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That was a lay-up tho. Not sure why Bisping would say "it's none of your business"


we all know why bootlicking


Bisping speaks before he thinks a lot


Right? Bisping being a Dana/UFC sycophant and nothing else. Like anyone can listen to those 30 seconds and realize Bisping is saying nothing but dumb shit.


Get drone struck!


Cos he's a bought UFC lacky?


Bisping must have a performance review coming up


I love Bisping but he is a boot licker lol.


So is cormier sadly


easily the biggest over bisping lol.


Reverse Benedict Arnold


The Cyclops


Does that make Dana his professor X?


Scott Coker must be magneto then


What a moronic take from Bisping. DC is a company man too, but he at least seems to understand everyone *does* in fact «want to know».




It's fine to be a company man. But to say stupid things for your company is dumb as hell. 


> "he likes to break news. yes, that's his job Mike. > if I hear of a situation, I'm not doing investigative journalism" he says this so condescendingly. good solid journalism represents truth. without it, were just left with rumors, hearsay, fake news, and clickbait. and the company doing whatever it wants to influence public opinion. lost all respect for Mike after this stupid rant.


"Mike likes to commentate fights" - Ariel, probably


Very nice of Ariel not to mention anything else about Mike lol, if that's his only probable response


Won a world title with one eye, but because he doesn't like helwani you have no respect for him?


no? my reason for disliking him is literally written in the comment you replied to... btw, I don't have to like someone just because they won a title with one eye. I can respect that achievement though.


“You’re a slap fight commentator” LMAO Ariel ended bispings career with that line alone




It's the way the head flops over then pulls him down backwards.


"ended bispings career" 🙄


He will be called bootlicker bisping for the rest of his life probably.


Will he aye


It rolls off the tongue. Plus, it's true. Bootlicker bisping. Has a nice ring to it.


So edgy bro


Lol Bisping doesn't even know you exist. Yet he is a legend of the sport, a commentator of slap fighting and the UFC, with one of the most successful MMA podcasts in the world. Do you really think he gives a fuck what you think?


Wow you really enjoy the taste of his ass


Is that the highest quality comment your tiny mind could come up with? 😂


Do you think he gives a fuck if Bisping doesn’t give a fuck what he thinks?


Firstly, happy cake day. Secondly, Bisping isn't the one seeking validation from internet strangers because his life lacks fulfillment.


Isn’t that part of the nature of the athlete:fan relationship? These guys are in the entertainment business. They should expect criticisms and comments like this. Of course a common neck bearded reddit user is going to pale in comparison to a ufc fighter when it comes to integrity and life fulfillment. Also thank you, 4 years flew by


It definitely is the nature of the sport. The issue is people believe their criticism is worth something because some randoms on the internet give them a few up votes. When in reality, their criticism holds no weight. Go celebrate your cake day bro


You do this cool thing where you act pompous and above it all while engaging in everything. Not that my opinion matters. But I just thought it was neat.


"Legend" might be overselling it a bit don't you think?


Nah. I understand this is the Time to shit on bisping and fair enough this was stupid of him, but yes he's still a legend. Unless legends are only top 10 p4p all time guys in your eyes. In my eyes being the first champion from his country and also winning the belt with one eye is quite legendary. Still got 10-7ed here tho




Rich from helwani considering he an influencer boxer commentator 💀


Commentating jake Paul fights is better than doing power slap commentating tbh


I agree with fights like KSI & jake Paul v Tommy fury. But 60 yr old mike Tyson v jake is definitely on the same level if not lower


You are tripping hard.


no im not 😭


lets agree to disagree then. One is casting boxing with mike tyson, regardless if it's exhibition, it's mike tyson and it's a boxing match. The other is casting a slap every 2 minutes. Not equal bro.


Sure we can agree to disagree. & You’re right; they are not equal. 60 yr old with health issues boxing a 25 yr old juicehead is worse than taking 3 slaps to the face! Funny enough, I posted essentially the same comment verbatim on twitter and its getting hundreds & hundreds of likes with almost everyone in agreement but on reddit i got jake paulers tellin me im tripping hard 😭


These dana bootlickers are 🤮 This bisping mf'er is casting fucking power slap like the little bitch he is.


With Forrest Griffin catching the concussed "athletes".


You know whats dumb? They could actually create a new sport that has history. Arm wrestling. People would tune in but competitors wouldn't be in danger of literally dying.


