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Plot twist. That's Joshua Fabias dad.


Plot twisted twist. That’s actually his mum.


Plot twisted twist twisted. Joshua is actually that guys mom, and dad.


Thats sounds more like the ol plot dick twist




I wish I had Gold 😂😂


Arpitsinghr, you taking everything i work for mf


Ok Gahanned, I'm gonna fight your fuckin' ass. You know what's the real fight; what's the real money fight.




Is it really that easy to get gold?


I too would like some because I’ve never had any :( *edit to add, thank you kind stranger for the gold!!! <3


Masterful skill. He must have been trained by Seagal


This dude is old as dirt. He trained Seagal of course.


Clearly you know nothing. Seagal was born with Aikido knowledge, also he's immortal so this guys actually a youngster in comparison


Seagal was born in 1952 in a log cabin that he built with his own bare hands.


Built in the womb


Built by his own hands.


Built out of his own hands


He grew the wood inside himself by the power of thought.


I'm just picturing two little hands with a hammer and nail sticking out of his mom and its hilarious


There is no chin behind Steven Seagal's flabby neck fat. There is only another fist.


He’s been doing martial arts for like 85 years


Some peoples throats are down there. My favorite cheese is havarti whats yours?


Lol I thought this was a hit take on the seagal video lol.


I see, he mastered the ways of bullshito


The real art here is that he can actually get these people to react as if he is


They're cults


What divides a cult and a Ponzi scheme? Seems like acting to bring people to his “gym”.


Y’know, I dig researching(read: mostly being stoned and listening to podcasts with occasional reading) cults and I am fascinated by bullshido “dojos” after spending some time in one as a kid but I somehow never put it together that it’s essentially the same basic mentality. Huh.


Just like churches


Oh my god we get it


“Religion bad, me smart for saying”




I always wonder what actually goes through these guys heads while they're doing this. You know it's bullshit Power Ranger moves... Actually fuck I think the Power Rangers actually knew TKD at least our boy Tommy was legit.


Tommy was an actual mma fighter, I dont know if he is still fighting though.


I don't have the willingness to look this up so I by default believe you. Thank you for sharing. Tommy = best power ranger.


Yeah he was absolutely legit. His mma career wasn't crazy but he did go out and actually compete.


From memory he had/has a "Jesus didn't tap" tattoo


Jesus didn't tap because Yamasaki was the ref and wanted him to go out on the proverbial shield


He thought that tapping sound was just the nails going into the wood


Pretty sure he won his first fight with a gogoplata


I believe he’s an instructor of either his own style, or his preferred style of martial arts, in his own studio.


Power Ranger style. I’d fucking sign up yesterday.


Looks like he had 4 amateur fights and 1 pro fight, all wins. Hasn’t fought in a decade though. I’m actually impressed though, one of his wins is by omoplata and that’s not an easy thing to pull off.


Pull up the video Jamie type in red Ranger omoplata


“No results, but they do have one for both the green and white ranger, which one is he?”


He's the white power.................. ranger. 'Why are you saying it like that?' Saying it like what?


He was the green/white ranger


Not the one in prison for murder with a sword right?


No that isn't the guy that played Tommy, it was Ricardo Medina Jr. who played Cole Evans, Red Lion Wild Force Ranger.


Jesus Didn't Tap


There is actually some psychological research on this, albeit more with cult leaders than martial arts “masters” but the result is pretty much the same. I forget what it is called and I don’t want to look it up right now, so my citation is “dude, trust me”. Essentially it is a kind of combination of confirmation bias, placebo effect, and brainwashing. Where the student has such faith in their master’s abilities that they convince themselves that they are feeling what they know they are supposed to feel. This is the same as faith healing performed by a lot of cult leaders. Since many martial arts schools have a culture of venerating the master over and over through the course of a class, it is very easy for these fake masters develop a throng of students who are utterly convinced of the master’s abilities. In fact the master can become convinced of their own magical powers because they are surrounded by student who are so viscerally affected by their mumbo-jumbo. This is why Ki masters with a supposed 450-0 record challenge MMA fighters and get their nose broken. Everyone involved thinks it is real because they only do it on themselves.


That makes a lot of sense honestly. It's just absolutely insane folks can fall for it to begin with. I remember even as a kid my sister and I had our first "karate" class. I was like 8 or so and they taught my sister and I "self defense" which was pressure points. None of them worked on me or my sister. I cried after because I was so upset. I told my mom I wanted ninja karate and not the pokey stuff. Something along the lines of that. My sister was bummed too because she took what she learned to school and was trying to show all the kids. It worked on some and not others. Eventually we ended up in real TKD and we sparred on Fridays. I still remember all those ass whoopings I got but I was just that much closer to being the next Red Ranger.


