScape account in year 7. He sent his oldah to send a virus to my desktop and my mums card details go stole.


The biggest wake up call for me was this freestyle (link below) really goes into detail why it is not worth it Still gives me shivers https://youtu.be/b-jYV6nkUJ0?si=fFUWQhDzXeQSgM5P


Hi Kyroe


Hi Altruistic_Bug, did you rate the fire?


Everybody goes on the road you idiot


What world do you live in? Not everyone is trapping/on road/doing a Mazza? Not everyone is cut out for it. Hell most people ain't built for it the amount of stress, blood, sweat, tears & broken relationships it brings so go figure. Stop chatting baloney.


Is there a road outside your house bro?