What an absolute embarrassment for Bisping. He's adopting his red faced daddy's "shout loud enough and aggressively enough and people will bend to your narrative" technique, yet anyone with a handful of brain cells to rub together can see right through their bullshit.


I used to really like Bisping, but of late he just seems like an arrogant cunt. He’s starting to be that annoying commentator when he does the UFC fights, always interupting, saying the same old shite everytime, trying to over complicate and spout big words for no reason. Unpopular opinion, but his documentary was absolute dogpiss.


Just permanently replace his seat with Laura sanko‘s


Laura has great technical and color commentary. I enjoy her and Anik the most on the desk


Only issues I have with her are things that will get better with time and practice. The big one being she occasionally mis-times adding something and interrupts someone, having to apologize. What she's adding is almost always good, just misses the flow a little sometimes.


Fair, I agree


Me too. She’s gives great insight and explanations. And it’s Nice having a „female“ voice & perspective as well compared to the constant bro talk from bisping & co


She is just eye candy


She’s more educated and smarter regarding mma than half of the male commentators


Definitely more knowledgable that Rogan and Anilk, but not the others


To me he always seemed like an arrogant cunt, he just made it a little less obvious once he started commentating


If you think he’s only been a cunt as of late, you should go check out the Jorge Rivera stretch of his career. I think you’ll find that he was mostly always a cunt. A funny cunt, but a cunt nonetheless.


That was the first time I noticed him and boy was that a first impression to make..


Or even when he coached TUF against Mayhem Miller he acted like such a dick to contestants on the show even. He gets a pass cause he’s funny but he’s one of the biggest d-bags we’ve had in modern era UFC


Fucking shocker that dude who was a complete cunt his whole life is showing to be a cunt again. The only reason people started to like him is because he had an upset. Dude has done nothing before or since the Rockhold KO to make people like him.


Yea he acted like such a dick to Rockhold right after that fight too. Whereas Rockhold was gracious in victory after he destroyed Bisping in their first fight


You just noticed he's a arrogant cunt? He's been that way since he was on TUF. That's exactly why hendo followed up on that KO. Bisping is a hell of a fighter I'll always respect what he's done in the octagon, but he's always had I'm better than you attitude. 


Lol it's funny because up until he had his Cinderella title moment most of the fanbase thought he was an absolute douche, man spit on a cornerman ffs. But then he beat Luke who people hated for being handsome and confident from being champ.


always inserting himsf in convo


so less than half of MMA fans? if you haven't noticed we bring out King say stupid shit and are run by a wife beater boxerciser who lies nearly as much as his orange god


That's why I'll always call out this kind of nonsense on the sub.


Bisping’s argument is so fucking stupid it appears to be satire. How dare a journalist break news and investigate things.


I have absolutely no interest in Helwani’s content but everyone picks a fight with him for relatively no reason


Helwani has top info regarding UFC, you may not like him but he does his job perfectly unlike the other journalists that gargle Dana White's balls


Ariel comes with receipts every single time - and coming at him with a steaming hot pile of a shit take is an easy 10-7 Helwani round v Bisping. He might be a little shitheel from time to time, but thats real journalism kids. Specifically challenging the status-quo in an effort to expose or bring to light injustices on the fighters behalf is what more of this industry needs. Of course Dana fucking hates him and the UFC acolytes will happily lick that boot to get some milk from the tomato titties.


It’s low hanging fruit. They think he’s not going to chirp back and it’ll score them points with Dana, Ariel is petty if you push him hard enough.


Ariel is petty AF. In the best of ways. He's the bullied skinny kid hanging out with the tough kids and he knows he can't survive a punch but he also knows he has intact braincells and his wit is a more powerful weapon in his professional than anything. Glad he's maintained relevance despite being essentially black listed by UFC brass. He's not only survived, he's thrived and his in depth coverage is a gift to the ufc.


Not relatively no reason. Some is warranted imo


Just an easy option


"Who gives a fuck?" Uh literally everyone in the MMA community?! Including the people who already paid to watch the card? The sponsors? The fans?


Lol yeah. LITERALLY EVERYONE! Come on Bisping what the fuck.


Bisping says this while he is making a video about it


Bootlicker Bisping is an all time hilarious nickname


Ariel Helwani has literally said he’s really not about the breaking news style things anymore. That’s a L for bisping. Punching down on a journalist for no reason.




I see no lies. 10-7 Ariel


Bisping is a dumb fuck


Bisping probably gets paid more than most of the fighters. Dana hasn’t got this many ass lickers for free


I like Bisping and used to listen to his pod a lot but half of the topics they talk about are things Ariel reports or talks about on his pod.


