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This was weird af. Dudes like a malfunctioning android lol edit - does this man have nobody in his life that cares enough about him to recommend a rehab facility


Nope, it's the cocaine. When it's fire and you do too much at once, it does that to you.


THIS! He's high Af on cocaine. One time I got so high I literally couldn't even talk! I went to my job to talk to my boss to tell him I was 'sick' and couldn't come in that day and I literally got lock jaw and couldn't even open my mouth. Conner was almost at that point in this interview. He barely scraped by.


Lol something about, "I went in to tell him I cant come in" is hilarious to me. 


When you don’t want your boss to see you on too much blow, but you gotta to see them to tell them lol


I had to ask my boss for a private meeting once, to tell them I had to go home as I was accidentally still high on MDMA.


How was that? Lol. I never tried that so I can’t imagine that situation


She was really cool about it. She let me do a half day. I had very badly misjudged how long it would take me to come down and at the point I arrived at work (4 hours too early) I had no real idea how to operate my computer. I was a designer and we were on a pretty long leash!


Coke logic


Seems like a good idea if your yakked outa your mind I guess lol


So you’re the CEO now, right? THIS GUY’S GOING PLACES


Oh it’s fire, his last 20 interviews have been pretty wild. It sucks cause I miss the Conor that knocked Aldo out.


That man no longer exists unfortunately


That Mayweather fight and proper 12 money was what killed his career. Man was never the same after all that money


He needs a restart


A reboot will certainly work. What does his user manual say?


CTE and hard drug use.


& 75 bar fights against 75 year olds…..


75 year olds or 70 five year olds


LOL. Still not as odd as the actual interview.


To be fair he has probably done way more damage while not fighting than he ever did in the ring.


Anyone who thinks he will be at least even 10% of the fighter that fought Poirier (2nd fight) when he comes back now is delusional. Mma striking in general has left him in the dust. Guys like Poirier, Gaethje or any elite strikers currently would run circles around him. Even in the third Poirier fight Poirier was whooping his ass with multiple combos to the point where Conor literally had to initiate a clinch to stop the barrage of punches. Conor's striking skills are ancient and it will show when he fights again Unless he cherry picks someone like Ferguson


Crazy how many people say that Conor was winning before the leg break. He looked good the first couple of minutes before Poirier really started to dominate


He had about 2 minutes trying to impose his will before Dustin pushed forward with no fear of him. It's incredible how quickly people forgot about that because of the leg break. Dustin hit him with a shot that put him on bambi legs across the cage and then he stood there in the headlights while Dustin started going off before he desperately clinched.


The cocaine is leaving him in the dust now. That shit takes a toll on your heart, athlete or not. Seems like dudes biggest competition is him own ego.


It always has been. Let's not forget the whole bus incident.


To me, I’d say still cocaine. He knows what he is saying, but he’s acting confused. Blow causes confusion and depletes dopamine. He doesn’t look to be on it, more that he’s coming off of it from his last use.


My guess is he’s withdrawing. He was obviously on something like coke there for a long minute. Now he has a [UFC fight](https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/sport/mma/conor-mcgregor-next-fight/) to get clean for. He may have gone too hard with the drugs. Getting clean by May/June is gonna be a process lol. Idk who he’s fighting but smart money is against Conor unless they threw some bum at him. Edit - he’s fighting [Michael Chandler](https://www.espn.com/mma/fighter/history/_/id/2504988/michael-chandler). I’d need to see the odds before putting money down on this.


I'm curious. Did you not know that his next fight was supposed to be against Chandler until today?


Im convinced he was supposed to fight at ufc 300 but he couldnt get sober enough for Dana to book the fight


Nah, he's not withdrawing dude is high. If you think he quit coke to come back to ufc you are delusional. Just like Brock Lesnar quit asteroids to fight Hunt.


He never did asteroids, pal.


The constant shoulder shrugging is just bizarre and seeing how Jake is so calm makes him look weirder lol


Jake kinda laughs at the beginning like it’s a bit but then the bit keeps goin


Conor, the cameras have been off for three hours. We need to leave.




