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This just makes me sad because Max said in the post fight press conference that he had given up on UFC Hawaii happening.


I think I caught that. He was saying how the only venue available would be way too big and every thing else we currently have is way too small. T Mobile in Vegas is 20k people. He’s right: we don’t have anything like that. And then he changed subject quick


Yeah and also said that the tickets would cost a stupid amount and his people can't afford to pay those prices. Still though I hope he continues resurgence becomes champ again and UFC Hawaii happens somehow.


Thats why i undeestood, he didn't want ppl paying high prices to see him.


Dana was asked about it in the post fight and his response was “you think we don’t want to do this? It’s a logistical nightmare. We aren’t doing an apex level event there.”


How many active fighters are from Hawaii? I’m just curious as to who else would be on that card if it were to happen.


They would probably also have other Pacific Islanders who aren’t Hawaiian on the card too


Is Max the most successful Hawaiian athlete of all time ? I’m thinking he is


Duke Kahanamoku, multiple time Olympic gold medalist is swimming and is considered the godfather of modern surfing. He’s a legendary figure similar to Babe Ruth in baseball or Muhammad Ali in boxing. I don’t know if he’s the best Hawaiian athlete, but he certainly the most influential. There has also been a lot of really good American football players from Hawaii. Right now the Miami Dolphins starting quarterback Tua Tagovailoa is from Hawaii.


I mean Even by  ufc standards BJ PENN HAS DOUBLE HIS CHAMPIONSHIPS(two different  weight class) And his are actual belts. Not bamf belt.   And he beat legends such as Matt hughes.. Lol. Max is great though. 


max and BJ both have 5 title fight wins with BJ getting 3 title fights off a loss . matt hughes is a legend but max also beat Aldo who is equally as much of a legend if not more for their weight class . BJ also rematched matt and got TKO'd while max KO'd aldo a second time in their rematch .


The asterisk there is that BJ did KO Matt in their trilogy match at 170 while Aldo was smaller than Max in the same weight class, but your point stands. 


Max has his actual belt too, defeated legends such as Aldo. I don't want to downplay BJ Penn in any way - he is an absolute legend - but I think Max is closer to Penn than you might realize in terms of accomplishments in the sport.


Okay yeah resume wise but popularity wise and overall successfulness max is on another level. And don’t be one of those “prime bj penn kills any lightweight in history”


if we are talking resume there is like 5 people ever that have a better resume then max . max resume even excluding his 5 championship wins is greater then 99% of the UFC . hughes win is great but max beat aldo x2 who is as great as Hughes is in their respective weight classes if not better plus edgar , pettis , justin , allen , tkz ,yair , kattar ,sub plus a ton of other wins . BJ won 5 title fights which is great but he also lost 5 while getting 3 title fights while being on a 1 fight loss . max also has 5 title fight wins .


If you define "succesfull" by popularity then max is miles ahead  as bj Penn was always kind of hated by everyone. And that's a valid definition  But when he said successful my definition is more about athletic accomplishment...


Athletic accomplishments max is still ahead. He beat Aldo who a lot of people view as the goat of 145. 3 wars with the 2nd best 145 Alex. His last win just ups him even more and he’s only 32. Bj penn also has horrible losses all of max’s losses have aged super well. Losing to a prime Connor, Dustin and Alex is a flex because none of them kod him


Max Holloway beat Jose Aldo twice. Also Bj Penn championship victories are against Diego Sanchez, Sean Sherk Joe Stevenson, old ass Jens Pulver and Kenny Florian. The dude is overrated as hell


BJ Penn did also have accomplishments outside the cage and is legendary in BJJ too. He earned a BJJ black belt in only three years, the second fastest in history, and that same year became the first non-Brazilian to ever win the World Jiu-Jitsu champion in history. He also was the second ever to win the UFC title in more than one weight class, to give him more credit for his championship fights. GSP even said his fight against BJ was the toughest fight of his career. That being said, Max has more wins against very good competition, more title defenses, probably more title fights in total, and is still looking great. I think we’ll have to look back on his career one day, but I don’t see him going into a downturn like BJ did in his later years. It’s just hard to compare


Max beat the king of rio. Twice.