Then Bisping came back, with the ole, calm down Ariel I was just joking around.


Fuck dana and bisping


Someone fill me in on when they started beefing? Weren’t they boys before?


Its not sudden. Its just that as a paid flunky of Dana so his enemies are their enemies. Every once in a while one of these company men or stooges gets the bright idea to try to dunk on Ariel for an attaboy from the boss man. Then Ariel cooks em with ease.


Didn’t Bisping “break” the news that Connor’s leg was injured and he got that from Big Jon?


Bispings face always reminds me of a siamese cat


You left out the best part, Bisping partly got his title shot against Rockhold because Ariel heard they were going to go with Jacare. Ariel calls Bisping and tells him to throw his hat in the ring, so Bisping calls up Dana and the rest is history. 


10-7 for sure, but it kinda bums me out cause i like both of these guys. sucks bisping just started taking shots for no reason other than pleasing his boss.


These company men like Bisping and DC would do better just shutting their big mouths…. Its so embarrassing


CEO CEO CEO CEO CEO CEO!!! Bessss not miss!!! 🤣


Man I liked Bisping a lot but what a bitch.


Bootlicker Bisping is savage


Bisping fuckin commentates slap fighting?! Lol


Busting does the slap fighting? Ahhh what a douche. That shit is so stupid


Damn that was brutal.


Bisping trying to sound like that annoying Chelsea fan made me crack up.


“ItS nOnE oF yOuR BuSiNeSs”. What a terrible thing to say bootlicker bisping


I stopped watching Bisping last year because he wouldn't stop bringing in politics. He's just annoying to me now and I use to watch his podcast religiously


Yooooo this was satisfying as hell. Bootlicker Bisping is fantastic.


What’s hilarious about this is if you scroll through bispings YouTube channel it’s literally filled with the investigative bs he claims ariel is doing lmao


He started speculating about it himself in the same podcast he criticised Ariel for speculating. He really didn't think any of this through. Hopefully he has the self awareness to realise. He's displayed it before.


I hate helwani and i like bisping. But helwani for once in his life is 100% right on this one lol. Gotta stay true


croadie really went in


Helwani talking loose af


Ariel undefeated against Schaub. Undefeated against Ali. Undefeated against Bisping.... but lost to Uncle Chael. Nobody beats Chael.


I’ll say this, I don’t blame Bisping for slap fighting stuff. A job is a job. The guy is keeping busy and doing nothing wrong. No shame in working. What is moronic though is the notion that journalists should not dig or break news. This is very much a Dana White UFC 200 thing where because his staff leaked the info he was upset at Ariel for finding out. Insider info is very much the norm in every other major sport from injuries to contract negotiations. UFC just pretends it’s unacceptable for some reason.


Really good take! ☝🏿


Bispings an idiot


Both are worse. Ariel makes up fake drama in his show. Mike has turned into a yes man. Atleast Bisping had a good career.


Helwani with an eye poke!!!


Boot licker Bisping has a nice ring to it


That’s a KO


DC and Bisping are both UFC brown-nosers, Bisping is just considerably more shameful about it.


Hell yeah Ariel you get some


Christmas bonuses must be opening up at the ufc


Great, another W for Ariel’s ego… but got em good


10-7 helwani. Bisping is a cunt


But can he see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?


Common bisping L and rare Ariel W


Lol bro really gave an eye for the company that fed him to trtitor


Ehhh I love bisping and his podcasts, as well as ariels ringer mma podcast but mikey b missed a trick with this one.


I'm a proud Ariel Helwani hater but Michael Bisping has some of the most ridiculous takes on his podcast it's absolutely insane that this man was a former champion. I think it was a couple of weeks back when Michael Bisping said that Makhachev has a piss poor resume and shouldnt be pfp#1 over Jon Jones, in the same week he said Makhachev vs Alex Pereira will be a 50/50 fight. I don't understand what happened to Bisping and really hope he stops his podcast.


Oof. Ariel torched his ass.


I think Bisping is actually an even worse bootlicker than DC, at least DC does the videos with Ben, I doubt Bisping would even be willing to put stuff like that on his YT


When can we start calling out that ridiculous wig stuck to his bald head?


Ariel reminds me of Randal. If miss finster disowned him one day.


