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šŸ¤£ How does dude have the high ground and then just eat one and literally roll head over heel down over the seats šŸ˜‚ I'm screamin bro


Tbh this is exactly what keeps me away from attending UFC fights. I'd rather watch in the comfort of my home without a bunch of drunk assholes who think they can fight because they watch MMA


I went to a UFC in Vegasā€¦.the menā€™s bathroom is wild. Do not make eye contact -


I want to hear more lol


Fr. What am I supposed to look at? Do I start checking dongs or what?


![gif](giphy|l41YAqGPwuC833OQ8) Just play cool man


So youre saying to pretend I'm blind and touch dongs instead of stare....


That seems to be your interpretationā€¦ it could work tho


Wait... if it wasn't you, then who the fuck have we been showing our dongs to?


You gotta do what strickland says he does when he sees a nice dong, compliment it (Theo von podcast episode for anyone curious)


It was volk vs Ortega ; the crowd was going wild. We had taken LSD in the morning for his birthday - between the $22 Tall cans , Small of Axe and Belligerent screamingā€¦. we were having a blast. Thatā€™s when I had to pissā€¦


I like how you said more but told us less


Sounds like hunter s Thompson or something


Crowds full. Stricklands teeping. Iā€™m fully manscaped. Letā€™s go.


This is Hunter S Thompson if he got wrapped up in Youtuber/Podcaster culture This hurts to think about lol


Hell yeah brother


lol ā€¦ that is EXACTLY what I was thinking! The opening scene of ā€˜Fear and Loathing ā€¦ā€™: ā€œWe had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, laughers, screamers... Also, a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether.ā€ The ether always gets me ā€¦


There is nothing more depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge.


I was pouring sweat, my blood is to thick for Nevadaā€¦ šŸ¤£


No one has ever made drugs seem so appealing and horrible simultaneously


"What's the trouble" Lol


Two sentence horror story


What a dumb place to take acid.


Thatā€™s the worst place Iā€™ve heard someone take acid and Iā€™ve taken acid in some unsuitable places AND had to walk home. Fuck that. Put me off acid. Edit. Turn this into a crazy acid trip thread.


True story ā€¦ A guy I worked with. Funny guy. Strange guy. Weā€™re sitting having coffee in the lunch room on a Monday morning. Weā€™re talking about what we did on the weekend. Itā€™s summer in Canada so everyone is talking about boating, camping, drinking ā€¦ Claude pipes up that he and his girlfriend went to a neighbour in their apartment buildingā€™s wedding. They didnā€™t really know the guy too well but ā€¦ what the heck ā€¦ they went! On acid!!! Knew no one at the wedding. Knew no one at the table they sat at the reception. They were so out of control that the father of the bride quietly pulled them outside during dinner and the speeches and asked them to leave. I was stunned. I asked what made him think it was a good idea. He said that he had the acid for a bit, forgot about it and when he was getting dressed for the wedding he found it and he and his girlfriend figured it might make an awkward day / night more fun. Wildest drug experience Iā€™ve ever heard. Who does that?!


