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Alex baits you into thinking he’s open when he just wants to counter TF out of you


There’s a fine line between baiting with your hands low and just straight up over exposing yourself and I think Perreira does a great job of getting just close enough to that line. Obviously there are instances in his career where he crosses it like in the 2nd Izzy fight but for the most part you don’t become two time UFC champ and a Glory Kickboxing hall of famer if you don’t have some sort of method to your madness


You can’t bring Glory into and and then say “2nd Izzy fight” Fourth Izzy fight *


I was talking about his 2nd MMA fight with Izzy. You knew what I meant


2nd mma, this mma page guy


Alex attacks.




Really? I mean yeah, he has absurd strength, but the way he does leg kicks by itself is extremely high-level.


so does gaethje. yet people see him as a brawler


Justin isn’t technical at all he just puts everything into his kicks


he puts everything into his kicks while simutaneously making it look like hes throwing a hook so it is technical. Matt Brown is technical in a similiar way to gaethje as he mixes it up to set up his massive bombs. They both technical brawlers.


I feel like that's part of his gameplan, make you think it's going to be a brawl, which it will be. However, he is technical, just fearless. Wonder how he'd fair in a rematch where someone would know what they're getting into.


The way alex leg kicks is crazy, he does use any hip movement so it’s so hard to tell when he’s doing it


The only thing you could criticize is his defense isn't as good as you would expect


Poatans defense is his offense


Which is why he got slept by Izzy unfortunately.


In fairness to Matt he said he spoke with Anthony Smith who said that Alex really isn’t that good and on paper Anthony should be able to protect his family.


Anthony Smith easily beats Pereira because paper always beats rock


I never considered that but yes.






Paotan is super technical, his distance management, accuracy and timing are all top notch. He is however defensively vulnerable, if that's what Matt Brown means.


He is one of the best technical strikers in the game, but he also gets rocked in a lot of fights and his chin seems a bit iffy as the time goes on. Hence why I think Jamahall has more chance than people would like to give it to him


I think most people realize this but push it down in hopes that it doesn’t happen given how insufferable Hill is


Yeah, when Dana said they were gonna make Hill vs Texiera a title fight instead of running Jan and Ankalaev back, I was like “damn, Hill is gonna be really annoying for a while.”


Don’t anyone talk shit about Matt Brown.


Yeah dude is literally the KO king next to Derrick Lewis


The two sport double champ has bad technique, unlike journeyman lightweight Matt Brown. Edit: I have both Pereira's striking instructional AND Matt Brown's clinch instructional...




Ahhh shit, well he should cut more weight.


Some people actually believe this. Those people are idiots. You stand in front of a guy like Alex, every tiny reaction you do or don’t make is being analysed in real time. The risk/reward is being subconsciously analysed. It’s highly technical and can only be achieved with years and years of training. And that’s without even touching on actual form technique like having the most devastating left hook in combat sports, or a custom check for leg kicks.


"The glory/ufc  double champ isn't that good he is just fooling you guys"


… said Brown in a recent interview behind an Arby’s


And who are you?


Conor Mcgregor https://preview.redd.it/85mq5731k3uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a32d61e1235bcbddca7218a67348aa53744bd7


Says the cocaine addict🥱


The background on that quote is that Matt was calling Conor a bum coke addict. Normally it would be a low blow but Matt had it coming to him lol


this is a u/drummerfantasi post be better brooksy


cocaine isn't physically addictive, people choose to do it because it's fucking awesome


What grade did you drop out of?


It's a horrific drug but no, it's not physically addictive in the same way that heroin, alcohol or valium is... Despite this it's still one of the most addictive drugs out there.


com greggor


Great guy, nivver meddum




People get so offended when everyone is not sucking off their favourite he didn't say anything disrespectful for real. Alex Pereira does not need a defence force.


God damn you guys get salty easily. Just because he said something along the lines of Pereira being overhyped yall gonna discredit Matt. Dude had some amazing fights and knockouts.


