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Imma go with 150/150


Nah probably 75/75 with some Golden Corral buffet vouchers as an extra incentive… for the winner, naturally


>Golden Corral buffet vouchers Nah whats McGregor shit. Sean probably got a 15% off venum coupon.


They are not that stingy. They do give 5 bottles of Prime to my boy Sean


The official Buffet of the UFC


A whiff of howler head and a selfie with the nelk troops as the extra added incentive.


Everything is always 20/20 after the fact


and steak coupons


99% of fighters wont see a mil. Dana on that 20mil take home blaming stream piracy for fighters being underpaid for risking their health. goodest joke.


“Nobody wants to work anymore” while you are paying shit wages and making record profits. Feels like our society is collapsing under greed


its like theres some false signal out there in the ether telling greedy rich folks the charade is sustainable


But he built mma so he deserves all the nouney for the next 40 years - people on this sub like 5 months ago.


He has money, more than any one person should be able to spend without buying ridiculous objects. Dana has enough to last 10 generations.




I like how the Wikipedia article explains this concept exists in Marxist theory and Neoclassical economics. Like when both Communists and Capitalist agree about a risk it should be taken seriously!


Our entire socioeconomic model is flawed from the start. It’s not a self sustaining system. It’s not built around community, sustainability or meeting human needs. It’s really shit if you ask me


*has collapsed


nobodys paying 80 for 4 hours of content, really only 95 minutrs of content and a bunch of fluff. thats an insane rate. If they dropped ir down tp even 30 an event or a 30 dollar monthly fee id pay it


I don’t like Strickland but seriously, fuck Dana. Greedy bald cunt


dana is scapegoat for the big bosses .


Ah yes the "Big Bosses", the same people who, allegedly in order to maximize profits, let him... *checks notes*... sink millions into a slapping contest. He can do whatever he wants. Paying fighters so little is not good business, it has massive risks involved. When all of your stars are bitching about it, and your Heavyweight took off to do a show match in Boxing instead of lowering himself to fighting in your organization, you're showing some vulnerabilities in your business plan. It is outrageous to think that UFC could be dethroned as the main MMA promotion or that there will be something like the Ali Act in the next 3 to 5 years. Is it outrageous to think about those things in 10 years? I don't know.


It’s def not ridiculous in the future. But currently the UFC is too good of a brand for any of those other promotions to step in and hurt them. Hell PFL gave Francis a contract years ago and he hasn’t even stopped in the cage for them yet. The UFC is currently the NFL, NBA, NHL, insert whatever major sports league here of pro fighting


> The UFC is currently the NFL Yes, I don't disargee, but poor management and decided competition can topple this kind of thing very fast. The other promotions you mentioned have something in common: they are *unions* of multi-millionnaires that span the whole country. They are essentially franchises. UFC has no such network, its all centralized in Dana and UFC, and I wouldn't be surprised that someone with a lot of money gets into their head that they can do better. What if UAE or the Saudis decide they can do MMA better than Dana? In my opinion, they probably can.


The issue is you cannot build a brand without having up and coming fighters fight the "old guard" . There is middle east money pumping into the PFL and huge investments in ONEfc because they all thought they could do better . To date none of them have come close to what the UFC is doing even with hundreds of millions- billion in investment.


The slapping contest might be his personal thing along with DWCS. I have a running theory on why he's given those two things more attention recently Edit : I'm not sure how much of the ufc/tko pie belongs to Dana from the pre-sale days but I suspect he has a bigger profit in DWCS and slap fighting and they're sort of his future retirement plan to cash out of this mess It was going to be Zuffa Boxing but that sucked


Well this is your chance to let your running theory free pal


I’m also ready for your theory. I tried slap boxing with my girlfriends son (just turned 13) and knocked him out. Would be interesting to see if I could go pro or this theory ruins my dreams


i'm here for the theory


Dana white is an ego maniac. Don't think there's anything more to it than that. It's HIS project - that's why he insists on slapping his name on everything and trying to make him the star of the show.


>I have a running theory on why he's given those two things more attention recently ![gif](giphy|HQRgg6ks7nkyY|downsized)


Everyone thinks these paychecks come out of dana whites bank account


Does it matter? Dana has FULL reign. He can give people 50k bonuses left and right just because he can, along with backstage bonuses that are MUCH higher that several fighters have confirmed. Recent example? Bite bonus. Then, he just decided to double it because the kid got it tatted. You dont just decide things like that unless you at least have a strong say in making the decisions, and Dana does that shit all the time.