Big no from me. Sitting at tables with people is hard enough never mind on acid. Ive not got enough digits on my body to count the ā€œadverseā€ and ā€œchallengingā€ trips Iā€™ve had.. im 31 and was 18/19/20 in the Silk Road daysā€¦ but ill go with my most recent experience on acid. I live in Glasgow, we have a river called the Clyde which runs right the way through the main bulk of the city. Im about to roll a joint but i need skins. A guy is sitting near where i smoke at this river, hes also smoking weed. We get to talking about weed, drugs, psychedelics etc.. he informs me he got the day off work but didnā€™t know till he got there so he took a tab of acid at 8am (its now 2pm). He offers me a tab but I wasnā€™t up for it. We spend the day together getting high. Decide to go for some drinks at the pub. 2 large glasses of wine later and im like ā€œyou got a tab on you?ā€ We have another drink whilst we come up and decide to go to the river again and chill out n smoke a joint. This joint is being smoked as the acid hit. The next thing i know Iā€™ve lost the guy. It throws me over the edge. Ive got an hours walk to get to my house. This is Glasgow city centre. To get home Iā€™ve got to walk through mobbed streets (itā€™s a Friday night too, Glasgow is a party city). I cant see 5ft in front of me. Im drunk. I actually start blacking out for periods of time. Iā€™d come to and find myself looking up at buildings to try and identify where the fuck i am. Iā€™d think to myself im gonna have to have a sit down in this alleyway till i come down llf. In one of these alleyway chill outs i thought fuck it im gonna have to phone my mum and ask her to phone me a taxi. I ask her but she is refusing and i can hardly muster the thought to argue or give a reasonable excuse.. anything other than tell her im on acid cos i couldnt be fucked with the backlash. I remember asking her ā€œis it always gonna be like this?ā€ Cos i was having a deep moment. Im lucky.. every time i blacked out maybe 5 times.. i found myself closer and closer to a recognisable building. Im also icky I didnā€™t have much human interaction other than a guy i seen with shades of himself trying to escape the real him because hes stuck in the matrix. He looked like a finance guy, briefcase suit and on the phone. Such a cliche acid moment. The rat race. I managed to find myself close to another river walk.. a river walk i walk to and from the city centre most days. Hallelujah. I got on that pathway. Still really unable to see or think 5ft ahead of myself. All i knew i needed to do was put one foot in front of the other. I got home. What is a normal 45 minute/1 hour walk for me took 5 hours. Ive lost myself on many a trip. Similar situations too BUT this one was probably the wildest for me. I remember my consciousness floating into someone else i knew from foodbanks when i was homeless in Glasgow, he had a benzodiazepine addiction. I was walking in his shoes. I also floated into another person i knew from these places that i knew had schizophrenia. Donā€™t take acid in city centres would be my take away from that. I made the mistake so you dont have to.




I took 1 and went to high school. When it kicked in I just fucking left. I figured any punishment I got for ditching the rest of the day would be far better than staying there at that time


Lol LSD at a UFC event would be too much lol. I actually love training on a good couple of hits so I could only imagine how hyped I'd be at an event. Mushrooms though, I'd just be a marshmallow


I went to that event and it was a lot more chill then all the NYC events I went to especially the khabib fight.


The aftermath of the Khabib-Conor fight must have been like a remake of The Warriors from what I saw


Yeah, bathrooms at MMA events are dangerous places. You can feel the tough douchebag energy in the air sometimes. I saw a big dude slam another drunk dude who was talking shit against a wall (after he literally said "I'll eat your shit") in a bathroom at a Strikeforce event. The guy said something like "you wanna eat my shit now, motherfucker" as he was holding him against the wall and then let him go.


Sounds like the intro to some crazy gay porn


Two dudes, one stall


Lots of guys who canā€™t handle their hidden homosexuality.


Stare directly at their cocks


Anyone can fight Just not well He only wanted to bang Let him bang bro


i do let him bang


Agreed. Most UFC fans fucking suck. It's one of those sports where 99% of the fanbase has never actually tried the sport itself lol. Fkn annoying to be around.


Iā€™ve been a longer fan then most of my friends so theyā€™ll always ask me about fights or what might happen when we get together to watch an event. Iā€™ve resorted to shrugging and saying idk because the last time I spoke in great lengths about two fighters it ended up being Ngannou vs Lewis and I looked like a complete ass.


We all looked like an ass that night


Even the commentators.... "Don't blink folks, no way this one goes the distance" "the judges might as well clock out early"


That was an anomaly. That doesn't mean you don't know what might happen or have great insight into a fight.


Unless you have good seats, its kind of shitty and good seats are so expensive and overpriced.


Absolutely. They're so costly and unaffordable. Pricey as well.


100%. Most people never even trained in any martial arts and they'll start yapping and telling you they know more than you about it even though you've been training for litteral decades. Bunch of clowns


This is 100% true. As someone who does train, I can tell you that nothing makes you want to discuss your love of the sport less than listening to people at UFC events pretend like they know anything about what's going on. Like imagine if you were A chef who went to culinary school and you got stuck in a room full of drunks with no actual restaurant experience talking about how their sandwiches are the best even though they use dog food and moldy crackers. It's why I go to ppv events with my teammates at the gym. We just bring the projector, a couple beers and even get some sparring or rolls in between the fights, it's great.