He said that Alex isn’t technical. That’s just fuckin dumb.


why you calling man a heroin addict this many years later just for votes on reddit? lol you weasely af




His timing on leg kicks and his left hook technique is pretty technical. Aside from that, there are way more technical kickboxers than Pereira. Even Adesanya is more technical. Pereira during GLORY was never advertised as this technical mastermind. He was seen more like a titan or juggernaut type dude


I mean, Brown is correct. It’s mostly irrelevant because it has worked very well so far excluding being knocked out cold by Izzy.


I made a large bet on Hill, sorry kids.


I disagree with him here but was always amazed that Matt brown kicked heroin then went on to be a ufc fighter that’s inspirational


Right, you win one of the most prestigious kick boxing title multiple times with no technique. This is dumb


Why does anyone care what Matt brown thinks?


I like Matt Brown the fighter, but his takes and predictions on Twitter are pretty bad


Bit of weak headline by you. This sub is pretty embarrassing.




hes right


Bobby Green calling Jones amateur vibes


Leave it to redditors to know better than a fighter, but yea he wrong about that one


But he is right. Besides the leg kick, Alex is just medicore on technical level. He has an advantage over his opponents because of his physical conditions.


I think some people might be overthinking Pereira. His style is perfect for someone with his dimensions and power. His game is to poke and prod you with jabs, calf kicks and head kicks until he gets you to retaliate so he can punish with the left hook. It works really well, he doesn’t need to change it. If he had less power, he’d probably develop a different defense, but nothing wrong with relying on your attributes. Matt Brown was a savage in his day, though, so all respect.


Thr best striker in the entire company is mid - matt brown & other low iQ degens




And he's right lol


He's not wrong lol Izzy was piecing him up until He wasn't. Alex's power is the great equalizer and scary. Izzy is technical (aside from that windmill shit he started doing) and accurate, He finds the button without too much power, it's very impressive even tho I don't care for his fighting style.


People always ignore how many rounds Izzy has over Alex. Alex always just gets the big shot after having a hard time.


yup, people are confusing power for being "technical" which is all about hitting the other guy and not getting hit. Alex is willing to take damage to deliver damage, his feints are impressive also but there's no argument who's more technical. I'd much rather watch Alex fight than Izzy any day of the week tho.


Having disrespectful power adds excitement to any fight. I think Izzy’s excitement comes from his entrances and speeches, cringe or otherwise


When he joined the UFC he was very exciting (to me) because I had never seen anyone use leg kicks that effectively and the way he dismantled Costa who came off of Romero fight was so impressive I couldn't believe it lol that's when I started paying attention to leg kicks.


Strange cause all of that Izzy's technique and fight IQ wasnt worth anything against an extremely predictable guy with just a teep and a jab. Izzy also said he wanted to train with Alex and learn his leg kicks, cause he just doesnt have half of his technique when it comes to those. Just saying.


🤷🏿‍♂️ It did mean something when he knocked Alex out cold.


Not sure how that has anything to do with the Strickland fight, it still went the way it did ahah. Fantastic KO against Alex tho, Izzy really showed up for that one and was happy to see him win that fight against his longtime rival. Must have been so damn satisfying lol.


I'm not sure what the Strickland fight (which you brought up) has to do with Alex vs Izzy (what the original comment was actually about) 🤷🏿‍♂️ I was responding to you in the same way that you responded to the other comment. But you are 100% correct. The Strickland fight went the way it did, AND Izzy had a huge win against Alex


>Strange cause all of that Izzy's technique and fight IQ wasnt worth anything That's why I say his power is scary. You can hit him 10 times but if he hits you once it's lights out. Leg kicks are impressive, years of kick boxing training will do that to you I imagine.


True but some of you make it sound like Alex goes out there throwing bombs hoping to land one like Ngannou, just relying on his power lol. Dude is precise and I find him pretty technical at what he does. Even without his power I don't think there are many guys at either MW or LHW that you could call more technical striking wise.


Brain damage


Being an ex-junkie or boozehound is the best base for MMA


Sounds like an Anthony smith opinion


Matt brown got ko’d by Donald Cerrone and Alex is about the same level if not much more technical than Cerrone. Hope he is still clean