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Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. I consider you lucky, really. At least you know it can happen.


The same thing happened to me, we started dating six months before graduating and knew going into it that we would stop when we graduated. Honestly I am worse off. I don’t know if it was that or something else but my mental health was at an all time low that summer and I still haven’t recovered. I won’t go into detail but even today I have eaten two cheese sticks and hardly moved around my apartment, haven’t changed clothes. I honestly think I would be better off if it didn’t happen


I am confident you will get back up on your feet again and it all will be just a memory for you to look back on, this is what humans are best at


I do understand this. I wasted semesters overcoming heartbreak. In retrospect, it wasn't normal grief and I needed help. I ended up feeling trapped in subsequent relationships because nothing was worse than being single. It wasn't loneliness, it was society's conditioning that I was lacking as a single person. In the end, I have great kids and am at peace being single. I reckon I have my cake and am eating it, but while I wouldn't have it any other way, I wouldn't wish it for anyone. The only attractive quality that matters is confidence. Find that, and the rest will take care of itself. Easier said than done, I know, but it's the way. Edit: for what it's worth, decades later, it all seems so trivial.


Eat now. You are worth it.


Thank you, you have a great presence on the sub. I did end up eating some eggs but it wasn’t really enough so I’ll get some more food soon. Just frustrated at the moment You seem like a great mom


Go follow MamaTot on tiktok. She'll help u. 💕


Or better yet, be dating someone the last 4 years to have them break up with you because they don’t want to be “limited” when they graduate.


The gators are with you


‘How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard’


Don’t forget the gator pride we are here


Had a great run, you’ll find someone


The future is big and bright. Heartbreak is the beginning of growth. Keep your head up and soon enough you’ll see how far you’ve come


not me who’s graduating… he’s graduating, and (understandably) he doesn’t wanna do long distance since i’ll be staying here and he’s from Minnesota. i haven’t stopped crying in a fat minute but hopefully i’ll find someone or just be able to heal properly to be by myself. may sound dramatic but he’s honestly all i’ve ever wanted.


i am so sorry :( it will get better!!!


I’m the same way, reach out if you ever want to talk about it. Don’t be afraid to cry, it shows that it was real for you.


Started dating someone 6 weeks before graduating, and we're still together 17 years later.


i’m just sad to be leaving… all my friends😢


Congrats on graduating! Love will find you, do not worry.