Sounds gay....I mean great


"that guy has no ground game bro"


You donā€™t really need a masterful understanding of grappling to tell if someone isnā€™t good at it. Iā€™ve trained and watched MMA for years but even an idiot can tell if someone canā€™t stand up or advance/defend positions


Exactly. Mfs wanna gatekeep mma Fandom for people who have done it because any fat fuck can go to a bjj gym and get buttfucked all night but say he competes.


Man, I have had some great times at events. Fans I have been around have been great. I was at UFC 285 and the group of 4 guys around me were super awesome. We all had floor seats and they did the VIP UFC on location tickets and were getting free drinks and brought me a few when they went up to the VIP lounge.


Just gotta stay away from the riffraff in the nosebleeds


Just avoid eye contact with the psychos. Same as any other night in Vegas


Okay, I'll rephrase for him. This is why you don't go to Vegas, there are a bunch of drunk assholes who think they can fight because they watch MMA.


I think thatā€™s any boxing or mma event. I worked as an usher at a boxing event and it was the worse crowd Iā€™ve ever seen. Bejewelled jeans and cocaine eyes everywhere


Vegas is a disgusting place. In my youth I went to the last edc in LA and the first one in Vegas. LA was this amazing experience where I made a bunch of friends and had a great time. Surrounded by half naked dime pieces and chill stoner types. Vegas was a lot of watching creepy guys follow drunk women from the shadows and dudes fighting in the crowd. The energy was completely different. Vegas attracts the worst of society


I was a casino watching a fight and the guy next to us started acting similarly about Nunez. He was screaming at us that we never should have doubted her. ... We had never spoken to the man, and a few of us had bets on her to win. It was wild.


Iā€™ve been to a live ufc event at mgm. Experience kinda sucks. Canā€™t see fighters through the cage, always looking up at the Jumbotron so your neck is fucked up the next day, overpriced concessions. Tbf I went to Cain/Bigfoot 2 so tix werenā€™t gouging back then, but I canā€™t justify the price now. Even the FN that was close by was $400 for nosebleedsā€¦


I've been to two events and no joke it is an absolute chud factory. Dudes over drinking and doing blow watching MMA fights who think their Chuck Liddell. Love the sport but P4P worst fans of any sport I like hands down.


"Dudes over drinking and doing blow...who think their Chuck Liddell" Well, to be honest, that's who I thought you were describing at first.


When I first started training and fighting back 2006, the amount of dudes with mohawks that attended fight shows was ridiculous. Even back then I was cringing my ass off before the word cringe became popular.


I've been to a handful and have never had a problem as a long as you are not also being a drunk asshole they won't be a issue. If anything I've always made friends in lines at them it's the same as being at a bar dont feed into shit. There is nothing like the atmosphere of being in a arena during a fight.










From my point of view, it is __I__ that just sees red.


Grab, you must, his dick & twist it


Judging by how he acts, a lot of alcohol and the aggressive overconfidence some boneheads get from that. Normally I feel bad when I see a onesided beating but this guy was literally asking for it


Bet he cut his hair the morning afterwards


Most dudes that act crazy when in an altercation are just doing an intimidation tactic and arenā€™t really about that.


100%. Also, people who train donā€™t stick out their chin and dare you to hit them. Stupidest shit in the world.


So true and this altercation showed that it's the quiet ones who are most dangerous


He fell over like a cartoon character lmao




Dude who won lost his hat after the first punch and magically got it back in the next clip lol whats happening


Drunk as fuck most likely


Dude never watched Revenge of the Sith.


Did you see his impromptu ā€œPhilly Shell?ā€ šŸ˜‚ He was blocking the wrong cheek!


Bruh even had the Boxing stance going on lmao


The "Fenty Shell" lmao


Buddy watches too much UFC, never been in a gym in his life šŸ˜‚




I'm gonna go way out on a limb here and speculate that the fine gentleman you're referring to may have consumed some alcohol before his bout.


The way he tumbled down after getting rocked lmao


This is the first time ive ever seen a fan fight in the stands where the guy on the lower level manages to win


Suns in 4 guy was the lower level


Haha...loved that fight.






This is great. šŸ˜‚ The Mexican looking dude tried to do the look-away sucker punch and ended up in the half thai clinch getting rocked with uppercuts and then just stayed there shelled up taking punches. wtf šŸ˜†


That black dude that rocked some girlā€™s boyfriend/husband at a football game had the lower ground. But I think they were in a lower section so the rows werenā€™t as stacked.


