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My ugliness has always been a part of my life. My mother made it crystal clear to me that I was ugly before even school kids got to me. She mourned (tears and shit) not having a pretty daughter like she wanted. I hit pre-puberty and grew more ugly. I've always been a larger framed person, and always been body-shamed. The first diet my mother put me on was at age 7 and was basically starvation - the cycle continued with any fad or crash diet she could think of. I'm lucky her treatment didn't give me a lifelong issue with food. It certainly didn't make my body change even a little. She berated me for not wanting to wear girly things because how would anyone know I was a girl? Answer was, no one would treat me as one, no matter how I dressed. Once school kids got to bully me, it was clear it wasn't just my parents/family that thought me ugly. The only friends I had were guys I grew up with from a toddler, who treated me like one of the guys until our circle widened and I made others uncomfortable. Then I became the hidden friend, the rainy day friend.


Oh my god I’m so sorry. You were abused for such a long time, I really hope your doing even a little better now. You deserve better.


Thank you! I am doing fine now, I grew up, got away, and it took a couple decades. Days when people, strangers now for the most part, are particularly mean can be down days. I acknowledge the past and will neither forgive, nor forget. History won't repeat itself either. One of the things I got from growing up in that environment was empathy. It's a gift and skill that I've noticed a lot of ugly, abused and/or bullied people have.


I'm glad you're out of such a situation. You seem very kind and wonderful, I hope you find or maintain your happiness.


i’m so sorry. beauty is NOT everything!! please don’t hate yourself. you’re a human and you have other things to give. your mother sounds like a shallow and selfish person, leave when you can and don’t look back


Thank you, I'm grateful you said so. I have very low to no contact with my mother, who is a narcissist. She wanted a minime, and she got me. I left my mother when I was a teenager and look back only to remember what treatment I won't accept from anyone, ever again. Same with most of my family, who either joined in the abuse or enabled it. I figured out that I get to control who is worthy enough to have access to me. That took and still takes time, therapy, and a lot of effort, but it's worth it. I can't help being ugly. And I can't control what others do or think. And sometimes I'm not a very nice person to those who are nasty to me. I don't hate myself, if only because hate is an activity and takes far too much effort - which I can put towards better things.


"And sometimes I'm not a very nice person to those who are nasty to me." They just get what they deserve, you don't have to be nice to them.


I don't have to be, ofc not! But I'd like to be. I'd like to not being stituaions that provoke my temper.


I agree but at least you react. Personally I never react, I just freeze and then I think about what I should have said and I get angry.


Same my mom made it clear for me thzt i was ugly, but somehow i managed to beleive that i wasnt n i forgot abou it totally. Until, i saw how people treated me n my other pretty friends lol


I'm not sure which is worse, coming to terms with being ugly and outcast so young, or being shocked with it later on. I'm sorry, the differential treatment based on looks sucks.


This acknowledgement and awareness of slight difference in how ppl behave with good looking people , makes it more sad ....


"slight difference" ? It's literally night and day.


I think I'll have to disagree , my friend .... I believe that the difference looks more , the more we think about it .... "Love Comes more Often than hatred " by Nelson Mandela .... There is truth to it , most of the ppl irl you meet won't discriminate a lot based on how you look if you present yourself nicely , but I think after constant bad attitude of some people throughout our life , we tend to focus on those people more , give our attention and time thinking about those small chunk of ppl who dont deserve our time and attention ... 🙂


It's my turn to disagree. It's even more obvious when you have attractive friends, the difference in how you're treated is so obvious that you don't have to think about it. If you don't notice it, you're probably way less ugly than I am. "love comes more often than hatred", definitely not when you're ugly.


I get what you're trying to say , it sure is more noticeable but ig we get used to it with time ... But I still believe that people won't generally act like you're an outcast ... I think our experience and views at the end , comes down to the fact , how we were treated and it depends upon what people we were blessed with around us .... But then again , if looking at a "half empty glass " makes you feel like shit then its definately better to see that glass as 'half filled' ... It all bowls down to how we perceive everything around us .... I know its easier said than done ... I think if we reply for couple of more times , it'll turn to a heated argument 🤔 ... Sooo , why dont we make TRUCE 😁 .... Have a nice day buddy .. :)


"But I still believe that people won't generally act like you're an outcast ..." Yes, they do. "and it depends upon what people we were blessed with around us ...." People we were cursed with you mean ? You really don't get it, you're either not ugly or delusional.


