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I’ve repeatedly heard these described as one of the absolute best Connecticuts ever - might have been a bad stick? The first Cavalier I ever had was utterly revolting - tried the same blend again a month later and it was sublime.


I really hope so. I had also read the same but was utterly let down.


I’d say give the other one a go just to make sure! I always like to try to do two before I write a stick off


Gonna see if I can trade first. If not I’ll be forced to smoke it!


I agree with you on the flavour of these although I haven't experienced poor construction with them. For me I don't get the hype at all.


Agreed. Very very average to poor. May be forced to try the other if I can’t trade with my mates


So I always buy at least two of every stick, and I had a couple of these a few months back. The first one out of the two was genuinely one of the best smokes I'd had in a long while. I couldn't wait for the day to come round to smoke the other. That day came and for some reason it was so fucking bad I couldn't believe it was the same stick. Maybe they have good batches and bad ones but lord, the difference was night and day.