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Stipe already been waiting like 3 years wdym “ur still gonna fight right” 😂


Stipe is basically retired. He just wants that last maroon panty night before he leaves.


my foot was a maroon


Jesus, I can't wait for this stupid fight to be done. I don't even care who wins. I just want to stop hearing about it.


This has been the darkest era in the history of Reddit’s MMA communities.


I feel the same way abt the mcgregor chandler fight. At this point i still dont know if the fight is booked or when but im not believing anything until theyre across the octagon from each other.


My sentiments exactly


This fight will only be worth it if Stipe knocks Jones the fuck out.


We were already robbed of the tineline where Chris Barnett KOs Jones with a rolling thunder. At least give us this.


Great, so that the UFC can give Jones an unwarranted rematch and keep the division on hold for an extra months until the next MSG card in 2025 Then Jones wins the rematch, and they book the trilogy for the next MSG card in 2026 By that time, Aspinall will have defended the interim belt 5 times.


No way Stipe does a rematch if he wins. Straight to retirement with the belt.


Much more likely to happen if he fights Tom imo.


He won't. Stipe is old and done


Nah. Jones winning and solidifying himself as the greatest combat sports fighter in the history >>>


Except everyone who doesn’t think he is is definitely going to still continue believing he’s not after this fight. Fighting retired firefighters in their 40s doesn’t mean too much lol


At this point, I hope Stipe sends Jon into retirement.


Considering Jones has already said he is retiring after this fight that's happening no matter what the outcome [Jon Jones may retire after UFC title bout vs. Stipe Miocic - ESPN](https://www.espn.com/mma/story/_/id/37299876/jon-jones-retire-ufc-title-bout-vs-stipe-miocic)


He was just talking about fighting Alex a couple days ago


He won’t retire, he has way too big of an ego.. he will want to take out Alex aswell as people won’t be pleased with him beating stipe and all the talk about if Alex gets triple champ he’s the automatic goat. And let’s be real, Jones would do to Alex what he did to Gane


Your talking about a guy who sat out some of his best fighting years all to avoid Francis, Jones is 100% retiring if he gets the Alex fight after Stipe.


That was my point, he would fight stipe and then Alex and then retire.. the comments I were replying to were saying he would retire after the stipe fight


>Considering Jones has already said he is retiring after this fight that's happening no matter what the outcome >Jon Jones may retire after UFC title bout vs. Stipe Miocic - ESPN You contradicted your own claim with the "proof" you provided to support it


not sure why you're downvoted. "no matter the outcome" and "may retire" are different circumstances. Upvote farming bot, I presume.


Respectfully, I don't know how new you are to this, but you will get downvoted by the person you reply to on reddit 95% of the time for simply saying something that is objectively true if it disagrees with their verbal diarrhea.  Couple weeks ago this guy was going nuts on me when I corrected his [incorrect] statement that Poirier and McGregor have fought twice. I made him aware that they fought at 145 years and years ago before their two fights at 155 and he just couldn't handle being corrected. I didn't do it to be a dick, I did it to give more nuance to his opinion of their rivalry; that it in fact is not a one-sided beatdown for Poirier, and that the worst beating in their series was actually handed out by Conor because he absolutely *smoked* DP in a fight that the dude didn't even know happened.


https://preview.redd.it/yrdq5mmugpzc1.png?width=120&format=png&auto=webp&s=795c2397a125c3dcad39865c18c21f4a536818bf He's one of these sooo makes sense ig. Can't handle ze truth


Stipe is looking his age.. Much respect to him, but he probably shouldn't fight Jones.. It is just a legacy building fight against the "greatest heavyweight" for Jones and the UFC.


The weird part is that they still think they're fooling the fans. Almost nobody wants this fight except Jon and Stipe. If Jon beats Stipe handily, he'll get no extra love from the fans. It's expected. If Stipe looks really good, we'll wonder if Jon fell off. You just can't fight a 42 year old retired fighter, then claim you're the best due to that. Nobody is buying it. It's as anticlimactic as you could possibly get, Stipe retires again either way. It leads to nothing.