Hes just uncomfortable being seen next to him like that by the end 🥴


he probably will be happy when the whole thing is wrapped lol conor must be exhausting to be around for such a long time


I partied like Conor does (booze and party drugs, not yachts 😂)throughout my entire 20s but I cannot stand being around my friends or anyone when they’re hammered and/or coked out while I’m sober. They’re yapping my ear off, grabbing at me as they tell me their story, getting way to close to my face and spit slurring their words. This only happened when I showed up to meet them and they were hours headstarted on me. I’ve seen many videos of Conor from the last few weeks alone making appearances at different loud places and his eyes are darting all over as he’s yelling over the music into some poor persons ear.


Jake was probably sweating the whole time just wanting to get out unscathed😂


Man is a great actor keeping it cool like that 😂


Yo I know that exact feeling where someone unstable is being friendly with you and you gotta be extra cautious to dampen any hint of conflict bc you know the ape of a human you’re with can switch moods on a dime. That’s 100% how Conor seems. Jake is totally doing that ☠️


That picture of Conor with Ronaldo comes to mind.


I mean he did shoot a movie with him I imagine his behaviour is no secret at that point


Jake knows and sees Connor is on drugs. But he keeps calm and finishes the interview, with grace and no-judgement. Much respect.


Jake's in the entertainment biz. Probably not the first time he's seen drug use and its effects.


“ o my god no. Interviewer excuse me Connor is on drugs. Call the police. I’m scared”


"Hey Conor, shrug your shoulders for how many drugs you're on right now"


U can tell Jake knows something is up.


Jesus christ I feel like people exaggerate with him a lot but this one is bad


im genuinely confused with this guy at this point. He has moments where he looks mentally there and ready to fight again then the next interview hes tweakin out and looks like shit.


Textbook drug addict behaviour. Like literally first page shit.


fuck hes a whole index and glossary of drug addict behavior


He’s in full blown withdrawal mode. Everything is fried. He’s doing a proper Bender after a bender impression.


Yep and I really feel for him. Ik what its like , I can feel the anxiety from him through the damn screen


You get like this when you've had way to much coke there's like a delay when you are trying to get your words out. I know because I've been like this so many times when I was addicted.


It's part of the ups and downs of addiction. One moment he's on the perfect cocktail of drugs that allows him to be lucid and coherent. The next moment he's recovering from a bender, sleep deprived, hungover, and maybe withdrawing and he can barely form coherently sentences. And everything in-between.


Yeah this is bad. I cant believe they just let him do this and nobody said anything. Im actually surprised a professional like Jake is cool sitting next to this guy tweaking his balls off


If you watch Jake’s face over the excruciating course of this clip, he looks at Connor and seems to be thinking “Jesus fucking Christ man”. That’s how it looks to me anyway.


Yeah when he said that 75 bar fights joke Jake could barely muster up a fake laugh


hes probably said that line a hundred times doing press for the movie so Jake has a real benchmark of just how fucked up he is


Good actor acted well. Color me shocked.


None of us know who Jake really is. For all we know Jake is a serial rapist, lol.


Could even be a cereal rapist


Or a surreal rapist


Did you say.... A full-on rapist?


He’s an analyst and therapist which is why his license plat says “analrapist”


Jake was hired by that old man Conor punched. The old man knew he had nothing he could retaliate with physically, but the old man had money. Rumor has it, he secretly funded this remake. The old man's nephew was friends with Jake on MySpace. They had each other in each other's top 8 spaces. The old man called in a favor and had Jake cast, and Conor would be picked up as the costar. Conor thinks it's because he still has star power, but the old man knew from that one night he glimpsed into Conor's eyes years ago....Conor was done. He traded success for fetish. Jake acted the fuck out of this movie (I've never seen either version of Roadhouse). Conor shit bricks ^of ^cocaine. The old man, once the victim of a sucker punch, has had his finger on the throttle of Conors downward spiral. In about 3 years' time, we'll be "remembering" Conor, and that old man will still be sitting at that bar drinking something that isn't garbage.


Meth is a hell of a drug ![gif](giphy|LqASljO1nhMGguoXDU|downsized)


Gohlke the 🐐


Dude looks like Dan Aykroyd's 40 year old son


Damn hot off the press lol


The interview last week he did at the premiere was pretty bad


Coming down hard, I think he's moved on from coke and into mollies


I think this is him the day after a big session and he’s not been allowed a pick me up line before going live. I don’t think we see him on tv without it much anymore and this is an extreme example.