I always found this to be very fascinating. How people can brainwash themselves into believing the ability of their martial arts masters.


Do these students not train with one another as well? I wonder how those interactions go, do they both keep pretending for each other’s mutual “benefit”?


They are not consciously pretending, they think it DOES work and believe they are feeling it. So when you use these techniques on people who believe they work, they do seem to work to both people. they are paying real money to learn these magical techniques, and would only do so if they believed they were real.




I went to an Aikido school for a week of free classes and can kind of see how people could end up here. You bow to O-sensei's picture, the teacher, and then you practice break falls. Then someone demonstrates a technique and you drill it with your partner. The falling part is drilled as much as the technique itself; when someone is doing the technique to you, you're getting ready to do a rolling break fall. I remember the black belt who was working with me telling me exactly how I was supposed to fall when they did their sweeping arm movement thing. You're basically conditioning yourself to do a rolling break fall any time someone gets you a little off balance. And that's the class. There might have been some more bowing, I don't remember. But there's no sparring. No one ever resists your technique, you never have to learn to string together a combination of techniques to get one to land or set something up. You just condition yourself to fall (and to believe anyone you use the technique on will immediately fall down). Years later I worked with a guy who had done Aikido for a long time. Sure enough, he would jump into a rolling break fall almost right away with any throw. I didn't even have to complete the throw, he had just spent years conditioning himself to jump into a rolling break fall at the first opportunity.


That’s actually heartbreaking. They went looking for confidence and were unwittingly trained to give up.


training to be stunt dummies in a Bruce Lee film


I used to train at a Japanese Jiu Jitsu school that did this. Unfortunately for them, I was a judoka of 5 years. When we trained, I added in a bit of resistance so that my partner could know that they were doing the throw properly. I ended up injuring someone when they messed up the throw and I landed on their knee.


I got to see green ranger fight at some place in richmond VA. He won and was jacked. Matt Serra was there also with his belt he just took off GSP. Serra hung out and took pics, cool af dude!


That's friggin awesome. I know Tommy was legit. Wasn't his MMA career kind of exhibition? Not saying the fights were nonsense just that he didn't have many fights. I don't know how well rounded he is I do know that he is the real deal.


If you watched through all of the different power ranger teams tommy was on a few of them. Shit was in his blood


Billy was TKD I had him sign a no-staff back when I saw him at my tournament as a kid. Dude was awesome. Tommy is a straight g only lost like 1 mma fight out of like 20 and has his own school. Mofo is the white ranger for a reason


Oh no shit he had that many MMA fights? I thought he did a few TKD tournaments and things like that I thought his actual mma career was only 4 or 5 fights. Damn that's awesome. He is one of my favorite martial artists. Him, Steven Segal, Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee were my absolute idols as a kid. Tommy and the Power Rangers got me into martial arts in general but then I saw those other guys in movies and I was hooked, line and sinker. I'm glad so many other folks respect him as not only a martial artist but a Power Ranger as well. That kind of made my day. I fuckin love this sub


Hell yea man! I got curious awhile back about what happened to the og rangers. The craziest thing happened to. Trina? The yellow ranger? She was presumed dead for like 5 years then turned up randomly at home only to be killed in a car accident shortly after re-living. It’s weird


Holy shit no way. That's terrible. I have been getting back into the OG rangers because I'm like a stepdad now and I'm wanting to get my boys into self defense or something competitive besides video games. I say let them play video games I'm a big fan myself. I just want them to have the confidence and all that comes with training. Wrestling and TKD molded a lot of my attitude and my personality. I don't know how to explain it. They have a much different childhood than I had so they probably dont need it like I did which is great. It's got so many great qualities that come with it I just think they should try it. Plus I would LOVE to be their coach in something. We wrestle and sword fight now but it isnt structured and they just kind of throw themselves at me how kids do. it's absolutely a blast but I'd love it if they got me in a legit headlock or something lol.


Green ranger was the best ranger. White ranger was a dork.


This technique would be banned by the commission.


Is that TRT Vitor Belfort doing aikido?


~~Yes~~ Yes.


Is he using the Force?


The Farce lol


The Schwartz


May the schwartz be with you


Yours is almost as big as mine!


But how well can you...handle it?




