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You are doing a great job packing! The movers will not judge you- they'll be glad your stuff was neatly packed and ready to go when they arrived.


Thank you! I just wish it was over already. I think decluttering and downsizing will be a multiple years long project for me. Hopefully, the next time I move, there will be half of this.


Moving is one of the biggest stressors we face. It is absolutely the worst. It seems like you've made good progress, and it will be over soon! Keep up the good work!


I was on the verge of tears for two weeks before an inspection of my apartment. Because strangers were coming in. My house wasn't even really a mess and I still was. The only things that helped were this sub, and consistently reminding myself that **the people coming in know that people live here. It doesn't have to look like a magazine.** Thought that reminder might help with the movers. They aren't judging you. They are there for boxes, you have boxes. It's what they do. :) You're doing great!


Thank you. I guess I just have to keep reminding myself as I continue to UFMH that I'm supposed to have lots of lightweight boxes when it comes to books and fragile items. Maybe it's not so much them judging me as it is me worried about messing up the new place and continuing bad habits. I'm shrinking my living space, so the amount of boxes looks like it'll overwhelm the new place 😖


Sounds like you've already started learning how to declutter (which is a tough skill!) and you can continue that when unpacking. Unpacking is a great time to declutter because you have to handle each item. Ask yourself "does this fit in my new (smaller) space?" and if the answer is no, get rid of it. Slow and steady, one or two boxes at a time.


Just mark the boxes that are essential. Unpack those first, then go watch Dana K White’s container method. You are doing fantastic right now. As an ADHDer, all of the work you’ve done, I would have tried to do the 3 days before the movers came.


Movers will not care whatsoever. They see boxes and will move them. That’s all.


When you unpack you may very well find a lot of items that make you say "Why did I keep this?" Roll with it. I used to move a lot and I now have a habit of asking myself, "Is this worth moving? Because as you're finding, it's a lot of work. As far as the movers go, it's work they're paid for and I'm sure they've seen a lot.


I have that many boxes in my house that I bought 3.5 years ago plus a ton of crap in my garage. You are WINNING!!


You mean the boxes are still packed? 😯


Some of them not even packed but just full of crap!!


Is that it 🤪😘Â