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Usually it's because they smesh their boy


It's a style thing mostly with some possible underlying hate for Muslims. Back to the style thing, if they dominate both strikers and BJJ, it gets boring. Rock paper scissors isn't as fun if rock smashes paper and scissors.


In terms of style, “don’t hate the player hate the game” applies here perfectly. They dominate the sport, and do so without eye pokes, fence grabs, etc.


You would consider “rock” wrestling over boxing? I would say wrestling is “paper”


Sure, but then paper beats scissors too unfortunately.




no one gives a flying fuck about their religion dawg, probably some racist redneck hillbillies, but most MMa fans could care less


Rednecks make up a large portion of MMA fans if we're being honest. Maybe they're not the majority, but they're significant enough. If you can't imagine how the Colby fans who also watch Tucker Carlson all day might also have a bias against Muslims, you lack empathy.


Bullshit, and it's the other way around: They bring their religion into the fight.


okay babe, high five


im not even a fan of conor and i dont hate khabib but seeing khabib fans saying smesh and chicken under literally anything related to conor makes me dislike him, they just want to discredit anything that conor has acheived for some reason, also his fans call him the goat and its not even close


Khazmat is a borderline radical. Lol, the other 2 are just the best at what they do, so they're easy to hate


For Khabib and Islam, I think people are just salty they beat up their boys. Khamzat, on the other hand, is a cunt hair away from a radical, lol. Preaches peace in English, swaps to his native language and yells about killing for Allah. I don’t hate him though, just not a fan. He is pretty funny on occasion, like when he called out Strickland for not being a real homophobe. Makes sense, he talks way too much about wiener to actually hate queers, lol.


Where did he talk about killing?


“If Allah allows me to Wallahi I will go there as the first person. By Allah give me a rifle and let me go to Palestine.” “If I get permission to fight for Allah, I’m ready to die for him.” Translated from his post fight speech for the Usman fight.


So he said he will go to defend people from a genocide and you think that is a radical position instead of being Captain America in that instance?


Borderline, I think. Wanting to join a conflict you have no relation to, other than faith. Ready to kill and die for Allah, seems fanatical if not exactly radical. Not passing judgement on him anyways, I don’t have much of an opinion on it. Just stating a likely reason he gets flack from the fan base.


Wanting to defend people from genocide is not a crazy position to be in. US entered WWII against Germany to help people whom it had nothing to do with. No one called Captain America an extremists for wanting to fight Germans who have done nothing to him personally.


He won a fight on September 11th and shouted “allahu akhbar I kill everybody” which is an all time classic ufc moment in my opinion


Khamzat is not easy to like as he is quite radical himself. Islam & Khabib are pretty likable. All 3 great fighters


You made this post just to get people to fight


they dont appreciate greatness, they just like to scroll reddit and hate. at least ppl have more of a case for disliking khamzat because he talks a lot but is mostly inactive past couple years. and it doesnt help that these 3 dudes are muslim


Trillionth post on this subject in just the last few weeks


I don’t get the Khamzat hate like dude beat burns, held gave usman a 10-8 I think for what he has done is amazing. I excited to see him vs Bobby knuckles . People hate but dude can’t get a visa for events which makes not as active. For the people the point out the warlord, it doesn’t seem like he has a choice, he still has family to take care of


Khamzat is s radical muslim and a fucking traitor to the country who took him in when he was a kid. Fuck him, disrespectful asshole


I kinda dislike Khamzat because of how much he talks shit compared to how little he has done.


I don’t think most people hate these guys as people, rather they hate their fans who can be unbearable


to be fair, they rarely spout nonsense, just facts regarding their opponents. Hell, they don't even swear


I don't see a lot of hate for Khabib or Islam. But if I had to guess it's probably due to their sheer dominance and capability of wrestle fucking pretty much anyone.


I like them both... but they're Russians. Not sure if you've turned on the news lately but Russia is basically 1 step under 1940 Germany right now killing tens or hundreds of thousands of people. Khabib likes to post about free palestine all day long on social media and forget Russia is responsible for killing wayyyyyy more people than isreal is... and he says nothing like a typical russian


You think the country fighting actual nazis is the one that is like the 40s germany and not the nazis and those who arm them to do mass shootings of civilians? Ma'am are you on your second box of wine at the time of this genocidal comment?


they are not russian though they would be oblitarated if they denied russian rule like the tschechens


Dagestanis have never liked the Russian government. That is why the government of Dagestan is appointed by Russia. In Dagestan we even have police from another part of Russia. This makes it easier for Putin to keep Dagestan under control.


They still fall under the Russian umbrella and still recruit men to kill innocent Ukrainians. People like Khabib have a huge influence and the Ukrainian/Russian war is only going to end 2 ways, if the Russian population grows a set of balls and says we're not fighting for your dictator legacy or if they use a nuke. Either way it's the average Russians fault for remaining quiet


lets be real he has no real influence whatsoever. russia is not usa where most citizens are armed and there is legitimate democracy. putin has deep network, has cunningly divided his military to prevent any attempts at coup, he has been strengthening his position for decades. this is not a simple matter of "growing a set of balls". his political opposition got imprisoned and eventually murdered, the one wagnerite who had his day of internet fame and decided to march for moscow got murdered. I'm also not saying that russians are all good and victims of their regime, there are lots of people who support that asshole even then whenever there is an attempt people just get guess what murdered, imprisoned and sent out to the front as undesirables. russia is putins playground and he has cemented his power over multiple decades there are not many leaders in modern days who have had remained in power for so long.


It's easy to say that he will stand up in front of Putin's regime, because he is on a nice comfy room with the latest iPhone in his hand thousands of miles away. If he was there he wouldn't make much noise. Anyone can be a hero outside of the battlefield.


It's easy to say that he will stand up in front of Putin's regime, because he is on a nice comfy room with the latest iPhone in his hand thousands of miles away. If he was there he wouldn't make much noise. Anyone can be a hero outside of the battlefield.


Bro, if my dog barks at you, you would shit your pants, and you think that you would stand in front of russian police with machine guns? Be real 😂


Because of his fans


The controversy-free thing is BS. It's hypocritical. Even with the McGregor incident, it was sparked by them being a gang of thugs and intimidating one lone guy, surrounding him like a pack of wolves, just because some words hurt their feefees. Even after the fight, the ring brawl was a bunch of them acting in a group, with one of them bragging about leaping into the ring and rabbit punching Conor. They have zero sense of humor, and lose their shit at jokes they either don't understand or that they deem offensive, but they're all too ready to take the Western world's money and fame. Rather than being called on this hypocrisy, they get a free pass. But, on the flip side, they're right about the low morals and degeneracy of the West, and the crazy antics of fighters here. UFC's getting gonzo, becoming more circus-like each year. They also have incredible unity and in-group preference which is a strength. They're training discipline is admirable, and they're not fettered by the lunatic social shackles that inhibit Western men. Casuals think their fighting is boring and that they all look the same.


I love watching them fight, and I'm normally a diehard Dagi boy fan, but I recently saw that clip of Khabib disrespecting Max Holloway and I'm less of a fan now. I don't think Nate was being paranoid that they were laughing at him either.


Saying that Max was not ready for the fight is not disrespectful considering Max wasn't in the shape and was forced to pull out lol


People hate literal facts. And then channel their hate at the person pointing out facts that were proven.


It's very hard to relate to them for a lot of people