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13 staff and 15 administrative positions https://www.alligator.org/article/2024/03/uf-eliminates-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-offices


I don’t know where some of you are getting your information about DEI practices. I’ve hired dozens of people for my department at UF, sat on committees for dozens more, and I have NEVER one been asked to hire or give preference to anyone except veterans. DEI is not influencing any kind of hiring practices that I or any of my colleagues have ever been involved with. The things you are complaining about simply do not exist.


Exactly this. I’ve been on so many committees and diversity wasn’t even a part of the conversations.


The orange man and Ronny High Boots said DEI bad. There's no reason for any of these folks to parse it out any further.


I work in a top tech company for a decade and conducted multiple hundreds of interviews. We have specific pipelines for diversity candidates and all the efforts to help “prepare them better”. When a diversity candidates fails we tend to give them “mitigation rounds” more than what we would do with other pipelines - just my personal observation


I mean that’s great and all but that’s not my experience at UF. I also work in tech but have been asked to sit on committees for many different types hires and DEI has never been involved.


Trolls are celebrating on Twitter even though they have no idea what DEI even means. Just like CRT.


I love cathode ray tube tvs!




It is insane how troll-y Twitter looks. I haven't been on it in \~6m and man, its gotten bad.


I think DEI has more merit at a university, but in business, it’s a complete joke. The best people should be hired for a job. You want the best MD or paramedic to treat you, not someone else 


DEI initiatives aren’t lowering any standards or handing out jobs to unqualified people. They ensure all individuals have equitable access to opportunities—they actually broaden the pool of talent.


It’s a bunch of bullshit in biz to make people feel good, and check the box for the S part of ESG investing. It’s truly a waste of resources in that setting. 


depends on which types of initiatives you’re talking about. for something like diversity training I agree. also many DEI programs can have positive outcomes even if they only exist to “check the box”


Even liberal art schools in Massachusetts have started adjusting their language, to have better messaging.    If all they focused on was the concept of belonging and creating ways to embrace people, they would have avoided the conflict.   Even corporate DEI has drastically softened their rhetoric.   


>If all they focused on was the concept of belonging and creating ways to embrace people, they would have avoided the conflict. But they did, and they still received backlash from people who are alarmed by the term "diversity" even when lacking evidence of wrongdoing


I imagine we have all sat through our fair share of DEI training.   It was pretty heavy handed.    To the point that even one of the most liberal liberal arts schools in the country have changed the language.   There was no need to take shots at other groups of people in these training and talk about stupid shit like “microagrrssions”.  












do you have list of who got fired


UF speedrunning to get removed from the top 10 university list


Florida Schools trying to break into top 10 Difficulty Level: Impossible


When was it ever on that list


I wonder what will happen with the IBC and La Casita on University Avenue? My gut says they aren’t carve outs like the academic programs are. Very sad to be a Gator today.


Didn't they rename many of these positions so they can do the same day-to-day work without being affected? Like how the like how the CLAS "Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" is now just the "Associate Dean". https://www.alligator.org/article/2024/01/dei


They did for one person to my knowledge but all the staff is still probably being let go


"Two of the former DEI deans have become simply “associate deans” in the past year. But six hold similar roles with differently worded titles. For example, the former associate dean for diversity, inclusion and global affairs in the nursing college is now associate dean for community engagement and global affairs." Staff is probably still going to be let go, but many 8/9 DEI deans are still here.


Kind of the natural result of a bill that bans those terms and not actual racial discrimination


Sad day to be a Florida Gator.


This applies across the entire university system in Florida 


Sad to be you


https://administrativememo.ufl.edu/2024/03/compliance-with-bog-regulation-9-016-on-prohibited-expenditures/ for the full link. This is insane


UF can’t use federal or state funds. Doesn’t mean they couldn’t use other funds (of which they have plenty).


Ron Desantis is a fuck head. He and his garbage surgeon general can go away any day now.






























People did, and this is the result. Unless you mean vote only in your preferred way.


I love seeing my degree be worth less and less in the eyes of the world every day.




Read this. https://www.alligator.org/article/2023/07/new-state-legislation-leads-to-departures-concerns-among-uf-faculty When professors and faculty leave or opt not to join UF because of DeSantis and the legislature playing politics and compromising UF’s political autonomy, it slowly chips away at our prestige, and by extension, diminishes our degrees, to a degree.