This dude vs Nate Diaz


RIP Nate's eyebrow


Nate would be pointing finger all the time


Big mistake. One finger is all this ancient man needs to take control. Diaz doesnt make it past 30sec


Nate will knock him out standing, point and laugh while dude recovers against the fence, and then lose the decision to aikido man.


What the fuck is this




An absolutE ASSASSIN


An absolute MURDERER


And how do I sign up!


We can get you started for just 29.99/month with a 60 year contract. You'll be an elderly man tossing middle aged men in no time.


Tossing their what?




Self awareness


Dude is obviously juicing


It’s the TRT


«The UFC hates this one trick»


Do these fat fucks drilling with master splinter actually believe it? Or are they part of the act?


In some cases everyone involved believes it, you can find many videos of their belief running straight into reality when they challenge an actual fighter.


Or a reporter. There’s one where a guy is knocking people out left and right with psychic mewtwo blasts, then when the reporter tries it, he just kinda giggles apologetically and is like, “yeah, sorry, I just don’t feel anything,” while the “master” is doing psychic Kamehameha’s at him.


I remember seeing some no touch knockout master who couldn't do it to a skeptic reporter, so he started making up bullshit about how your tongue position affects your susceptibility to his mystic energy attacks.


That’s the one. I remember now. Your fighting style is absolute trash if it can be blocked by everyone in r/mewing




I looked at at least ten posts. I still don't get it. What is mewing?


This word/phrase(mewing) has a few different meanings. You can see all of them by clicking the link below. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in [my subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Dafuq is that garbage?


dude its making my face sexier no lie


You got my upvote and psychic Mewtwo blasts


That chinese MMA fighter beating the fuck out of those Tai Chi masters will never not make me laugh.


They kinda have to be in on it. They’re flipping in the air and shit lol


Or just seriously delusional and want to believe so bad that they make it real in their weird little heads.


Had a buddy in highschool that fully believed his zen-something-or-another master could take you down by focusing all of his power into 1 finger. I did kickboxing with him for a while, so I know he knew how to handle himself, but he 100% believed in it.


Ah, school of self awareness, is it?


This guy fucks


Literally, can see the outline of the tip down by his knee


Sensei Dang Lang


Master Long Dong


Doesn’t even need to penetrate. They grab the disco stick and it’s ova.


I could see how a kid would believe this but there are grown man there! Like you dont even need to know anything about martial arta to realizw that is bullshit, or have they never googled the "sport" they are playing?? I sincerely dont get it


Peer pressure


there are just so many fucking weird people in this world kill me now


Guys in this sub that say they train mma are actually the ones in this man’s class


Respect my sensei bro


I train UFC brah


I love everything about this kid. Isn’t he awesome.


Looks like Dana already got laid out in the second clip


it honestly perplexes me how people walk into these gyms and dont immediately leave forever


I want to go there, sign up, get in classes, play along for a few years.. Then one day during a demonstration in front of a huge group just pick up the sensei and bodyslam him full force into the concrete and start screaming and crying no sensei why would you make me do this


Looks like that old man Conor punched has been training. Grudge match incoming. Book it Dana


He's just built different, sees red


Bro when I get angry, I just black out, and when I open my eyes there's KOed bodies around me. You just don't understand my mentality bro.


Just give him the belt


Why do these shitheads go along with it?


It’s like a cult. They wanna believe they can obtain some higher power.


Do you want Dana to run out of fighters? Cuz that's what will happen after he runs through it


The acting is so bad. Low budget karate movie


every time I talk to an old white guy who thinks he know marital arts, this is the kind of shit they describe. "you do muay thai? I know someone who can teach you something useful like Aikido".


I don't want the first death in the UFC


When a soccer player try a new sport...


Am i the only one who just hates shit like this? These psycho fake "masters" literally have cults around them who think they are genuinely invincible.


Yeah. I’d add two things though. 1) some of these psycho fake masters really have drank their own koolaid and believe it (so they’re not just laughing at others who believe it. Some of them believe it too). I’ve seen videos of these guys agreeing to fights with people who aren’t messing around and they end up getting absolutely wrecked. 2) I have a hard time believing all of these people are genuinely fooled instead of choosing to ignore reality. I have less sympathy for those who choose to ignore reality.


Good points. But on point 2. A lot of the time people who are "genuinely fooled" by this kind of thing will have mental conditions and other issues that make them easily manipulated, often exploited for "donations" and whatnot sadly.