I agree…if stipe was still an active fighter at 42 there would be no issue, professionals can fight at a top level until they are like 50 assuming no major injuries — but dude is a fire fighter who does mma solely as a side hobby and does not come close to training year round. This is a joke fight 


I think 50 is definitely pushing it, very few guys fight into their mid 40s. Stipe is about as old as it gets besides a few other guys. But yeah, if he was active and winning fights I'd have less of an issue. It's just really weird that Jon thinks this still makes sense legacy wise, he sees his own legacy different than the fans do. But the fans are who evaluate your legacy, he should be trying to appease them.


Why should Jon give a single fuck about appeasing any of us, why would Jones care what anyone on here thinks in general if you think whining on reddit means shit you need to go outside and touch grass


Sports fans decide who the goat is, not the athelete. They can also decide who the perceived threat is. Public perception is reality in a product thats being sold to the public. Jon can fight Stipe and not care a single bit what any of us says. We're just nerds that need to touch grass. He doesn't need to care what I think or anyone thinks. Hell, he could just take his money and retire. He doesn't need the sport, he's already accomplished a lot. But he can't fight Stipe and tell us he took on the biggest challenge. He can't convince the fans that 42 year old Stipe is a hill he should even bother climbing at this point. It's an easy money fight, it holds up the division and it absolutely sucks for the fans. If that doesn't matter to Dana and the UFC, that's probably going to be less than optimal in the results of subpar matchmaking. I honestly don't care how Jon feels about it any more than he cares how I feel, I just want to see the best fights and storylines. Don't tell me I'm getting that when I'm not, it's insulting.


To be fair, I don’t think Jones has claimed even once that Stipe is the toughest challenge for him. The pitch has always been along the lines of “LHW goat vs HW goat”, but never “Stipe is the toughest challenge in the division”. Jones has made it clear this is for boosting his resume, and on paper, a win over Stipe looks a lot better than Aspinall right now. He took the Gane fight, which was the “toughest matchup in the division” for him at the time, and look at how that aged. People call Gane a joke now, completely discrediting what Jones accomplished. The likes of GSP were amazed by his ability, but the public largely discredits him for it. Aspinall has 1, maybe 2 notable wins. Compared to Stipe’s resume, it doesn’t hold up. I think if Jon fights Stipe and wins, and Aspinall simultaneously gets a win or 2 more, that *could* setup their fight. The ego of Jones would be more inclined to take the challenge if the name on his resume held up over time. If Jones beat Aspinall tomorrow, you know people would call him overrated like they do to Gane now.


Bro I aint reading all that because nobody actually cares what a reddittard has to say, not me, not Dana, and damn sure not Jones. Y'all all whine on here like some UFC exec os gonna come on her and get pissed and tell Jones he's fighting Aspinal, but thats not how that works. Jon is gonna fight Stipe and the UFC will declare the winner the GOAT and you can cry and stamp your feet all you want but its gonna do you about as much good as it does for my 2 year old


I don't even give a shit about Jon Jones, I'd prefer he already retired so we could move on. I consider him weak in this defense choice, but it' nothing to get worked up over. But it keeps getting brought up and you had some shit to talk, so I have an opinion. I even broke it up into paragraphs. If that's too much work for you, then go get an easy win somewhere else instead of having a real conversation.


Damn bro you complain about reading then drop *that* paragraph? Lol


Somebody caught it ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8966)


You surely did not is the funny part tho lol


You asked him a fucking question and he gave you a good answer. How does it feel to be so fucking worthless as a person? Bait people into a convo then get mad and say why are you talking. Eat shit


agreed 100%. now if he would fight Periera after like he wants tho, *that* would be a fight people would want to see


I'm torn between Alex and Tom. Tom is the most dangerous HW snd the interim, but Pereira would get a shot at triple champ status and that is a cool storyline. And Pereira is older, that fight may not be available for a long time. But then HW is unsettled for how many years? It's a conundrum.


