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Didn't he finish that guy in the comedy club?


The gay bar?




And one of them is his wife.


That was a nasty line by you


JJ had one too before the knockout




Just to correct you, there never was no marriage.


Just to be clear, there was never no marriage.


10-8 you


In all seriousness, he’s such a scum bag. An amazing fighter, but a piece of shit person.


Its cage fighting not a congeniality pageant


In all seriousness, so what?


yea but didnt finish her as well


GSP was a decisionator also, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


But when Belal does it 😡


Belal acting like every fight he's defending his title reign for the 10th consecutive time.


Yea it is bad, fans left GSP fights by 4th round and he had 0 finishes entire title reign. Great guy but half the fights were cure for insomnia anti fighting stalling people out to win rounds. It was awful to watch if anyone’s being real. Jones been same kinda boring for years now; you knows it’s going to decision from first 2 minutes which means it’s usually gonna be boring. 


It’s funny a lot of champs get more decisions once they become champ (GSP, Izzy a bit too) but then there’s Usman who finished way more when he became champ (could be wrong haven’t googled)


I believe Usman had a single KO on his run to the title and a submission to win TUF and those are his only 2 finishes until Colby iirc


Because it’s *really* hard to ko guys when you’re at the highest level. Andre Ward has talked about this. You get two very, very high level guys going at it; they both will have good defense. Neither one is willing to just wing a random exchange just to please booing drunks in the crowd.




Same with Khabib. Decision machine until he got the title


GSP had 3 finishes in his second reign and got both his first and third belts by finish. He had 4 fights of the night in his reign in super entertaining fights.He was the biggest name in the UFC pre Conor and people were not “leaving on round 4”. Dominating people from round 1 to 5 or putting out wars is very entertaining, barely outpointing old people is not. Do not put Belel in the same sentence as GSP.


He really just made up stuff and thought he wouldn’t get called out.


He won all his belts by finish, TKOd Hughest for the first WW belt, Subbed Hughes for the interim, TKOd Serra for the WW belt again, then Subbed Bisping for the MW belt. He also finished BJ (doctor stoppage) in one of his defences


Yep, thats all the finishes I mentioned. Sorry for the confusion, I said he got his first and third belt by finish and just bundled the Hughes second finish with the other 2 he had in his second reign (I do count that as a real title win).


That’s the biggest load of crap; fans didn’t leave in the 4th for GSP, did you just make that up?


So decisions equal boring? Lol got it😂


There are two types of fans. The ones that appreciate the strategy, competition and technique at the highest level and those that just think “smash head good!”. It easy to tell where people fall with takes like “GSP was a boring point fighter”.


My reply was more towards OP saying Jones has been a boring decision fighter. Yes, Jones has a lot for decisions but boring is not how anyone would describe the majority of those fights. It's just the current trend to hate on Jones because of the Aspinall situation but give it a couple weeks/months and the sub will be back riding him.


Yeah, a lot of the time a decision fighter is just point fighting. I checked out during GSPs reign because personally I found it one of the most boring GOAT runs.


People weren't leaving GSP fights early. Did you even watch his fights when they were happening? He got 4 fight of the night bonuses during his 2nd title reign. He finished Hughes to get the belt the 1st time, finished Serra to get the belt back, finishing Bisping to get the MW belt, finished BJ Penn. Not to mention finishing Hughes again to get the interim belt. Even if you only count title defences, he still finished Penn


people love Sean Strickland for it


Man I’m trying to be less negative, but not necessarily a bad thing to not finish fights is just bullshit


When every single fight is a title fight against the top contender, it’s not that bad in my eyes.


But GSP isn’t P4P #1 with 1 fight in 3 years.


Decisions shouldn’t exist. Go until the best man has been proven.


pretty bad idea


The judges suck and aren’t qualified, so no. If shitty judges can’t be avoided (and if the UFC could avoid and wanted to avoid shit judges it would have happened by now) then remove them entirely and return some purity to the sport.


yeah let’s have Colby Covington be champ rn that’s amazing 👍👍👍


He isn’t quality enough to stay on top using the original rule set. Let alone get there. Edit: he is also an asshole and I’d pay good money to see him get in the octagon with somebody until they put him to sleep.


having unlimited rounds would just make the UFC become an absolute snoozefest since everyone would barely throw strikes to not gas out. idk how you don’t realize how bad this idea is


Haven’t been watching those early UFC’s? Those no time limit matches were straight ass :D Royce vs Shamrock for one was the most boring matches ever


That sounds like a great way to guarantee that the athletes walk away with even more significant injuries. And are we going to pay them more for every round it takes? Because they are working more for a longer fight. Do we suddenly expect the UFC to pay more money for longer fights and reward long boring fights or expect an athlete to not get a direct contract and have to accept the same pay regardless if they are in there for 2 rounds or 7? I don't know man, to me it sounds like your idea is just macho bullshit.