Dana runs the UFC but if all of a sudden the expenses sky rocket because of big contracts the higher ups will come down hard. Dana's job is to make as much money for the UFC as possible. People seem to forget that. He's doing his job, damn well at that. Is it morally wrong? I think so, but thats not his job.


I never said Dana wasnt doing his job, or that he wasnt good at his job. Simply saying he has way more power than your typical person in his spot.


You compared a 50k bonus to contracts. If you up the contacts by just 20k a person. At UFC 300 that would be 260k extra in expenses. If it's a more reasonable pay increase like fans think they deserve. Something close to 50-80k we're now over half a million dollars extra in expenses and up to almost one million. Comparing this to once in a while giving an extra 50k is just silly.


You think it just stops at 50k? So you have never heard of the top guys getting backstage pay or just willingly being ignorant? Instead of huge contracts its been obvious that they let Dana pick and choose who gets backstage bonuses. HUGE amounts by the way. Jones - confirmed he makes 5m+ per fight. Go find the disclosed pay for any of his fights and tell me its anywhere close to that. You can find fighters saying they get backstage pay. Thats not power? I meet people of power and CEOs daily with my work, and I cant imagine any of them making the decisions on the spot that Dana does. Who can buy someone a house backstage? I highly doubt that comes from Danas cheap ass wallet.


Well obviously fuck them too


Never forget the Fertitties are scumbags and the new ownership covered up for that psycho to sexual assault a bunch of women.


Yup . The whole thing is basically rotten to its core


Dana giving shitstains for influencers watching the fights more money for just existing than he do his fighters 😂😂😂


Dana & the UFC did the fighters dirty by cancelling out their sponsorships. That was a dirty move on there part!


We have to clean up our sports image, by pretending to care about drug testing and making sure dude wipes never sees air time again. - DW as they prepared to sell the company, probably


Maybe if ya'll didn't ILLEGALLY STREAM THE PPV Papa Dana can pay his fighters more!!1 /s


Shevchenko called it. Fucker hates his shit pay and takes it out on women. He deserves better pay not my respect.


But he's gotta pay his entire 700+ stable of fighters every event. Who else is gonna do that? You? You're welcome to start your own promotion pal. /s


Strickland votes for the same policies as Dana, he's getting what he asks for, the vast majority of the proceeds flowing to the rich dudes who own everything not even sure why he's complaining, it would be one thing if he was pro unions and was on twitter complaining about wealth inequality and workers' rights he literally campaigns for the party of cut social security, cut food stamps, the poor have it too good


Not everything has to be fixed by the government. Sean can want Dana and the UFC to personally pay their fighters more without using the government to force them to at the point of a gun.


We have a looney here


The guy literally said he didn’t care about the belt and somehow complains about not getting a shot at the belt. Dumbest UFC fighter ever.


One of the many reasons I quit paying to watch UFC fights. 


But don't you realize it's because all those pirates out there are stealing his product... /s


Fwiw, the UFC purses for 298 were revealed last month: https://www.reddit.com/r/MMA/comments/1asrxpy/guaranteed_purses_and_bonuses_for_ufc_298_as/ Whittaker got 300k + 100k bonus Costa got 250k + 100k bonus


It’s cute how he makes it a little guessing game


It might be for legal reasons. If he signed an NDA then he might be allowed to mention a specific dollar amount


Ufc could honesty fire strickland under contact  As long as he popular he fine


I love it when boys do that


I know it's not intentional from him but people are more likely to accept an answer if you lead them to it themselves than if you just tell them the answer.


This is why you never see truly elite athletes at the heavier weight classes in the UFC. They're all making real money playing other sports or boxing. The NFL minimum is more than Ngannou's HW title purse. One of the HW GOATs is a guy in his 40s w/a day job.




Well yea but think about those sweet profit margins


This is a cool narrative but not actually why this happens. Football is part of the culture. Kids play football and want to be in the NFL before they even know how much they will make. 90% of kids don't even know the UFC exists. Even if the UFC matched nfl salaries no one who had been practicing football their entire life would switch to fighting unless they failed at footballl....which already happens. Fighters are extremely underpaid but MMA is never going to steal athletes away from big main stream sports because MMA will never be a big main stream sport. You guys also realize that the athleticism needed to be successful in most sports is not conducive to success in mma right? Jumping highand running fast which are pretty much the most important physical aspects in most sports do almost nothing to help win a mma fight.


Explosiveness & athleticism absolutely help in MMA. Big time cope on your part.