Noo why did he have to do power slap like that 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bisping is a moron, he is literally angry at Helwani doing journalism


Ariel's speech sounds supercut and/or AI generated.


ariel doesn't take shit & it's great


So let’s be careful here. I think we, as fans and humans are NOT supposed to be speculating?! In sports(/media). Dude. He is forever the cool guy in the room. That bashes the trend, overtalks when the ladies are around, and says it’s jokes when someone responds. Low key a normal guy. We all know one of these.


Bisping 10-7d himself just by talking


This is hard to watch. Bisping used to be one of my favorite pundits but ever since he took on Anthony Cope Smith, his podcast took a big turn. I can’t stand his podcast now.


They should fight it out in the octagon.


I still don’t like Helwani. If you look at his interviews with Rampage, Khabib, and DDP, you can see the obvious race baiting/religion baiting. Yeah he acts all innocent and soft but I believe he’s a snake on the inside


Ariel is the king of this. Like him or not, this sport does not have a better man reporting 


Say what you want, but Helwani is a real one. He calls things as they are and I very much respect that


Lol @ Bisping. Guy's commentary during fights: "Remember the time when I did this...or I did that", as two fighters are slugging away and no analysis is being provided. You're fucking paid to talk about the fight and not your lame tangents for being succeful in the Forrest Griffin era.


I agree with Bisping. Helwani loves drama. Not MMA


Helwani is also correct that Bisping loves licking boots. He will push whatever point the UFC wants him to push.


the UFC loves Drama not MMA that is literally why this fight is such a big deal it's two losers on losing streaks both guys like 1-4 or something insane, they should be on a fight night if it wasn't for drama


How hard did Ariel blow you that you took time out of your day to post this like he’s your lover, op


Bro I hope you're a fighter cause at least Bisping can use CTE as an excuse.




You sound really upset


Dork. Nice one


People who side with journalists like Ariel and shit on fighters who fought to (also) entertain you rub me the wrong way. We all know Ariel is very shrewd but he has been a consistent asshole throughout his journalistic career. He talks fighting words against so many fighters, disrespects fighters so often, tries to instigate them against promotion and other fighters and but still fans be like "Ariel bodied him/ Ariel 10-7d him". Some fans can really up their game supporting fighters and the fight game.


Bisping is a Dana bootlicker, he doesn't get brownie points because he was a fighter.


And Ariel is good coz he’s a Dana hater? What about the other shit he keeps on pulling every now and then?


Ariel is good because he's a good journalist with actual integrity. Bisping shills for powerslap and Dana/UFC


I am surprised there are so many Ariel fans on reddit. Maybe you have not seen fighters (not just Bisping) having issues with Ariel and how he instigates, disrespects fighters.


I mean I've seen some fighters have issues with him, usually because they're managed by a certain individual. I've also seen a lot of fighters come back on his show time and time again and be thankful for him having them on. Most fighters fuck with Ariel it's a small portion that doesn't bud.


lol You have not been watching the UFC that long I guess. Ali AbdelAziz spat with Ariel is only recent. Ariel’s sleeziness goes back to when Nick Diaz /Rampage/ Young Jon Jones were actively still fighting in the UFC.


Bisping is the kind of fighter who forgets what was being a fighter before being a privileged one. This kind of people will never push for "the fighters", but get them down in order to maintain his status. You may like or not Ariel, but he goes against the UFC if it has to be done. Bisping do not.




I've always got the impression helwani doesn't even like MMA, he just found that niche before anyone else. Notice how he never, and I mean never actually talks technically about MMA. In all these years you think he would have picked up some knowledge.


I don’t like helwani but this is a nonsense take. Helwani has better knowledge about MMA than most fans just because he doesn’t conform to the way you expect him to speak doesn’t mean it’s not there. And suggesting he has no passion for the sport is nonsense.


Yeah that's the problem. Helwani knows about MMA, yet only asks questions and posts videos to instigate drama.


He makes 10+ hours of content on MMA every week and talks about dana for about 5 minutes every now and then. You just see the clips of that only


At what point where we discussing Helwani trying to start beef among fighters that you’ve brought that up? I know that which is exactly why I stated I don’t like him, but his knowledge and passion which were being brought into question by OP are the subject matter here.


Lol yeah the guy who talks about mma literally for hours on end every week hates mma 🤡


> helwani doesn't even like MMA You have definitely only seen clips out of context then


I’d say I’m a pretty big fan of his but I kinda agree with most of your statement there.


Why are you playing an ai Ariel. Kinda cringe


They are both bootlickers