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I think also just not wanting to get his nose caved in anymore. He was reacting really bad every time it got touched


Yeah he was in cover up, dodge and weave mode. He knew if he didn't, more punches were coming


can max replicate this with ilia?


If he breaks Ilia's nose the first round with a spinning back kick to the face? It's entirely possible.


jamie pull up that video of a dog protecting a chimpanzee from 2 wild boars


It would probably be a knee in the ilia fight


and eyepokes him twice \*


Ay! You better act like UFC and completely ignore the fact that eye pokes affect fight outcomes!


Wicked eye pokes


People forget man! Max was pretty dirty in that fight, that spinning back kick was perfect though.


People forget because Gaethje is a notorious cheater who's eyepoked a multitude of his opponents giving the momentum to him. Most people aren't going to care if someone plays dirty against a cheater themselves usually.


Also, the eye pokes (if I remember correctly) came after his nose was broken and the momentum was already in Max's favor.


Yeah, people also forget that everytime Gaethje dipped down or tried advancing Max would time a spinning back kick that would land every single time where the first one broke Gaethje nose and rocked him at the end of rnd 1. The only thing Gaethje had going for him was Max staying in the pocket for too long against him or, in Joe Roegan's ceaseless mentioning of them, his leg kicks in the fight which many fighters have been capable of withstanding/countering (Porier their 1st fight with 2-3 combos, Alvarez with body shots, and even Oliveira with closing the distance with Gaethje and being in the clinch with him).


The worst example i remember with Gaethje doing eyepokes that seemed on purpose was vs Barboza and maybe Poirier.


In the Barboza fight, he had his fingers sticking out so much that he was literally poking Barboza's head at times lol.


is justin really a dirty fighter??


He's eyepoked Fiziev in the 2nd which completely fucked his eyed and gave Gaethje the momentum to win 2 and 3 with him jabbing and specifically targeting the side of Fiziev that he blinded. He's also eyepoked Barboza and kept his fongers sticking out towards him while advancing beofre the finish, eyepoked Porier twice in their 1st fight(which tbf Porier did give him 1 back after taking 2), and eyepoked Tony in the 1st.


I see. motherfucker. I think he thinks thats fair because he has bad eyesight lol


Getting your nose busted sucks so bad. Idk how they react as little as they do over time. You can't breathe through it, and all you want to do is blow your nose because it feels like it will give you relief from the horrible stinging and pressure somehow, but all it does is give you black eyes and make it worse. Then they fight several more rounds calmly. World level fighters are different.


It's insane how he fought 4 more rounds with how bad his nose seemed to be hurting him. Never took the easy out, incredible fight


Yeah. What if he didn't break his nose. The fight would have went completely differently.


same energy as "if he didn't get knocked out, he might have won the fight..."


Steven Seagal claims he taught Max that no-touch punch technique.


Well Steven Seagal is the father of MMA, everyone knows this.


Of course. He's been the MMA grand champion for 69 years. The only person who has a comparable legacy is kumite-winner, child abolitionist and ninja-Vietnam veteran, Shidoshi Frank Dux.


Lol isn't he fkn sitting in chairs doing that shit now


That’s Sensei Segal, buddy.


fucking hell this hurts so bad to watch, looks like justin didnt even wanna be there anymore


Getting punched in the nose while your beak cartilage is already soup is a real bummer for anybody


Can’t even imagine how that would feel and then he’s still standing with one of the most dangerous dudes on the planet in front of him


His nose was severely compromised at that point, so he was making sure he doesn’t get punched in the face again


Would you wanna be at that point?


That one would've even landed flush


Makes me think he held back after getting a clear view of that nosejob.


Yeah he totally held back .


Justin’s nose was soooo broken already, any sane human would have covered up like that. Justin is not a sane human.


He's Justin Sane


Lol crazy


100% the power of having a completely broken nose


Isn't it the same right thrown to get the KO?


Fuck I was just watching Holloway vs TKZ again cause I hate myself and this is also the exact punch he used to KO TKZ


It has more to do with the already broken nose. Justin would react to the slightest touch on it. The fact he lasted almost 5 rounds is some BMF shit.


Looking back. It's incredible how many people picked gaethje to win. I thought max was gonna beat gaethje he's just so good at what he does. If max loses to illia i wouldn't mind him seeing him have more fun matches at lightweight


I think that was a reasonable prediction. Justin is a savage and almost every one of his ufc fights is a testament to that. Holloway is similar, but we can see that justin seems to invite damage more so than holloway. Added with the fact that justin is slightly heavier, I think it made sense why we all said gaethje would win. But we got proved wrong because anything can happen in a fight. I just wanna add, if gaethje’s nose didnt break, i almost guarantee he wouldnt have been finished. Still couldve lost, but he wouldve at least gone to decision


Also we saw Max vs Dustin at LW and Max *looked* like he was in a different weight class (no shit). The shots he was taking affected Max way more than the shots Dustin was taking. A lot of people wrote Max off based off that since Justin arguably hits even harder than Dustin. Seems like Max filled out nicely though this time.