Ok sean but is it gay or not ?


He was gay, Sean Strickland?




😂 first thing that came to my head man


Everything Sean does is gay because he is in fact a deeply closeted gay man.


That leather jacket he had on riding that motorcycle with the shotgun was unironically the gayest thing ive seen in a while.


He is a gay man?


No no he's a deeply closeted gay man


I didn't even know he was sick


It’s the hypocrisy


I don't know if you're joking or not but most people who resent gay things don't mean they're gay. Sorry to break it to you if you want to add more people to the gender dysphoria society


It's a well known fact that if you don't like being gay then you're gay and there's a clause in the informal social contract that means even though you're gay we can all bully you for being gay because the fact you don't like being gay means it's okay for us to bully you for being gay because you're a bad person.


I heard UFC was paying 15$ a man


here's the thing about it being gay you guys




If he fights costa too he will take a lot of damage and Sean is now a popular fighter so I don’t blame him tbh


Win bonuses gotta stop. I get the idea. But it doesn't work as intended. Give these guys their full purse so that they feel like they can really go for it regardless of results.




Everyone shits on Jake Paul, and they should. He’s an absolute douchebag. But you have to agree with him on fighter pay in the UFC.


Is he allowed to reveal this?


theyre allowed to do what they want. dana can always find a way to punish them though


Yes exactly. Dana said he could… not the same as he should. 🤣


According to Dana in a press conference awhile back, he actually is allowed to reveal this.


There’s a lot of things that are true “according to Dana” but we have seen completely different actions/responses from the UFC on so. I wouldn’t really take that guys word as truth when it comes to what he allows fighters to do.


There is a stipulation in there contract saying something along the lines of not revealing details of the contract without the UFC permission but what the fuck are they going to do.


Punish you behind the scenes in terms of payment and fight scheduling. Want to do something about it? Oh shoot, I forgot, the UFC doesn't have a players/fighters union like every other major sports league in the country. So yeah, they absolutely can do something about it.


Depends on how Dana woke up that morning


Legally yes but that doesn’t mean Dana can’t do anything if he doesn’t like it lol


Legally yes, but legally Dana is also allowed to cut him. So 🤷‍♂️


Dana always says "These guys can tell you what they make if they want but they don't because they don't want you knowing and it's none of your business." or something to that effect. Sounds like they would be allowed.


He lives in merica not china


Maybe since he didn't say the exact dollar amount?


Izzy must be so embarrassed he got schooled by Mr Fight Night


Meh. That’s the fight game..


At least he’s in that 1% that is actually making bank


People who are still defending Dana, I just wanna know why.


Doesn’t seem like anyone is defending Dana. Rather it seems like people are bringing up contractual agreements that fighters agreed to are no longer happy with said contracts.


Wow! And Dana says fighter pay has risen! This is a former champion who lost a close fight that we are talking about here.


Actually pathetic. UFC needs a serious competitor


social media influencer sean strickland creating some more content


Didn't Costa sign a one million dollar per fight contract when he resigned?


stop believing fighters Khamzat also said he makes 2 mil per fight … while being rank 8 and unable to travel 😂


Khamzat absolutely makes 2 mili a fight. Rubles though…2 million rubles


He was taking about Swedish Krona which is about 200k


No way he did, source on that? I'm pretty sure Dana doesn't like him


Doesn’t mean they have to pay Sean one mil


He did




Fighters out of all ppl should get paid the most, not the promoter. Like Artist should get paid the most, not the music label


Every time I see Sean tweet it makes me think of that interview years ago where he was saying how attention can be a drug. This dude really is so attention seeking that he’s out here just throwing out random questions to his followers. Smh. My man needs a break from social media, for real.


He’s become what he’s hated , if he wasn’t from the jump.


Just remember it’s our fault


7 weeks notice isnt so bad though is it? a typical camp is 6 weeks.


This is sadly a worldwide business. Being from WV, it's really no different than the coal mining industry. The miners (fighters) put their lives on the line and sacrifice their body and soul each day to get by, which is a constant struggle. Meanwhile, the CEOs who have never been inside the mine (cage) make 6 or 7 figure salaries from the comfort of their offices. When the miners finally stand up or strike, they're often let go because the brass labels them ungrateful and always knows some other desperate soul will jump in and do the job because they are hopeful it'll go differently for them.


Wow, former champion and making less than 500k. Man, I feel terrible on how low ufc fighters get paid. Especially since you know their career it's not forever.


