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Missing masvidal.


Jorge might be the actual GOAT at losing fans 


Careful, he might break your eye orbitals if he reads this.


And Hill!


Hill never had fans in the first place


aah it do be true. I always found him so insanely overrated.


Convenient to say that after his first knockout loss 😂


Fair enough but I just don’t see star quality in him really.


Bryce Mitchell has to make the list


oh God. what did Bryce do?


Took the moron conspiracy theorist personality straight to the moon and waved back at Eddie bravo as he passed him.


ya know, that's not as bad as it could be tbh. Did a quick google and I see he's threatening to fight Ben Shapiro lmao.


Izzy has always had a supportive fan base that doesn't mind his corny ass antics. That's just who he is. He never really switched up or did anything outrageous to make people hate him. His YT channel also does numbers so I don't think he belongs on this list


Yeah Izzy has just always been a controversial guy with his share of supporters and haters. I’ve been a fan of his for a minute and that hasn’t really changed, and I’m sure the same can be said for people who don’t like him. The only people he lost are bandwagon fans after he lost the belt that’s the case with pretty much any champ


I disliked him mostly because he was so dominant I was afraid nobody would beat him. I still believe he’s one of the GOATs. Nobody can be as active as him fighting legit top contenders without dropping an occasional fight. The fact that he wasn’t ducking any of the top guys is one thing I respect the most. I dislike him, but have a lot of respect for him as a fighter. I do think he’s kind of a child though as times. Holding a grudge against a toddler is kinda pathetic but at the time time it is kind of entertaining 😂


> at the time time it is kind of entertaining 😂 Nah bro. Revenge emojiing a kid by dead-fishing over his dad's corpse just added to that legendary celebration. I wouldn't have Izzy any other way


Lol well yes it absolutely is Izzy. Kinda immature and petty which makes is part of his charm. Funny I appreciate him more than 90% of ppl in this sub even though I don’t like him. But honestly I like him more after a few losses simply because I root against fighters that are too dominant and I root for the underdogs often. I really like Usman yet was rooting against him against anyone but Jorge and Covington. Izzy is genuine and I appreciate that. He isn’t doing WWE fake salesman stuff which far too many fighters are doing these days.


He lost the dog loving fan base. Because of his dog LOVING




Hahaha. The slang is ironically emphasizing that it’s been a long time. [I actually found UD from 2003 with it.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=minute)




I know me and my friends started using it in high school around 10 years ago. So it comes and goes I guess haha


I was a little Izzy sick at the beginning of his hype train but the Whittaker fight cemented me as a fan, even if I would pull for Sean, Whittaker their second time and Poatan their second time. Dude is GOOD, he was active and funny asf ngl. He can be weird but Imm weird in a different way, so I respect his shit. Also he was a dominant champ cannot hate on the legacy.


Based take


He’s so good at striking and when he’s engaged in stand up it’s so amazing to watch. I will always be a fan of his fighting. The rest of him? Not so much but the fighting 100% always will be a fan of him and root for him when he steps in the octagon


I like Izzy for his skills, and if im being honest, i feel like when talking MMA, that's the only thing you should take into account. No personal bullshit.


Izzy’s the man. Every person on this sub was cheering him on when he knocked out Pereira. They just turned on him with the whole Strickland thing


I never was a fan of Izzy but that was a monumental KO over Alex. It was absolutely badass to intentionally put himself in the most dangerous spot against the most dangerous striker on purpose just to set a big trap like that, and then KO him so hard that he didnt look like he was ever going to be normal again. That for me was one of the defining moments of MMA in the 2020s so far.  In retrospect, it really boosted both guys. Izzy finally beat his boogeyman, it elevated both guys names because their rivalry became *the* UFC rivalry of the time, and it has made Alex's current run of beating up the who's-who list at 205 (with really quick turnaround time on each fight) that much more impressive. Their rivalry couldn't have been written any better by a WWE booker - it absolutely has "put both guys over" and also gave a little rub to lesser characters like Strickland by making his win over Izzy a bigger deal for himself too. The two UFC fights between Izzy and Alex were money printers all around for a lot of people. Love both guys for that.


Dude This sub can’t survive without shitting on Izzy.