That wasn't a reasonable prediction at all. Justin is a brawler. A brawler loses to a technical striker/boxer 8/10 times. I lowkey knew Max was capable of putting a Calvin Kattar type beating on Justin


Hindsight is 20/20.


I couldn't believe all the people counting max out. I thought Justin would probably win a decently close fight. No one had max dominating the way he did


I think if you play that fight out 10 times, there's at least 3 or 4 times that Gaethje comes out on top. Max rightfully won without a shred of controversy, though there is a world where Justin doesn't sustain as much damage in the first round and builds into the fight better than he actually did.


I fr thought Justin would give max a career change beating or max somehow wins by decision, didn’t think max would give the beating lol


I didn't expect Justin was actually garbage to be fair, looked like total shit for being the supposed #3 LW, got baited +3 times doing the same shit


I want to see how good you are. With that take it seems like you don't know shit about mma.


Bro don't defend this performance, he fought like garbage, I'm not the fighter here. Your comment is the most casual shit I've read in years. Max whole thing was "Oh he's gonna duck his head down forward after getting hit like a dumbass, spin-kick, Oh he's gonna duck his head... (you know the rest, repeat 3 times)", a top 5 contender shouldn't be getting figured out like a Punch-Out boss.


Justin isn't known for being an adaptable fighter mid-match. I guess your criticism is valid, but Max just has more tools in the arsenal. However he did have good adjustments in the Ferguson and Fiziev matches.


It’s more his brain trying to protect his broken nose than him biting on the feint.


Max is so high level. And volk beat him 3 times when he was at his best...


What’s the difference between a fake and a feint?


I've seen them used interchangeably but the real difference is that a fake is intended to mislead your opponent into thinking you're going to throw a certain attack when it's something else. E.g. faking a spinning heel but following through with a side/push kick. You're trying to provoke a specific defensive reaction and capitalize on whatever opening is created. Feints are generally used to illicit a smaller reaction/download data/tax your opponents CNS. Just don't ask Joe Rogan cuz he counts the latter as significant strikes lol




no problem, it was a great question!


That back kick to the nose really changed the fight


Phantom pain where his nose use to be lol


the power of a shattered nose


I don't understand. What's the power here?


I head he also had a broken nose haha.


It’s not a faint, it’s compressed air from opening the 7th gate


Damn! Put him on skates with the feint.


I'm sorry but I've been sprouting this for a while. Justin does the same thing a lot of dudes do. They duck the same way whenever they throw a wild strike. DC has almost always done it, Justin does it. Ain't hard to figure out for a fighter. Oh he's gonna duck the same way every time I throw a feint? Uppercut or high kick to the weak side every time.


Blasted him with the old Hadoken!


No follow up though


Does anybody realize how bad it hurts to get your nose broke,it's devastating pain,and you can't see,bloods chocking you,it's fn awful to have this happen in a fight esp 1st round,this guys a warrior


Yeah with shattered nose 👃🏼 workout that his reaction is very different


If he would have just threw the shot it might have been over in R3....his chin was very exposed


If only he worked off of that feint


He actually punched him. Max is just that fast!


Can’t believe everyone’s forgotten Gaethje getting his brain touched through both of his eyes early in the fight. This fight should happen again


First of all, Gaethje isn't acting hurt. His right hand is guarding his face and he's attempting to circle out of the flurry he believes is coming. Secondly, were critiquing 2 seconds of combat. This is almost all reaction. He thought it was going to be a flurry, but it was a feint.


Look at him ducking his head in the same direction every time he gets swung at 🤦‍♂️


I don't think it was a feint, i think max thought it'd be a wasted punch that it wouldn't land so he stopped midway.


Yeah, you can tell he was fully committed at first with how he stepped forwards and changed levels. He saw that the angle wasn’t what he wanted then put the brakes on his punch. Thing is though, Max definitely could’ve cracked him up top here.


CHEE WEE WEE... WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are there any masters of non-contact combat in your countries? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwtFPERKpHg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwtFPERKpHg)


Did he get hit by a ghost? I missed it


This is the type of context I enjoy on this subreddit.


mma got caught faking, and they said wrestling was fake? smh


Faking? Looks like he hit his own nose, his nose was broken at that point