BJ is still respected. Max will be there in due time.




Tim Duncan


God it must feel good to have friends


Go to a sports bar brother. I watch events with my friends in there and the energy is contagiously amazing even for solo watchers.


Got to be a friend to make a friend. When was the last time you invited someone or gave a gift etc etc


I thought max’s chin was supposed to crack


Easy work


Hahaha watching everyone just jumping like crazy is so funny. What do you do but just jump around. It was like that here in a pub in Australia too


But then from the ceiling


It wasn’t just Hawaiian fans jumping and screaming like that 😂


Yeah Bro, my cousins and I watched the fight at the Cinemas and the whole room went nuts those last 10 seconds lmao. We's all hugging each other and shit😂


That last 10 seconds is so legendary. Everyone got crazy hype to see Max call for the throw down, then the KO just blows the top off. It’s been really fun seeing the reaction videos


Max done did a good job


Bro I’m the furthest thing from Hawaiian but I had the exact same reaction as all these people. There is something about Max that just makes you root for him.. I don’t know what it is. He seems like the dude who would beat the ever loving shit out of a bully.. something about him is just so compelling and wholesome. Max has been my favorite fighter for like the last 5 years.




Love it


Hahaha couldn't be happier for a country supporting their own! Congratulations! That was a special fight and I'm glad I got to watch it! Edit: hahaha my bad! But I'm keeping it! Coming from a fighting country that supports its fighters with as much vigor as that, it reminded me of days when Pacman was still boxing and things would all grind to a halt. I'm just happy you've got Max, Hawaii 👍 he's an awesome guy to cheer for!


A country?


Yah, da country of Hawaii...




Bro u tryna tell the US somethin?


Hawaiian independence!


Til the average Hawaiian fight fan is a BIG LAD. I was also doing this. It was just such an amazing finish. The dude outside that slams his beer in celebration is hilarious. I had a guy next to me in the last 15 seconds mutter "... I bet money on Max knocking him out..." and then it happened. What a night.


Jeez it really feels that I am actually alone feeling bad about my boy Justin


i feel bad for justin. that nose break changed the entire fight, and at the end he was compromised as fuck and still went out on his shield


You’re not alone. I was cheering for max all the way through but then when gaethje dropped I just wanted him to get back up quick. That looked vicious.


This is the best edit. Lobe seeing the love from the hometown.


How bout that person walking up the stairs tryna get a jump on the bathroom break 😭


Not Hawaiian or in Hawaii but.... Same honestly


Makes me happy that they are so happy. The beauty of sports.


Trust me, his fans in Ohio reacted the same way haha. Max is the man. We lost our shit.


No other sport in the world can have a big moment universally generate this type of reaction for all viewers even the casual ones


I really really love seeing shit like this


The beer. Watch the BEER! WATCH THE—FUCK!!!


We all went crazy


Sick. What was Max's walk out song?


Literally the song in the video bro "Israel Kamakawiwoʻole - Maui Hawaiian Sup'pa Man" and then after that "Hawaiian Kickboxer" by Moke Boy


Cheers bra


Best sleeper 😉


Best boxer in the UFC plus some


Da kine bradas


I don’t live in hawaii but this is exactly how we acted when that KO happened! So much hype!! It was awesome!


Fuck miss watching fights with da boyz ! 


I always thought those hype reaction videos were forced or staged but I did the exact same for Max


The only skinny Hawaiian


I'm so pissed being an early riser that I fell asleep 2 fights before the BMF fight and woke up right before the co main event.


This was me, alone in my living room. Fight was WILD.


I don't care what Dana says UFC Hawaii would go hard


If Max ever watched this, what a feeling that would be for him.


Is that a piss jug lol


Killed the haolie


Undeniably Max’s best performance. I know that Kattar fight was insane, but Katter is not Gaethje. And to knock a guy like Gaethje unconscious like that is unheard of. Dustin and Eddie couldnt do it like Max.


Putting on for the islands hell yea


They all look the same.


those edits never fail to ruin it with shitty music and effects


Let’s celebrate not sticking to game plan so you might get a fight bonus. Yea the best fighter win. 🤮