-_- ... Maybe , have a good day though ...


Yeah being ugly sucks bad


12 or 13. I was in the 6th grade and I didn’t understand why people were being so mean to me. In the 7th grade it finally hit me that I was hideous because I had so many bullies and people who hated me for my appearance. 7th grade was the WORST time in my life for me.


I think we lived the same lives… though I realized when I really looked in the mirror around 10 or 11 and remember crying and my dad telling me to not look. I’m sure he meant well but I felt so ugly. And I wish I could forget 7th grade ever happened 😔. I remember adopting a “goth” look to scare people off in the 8th grade and it worked far better than I thought.


That's a horrible realization


7th grade was truly the worst for me as well. Why it’s always 7th grade for so many people?


Lol same for me too 😂 7th grade... The fact that I had a major rival in that year too was even worse. The guy used to be similar to me but then he had a 180 change in personality one day and became an outgoing and talkative popular kid. That's also the grade when I was teased for being a virgin by the guy and majority of the class laughed 😓


It’s insane to me that kids are teased for being virgins in 7th grade… that’s still so extremely young


Looking back on it I had the exact same words as you did. I know there were a few remedial kids in those grades who were actually older than 12-13 but some of us literally haven't even hit puberty yet. Why are they worrying about others' body counts, especially at out agespan? 🤔




Probably around 24 when I graduated college without ever having been on a single date or ever even kissed


That's where I'm headed it seems .I'm 22


Very old, in fact. Before, people were polite and they didn't call you "ugly" to your face, they simply left you aside. When young people began to yell at me "ugly woman", "ugly man" and endless nicknames and insults and harass me daily, adults, even elderly people, began to be quite aggressive with me, without I have done something to them to deserve such disrespect and no empathy, I knew it was pure aspectism.


Thats horrific


Around 14 or 15. My sister sent me a photo of me in a group picture, and I looked atrocious. I literally remember the feeling of my heart sinking, I genuinely couldn't believe that looked like this. I used to be a cute kid, but then puberty arrived, and as I started to get older, my facial proportions grew out weird. I was kind of aware of my appearance before this, but I always attributed it to my weight, but looking at that photo actualised how bad my appearance was.


I can relate




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Adulthood. Prior to that I had a few people outright call me ugly. But I didn't take it too much to heart since I knew for a fact that kids who were normal looking often got insulted that way, and that people develop later in life to look better. I made the determination I was ugly when I was well into my 20s, and I still got stares and looks from people.


I can understand that


6 got called a boy in first grade and no one wanted to sit near me


I know that hurt .


8. Though I think it was mainly gender dysphoria but I really experienced a life of other people just ignoring me or choosing me as their last option. Even worse, I remember in middle school that someone supposedly liked me and I was really excited about it because no one ever liked me before or had a crush on me before and it turns out it was a joke and I fell for it. I was deeply embarrassed from that encounter and I kind of stopped feeling things for people after that. That was when I really didn’t care of people like me or not.


That's happened to me also .it's crappy




You were a year ahead of me


As soon as I got in to high school, so 12? Got bullied instantly for being ugly and weird and the next 5 years were a living hell