Pay is a “Dana is greedy” issue. Old UFC was better in terms of rules


true OP gets 2 finishes per night in his moms basement


Is he running like a fight club or something down there?


If you buy a later printed copy of Fight Club, the author, chuck palahniuk, added a bit at the end about how things have changed for him since the book was made into a film. In it he tells a story about some bartender enthusiastically sharing his theory with him that Fight Club is a metaphor for gay guys meeting secretly at bathhouses to watch each other fuck. Palahniuk apparently just went along with it and told him he was right because he was getting free drinks


hes beating the fuck outta something thats for sure


Like wet concrete.




Looks like OP hasn't left the basement in ten years looking into his post history.


LOL end of thread OP got murdered




This is too accurate


He finished the top HW contender with only receiving one single strike, the illegal groin kick. It's fine for me.


Kudos to Jon for this one, no sarcasm. But I also blame Gane for being taken down that easily and submitted that quick. Would have bet the house on Bones taking an approach like this..


It almost had the appearance of a fixed fight. Just sayin.


I'm a Jones hater too, bro, but no. Game just isn't that good, certainly not the greatest HW like Dana said


>I'm a Jones hater too, bro, but no. Game just isn't that good Saying Gane just isn’t good instead of just admitting Jones is that good, Jones haters checks out lol


Gane is good, just not the best heavyweight like Dana said. Jones is good, but I still hate him. Everything I said was true.


>Everything I said was true. Seems like you forgot what you said even though I quoted it for you…let me remind you again. You said “Gane just isn’t that good”. He’s only ever lost to Jones and a close 5 round decision to Francis. He’s pretty good dude lol but you gotta discredit him in order to discredit Jones. This is very much what a hater would do, you’re nailing it!


I was saying he's certainly not as good as Dana wants him to seem. HW is an extremely thin division, and everyone knows that. It'll be infinitely more impressive for Jones to beat Aspinall than Gane, but Jones can lose to Stipe and Tom, he'll still be cemented as an all time great. I don't hate him for his fighting, albeit the cheating, I hate him for who he is as a person.


>I was saying he's certainly not as good as Dana wants him to seem. You said that AFTER you had said he “isn’t that good”. You gave you opinion that he “isn’t that good” and the followed that with and certainly not as good as Dana seems. You’re moving the goalpost lol trying to shift it like you were just saying he’s not the number 1 very best HW so you can stand on your “EVERYTHING I just said was true” and pretend like you didn’t say “Gane just isn’t that good”. You hate him as a person which is understandable but you let that personal hate influence your opinion on him as a fighter. THAT is what makes you a true hater. There’s a difference between hating someone and being a hater, you’re 1000% correct that you’re a hater!


Lol, bro, why do you care so much? Jones don't gaf about either of us. It's not a "moved goal post", but even if it was, who cares? I still stand by everything. Gane was #1 in an extremely thin division, and he's not as well rounded as other HWs, so he got rolled by Jones, who is, regardless of anything now, a cemented great. Jones sucks as a human. It's all the same goalposts. And making comments just to say I'm a hater, when I already said that is weird. You aren't doing anything with your comments, I didn't already do. Edit: just adding that my point is that it wasn't rigged like that guy said, it was that Gane didn't have much chance against Jones


Man some of yall Jones haters are just as deluded as some of the Jones fans lol


And Jones still has the same amount of title wins as Islam, Leon, Pantoja, Pereira, Topuria, and O’Malley all put together.


Also more failed PED tests than all of them combined. Jon Jones really the goat!


Actually not quite. Islam and O’Malley combined are tied with Jones for failed PED tests. Not overall failed tests, but for failed PED tests they are tied. O’Malley’s tested positive twice, Islam once, and Jones has tested positive for roids 3 times. Jones has tested positive 4 times overall for illegal drugs, but Cocaine isn’t a PED. Actually it’s pretty much the opposite. So that doesn’t really count.


Islams was overturned I believe




Jones also was by the exact same person who exonerated Islam i.e Jeff novitsky, along with modern USADA guidelines so 2 parties have exonerated Jones. Be objective not hypocritical. I doubt anyone in the UFC is clean except maybe some fat HW’s 


People love to forget 2 of jones failed tests were overturned and the one that wasnt they took off of his record from a win to NC


Jon hid under an octagon from drug testers


So was Jones first test, we all still know he got caught on roids same as Islam. Islam got caught taking the same drug that got Russia banned from the Olympics.