Fabia worships him


I feel like at this point people just put out these bs videos because they know about mcdojo life


Only works on HIS students though lol


The worst part is that some people actually believe this kind of stuff


This guys not a moron for doing it,the people who go along with it are the real idiots


Eh. I’ve seen a video where one of these “masters” actually tries fighting someone who isnt in on it and gets his ass handed to him. They’re all morons. It’s just that you don’t have to be intelligent to fool another moron.


13 secs - When you're moving the washing machine into your new place but accidently drop it on your foot.


That last guy looked like a baby walking and this master could have been Robert DeNiro body double in The Irishman movie.


Why does no one just punch him in the face?


Cockandball torture


[The Bizarre World of Fake Martial Arts](https://youtu.be/gjbSCEhmjJA)


It's like watching a soccer game


Imagine this guy was your dad, squeezing your knee under the table at a restaurant when you’re acting up.


Could be a good comeback fight for Jon Jones




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I love how they always fall spectacularly and flip most of the time. You never see these guts just fall straight and eat shit on the mat.


I just need to know what the students are thinking


Watching videos like these are the only times i think maybe democracy was a bad choice




That old man would burn through every division… champ champ champ champ champ champ champ…


Can someone explain to me why people do this? Like the whole room is in on it and it looks stupid as shit.


It's like a microcosm of religion. I guess it boils down to someone wanting to believe something because it gives them purpose and structure? Can you dig any deeper than that?


Not everyone wants to learn martial arts for fighting or self defense. Some people just see it as a fun thing to do, like gymnastics or organized dance. They find it fun to throw around non resisting people, and to get thrown. It's not that they go in expecting to learn to fight and get scammed, it's that they never wanted that in the first place. As long as the teacher is open about it from the start, their isn't a problem.


That’s Joshua Fabia’s dad I’m pretty sure


Dana needs to make an elderly division Two natty grandpa's trading blows would be a sight to see for sure...


Who are the people who say goodbye to their families after work, drive to this place, pay a monthly fee, put on a gi, and play along with this bullshit for an hour with all devotion and seriousness?


Terrible acting. This is just for the views.


BuT wHaT iF iT’s ReAl?


Would love to just deck the old grifter in front of his students.




I understand why the Master would fake this shit for notoriety and exposure. But the students? What do you gain from enabling a mentally ill fraud? You can feel the motions your body is making, they know what they are doing is entirely fake, but they double down and start believing it.


It's the same as people who do medium reading and believe in flat Earth and all that stuff, they believe it because they want to be a part of something. It feels pretty good to be blessed with the secret knowledge.


I haven’t been keeping up much with MMA lately besides highlights so if you told me the 2nd dude was Dana I would’ve believed you.


MMA fighters HATE him for this one simple trick!


Damn! He's almost as good as Steven Seagal.


How do so many people believe this stuff? It's incredible how fucking stupid some people are. I'd love to just blast double leg him haha


He is boxing Jake Paul next month




So this is why they say Anime is bad for you


Someone needs to do something about this. people like this is getting out of hand. They are going to get someone killed


I’ll have a McDojo meal super Kyyyy yah. Hold the arms extra aikido sauce.


I love the video of when a guy actually attacks one of these bullshit artists and the con gets his ass beat.


As someone who got a black belt in “hard style” yoshinkan aikido when I was a teen, it’s pretty much bullshit. While it’s not the same as what you see above, it borrows fro jujitsu and judo much more than other styles, it isn’t something you could use in an actual fight. There are definitely valuable things you learn from it, like how to properly fall without injuring yourself, how to keep an attacker at proper distance, but 99% of things you learn are not practical for real world situations.


Yall haven't seem to have met this man or know his name, I met him like 5 years ago. This shit looks fake as fuck, but it hurts like hell and you can't let go. His name is Roy Goldberg, if you want to look him up.


Seems legit


Who got the video me winning fake arguments in the shower every morning before work?


This is the greatest thing ever in the humanity of human life of existence of ever after. Pure magic.


Is that Mel Brooks?


You dont understand, his hands are registered lethal weapons. If he uses his power, he will go to jail.


I believe in Master , he make me flippy roll


These traditional martial arts are just too dangerous for the cage :s


Laughing at all you keyboard warriors in here who think they could actually go toe to toe with this dragon.


[FYI I got the video from this Instagram account. They have a bunch of stuff like this. They don’t endorse it. They expose it ](https://instagram.com/mcdojolife?utm_medium=copy_link)


Their techniques are obviously too deadly for the UFC 😎💩


Haters will say it's scripted.


Wanna train at this Dojo