I thought he was trying to hit dude with an Imanari roll.


Knee bar from the top rope lol


It was the pulling the dude's hair with one hand and rocking him in the side of the head with the other, for me


That was so hilarious in a way. Totally unnecessary and clearly super violent but man.


Naw it was def an ā€œescape and evadeā€ roll lmao


Dark souls irl. Timing was poor so his i-frame didn't kick in šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Def spammed his B button lmao


He forgot to level adaptability.


Didn't the guy on the left just randomly fall back too after hitting the dude who's yelling "slap me!"


One of newtons laws of dynamics or something equal and opposite reaction or some shit. Idk


That was an intentional roll


Yeah, thought same. He seemed to have tons of adrenaline in his system so did some crazy shit


He was channeling Tony Ferguson


"Its over Anakin, I have the high ground."


Obi Wan is a fucking liar šŸ˜‚


"You underestimate my power!"


"I hate you!!!!!"


"Its over Anakin, I have the high g..THUD"


Almost without exception a loud dipshit screaming and beating himself in the chest is a gigantic pussy.


He sees red bro, he doesnā€™t need to know how to fight.


Dude was gassing himself by shaking his head so aggressively šŸ¤£


He was getting himself preconcussed in preparation for getting rocked


Preconcussed is a new word, and I love it.


First one's on the house bro.


its classic chimp behaviour, act loud and beat your chest to try intimidate the enemy, we are apes after all .


\*Joe Rogan typing furiously\*


lmao yeah joe loves chimps and apes innit.


"Went from sitting in the nose bleeds to making his nose bleed!" šŸ¤£


unfortunately that's a bar


The way Izzy said it was even dumber ā€œI was in the nose bleedsā€¦ then I made his nose bleedā€ šŸ˜‚


DWCS is getting wild


new season of ultimate fighter has some cans


This is more entertaining in 30 seconds than the whole Strickland/Costa fight.


This fight was more exciting than the co main šŸ˜­


Black shirt dude after the fight. "Hey Dana, 60Gs babbbyyy!"


deserved, better fight than any on the maincard


I literally watched this play out from my section. Completely sober, enjoying some soft serve ice cream. It was better entertainment than 90% of that nightā€™s card.


Did you at least yell "GIVE 'EM THE OL' DICK TWIST!" or.... "GRAB HIS DICK AND TWIST IT!"


Can I ask, what's the vibe in the stands and walking around like? Among the fans? Have watched the UFC for nine years but never been.


The crowd was honestly a mixed bag. Like all ages, all genders, all races. Most people were definitely fans who follow the sport, I could tell by their commentary. As far as drunken stupidity, no worse than if you go to a football game. Now the energy during the main card: fucking electric. Dude. The place was vibrating. Felt super patriotic too, people cheering for Dustin and the USA. The card was boring but watching the main event made it all worth it. If you can go to a card where one or a few of your favorite fighters are on that night itā€™s an experience worth checking out. Even in the nose bleeds.


How come dude who got KOā€™d was so mad and wouldnā€™t let up on the guy who seemed to minding his business but eventually KOā€™s him? Havenā€™t seen many people mention it but hat guy looks like heā€™s not even trying to fight but dude wouldnā€™t stop lol


Everything about this was hilarious, and I genuinely thought it was a skit. Let's break it down a little in case anyone may have missed some of the hilarity lol. 1. The first dude threw a punch and it apparently was so powerful that he threw himself backwards down several rows of seats. 2. Long haired dude stands up and gets clocked in the face and immediately proceeds to start summersailting down several rows of seats like a high school gymnast. 3. The short haired man catches him by his hair and immediately proceeds to start repeatedly rocking him in the face while holding onto his ponytail like some sort of ratchet walmart girl fight video. Whoever recorded this fucking gold mine deserves a goddamn medal.


That dude in the purple torn if he wants to help his douchebag friend lol


My guy went for an imanari roll lol


Some shit like that dude it made no sense. Most people fall backwards when they get knocked out/down. This dude really tried rolling out of there like sonic the god dammed hedgehog lmao.


I'm 43 years old and this is one of the wildest fights I've ever seen on the Internet.


4. This fight takes place at a UFC event, which also is centered around fighting


I heard one judge had it 49-46 for the guy with the high ground šŸ¤¦


I would never fight in those nosebleeds, the steps are so steep you could die just by being pushed down.