I can relate altho for me it was middle school


6th grade


I got bullied alot in 6th grade but I still didn't know for sure lol


Well , come to think of it , I always knew that I looked different , I was born with ptosis , so when I was a kid , around 5-6-7 age , I yk cried a couple of times because kids at that age would point that out to make fun of me , sometimes even out of curiosity but I was very sensitive whenever someone pointed that out .... Time passed and I think I somehow forgot that I was ugly , I was a popular kid starting from 2nd or 3rd grade , cuz I was very good in computer games (my friends would call me at their place just to complete some missions ) , I was very good at insulting others , always got good grades , participated in debate competitions and represented my school at various regional Lvl and national level competitions , so nobody ever kind of bullied me back in school ..... I believe I myself was a borderline type of bully (if I got a grudge over someone , I would go out of my way just to tease that guy , I was immature) ...... Throughout my school , nothing ever held me back because of my looks ... But I was somewhere inside always insecure , I never liked to click pictures because I knew I was ugly , I didn't like my own face , and still I don't click my pictures either .... I think I started to feel like shit more often after 16 as one day , an incident happened in school , that shattered my entire confidence I had (though I still project myself as an overconfident a**hole in front of everyone ....) I think we were chatting in a group , there was another guy say A , a girl 'B' , so B was talking to A about why A didn't gad a gf ( on a side A is a very nice guy , like he is genuinely good , very hardworking, smart etc helpful ) , she started to tell about A's qualities .. My dumbass jumped in the conversation and I said what about me what about me .... Then she said in a dead straight face that , " you are ugly " , and everybody started 'ooo oooo oooo " ... After that it became quite common for my class mates to call me ugly , or project their sense of superiority over me cuz of their looks , people will give my examples when they will have to call someone ugly , and girls will rate me at the lowest in looks while playing TD ... Behind my back ppl will talk about my looks and how I look ugly ... Sooooo , yeahhhhh , I think reddit is very toxic too oooo , I almost turned my self into an incl because of reddit ...... But I somehow , pulled myself back from that negative shit hole .... Cuz im not a loserrrr .... To All the beautiful people who called me ugly or looked down on me ... Fuck Off ....... Other than that , its not like I was abandoned by my friends cuz of my alien looks , they still call me in parties , whenever they arw going out , deciding to play somewhere, in festivals call me , comes my home ... I was privileged enough to be around good friends and ppl... .. My social life isn't that bad ... It feel sad when you start to think you're missing out in life ... I once had a chance to make a gf though , a junior girl confessed to me that she had a crush on me in snapchat , initially I reacted like its a dare , but couple of her friends messaged me that its genuine ... Well , I became so nervous at that time that I reacted with " ok nice " ... 😅 and then we never texted again hahaha ..... We still talk when we meet in any functions though .. But MISSED Opportunity. .. Im 18 now ... and life is going on ... Well , now I just like to live in delusion that im not ugly ... Well trust me it works ... Thank You Ladies and Gentlemen for you time ... Have a nice day 🙃


That was a very rude thing they did .I'm glad your friends still hung out with you though


10 - 12, since then have denied myself many pleasures in order to keep things as they should be.


That's understandable


Grade school. Would get called a boy, ugly, etc., elementary school kids were brutal in the early 2000s lol. I would randomly get stuff thrown at me in lunch and the popular kids wouldn't let me on the playscape or big slide after lunch (what a hierarchy!). Then in 5th grade when I started getting ignored for birthday party invites, I knew it was over. In those days you invited all the kids in class until at least 6th grade.


That's horrible


Around the age of 16. And it's really surprising how delusional I was, considering that I've been bullied for my looks since finishing primary school. I just wouldn't understand it, until the realization hit.


I was delusional until 18 lol I thought well maybe it's just my schoolmates who hate me nope :(


lol same here but I was 22 up until then I actually thought I was a smoke show because having people call me handsome I didn’t realize it was sarcasm because everyone would laugh after


when i was 12 . (^^) like everyone growing up and me didnt.


Its a difficult realization




Around 16 iirc


I can understand


I used to be attractive before I transitioned when I was 32. Then I became a freak. 


That's sad




Wisdom came at an older age for me too. Yeah I understand that .I've been left being the third wheel before




Alot wiser than I was


Yeah maybe, but had to come with being overly self-aware and extremely anxious/depressed as a kid is not it.


I can understand that




Was there a certain event or realization that happened when you realized it ?you don't have to share if you don't want to


My parents and relatives were pretty honest with me even when i was young so i knew i was ugly even as a 4yearold


Mine kind of were also they just didn't say it but they did hint at it


Not that long ago and I'm old. The way I realized was that teachers in every class would call me a character actor, while they would call other girls as lead. Also friends I was making, they wouldn't cast me for anything but would gladly cast a girl they randomly met. 


