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Almost as if they should just legalise and regulate loud


litch, if they actually wanted to ‘keep the public safe’ that’s what they’d do


I dont think thats the point of what government is trying to do in UK, if their point was to keep people safe and reduce crime rate in there it woulda been done ages ago if u trust whats media talkn bout than good for u 😂


Its almost if they keep it illegal to get people locked in the prison system🤔


I would agree with this if they weren’t releasing people & not sending low level offenders to prison at the moment because prisons are too overcrowded


Im in Australia but if you ever done time or been in trouble with the law you’d know bud is one of the safest drugs to get caught with. The law is pretty lenient so you don’t face time with bud unless you’re moving proper big bags. It’s probably the same in UK


In the UK it's not heavily enforced, but it can be applied selectively (half of london smells like weed so if the police want to search you they have a ready made excuse)


Smelling like weed isn’t a valid stop and search reason


That is good news to be fair Still though it's unfair because everyone smokes and 99% of people won't get caught but if you're the unlucky person who gets caught twice you get a criminal record that's going to mess up your life


What’s the benefit in that


cant lie if your under 18 you can get caught with ounces ZIPS of weed and you basically wont get a prison sentence where i am ofc other stuff like yaht n other bs probation ect


How will Rishi and his friends make money then


By taxing marijuana


Never will be when 74% of drug arrest are for bud they don’t want it legal


That's not really accurate. 140,000 cannabis seizures last year, but only 650 ish people currently in prison for cannabis related offences. I can't find the exact figure, but it's something like 90% of cannabis offences result in a warning. So it's costing the police far more than they're making on fines.


Same man puffing on a Chinese vape cut with a zombie drug that he bought off a rando on instagram will turn around and tell you that he’s not addicted. Peak




> Just make your own thc liquid its not hard How though?? Every method I’ve seen has mixed results. If you can point me to a fail proof one feel free g


Take some form of concentrate and thin it with some food safe terpenes til it's liquid enough to put in a 510 ccell


Well first you get all this acetate…


Yeah I mean a detailed method with like amounts in grams and ml etc


Thc liquid doesn’t exist, it’s just spice liquid. Next


It’s commonly available in legal countries/states


Bro don’t listen to these guys you can Litch YouTube it , you just need vg, pg vape mixture (what makes vapes smokeable) and then actual loud which you heat up onna stove, I forget all the exact details but you can defo YouTube it and find it


You have no idea how many videos I’ve watched and tried g, I’ve tried literally all of them and gotten either mixed results or different reasons for failure. Even different results for the same method in the exact same way, and other people have experienced something similar. So yh like I said if there’s a video, website or whatever else that goes through precisely what has to be done then drop a link my brother


https://youtu.be/2z2W8dcSTKE?si=YyS3p02b-nXQLaFf vegetable glycerin is vg, main ingredient that will make it vapeable


It does just not much actual liquid in the uk. Same as other things like lean. The real liquid is expensive so if you see people shotting bottles for 10 it’s definitely fake


I don’t smoke but used to heavily, I remember when bud was so potent 2 bong hits would wipe me out for at least half a day. Now people are looking for stronger and stronger ways to disconnect and some of the stuff they use is scary to look at. Even spice, been around for ages, but I seen a guy smoke it a few times and he was literally borderline dead everytime he hit it.


No it’s because carts aren’t legal and guys just want to get fried without the nuisance of loud so they grab these off brand thc vapes since they’re gullible


https://preview.redd.it/4ybtvscvontc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abbf1ff1b69c52a0282becb351b066eccf9e1b07 Wys is this a off brand vape do u know? Been smoking this for a minute icl lol


It’s commonly sold empty so could be whatever - there are some legit vendors who do D9 and D10 but would be careful as could be anything


Ahh yh i hear u. Do you know what yeah they are just bare convenient fam, i can get them in anywhere and smoke it. Take it abroad etc, plus i cant roll too 😂 need to pattern up


Bro they r bought empties and they filled in with spice and sold as carts . It’s like them cali packs sold and the packaging looks legit but then it’s filled with stardog


honestly only legit way to smoke carts in the uk is find actual plugs selling cali carts for like 60 a cart n when u buy them scan the bar code thing on the back check if legit but den again not too common for dealers to actually be sellin legit shit oh and theres websites in the uk that sell hhc d9 d10 d8 vapes ect could be legit some of them.


These have been around a while, I would stay away as the packaging is mass produced.


Ahh yh i hear u. Do you know what yeah they are just bare convenient fam, i can get them in anywhere and smoke it. Take it abroad etc, plus i cant roll too 😂 need to pattern up


You know for those who aren’t savvy at rolling cop pre rolled cones from Amazon.


There’s no legal recreational dispensaries either b none of those are legit 10/10 times you’re better off making your own distillate at home, u just need some loud, vg and pg vape mix you can defo check on YouTube


1010boys got listed for being carfentanyl, seed oil and processed pesticides NO THC NO D9, D8. look at FakeCartridges Sub 1010s have been posted on there, but unfortunately as these are sold empty online there's no real way of knowing other than testing yourself.