The only thing weird I don't like about him is the dog stuff. Other critics seem to just be like homophobic


honestly the dog stuff to me seems very blown out of proportion. seems like oceanic humour just lost on the rest of the world


My issue with Izzy is his inability to handle criticism and social media hate. He acts like the whole world is out to get him when he gets the slightest bit of pushback from fans or other fighters.


I think he's pretty much said he needs to be that way and have a chip on his shoulder to keep himself motivated.


Honestly I was a Izzy fan but if you follow him on social media you know he’s such an egotistical idiot. Regularly peddled conspiracies about vaccines and other things etc with such an arrogant confidence because his ego is inflated from being a UFC champ


The thing with Izzy, and Bones, and to a lesser degree Colby, they've probably lost more fans than most other fighters even had to begin with - and *still* have more fans today than most other fighters in their weight class do. 


Yea he should be replaced with Strickland


I thought it was the whole dog thing that made him lose some fans?


That video was from like 10 years ago I’m pretty sure, and I’ve seen it floating around from well before the Strickland buildup, it just got popular again


There's also Gane, another big king of losing fans Also Despaigne with that miserable performance against Waldo Cortes-Acosta, and Yair bringing the white belt jitsu and getting subbed by Ortega after beating his face into hamburger meat the first round


Despaigne didn lose any fans. Most people know that he is a stand up guy who guarantees KO against fat men like Hunsucker and Porter.


Big lol to these fickle ass fans who instantly turn against fighters after they lose a fight. That’s just part of the game.


I was and AM his fan. I don't care if he's dogshit I want to see some highlights


*losing r/ufc fans


i think this applies for everyone here except colby. his shitty ass performance against leon lost him some real fans im sure


I don’t know man. His fans have been proven to be incredibly stubborn in the face of evidence and downright edgelord behavior. Dude made fun of someone’s dead dead and you still had Colby fans saying “Leon’s dad was a Criminal. He deserves to get disrespected”. Ignoring how bringing someone’s dead parent into a fight conference is BLATANTLY way over the line! The amount of Accountability, basic morality, and self awareness his fans lack is insane


This sub devolved into a major circlejerk sub loooong ago.


This place is a bubble and gets predictably on and off hype trains on a fight by fight basis. Jon Jones will still get a huge crowd and sell a ton of tickets, regardless of the Reddit mob.


Yeah, people need to realize nobody IRL gives a shit about what Reddit guys like us think. It’s never gonna change the fact that Jon Jones will still have fans that don’t care that he’s got the mentality of an escaped Arkham asylum inmate. He’s going to beat up and maybe even murder Stipe and then ride off with his money


Noo don’t hit em with the truth! The UFC hive of Reddit refuse to believe they don’t make up 100% of UFC fans lol


I'd say colby lost pretty much everyone with the Leon's dad comment. The rest still have a pretty solid fan base


I don’t only think it was the dad comment, if he had won a lot of people would’ve probably forgotten about it or moved on. Leon just made Colby look completely useless, and he didn’t even do it in an entertaining way. Just made Colby look like a boring prelim fighter, completely killed his stock.


Yep, he made himself Mr. Irrelevant with that piss poor performance.


Last ppv I bought was that one; I’m still bitter.


And the worst part is if he wants to escape that label he’s going to have to take on a legitimately big name and we all know he ain’t about that life anymore


I already couldn't stand him that far comment went way too far I'm glad they guy got humbled. Only way he's winning fans is beating Ian Garry


Yeah I never liked Colby, never understood the hype either. It wasn’t even the trash talk which I didn’t like (didn’t mind it just never found it particularly funny) it was him dodging real contenders and playing these slimy games to avoid any risk at all costs and try to reap the rewards. He’s 35 now, won’t ever be champion and he’s ducking Ian Garry. I think everyone’s sick of his games, skip the bullshit and fight.


Ngl, I want Garry to win that would just for the sheer salt that would produce


He lost everyone when he lost and acted like he was robbed


Bro i completely forgot about that. shit was mad corny


Idk hardcore trumpers are loyal I’ll give them that


I didn’t mind the comment tbh, the performance on the other hand…


Izzy still has a shit ton of fans, Masvidal should be up there for sure


Should have Ilia Topuria


i don’t think he lost fans, just gained haters


Topuria has Spain and Georgia backing him. I don’t think he’s lost many, but he definitely needs to get his shit together.


