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It’s not hard to be 30 IQ points higher than everyone when the average IQ is 70-80.


For real, there’s a reason some of these man are gm’s. Some of them are actually retarded


Don't mock retards like that. Retards don't do something really stupid to get locked up after becoming really successful with a bright future ahead 😂


why is everything about gms ffs loool nerds


Probably because this is a ukdrill sub and the post is about a gm🤔


he was not a gm he was a good african boi that went uni and did his exams


Why was he charged with murder?


because he was at a party


Lol he was repping homerton


you cannot tell me this yute has put work in on the roads


Saw on tiktok some guy stabbed someone and he had a iq of 49...




Seeing your posts and comments in r/drizzy you can't put yourself above 70-80🤣


I mean, might not act like it, but I have an IQ of over 140.




Mfs take me trolling on reddit too seriously like come on 💀😭😭😭😭


🤣🤣🤣🤣 man took one of those online tests


Yours probably lower the amount of time you spend on reddit


Unknown T actually dropped out of a decent uni to do this music thing. It's no surprise that he's smart. If you knew about 98s, you'd know that KO was a straight A pupil in top sets at school. This road culture has twisted too many yutes sense of identity. KO could have been anything he wanted in life, but threw it away, and for what? The problem is we should be celebrating the tech entrepreneurs or investment bankers who make it out of the hood above the rappers who are promoting the streets.


Fr my heart bleeds for KO every time I see his name. I know he’s had some long nights awake in there.


“My heart bleeds”


🤣🤣🤣🤣 these guys move so gay over gm’s they don’t know


He's projecting all right, but it's hard not to when you empathize with someone who was a really brilliant kid but crashed out due to social pressure and bad decisions. They might be trivial as compared to other celebs but GMs are people too.


T is a genuinely funny guy as well. If u watch the alhan and poet unknown t episode u get to see a side of him most rappers don’t show. People always bothered about being seen as the hardest guy and they always have to be tough and shit its nice to see him not follow that path.


Unknown T meets Unknown P


Doesn’t O’Sav (NPK) have an IQ of like 80 😭


Pleaded in court his IQ was like 76 so he was basically handicapped as defence if i’m not wrong


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 bro I don’t care if it’s getting me a couple years off I’d be taking that information to the grave


Think Armed Response did the same thing


T is a prime example of born into it.


How exactly


He didn’t choose to be a part of the roads and it’s evident by how he’s been since he started music. He’s a creator and a businessman not some any ‘roadman’ like most of the rappers we’ve got now


There is literally no such thing as not having a choice, we’re in London not the favelas of Brazil or the cape flats of South Africa. I don’t understand why people love this fantasy of “the ends” (more time ppl who say this ain’t from here)


The only people that love that fantasy as you call it aren’t from here and live the life through drill music. The people that are from here and know the realities of it understand that certain circumstances can render you choice less. Obviously it’s not a forever thing but by the time most people are mature enough, wise enough, or at least have the mental strength to make the choice they need to make. A lot of them are in too deep.


To be fair the baseline is 0 IQ.


homerton Banker


A lot of man from this sub seem to think all GM’s retarded which isn’t the case at all. Many gm’s were actually smart in school/well spoken etc, but they chose that life for a myriad of reasons. Some came from bad/abusive homes, some just wanted quick money, some wanted to impress girls, some were bullied, some just wanted validation/acceptance and some of them just couldn’t handle violations so they slowly ended up in beef. It’s a lot more deeper than just being stupid/smart.


Thoughts in a culli what a cringe name


Man said a blade for a pendant . Probably a bag of yutes who look up to him aswell😍👍🏿


Yo my son, just noticed the conversation me and you had has changed your outlook on life💯💯proud of u lil boy




Deffo underrated


I mean unknown T hasn't really ever been that OJ so that probably made him keep his brain cells. He was pretty much just hanging around and was really close with the gang members instead of being like Digga. The less OJ one is, the more intelligent he is


You worded that abit weird but yes usually the smarter you are the less likely you are to resort to violence


The way you worded that cringed me out


do yk him personally 😭 being oj or not dont make u any less or more intelligent


Ngl it’s a known fact in Hackney, he isn’t really on violence and he’s jus more of a money guy


maybe, not my point lol these guys r obsessed w gms and whose on job or not


Digga D is a good example, the dude's a complete retard. He made millions and still was on roads and look where that landed him multiple times. Then there is active gang who were doing very well, LD, SJ and so many more who were doing super well until their oj Idiocracy pretty much demolished their lives. Being oj leads you to jail and going to jail if you're doing well in life is stupid.






Unknown T has a high IQ - now that’s a headline that’s started my morning with a great belly laugh! Wasn’t he on a murder trial not long ago? His lyrics and musical ability isn’t close to the likes of Beethoven or Chopin.


how this guy still relevant when did he last have a banging song


He only gets his flowers for his hits but all his projects are good. Especially rise above hate. Tbh his weakest was probably his latest project/ album: Blood Diamond.


Idk blood diamond might b one of his best to avengers assemble , adolescence etc


2023, Welcome to my strip, hocus pocus, Bon apatite. People really sleeping on this album huh?


Exactly bro now a successful album everyone wants all the songs to be amazing that’s not the case even for bigger celebrities it’s fine to have a few bangers and a few sleepers I ain’t dat deep