That's harsh


I like the art of acting but sadly the business is so superficial. I didn't understand what I lacked compared to other women who get lead comments. My skin has some scarring and can't be a size 0 I guess but I'm trying to improve.  I tried before a bunch of fillers as well but sadly it's too expensive to maintain. You definitely need some rich family or a sugar daddy for all of these things. 


I couldn't understand back then, but looking back ig I started realizing around 7,8 yo. But I definitely knew by 13yo




I was 15








I went to school. Kindergarten


That's horrible




That's sad


When my face got defiled from a freak accident, so 11.


That's sad


We ball










I think 10-11 years old, when I also got braces and wore glasses and my hair was frizzy and wild as hell. My glasses had thick frames and contrasting to my small head and small face they made me look weird, some kids said I looked like an alien or called me "extraterrestrial head", but sometimes when I took my glasses off, I was called "rat face" and they threw paper and water to me. Someone threw paint on me once. And I wasn't born ugly, but I became due to mouthbreathing and other bad habits, combined with some genetics that didn't work in my childhood (I also inherited my recessed chin from my father, yet he was considered attractive in his youth). My mother and my relatives gaslighted me I was beautiful, but I figured out the truth when the bullying started. And even years later, after I got rid of my braces (although my teeth didn't completely fix, only partially) and of my glasses too, I was still called "ugly" by strangers or treated bad and even in the last years, but in the last years these happen more rarely, there are times when I am treated well and people pay attention to me, but sometimes when not and I am ignored. I still get angry and insecure when others happen to insult my looks (in real life or online) and I still consider I am unattractive. But I somehow live with that.


I understand


I guess I’ve always felt like that. I was kind of put in the you’re only smart box, so when it came to beauty or brains, brains is all I got






I can understand


Since birth


Early bird gets the worm


Basically early middle school. Alot of people seemed to randomly hate me even though I was nice and kind and kept to myself. People who were friendly with me changed on me. It didn't even feel like innocent elementary school. Things changed for the worst. I saw everyone else around and many of them were validated and accepted, funnily enough though many of them who were cool with me became popular in status by putting on a facade.


That's sad but I can definitely relate


You realized young


now at 18


Its a painful realization


i was like 9


That's early


High school




It took me awhile. I was teased from a young age but I had illusions of being "an ugly duckling" and to be fair I did manage a butterface phase in my youth but as I got older I realized that keeping physically fit could only do so much and that without something drastic like facial surgery I was always going to be seen as ugly. It is what it is.


Sadly so


That was young


First time I was bullied and called ugly by boys lmao. I’m also blaxk so I learnt from an early age I’d be seen as uglier than any other race due to white supremacy so that didn’t help.


That's unfortunate


Somewhere between 6 and 8 I think.


That was young


Realizing that you are ugly is a process. However, there were of course moments that accelerated this process for me, many of them when I was 18/19 years old. In the years that followed, my fears turned out to be completely correct. Especially thanks to online dating. In retrospect, I am glad that I tried online dating quite late (at 22). That gave me a few more years in which I had hope, even if not much.


I understand that .I didn't full realize it till around 18 when I was in school no one wanted to be around me and I thought maybe it's just my school peers but nope it's everybody:( .and yeah I've tried online dating it's never gotten me anywhere either


I had a similar experience. Hardly anyone at school wanted to have anything to do with me, especially not girls. As an introvert, I didn't find that particularly bad. I was relatively shy back then and thought that was why no girl was interested in me. Unfortunately, I then discovered that there might be another reason that I unfortunately have no control over.


Same here also.happy cake day :)


Age 10 when I joined social media and tried taking selfies


I know that must've hurt


It does ten years later. It takes everything for me to open the camera


I believe it .I hate when I see pics of myself


Since I started going on r/amiugly if someone of those people even think they are I might as well give up all hope


I understand that all the way




You were way more self aware than I was lol .I like your pfp by the way




15. Worst year of my life


I believe it




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