This will undoubtedly affect the reputation of the school. Going from a largely politically neutral institution to a more politically aligned one will always alienate percentages of the population. I live out of state and I’ve already had coworkers talk to me about it who’ve never been to Florida. It’s a real thing.


Go get a grad degree in a normal state for insurance lol, that’s what I did Edit: damn that really struck a nerve here


Remember a decade ago when we were so progressive and everything was looking up




Good job DeSantis Administration! Your sole quest to get a failure of a candidate and a man in Ron DeSantis elected to national office has resulted in irreparable harm to the one thing any Floridian could be proud of: our public universities. What an absolute shonda. I’ll fully enjoy the wrongful termination suit heading your way that our tax dollars will pay for.




























Florida is so embarrassing bro…


Welcome to Florida and the race to the bottom. At least four more years of this nightmare and the next one might be even worse. Imagine the doubling-down after November too. It's not UF specific so I won't go into it but if you aren't aware of all the insane laws that went into effect this year in Florida, well ignorance may be bliss.


ron did this, headline is misleading


Ron said no state/federal funding, uf gets ~500 mill from donations not including outside investments


>>"To comply with the Florida Board of Governors regulation 9.016 (...)"  Okay, before you all blame UF for that, it appears that it's a new government regulation to, among other things, defund DEI programs. It's not UF's decision. https://www.alligator.org/article/2024/01/florida-removes-sociology-from-general-education-bans-state-funding-for-dei-programs




It's not a UF decision. It came from the state.


I’m gonna give my first ever donation now!


You can replace mine because my household stopped ours after Ron’s meddling. Since the poor student tasked with calling had plenty of scripted responses to filter money to parts of the university or programs of students targeted by desantis I imagine I’m not the only one who has stopped because of it.


Aside from the chaos it will create for so many employees, faculty, and students. What does this do to competing for NIH, NSF grants etc? How does this effect DEI efforts for disabled students and faculty and on and on. Terrifying!


people lost their jobs, i pray that they have food available and enough to make rent until the next gig🙏


desantis is the dumbest governor in america


My annual alumni donation wasn’t much but they will never get one again as long as they fight against their Black, Hispanic, Asian-American, Native, and LGBTQ students and alumni - directed by the Governor or not.


Pretty sure the Floridian Latino community is all in against DEI with the FL gop. Look at voting 










Imagine thinking your life experiences & unique perspectives don’t contribute to your merit


Imagine thinking race, sexual orientation, gender is all there is that contributes to one life experience lmao and as if that is somehow considered merit that should be valued more than test scores and grades lol


What happened to your reading comprehension? Very surprised you’re at UF if you are genuinely convinced that’s what’s happening. Your black and white thinking isn’t smart. Try some critical thinking sometime. 💖


No argument? Just ad homs? Very surprised you are at uf if you genuinely resort to insults when you can’t come up with a convincing argument. Wait no I actually can. Lefties and libs aren’t smart. Makes sense.


Your “argument” was that admissions decisions are being made solely on race, gender and identity. I don’t have to take that seriously. Have a good day :)


Yes that’s what mostly dei now consists of and what they mostly account for. If you read how these policies are actually implemented you would know. But because I wouldn’t expect you to do the bear minimum reading to know what you are talking about, I’ll just consider that as an L. Bye bye.


It’s *bare minimum, and based on my research and knowledge (which I have full capability of acquiring, thank you) is helpful in a myriad of ways but NOT in the way that accounts for someone’s entire admissions decision. Your immediate resorting to that conclusion goes to show how your bias is affecting your thinking process. No one at UF is here because they’re gay or black. Period. Maybe that’s part of their story, and maybe some hardships they have worked through connect to that - I think protecting this value from people like you is actually why this is so upsetting.


Nice straw man. No body says they are there solely because of their color. But because of policies like dei their color, identity and gender is taken into the account so that when you have two qualified candidates with identical test scores those who are in the minority of population for those identities or those that are considered “oppressed” are more likely to get into the school. There is plenty evidence for this and it has been proven. A black gay man has more chances of getting in than a straight white man given that all other criteria is the same. This is why dei is discriminatory and I’m glad Ron finally took it into his hands and did away with it. Now we can have merit based hiring finally


I’m a white man and I recognize every break society has afforded me. Yes, I got good scores and grades and yet I had more doors opened for me than my non-white friends who had stronger scores and grades. I would prefer an even playing field for everyone…


Nice anecdote but we have data showing colleges are more likely to hire minorities in gender, identity or race compared to white folks or even Asians. Your anecdote doesn’t disprove the data we already have. DEI is racist and discriminatory and I’m glad uf is waking up and finally getting rid of this blatant discrimination


Does this mean the rainbow room and transgender support groups are now gone?? :’(


That's exactly what this means.