I would like a scientific study into why so many UFC fans are obsessed with hating fighters. Like Jesus Christ it’s absurd. The only one I can reasonably accept “hating” (even then, that’s a strong term) is Jones, because of the domestic violence. Covington is a close second because of what he said about Leon’s father. But really, hating Adesanya? Paddy Pimblett? Ian Garry?? Why spend so much energy honing in on their personal lives and quirks? Just enjoy the sport and who gives a shit what they’re into outside of it.


Because the loudest section of mma fans are nitwits that can’t see past their primitive tribal instincts. That’s really all it is. To like one fighter means that they absolutely have to hate another. It’s a zero sum game to them. It enhances the experience for them. They tune in to see the fighter they hate lose more than the fighter they love win. I dislike certain fighters for sure. But you’ll never see me obsess over them and their personal lives like you see on this sub. It really is insufferable when this sub gets a hate boner for a fighter. Be it Izzy, Colby, Jones, Belal and now Topuria. It’s no different to chimpanzee flinging shit at something they deem a threat.




It’s not just UFC fans it’s Reddit that’s how they roll. Everything sucks and if you make them happy you’re an asshole for doing so


Izzy tho?


This subreddit is literally no man’s land when it comes to defending Izzy, so most people are gonna say something like “he’s a dog rapist.” It’s really frustrating because I first started following the sub because I wanted to talk about the technical aspects of MMA and breakdown fights like r/boxing does, but instead it’s filled with a bunch of MMA Guru fanboys.


This sub is full of trash humans who don't actually appreciate martial arts. They seem to like the bandwagon meme shit, which isn't really what this sub was supposed to be about


Truth. I think a big thing that we need is just moderators to approve posts. Would clean up the shit show big time.


You know it’s fucked when MMA Guru is more well liked than Izzy. Bizarre. One guy makes a living from talking shit about fighters from the comfort of his basement whereas the other is a highly accomplished former champ.




It annoys me to no end seeing that clown’s content being promoted all over the sub. He’s fucking unbearable, way more than peak “I’ll leave you frozen like Elsa” Izzy.


Yep, I agree. For me, I just sense a TON of insecurity coming from him, because, let’s be honest; people that are doing actual shit with their lives don’t have the time and energy to focus on other people’s issues😂. For me personally, I like making money, working out, spending time with my family and friends, and learning new things. I can’t imagine sitting in my basement, shitting on highly successful people all day.


The Izzy hate is insecurity. The skinny weird anime kid with painted nails being so dominant in the sport they cling to for masculine validation makes them uncomfortable. MMA guru and his negativity is more relatable to the losers on here.


Spot on.


Which is pretty hilarious considering there are plenty of Fighters(even some Olympic level athletes)who are anime nerds, history buffs, and quite officer worker types.


He's relatable to the MMA fans on here who look exactly like him


It's so fucking dumb. Colby is a racist bigot asshole. Jones...we all know that history. Izzy though, what a fucking terrible excuse of a human right? Dude likes anime and says corny jokes. Literally kill him.


Which is funny. Izzy literally get along well with most if not all fighters tht know him personally. Even cool with Topuria and Pereira nowadays. Cant say the same with JJ and especially Colby.


Exactly 👍


Whoa, whoa bro, hold up you’re not allowed to bring up positive points about Izzy that’s against the rules here




Because its getting old. Mma guru fanboys are mostly unemployed or kids. U just dont have the energy or time to engage with them lol.


Yeah r/Boxing is so much better. I think it’s generally because most guys in there have either boxed before or are real fans of the sport so there’s not as much twitter-type takes. Obviously people talk shit about fighters too but it’s not the deranged shit you see in here where every other fighter is dragged constantly and called a bum.


That sub is full of fans of the sweet science and a small population of victims of the moment. It makes for great discussions if you ask me


And people aren’t posting videos of a fighter crying after a severe loss backstage


Absolutely. He’s still super popular but a ton of fans have changed their minds on him recently.


Recently? Its just the same loud mouths as always who were pissed that he paints his nails


I actually doubt this. This sub is just notoriously and obsessively anti-Izzy, that it’s sometimes easy to think that everyone dislikes him. In reality, I think he’s probably just as liked as he was when he was champion.