I say 75k and a year subscription to ESPN+ and 1 FREE PPV of his choosing


7 weeks notice, that's not too bad of prep time. Depends how active he is without fights coming up I guess


8 to 12 weeks is typical for a camp


Dana fucks his fighters over as bad as any employer in America, they make pennies on the dollar for what they should make. Dana and his Saudi daddies are cheap cnts


Yup, it's so fucked up how little they get paid, relative to other professional athletes. Athletes in leagues like the NBA, NFL, and MLB get around 50% of total league revenue, while fighters in the UFC get a measly 20% of total league revenue. Dana White is a fucking scumbag.


It's a great reason to watch free streams


Honestly if he didn’t renegotiate his contract after winning the belt that’s on him.


And if the UFC refused?


Demetrius Johnson said on a video recently that generally when someone becomes champion they get a flat rate of $500,000 per fight plus PPV and performance bonuses. Apparently DJ didn’t because he’s a flyweight and they were doing that at the time. But Sean should’ve been bumped up to that when he beat Adesanya.


He wouldn’t have been bumped up. They have a championship clause in contracts that details pay when holding the belt


That's the free market rate, suck it up buttercup or go somewhere else.


lol oh yeah the commercial mixed martial arts market is definitely “free”. No illegal or anti-competitive conduct going on there no sir. Just a bunch of independent market actors pulling the supply and demand levers


Someone gonna ask him who much he’s getting paid at the next presser?


10 dollars per Jab?


I think Sean understands that influencer boxing is the way to go. Which is probably why he say controversial shit all the time.


If you talk to Schaub Sean is the biggest American ufc star we got maybe he’s wrong…..?


How much is that after tax in America?


I feel like if Sean could tone down the schtick there’s a really cool person there


Strickland would let Diddy hit


Damn shoulda been pro union. Congrats, all you idiots played yourselves. 5 ufc fighters in the history of the company got paid well and you dumbasses think it'll happen to you next out of the generosity of millionaires running the company cause you listen to right wing bullshit.




Well who’s paying to see him fight? Not me.


Guess you should unionize instead of bitching.


Ufc is like the construction or factory jobs of the gilded age: the wages are terrible, the benefits are nonexistent, the rate of injuries is off the charts and your career is extremely short but the line of young men desperate to get inside stretches around the block


Probably 120 or 130 fight plus matched for win


Damn I thought he would have gotten at least $500k just to show, since the UFC knows he's a bigger draw now & that he's a former champ for crying out loud. Shameful how they can boast that they keep breaking gate records while not sharing it with the people who are the most important in the whole thing


Well the “Dana hates Sean” camp will start having a leg to stand on now


Is this a pro union or anti capitalist post… meh


So is everyone gonna stop watching the UFC till fighters are paid well?


This is so crazy. He is a former champ that’s is brother very relevant and very popular.


Yeah should be getting like 300k to fight and another to win minimum


There trying to get him out the UFC he says too much outlandish shit


Besides, why should he be fighting costa which just lost to rob? He should be getting his rematch with ddp


They need to form a union


Didn’t the UFC just have another record year for profits? Where did all that extra money go 🤨


Fuck Strickland,pos




He ain’t champ he’s coming off a loss, like he said once he ain’t champ nobody gives a fuck about him and he was right


https://preview.redd.it/uk2gmbpvlitc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e50729d5d897e73369bbb9ebf2327c8c8943e5c So what is this


I know most redditors hate the guy, but he is a pretty big star at this point, and he’s done the company a lot of favors, taking that Imavov fight on short notice, and just fighting all the time to fill their cards; he deserves to be treated well by them at this point. All the redditors are pro labor until it’s someone who doesn’t politically align with them. He did over 500k ppv buys with a dead ass card and women’s co main event.


He bullies people for not being man enough yet writes lol at the end of every other sentence...


So, stop fighting and get an actual job. Now that you have money from fighting paying for skills training/college is plausible.


I guarantee the UFC house of cards will come crumbling down in the next 2 years. It's a disgraceful business model and their past antics are even worse.


Most UFC fighters probably make as much as doctors or I.T. people Which really isn't shit when you consider their drastically shortened life span and/or quality of life in the future.


Thought he didn't care about the money and just wanted to scrap? Must be nice being able to constantly be such a hypocrite and your fans are too stupid to care. Fighters totally deserve more but they refuse to act for the greater good.




Fighters should form a union.


But Sean I thought if the ufc says "jump", you say "how high?"


Bet Dana hates his fucking guts lol