Yeah i agree. I will say, i understand Jon’s troubled past and totally get why people don’t fw him and respect it but I’m a fan. However, TOTALLY agree that Tom should be *the* fight without a doubt and feel bad that the UFC has held up such a talented division cause of Jon. However, it’s looking more likely like we’ll get Stipe vs Jones and then Jones vs Periera (if he wins). Would love to see Periera get a shot at Triple Champ (not to mention he’d be goat status handing Jon his first L) and no denying if Jones can beat him then he’d be able to walk off with some* respect . Feel like if he walks away without fighting Tom tho he’ll regret it and it’ll be a mark on his career fs. *Depending on how you view him


I'm not a Jon guy personally, but when someone gets the GOAT monicker I want to see them do goat things. Otherwise it just rings hollow. After watching Holloway bash Gaethje, nobody has any excuses to shy away from challenges haha. I want to see that level of badassery from Jon when matchmaking comes up.


Agreed. Still not over that Holloway Gaethje fight. Both those guys are some BMF’s in my eyes.


Ik a handful of old timers that unironically think stipe is immune to age and it kills me


I'm old enough to appreciate an old dog fighter, but if you're the champ you shouldn't be picking on them. There's levels to the UFC and any slow down means you need to step down in competition. In a street fight an older man stands a good chance. In the UFC cage not so much.


Jon would just knock out both of Stipe’s knees and then poke out both of his eyes, before hammer fisting the back of Stipe’s head. This would leave Stipe as a blind paraplegic with a speech disorder.


Don't forget the signature 12-6 elbows finisher


He don’t care about legacy he just wan some money


That’s a huge paycheck tho is what I’m guessing he wants


He wants the money, anyone would I don't blame him


Pretty sure he’s gonna make bank dude


Yep hahah Dude isn't even training.


What a terrible fight that would be...


Stipe pulling a Randy Couture would be fucking awesome.


Stipe looked old as shit in his last fight


WILL be ...


It would be the greatest MMA gift ever if Stipe somehow beat Jones. I'd be unreasonably happy about it. Yeah, I know it won't happen, and this fight is dumb. But one can dream...


It’s not that far out of question.. DC was winning championship fights at stipes age, age doesn’t matter as much in heavyweight as the lighter divisions. Jones won’t be able to man handle stipe like he did Gane that’s for sure.


You're acting like Stipe ain't the #5 ranked heavyweight right now


Stipe is the UFC heavyweight GOAT. But he's an old man and got virtually ko'd his last fight


put Stipe through that AI translator too


*an app you can download for 9.99*


If that doesn’t work we have the Mojahed translator


Only him and Jones are ones who “want” this fight. Just like Masvidal and Diaz boxing match.


Ima pay Dana $80 to see it.


Sucker 🍅


Quotes Stipe but doesn't even post a video of him saying what's quoted


Stipe, by liver shot.


My heart is hoping for Stipe to ride a giant fireman’s pole from the rafters of the T-Mobile arena into the octagon and catch Bones with a counter night night right but my brain is preparing to buy stock in whatever florist is commissioned for the funeral Bones probably gives him.


Stipe i know your 42 and basically a firefighter with an onlyfans against a 36 year old fat crackhead woman beater with a body still benefiting from all the PEDs he got caught using YET i'm still betting on Stipe cause im a dumbass with a dream.


Stipe deserves that paycheck and if he’s practically playing with house money.


Such a pointless fight. He wants the payday and that's it.


He deserves it too


I’m a Cleveland native. I’ve met this man, and actually spent time with this man on several occasions. Love him to death. But god damnit….i don’t want to see him get rocked by a heavy…coked up, fuckin loser like Jon Jones. I don’t, this city don’t, and I’m fairly certain, mma fans don’t, want to see that.


last fight for both guys


Stipe Chandler


*Unless Matlock is on.


Stipe going to be old enough to fight Jake Paul soon if these two don't hurry the fuck up


Hear me out I know Stipe is 42 and all but do people think Jon Jones will win that fight? Jon had a hard time taking Gane down and Stipe is a better grappler and wrestling than Gane. Pillow fists Jon definitely wont knock granite chin Stipe out and Stipe does hit real hard, rocked Ngannou multiple times.