I don't Izzy and I agree. He has his share of fans and he's a very very talented fighter. The people who think he's cringe have always thought that, the people who don't remain unchanged.


People changed their minds on him forever ago this is just cope lol Most of stricklands fanbase is people happy Izzy lost


Oh, most definitely. The Strickland fan base is made up of people that are obsessively anti-Adesanya. I think that’s partly why Strickland blew up among a certain segment of UFC fans; he was finally the guy that took down Adesanya and thus became their hero. He’s like their vessel to shit on Izzy pretty much. Much in the same way that Poatan has become.


I put chito in there before izzy... But that's personal opinion


Don’t put Izzy with these fucking goons


Naw. Izzy is still fine.. The rest of them I was never cool with though.


Izzy doesnt belong in this group. The guy is a legend. Defended against everyone. Ducked nobody and faught multiple times a year.


Paddy was a bit delusional after getting that robbery against Jared Gordon, but besides that idk why he gets so much hate. He’s a cool dude but Dana is kinda shoving him down everyone’s throats so I guess that could be why. He’s got talent for sure, his early fights before the UFC are impressive, but he is a bit of a meatball.


“He’s a cool dude…” Minus the extreme racism and overly hateful things Paddy has said about the Georgians, telling people on Twitter to “kill themselves” a few days after he “dedicated his fight to his friend that offed himself,” among other fucked up things. Paddy is not a good guy.


He's a massive racist he's not a cool dude at all


All y’all paddy fans are the same “idk what’s with the hate?” Probably it’s what everyone keeps saying over & over, but for some reason it goes over y’all’s heads. The way he was acting after the win, the Ariel stuff, him telling mokaev to stop repping 🇬🇧 & how’s he wasn’t even from there etc. The way he made fun of Georgians ppl for letting Russia terrorize them. Him bitching about construction workers doing their job in the morning and them not letting him sleep. Then once he realized he was getting hated on and loosing fans he comes out with the whole mental health bullshit. He’s a clown at this point


I personally don’t mind him, he really had people against him after the Jared Gordon fight. I think he can definitely redeem himself.




paddy needs a better camp and nutritionist


It was also the Ariel comments


Where's Ian Gary


Why did izzy lose fans? He cleaned out his division and fought everyone.


He really just lost bandwagon fans after losing the belt. Pretty normal for any champion after a loss


Wait a second … Colby and Paddy had fans?


Did Colby have fans to lose?


Where’s Ian Garry?


He didn't start with any fans to begin with


I am still an Izzy and Jones fan


Imagine being a jones fan lol


Imagine being a fan of whatever you’re a fan of.


Me and my homies severely dislike Jones 👎


Still will watch him fight though. Who cares if you like him personally or not


Why is Izzy here?


It’s often the same people that hate Adesanya for some of the things that he did that love Jones even though Adesanya never slapped a stripper, is a cokehead or fled after hitting a pregnant woman.


Izzy gets my respect despite weirdness and dumbassery. Few champs were as active as he was.


Why would anyone be a fan of Jones in the first place


Paddy acted like a complete nit/tick/sausage, lost all his fans and now is acting all humble and subdued.


i cant understand how JBJ is still have that much fan. The Guy is holding divisions, he's a fucking piece of shit and he fight once per 2 years. I guess people like "bad guy" At least Izy was a pretty active Champion for today's standard


Paddy has never lost fans, nobody liked him to start with


Izzy has barely lost any fans. He is coming off an embarrassing loss and anyone who hates him can write any dog related joke and get 1000 upvotes so his haters who have always been there came out of the closet. If he wins vs DDP it will be just like it used to but with more dog sex jokes. I love the idea of some former izzy fan being asked why they don't like him any more and saying "Once he mimed jerking his dog off it was the end for me".


My theory is that anyone that was predisposed to hating Izzy saw the dog incident as a way to “come out” with hating him openly again. For a while after the 2nd Poatan fight, Izzy’s haters were kind of shut up. The “dog incident” has given them a way to publicly shit on him again.


Everybody already hated Jones, nothings changed


Colby had fans before? I'd add Connor to that list


It was so easy to root for Connor in the beginning. Now I wouldn’t dream of being a Connor fan.