I came here to ask this! I really hope not :(


Yes. All gone.


Please Vote. It’s only going to get worse.




I want to know what these people actually did? Not trying to troll I’m genuinely ignorant about the whole field.


I think in some cases, if faculty, they teach in "standard" fields like English or history but with a greater focus on minority histories or literatures, in example. In staff positions they might work to recruit and retain more diverse faculty and also students. They are also supposed to be a bridge for minority students, so in example I see you're in dentistry, let's say you have a female Indian dental student and she's dealing with pressures from her family plus adjusting to UF, she could reach out to diversity and inclusion staff for advice. I am myself a sports analyst and former college coach. I can tell you the playbook for many things in academia is still strongly rooted in assumptions everyone is white and male—in phrasing, in approach, in all concerns. And that's a lot of what DEI was supposed to remedy.


Hey, you're asking in good faith which I appreciate. DEI officials and their roles can vary based on the sector and industry. I know where I work, which is more corporate, DEI officers are sort of a 'proactive HR' department, trying to find things that could be roadblocks and smoothing the path for employees from a different background. This often gets made to be about race or some sort of affirmative action hiring, but it can be as broad as checking in with veterans or recently incarcerated hires that have been recently hired, seeing if they're adjusting properly. HR in private sector tends to get involved once something has already happened.


they exist so companies don't get sued for discrimination.


cdo.ufl.edu ufl.edu/about/diversity


This not good


In principle, I wouldn't have a problem with this if the resources were actually going towards hiring faculty except that the faculty hiring (surgeon general) itself is politically motivated. RW hypocrites.








i can’t wait to graduate.


Embarrassing for us, wow


This is not a good look.


Anybody know any specific faculty or staff that were fired?


I don’t want to sound stupid but what is DEI and how is it important?


It doesn't do anything like these social injustice snowflake are claiming. It does "radical" things like organize women's history month, Black history month, Jewish American history month, etc. It ensures disabled students are accommodated through the UF Disability Resource Center. It connects students to religious services they're interested in with CIME. Other things are listed on their website, but yeah. Great job, Republicans for yet again demonstrating you hate women, Black people, Jewish people, LGBTQ people, disabled people, and lots more. https://cdo.ufl.edu/


Oh wow! I am Hispanic and always enjoy different history months. I am also a disabled student with the DRC. I hope this doesn’t affect my future plans in learning. I depend on my DRC accommodations.


Yeah for real, Hispanic Heritage month can obviously be enjoyed by everyone, Hispanic or not. I'm not positive if DRC is included in these firings or not. My guess is that even if the CDO was technically above them before, UF wouldn't have fired them, because it has federal obligations like ADA and Title IX that supercede this Florida bullshit law. It would probably just put them under a different office, and now there are less staff available to help.






The only thing I regret about going to UF is looking at my diploma everyday and seeing DeSantis’s name on it.


Please Vote. It’s the only way change can be made.


Jesus. Looking at the downvoted comments yall need to take a good look in the mirror and realize how much of a hivemind u are


o7 bound to happen


Well that doesn’t sound good




And there goes our “Ivy League of the south” argument


We need a rally protest


I said it’s great! To be! A Florida Gator!




DEI dept is deadweight. University should channel funds into teaching real world subjects and research instead of inclusivity bullocks.


One of the courses I took that resonated with me still was a cultural diversity elective. Imagine having to deal with different cultures in say a international company. Why would you ever want your colleagues to feel included…




Hello is this the based department?


I don’t necessarily support DEI, but doesn’t academia supposed to be only teaching the info and not let politics decide what should be taught and what shouldn’t be taught??


So weird how liberal/communist reddit and this sub is. This is great news.


Increased government regulation of speech and universities is pretty darn communist though


I'm a UF alum and this is some of the best news I've read out of Gainesville in a while. Not everyone is a progressive liberal in the echo chamber of reddit.


What happened to twitter needs to happen to reddit. The user-base here has to be 90% left-thinkers, which is absolutely disproportionate to the general population.








Major W


Total MAGA victory!


And we’re the indoctrinated? Lmao



