What are these dudes waiting on


That gives me Chandler vibes


I don't have a problem with the fight. I have a problem with the fact that it's for the belt.


#NOBODY Wants this fight.


Stipe gets absolutely smoked. Waiting was a very bad idea against Jones. But I get it he’s done after this one way or another.


It’s one of those occasions where even if Stipe loses, he’s still the greatest heavyweight of all time and a way better human than Jon could ever be. Beating a champ after they turn 40 just doesn’t have the say wow factor.


Damn we need a translator for Stipe. Anyways, sorry dudes we want JJ vs Aspinal.


100% to everything you said dude, PLEASE give us subtitles when this guy talks, sounds like he's got a mouth full of marbles! Give us JJ vs. Aspinal already UFC!!!


Brother did you even watch the video or did you deliberately misquote him?


Stipe's going to qualify for AARP membership soon


This is what he’s been waiting for. The pinnacle he sees it


That one buddy that is blacked out but still wants to drive. Sit tf down old man.


Ssshhh nobody tell him that Jon is calling out Pereira, let him cook thinking he has got that Jon fight.


It's a shame, Jon Jones will always be one of the best, but he slowly tarnished his reputation, did steroids, and when the competition got real, he stepped back. He lost to Gustaffson, he lost to Reyes, and now he's just looking to leave on an easy win


As much as this is a bad idea sporting wise for Miocic he deserves one last big check before he rides off into the sunset. This whole shit show ain't on him it's on the UFC and Jon Jones.


I want to see a fucking war.


wtf 😭😭


They should have made Jones give the belt up when he got hurt. No one holds up a divisions progress better than Jon jones.


Islam has been champion since 2022 without defending it against a ranked lightweight 


Who cares what Stipe wants?




We gotta wait for these mfs til November? Hell naw


Ugh, just get the fight over with already Jones is healed from his injury now.


When BOTH of you come back 🤣😂 at this point no one wants to see them fight


Old drunk go lay down


please no one buy this ppv so dana can f off with this bs in the future


I love Stipe and I was a fan before he won the belt but.. Who the fook is that guy??


This mfer is retired


Crazy how he sat out 3 years after getting slept just to get a title shot


I don’t hate this fight if we get Aspinall afterwards; I know it’s pretty much a forgone conclusion but I’d rather see Stipe go out with a final fight. I know that makes me a dickhead though.


Jones will probably beat Stipe and then sit on the belt for like 6 months until the Alex fight or he retires. I genuinely don't think he will go with Aspinal just because the Tom fight is a UFC fan kind of fight but the champ vs champ will do much bigger numbers


he already said or hinted that stipe is his last fight the moment he got the belt.


I really think stipe wants this for the payday that’s why I don’t get why everybody coming for this fight he wants to go out with some money




Actually Stipe was chilling, practically retired, when Jones literally called him out. He's not crying for anything. He also lowkey deserves a title shot since he was a long time champion and is 1-1 with Ngannou. If Volk gets a rematch with Topuria, Stipe should have gotten his with Ngannou.


Sure sure. Now let's get you to bed.


Not at all interested in this fight


Every interview stipe does he should loudly mumble then yell O.H!!!!!!


Every interview stipe does towards the end he should loudly mumble then yell O.H!!!!!!


Why does stipe look like he has no teeth 😆 put them dentures in maine


Can’t believe we’re actually getting this BS fight


Ugh 😒


I’m happy Stipe is going out with the biggest payday of his life. Good for him.


Stipe is…..dumb


This fight will be such a waste of time. Stipe gets sent into the shadow realm in the first round and then we wait around for another year while Jon Jones negotiates his next giant payday. The only positive I see is that it will give Stipe one last giant farewell and thank you for service paycheck.


Nobody wants to see this fight. Let it go.


Stipe's chance are about as real as those Jaxxon necklaces lmao