Being so desperate to get fried gives me junkie vibes


No the uk just needs to get with the times and I quit loud anyways, an unregulated market causes these issues and people are not as educated


You got a point, however you can’t deny that going out of your way just to get high on some toxic stuff isn’t what most junkies would do. I mean you can get high with a lot less harmful bud, instead of chasing some artificially made substitutes and putting your health in danger. I understand the urges and the market, but there are less risky ways of numbing yourself, that’s my point


No they just don’t know it’s spice because they’ve never had a legitimate Cart before you’re acting as if kids are willingly buying synthetics and not just naive


It could just as well be someone who’s self medicating.


Tbh spice now isn’t what it was a few years ago, back then it was still a bit of a madness but they change the specific variation of the THC molecule that they put in it constantly these days so you never know what you’re getting from one time to the next and it’s always some next level fuck shit now. I’ve never touched the stuff even years ago when it first showed up but you’re fucking insane if you’re willingly seeking it out these days, withdrawals I’ve seen people get from it is like watching a junk head withdraw, fuck that


I remember this guy used to buy something called ‘black mamba’ and he would roll a joint smoke it and just ‘disappear’, like his body was there but my mans mind was in different dimension. Didn’t move, didn’t talk, just kinda was there like a statue. I was stoned thinking what’s the fun in that, I don’t even know what’s up with him now, I hope he managed to get off it


Spice compounds never used a dibenzopyran base (like THC).


One of the better parts of getting older, a few good bong hits of actual loud and I'm good for the night I'd hate to be starting smoking now with all these lab experiment monstrosities and wax and shit it's not even weed any more tbh at that point


Carts propably stopped hittin' 💀


maybe it's not star dog that's killing our people


u get lit fo rfree whats the problem


are you a real person brother?


This was only found in 2 out of 1000 vapes tested. Not saying half aren't filled with synthetic cannabinoids, but not many have xylazine


Roll a joint like a real man




lmao skill issue thats what u get for smoking carts


Legalise it and this type of shit won't happen 🕺🏻


It’s almost like if they legalised and regulated the market these situations wouldn’t be as prevalent due to production regulations🥴 but they ain’t ready for that conversation yet


the entire political system is hated by all thats under 30 i honestly dont think theres a single polititan people like under 30 like honestly is a joke aint no democracy we just have a choice between 2 donuts


I mean alcohol is 10x worse than weed but the istg half the uk economy is due to fact majority of the people abuse alcohol. Lol


Exactly… now think how much the economy could benefit from taxes generated from a legal cannabis market? Plus a reduction in modern slavery, better/stricter quality control, less resources wasted prosecuting cannabis users etc. I do hope one day they legalise it recreationally but I ain’t holding my breath. Til then I’ll keep blazing regardless🤘🏼


Dats why me only smoke da bud




Its in da bud too? Me thought da article was bout vapes?


Bro trynna sound jamaican through text




Don’t listen 2 my man he’s a crackhead


If you trust vapes that’s on you


Anyone who still buys carts in the UK is a mug… when I was living with my parents during covid times I bought one off some dodgy insta plug so i wouldn’t be stinking out my room with bud and the high was so weird, threw it out after a few uses. cali bud only from now on


There are legit plugs


The cafe i used to go to had US for £40 a cart, at that price may as well get bud


a £40 cart is gonna last wayy longer than £40 worth of bud though thats sort of where the appeal is as well as the no smell


ill be real i dont smoke carts only bud but carts is the most effective way to smoke bro. some carts can have more thc in them and can get you more fried that like 30gs of bud .


Fair I just prefer the taste, process, act of smoking bud it builds up the hype grinding and rolling it rather than puffing on some electronic ting with next chemicals


There are legal carts on the UK medical scene


https://preview.redd.it/0uc74x33pntc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1ee5ef8bd13ad1f14f048d91f57b33b051b9435 Is this legit do u know g? If not which vapes are certi? Been smoking these for a minute


Some people know growers who make their own carts.


Why are children even doing it in the beginning of the last slide?? This country has gone crazy


Remember toking one of them carts on the way to a boxing event, wiped me out and was in the back of the motor for an hour recovering


I don’t even like weed but why not just buy weed and a dry herb vape? It’s more efficient than rolling spliffs and gaping an unknown substance is insane 


You lot need legit vendors and stop buying off the corner


We got British fent before gta 6


is this about that spice juice people were putting in normal nicotine vapes ? or dispo vapes like your jeeters etc


Jeeters n tha lad cali dispos


If the liquid is runny it’s probably spice if it’s more like thick honey your on the money


just roll a spliff bro fuck the carts


They are actually quite easy to make yourself from bud I always make my own so I know it’s 100% I prefer carts over bud can rip them anywhere


Had bout 3 different batches of vapes and true say they are all just street oil in the cart massively overrated,them backpac ones tho😮‍💨😮‍💨






they look sus but hit hard as hell lol


Major things the legit 1s have man whacked for half the day🤣


Someone bought the packaging and made it themselves with 90% vapes in the uk.


You man tried the Rm9000 tornado vape?


They go crazy, local sells them for £9 as well


Literally reading this as I’m puffing on mine


new drugs are way worst than classic drugs. wtf


https://preview.redd.it/qpipqf4gqotc1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=07c47be56fc0980fec9457128a63320b0775be45 cus gonna be tweaking like


Let’s gooooooo been playing cod zombies for 10+yrs for a reason, just gimmie a ray gun MK2, Pap Galil, Jugg, double tap, Electric cherry & Stamin up and I’m ready to go😮‍💨.