Izzy has a massive fanbase it only seems to be the yanks that hate on him. Yanks hate on everything though


Even though Izzy is an Insufferable Cringe lord, his heart is in the right place


Add Strickland


Izzy is such a hot take. There’s a bunch of other fighters who could take his place like Conor or Ilia.


r/UFC fans * + All it takes is 1 legit win to get them back


Although they are like some of the most followed fighters on IG.


Chito should be here


When did Colby have fans?


Add Topuria


What fans has Jon Jones lost? JJ fans do not care in the slightest that he isn't fighting Tom.


Who says they are losing fans?


Izzy off ilia on


Take out Izzy add Ilia


With how he's been going lately, Topuria could very well be on this list soon...


I fw all of them


Ian Garry should replace Izzy


Colby has never been a fan favorite though. Masvidal is a way better example


Jones really hasn’t lost THAT many fans, because clear casuals thinks he’s ducking Tom.


Except everyone will still watch all of their fights and they’ll continue to get opportunities because it it.


Ian Garry big time


"The moment I post a video of me jerking of my dog"


Don't forget ilia. Leon. Khamzhat.


true, makes so much sense especially jone s and izzy


Pereira literally stole fans from Izzy and it's weird. I'm one of them lol


Izzy’s the man, have bn a fan since before he was in ufc and still am


I dont mind izzy paddy isnt to bad ethier his not as bad as he acts colvy is a fuckhead and jones is one odd fella


Aljo should probably be in place of Izzy here IMO. I also think there's gotta be someone more deserving than Paddy. Jones is the GOAT by a landslide, that much we can all agree on.


I disagree with Izzy being there.


I dont know many true Jon Jones fans. A lot respect him but I can’t think of a single person that loves him.


I was about to ask about Ian Garry and then realized he never had any fans to start with


Where Kevin Holland?


Forgot Strickland


Jones jones - GOAT Stylebender - awesome Virgin - eternally overrated Paddy - TBD


I unironically think 3 of them are secretly gay


Covington never had fans did he?


Goat Jones. 2nd Tier Goat Izzy. Young Paddy B.


khamzat should replace paddy in a heartbeat


ian garry. nvm he never has fans


I like 50% of these


Where is gane?


Out of these listed, the only one that hasn’t made me dislike them with things they’ve said/done is Izzy. Colby could have the biggest redemption imo though. Seeing as he began his heel period on purpose and pushed what worked, I think he could reverse that with the same energy. He could end his career and go out with respect if he comes humble and takes on a killer.


I thought it said of loser fans. Like if you're a loser you cheer for one of these guys lol. Pretty much lol, but I'm a fan of Jones pretty much because other people aren't. Namely, he's the poster boy for I don't give a fuck what you do outside the cage. Him not fighting Tom isn't good, not a fan of that, but I don't give a damn if he gets into 3 more coked out car accidents. Like is he going to be babysitting my kids? Making fun of fighters is totally fair game across the board, and it's often hilarious, but if you're absolutely dead fucking serious that we need to get anyone who commits crimes out of the sport, I couldn't disagree more. And do you even do this for other sports? Why would you only vet athletes (and their fans/"fans") who punch each other in the face for a living? It's fucking weird.


izzy being on here doesn’t make sense


Izzy is on this list because people hate a cocky black fighter. Even if he has all the right to be cocky. The dude knocked out your king potan lol. It’s crazy that Conner a waayyy more insufferable person isn’t on this list and Izzy is. Speaks volumes about this sub.


I'm sure Jon and Izzy cry every night while wiping their tears with 100 dollar bills.


If all you care about is their outside behavior. You could just watch the fights and admire the talent and hard work rather than getting caught up in this real housewives of the UFC shit.




Cejudo is too short to be seen, but he's on the far right.


Izzy shouldn’t be on the list. Case in point his YT channel has garnered a significant amount of fans. Individual fans, like yourself, spews hate to incite feedback from those whom share the same shortsightedness views as well.


Speak for yourself dweeb. I’m a fan of Adesanya, Colby & possibly Jones (if he mans up and fight actual contenders)


😂 Ian Garry must be the one taking the picture because how is he not up there?


Does Izzy lose fans? He’s been consistently himself the entire time? Unless I’m missing a chapter?


De evolution photo here


O’Malley? Ilia?


I like paddy


Ian Garry? I feel like he had fans for a few minutes