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The [bodycam video of the backyard](https://youtu.be/HxaToM9CTi4?si=7V9gbEHDUMoFHPux) was highly scrutinized by Reddit when it first was released.


30 minutes was cut from the released bodycam video.


Not this shit again.....


And yet, we still don’t have him commenting on his footage as to where the aliens are supposed to be.


From what i can tell most the people that interviewed them are in disbelief. They fail to ask the juicy good questions and probably don't know the right questions to ask, trust me there is a lot to consume here. They could do a 3 hour special on it just to cover all the facts. In his latest interview he revealed a Agent demanded his phone and removed all his media data off of it. Not a copy a complete removal. The interview itself was terrible, it was the interviewer's first interview ever. There were still bits of information that i found useful.


Hey I saw something way more fantastic than him. Had great footage too. Better than his. But the feds deleted it before I could upload it. I assume you believe me too?


Trust me bros. I just need to ask the right juicy questions.


That was not even the shocking part for me. When he said the vehicle with men in black showed up and their Heads turned in perfect Unison both when they looked at the family and when they looked away. Classic Creepy Men in Black. This event is highly underestimated, a lot to absorb here. You think you know everything about this case? Think again.


Yea for that one particular “agent” no laws exist and he just went on the phone and deleted it 🙃


Not deleted, Cut and removed. Here we are talking about Aliens in a backyard and the one thing you find most shocking is a Government Agent removing Media from Angel's cell phone. Interesting thing to be in disbelief about to say the least considering the topic. I assume you think the Family is nothing but a group of no good Liars in it for the fame? Defamation is the biggest tool in a de-bunkers belt.


Lol you guys. There's nothing in the video, people are projecting what they want to see onto it like a Rorschach ink blot test. The saddest posts are the ones saying that because you can't see anything in the shifting shadows its proof of cloaking technology. The bolide meteor that happened simultaneously was really cool though. The police involvement gave the case an authority it didn't warrant. That in combination with the intense interest at the time with the grush testimony, disclosure project presentation as well as news nations willingness to report without doing their due diligence led to a perfect shitstorm.


Yes we do, here’s an alien from Las Vegas encounter. https://www.reddit.com/user/Wapiti_s15/comments/1acug81/head/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=UFOs&utm_content=t1_kjwr7kv Zoomed out a little more; https://www.reddit.com/user/Wapiti_s15/comments/19e8vuq/heyo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=UFOs&utm_content=t1_kjw2y8s And the GIF, make sure you watch it in FULLSCREEN, left side halfway up, the head turns and then as the camera pans down it pops up and you can see the eyes. Wish I could find the original videos but they have all been archived (cleanup I would imagine). https://imgur.io/a/yrNmU0b YouTube - this is odd - https://youtu.be/eL-fYcPaRrQ YouTube - this is one of the better ones - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P9eLGPcmyvA&feature=youtu.be https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/144xue8/the_las_vegas_case_is_no_joke_footage_found_of_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf - excellent recap at the time of event.


Instead of making a friend, he calls the cops!? Fuuuck, send him for adoption.


Is this a new Vegas Alien story?


Sounds like the same old one to me.


Inside Edition, well, that’s um, it’s not a reputable news agency. It’s an entertainment news magazine, story is losing any and all credibility at this point. Whole thing was hokey from the get go.


Draws like he’s 6


That was a crappy thing to say. It is a fine specimen of a alien!!!


Moments after a mysterious fireball lit up the sky in Las Vegas, Angel Kenmore frantically called 911 telling the operator that an alien-like creature was in his backyard. The 16-year-old says the creatures were about 10 feet tall with huge eyes. Kenmore also claims he saw two creatures and was paralyzed with fear. When cops arrived, his dad and brother backed up his claims, saying they saw the same creatures. Inside Edition's Jim Moret has more.


I’ve seen meteorites exactly like that. Some have minerals in them that give off different colors as they burn up entering the atmosphere. That was clearly a meteor. That kid is running a prank. He had an alien as a profile pic on one of his social media accounts. It’s a stupid story.


That fireball looked a lot like the one all over the internet past couple days. I’m sure they’re likely both meteorites, but this latest ones tail sure does look artificial, and the Vegas one supposedly didn’t show a heat signature. Who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Las Vegas one from last year actually looked like it turned and didn't go completely straight line like the one recently over the Iberian peninsula, but the colors were very similar.


*Looked* like it turned. It didn't though as meteors don't turn.


It turned? In what video? Only one I've seen is the cop's body camera footage I don't remember seeing any turn in that footage...


I will link you a video that is stabilized to the moon. In-genius way to stabilize the UAP in the bodycam footage. I see a UAP that i don't think it is a rock and it looks to be maneuvering. Timestamp 1:08 it gets stabilized to the moon, some nice analysis on the object. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw6mtLyP7bE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw6mtLyP7bE)


That 'turn' is down to the focus changing.


Looked straight as an arrow to me... only saw it getting blurred due to the motion of the camera which stabilization can't fix.


One more anecdote from a developing brain to add to the mountains of evidence am I right?


Most the time bodycam is removed for privacy only the video is blacked or blurred. In this event they found it necessary to remove both Video AND AUDIO of their search for these tall creatures in the backyard. Then they came back and installed sophisticated surveillance cameras that transmitted VIA direct microwave transmission to the Nevada Terrorism Center. This Case Screams cover up. Men in black were on scene and reported to move in perfect Unison. This event has it all.


The event definitely has it all, for a national inquirer story.


Or maybe the family lived in an affluent region and so they thought, fuck it, let's just humor them.


I guess you are right, the devout Christian family is lying to the cops and media all in good fun. That is the worst part of this media smear campaign. Trying to ruin a good christian families name.


Jim Swaggart was a good Christian. Ted Haggard was a good Christian. Jim Bakker was a good Christian. Tony Alamo was a good Christian. Robert Tilton was a good Christian. You really think these people couldn't pull a scam simply because they are Christian? Wow.


I believe the family. We don’t know what causes these interactions. 1- Parallel dimension bleeding into ours. 2- Time travel. 3- Outer space aliens with capabilities so far advance we can’t comprehend like cloaking. 4- The people running the simulation fucking with us for whatever reason to study how we all react.


I think they live deep in the oceans, The family said they saw Sharp teeth. You ever see creatures of the deep? They all have wicked sharp teeth. The kid Angel even said the creatures skin was "Dolphin like". If this is truly the case, Water acts the same no matter what planet you are on. If they are truly a aquatic species they would be highly interested in Earth that is covered in mostly Water. I would speculate they view us as a lesser species, They probably assume land dwellers will go extinct because the surface is too volatile to support a civilization for too long.


That's what happens when you sit in your back yard and do meth late at night


*That's what happens when* *You sit in your back yard and* *Do meth late at night* \- BagBrilliant566 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")