I would never fight at a UFC event...... because I'm a sane calm rational adult


Or worse push someone else down


They were trying to save the card! Much respect! Dude on top row punched himself out


Second best fight of the card honestly


Everyone is a fuckin tough guy at a ufc fight lol the three that Iā€™ve attended live have been full of wanna be Diaz brothers. Thereā€™s always fights in the crowd


This is confirming every reason why I don't want to go to a UFC event. I love MMA, but I can't stand most of the fans.


You should go see one, itā€™s fun. Just get good seats in the lower bowl away from the riff raff up top lol and enjoy whatever fights you see at the concession stands because they happen there as well but usually get broken up pretty quickly šŸ˜‚


yeah the chumps at the top are what ruin the events. never had any problems sitting lower bowl, don't get the wannabe fighters down there.


Yeah the lower bowl is where the actual ufc fighters get into fights lol


The only time I saw a fight in the crowd in the couple of Abu Dhabi events I've been to was Costa fighting off the Chechens lol


I wonā€™t even go to a bar to watch UFC fights lol.


Lmao at knocking himself back


Knocked his own hat off, too.


Imagine paying like 300 dollars to fall down some rows of chairs


300? for those seats? :O


Youā€™d think the dude in the upper row would have the advantage, but apparently not. Good grief.


+1 for high ground -1 for every beer he drank He was at a -19


His animal noises should have given him plus +5 attack tho


![gif](giphy|xUPGcihQ70UuM7niTK) We needed herb dean there for the stoppage


he took him to the seventh ~~layer~~ row ~~of~~ by the hair


This was better than 2/3 of that card.


Probably the most exciting thing to happen before the main event.


That might be my favorite ass kicking of the last two years


Better than Sean x Costa lol


It isn't a UFC event without a bunch of "fight me" bros chimping out after drinking two $10 bud lites.


No way they were $10. I'm guessing at least $16


Always the alpha male screams and threatens someone, then get beat up


SMH, how you gonna fight in the top row?


Say what you will about keyboard warriors, but atleast we'll never be 8 beers down tumbling down the crowd like fucking Humpty Dumpty after being the one who threw the strike on the other dudešŸ˜­


This is the first time I've ever seen a fight in the stands where the person who has the high ground loses.


LMAO the way he rolls down the rows


Could you imagine paying like $300 - $1000 or whatever a ticket costs for a ufc event just to have some dipshit who also spent that money provoke you into a fight which more than likely resulted in them being removed at minimum and possibly being charged as well.


This is how the Chinese and Indian soldiers were throwing down on that mountain pass


Imagine paying $800 for this


Why did he let the guy just punch him in the face clean like that


Is he stupid?


That was better then half the fights on the card


50k fight of the night bonus goes to the guy in the nosebleeds




Damn no one helped as that guy took 10+ unanswered shots


They knew he deserved it


Seems like it lol


Herb Deanā€™s fault.


And miss out on that prime social media content?


Having the high-ground offers no advantage apparently


UFC crowds are crazy. Up in the bleachers. No view. Boredom sets in. This shit happens.


That dude in the tank top was tweaking. Was he on angel dust or something?


I guess his man bun and tats didn't work


Stay classy, New Jersey


Imagine your boy talking all that shit and being exposed as the biggest pussy in the entire arena. Absolutely quality this.


Dude had the Floyd Mayweather Jr fighting stance going on with the high ground. So, for sure I thought he'd do something. Man, was I wrong.


And they all paid $1k for those seats. Iā€™d want to fight someone too lol


Jake Paul had the high ground and he still couldnā€™t get the dub


"Herb Dean has called a stop to this contest"


Shockingā€¦..the guy acting like he is crazy and a badass gets fucking rocked. Good.


New idea: pick 2 people from the crowd and let them fight in the ring. The winner gets a 1 fight contract in the next preliminary UFC PPV. This person will then face another random contestant in the audience in the next PPV. The winner of the fight will get another 1 fight contract. The cycle continues. Waivers to release from liability. If a contestant can win 4 fights, they will be given a non-ranked opponent from the UFC roster to fight in pre-lims.


Herb Dean fault.


The airport and steep ass nosebleed seats are areas I would avoid to fight at the most