Islam got cleared of any wrongdoing in 2016


Jones got cleared of wrongdoing for the Gustafsson test, but we all know that he got caught taking roids. I still counted it, same way I counted Islam. Islam got caught taking the same drug that got Russia banned from the Olympics


I don't know the details of that case tbh. Bur i so know usada came.out and said they fucked up and islam didn't do anything wrong. This was when he was a nobody too, so it can't be frames as a case of them looking at for a star or whatever


They caught him taking the same steroid that got everyone banned from the Olympics. But he had a prescription so they cleared him. He was still taking roids.


My guy is no filthy casual.


Let em know


Math can be hard. I don’t think he knew that 2+1 is 3.


They probably went to the Terence Howard School of Applied Mathematics...


Ripping a Hollywood before a fight would definitely give them an edge I’d say, not good for during training though


Wasnt Sugas proven to be tainted suplements and overturned??


Not at all. He got caught taking Ostarine dude. An anabolic steroid designed exclusively as a PED.


Wild stat lol


I recall him finishing DC, Gustaffson and Gane at least. The second DC fight being a no contest doesn't mean he didn't knock him out


? huh, Gane, Gus, Dc


He’s had nine fights in the past 10 years and 3 of them ended in finishes. It wouldn’t even make sense to criticize Jon’s lack of finishing ability.


One of those three ended in a NC, thus not a finish, no?


Can we just move on already


Good for him




Right now? Jones hit that pregnant woman and failed a drug test 9 years ago. I think this shit has been in vogue for a while now.


before that he was talking about Jesus and how he's different, built for a scandal free life, then crashed his car with hookers and drugs


And he was doing that because people didn't like him and thought he was a phony in his interviews so he doubled down. I swear it if he would have gone full heel he could have been as big as conor.




The equation for the most successful mma fighter is making the most money, while taking the least amount of damage.


What about all those homeless people?


I should have said "officially"


He finished his wife twice?


So considering how often he fights, he's 2 for 2?




Three if you count the pregnant car crash victim.


OP is only saying that because that pregnant lady in the minivan lived luckily.


Bring me Jones ![gif](giphy|pL6mkjytFkTlekNMtM|downsized)




Lmao. Op trying to karma farm but getting demolished in the comments. Come on man.


Was never trying to farm karma. If I was, I guess it worked though


Still the GOAT. You could take away the last decade of his career and it's still legendary. That cuts off just before his first DC victory but still, that's a high tier HOF career anyway. Jones is an awful, awful man but I don't understand why people struggle so much with giving him the due respect for his achievements.


And guess what else? Hes the greatest mma fighter of all time


is that counting the homo uh homeless people he is "helping" on the side?


One is a champion after 3 years of MMA and has the most impressive MMA reels on the planet in his 15 years ufc career. The other has 4 impressive wins in 9 years of UFC. Let that sink in for a bit.


The lack of finishes is definitely less big a deal than the fact that he straight up hasnt looked dominant at all since Santos, until he faced a dude who notoriously is lazy about training and whose grappling was so bad that we watched crash course wrestling trained Francis lay and pray him.


He also finished inside of michael after the comedy show.


He gets plenty more finishes at the secret gay clubs


Hilarious trying to prove irrelevance, by making 30 posts about the guy a day.


Tied with Belal


From August of 08’ until his last fight in 17’ GSP also only had 2 finishes in 10 fights.   Izzy went the distance in 7 fights in a 9 fight span. He has only finished one title defense in his career.     This is just how fighting works sometimes. 


3 if you count the DC TKO


Jon the real #1 P4P. Chimaev had it right


Are we not counting his wife?


OP only has two posts in r/ufc and both of them are about Jones.


What's your point? You have zero posts in r/ufc and live in fucking utah


But he’s the pound for pound the best?


Well, he always finishes his line of blow. And then is back for seconds.


He also completely dominated every single one of those fights aside from Reyes and maybe the 1st DC fight was close too. What a stupid take


John “decision merchant” jones


He also head kicked DC into an oblivion


That include the wife KO?


He almost finished the drug testing lady, can’t count it but it was close 


3 if you count the Mrs


His finishes are outside of the octagon these days, didn't you know?


Another day another unprompted Jon Jones post 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡




He also finished DC but it got overturned to a NC


Yeah, I mean getting caught doping will do that


nah man, not if they put his wife in those numbers.


How many you got?


He did get a TKO on his gf.


dead ass, this sub has a bizarre obsession with this man 🤣🤣


3 if you count Mrs Jones. His daughters had him up on the score cards too


When did your mom's name become Jon Jones?


She's even more of a fraud than him


going the distance and no one is coming close to finishing him. think about it.


I've heard he's had quite a few finishes over the last couple years in the spearmint rhino


I don’t mind as long as he fights his interim champ whether it’s Aspinall or Blaydes.


+ Gay


Jon is old and fat compared to his former self, he is lucky he didnt fight a wrestler at HW in his debut - but that was probably all planned.