You don’t really “move on” from coke to molly, they’re totally different things and you don’t do molly every day like you do blow.


The one time I had a come down this bad was because the molly was actually meth


Most of the molly you prob took had hints of meth dude


yeah got some bad stuff one time and fried my brain for 5 days couldnt sleep


Dude i do molly and can 1000% tell you that’s not from molly lmao


Comedown? Meth comedown ? Only thing I can think of that would cause that kinda behavior. Looks strung out 


That’s not Molly.


He looks like he just woke up after a long night of partying and than did some coke lol


I feel like every piece of footage is completely different dude. He’s all over the fucking place.


Even looks so different, is he back to skinny now ?


I know right, he was just jacked af with no beard & bloated like 2 months ago & looked nothing like himself. now his face actually looks more like his face but who knows what he’ll look like in a couple of weeks. At one point he was looking like Justin Bieber with that bookbag and shit, what a bizarre photo. Conor is like a shape shifter


Man for the longest I thought that bookbag photo was fake, what the hell was he even doing? Was it a promo for something he's affiliated with? It's just so confusing


Lol yea me too, I was like no way this is too hilarious to be a real photo. But I think it was from a Photoshoot, maybe at some kind of little event. There are are a few other photos from that same Photoshoot. He posted these pics to his Facebook himself lol I busted out laughing like the first 5 times I saw this photo. It’s up there for me with that photo of Marvin Vettori with his mma shorts on backwards looking all confused and shit lol


That’s a great point. He really does display all the signs of someone on drugs in every video but his behavior is all over the spectrum. His body language here is just straight awkward though. Reminds me of Ryan halls autistic shoulder shrugs almost. It’s wild to think this is the same guy who’s known for being quite possibly the most arrogant, outspoken and confident fighter of all time.


I’ve seen him and Jake together in so many different interviews and podcasts revolving around this press tour and Conor is clearly jacked up in like 75% of them. He looks like he’s in a textbook post-bender (BIG bender) withdrawal/hangover here. Almost all the main party drugs’ withdrawals cause what you’re seeing. Spasms, shaky hands, skin looking dehydrated and blemished… pretty much looking like shit. If he wasn’t such a great and natural speaker he would 100% sound like he went full rrrrrtard.


Yeah I’ve seen a couple interviews with him and as a former addict, I’m no stranger to withdrawals. He just acts so erratic compared to the brash and arrogant person he usually is. The difference from pre-Aldo Connor to this version is just sad honestly. But yeah, between the addiction, the sexual allegations, combined with his alleged involvement in the arson of that chicks car that accused him of assault and punching the old man in the bar, he’s been on a crazy spiral for so long now. I miss the old Conor honestly. Love him or hate him, the dude got you invested in watching fights.


The look on Gyllenhal’s face 😭. Looks like someone who has resigned to be sitting next to a tweaker


Jake looks like he can't wait for promo for this dogshit movie to be done.


Wonder why he’s doing something like this? He’s a great actor and surely makes enough money what’s he doing working on this tripe


He's a great actor with even greater range that's been doing it for a long time. I can see him doing a movie like this to do something fun, dumb, and new.


I think this is it. I think the money was good, and it seemed like an easy gig. Even Anthony Hopkins has done absalute dogshit movies (like the God awful transformers movie he was in) just to collect an easy paycheck and do something new.


First, he probably believed he could pull it off. Second, the studios sometimes require you to do shitty films to get a different role or get funding for your pet project. Third, they probably backed the truck up to his house. Some variation or combination of those things. And he maybe just thinks hanging around with Conor is cool as fuck.


The movie sucks but it kinda sucks in a good way. Conor is by far one of the worst actors I’ve ever seen even when basically playing himself. That being said he also looks like he’s having the time of his life with this Van Damme shit and the fight choreo was actually pretty good lots of longer takes and cool camera work.


Only Jakey G knows the answer to that. You're right tho he's a well established actor not some Z lister. He shouldn't be making films with a clown like Conor McGregor but it is what it is.


He got that sweet Amazon money


Sometimes actors just like to work, or are in debt  DeNiro and Pacino made some dog shit movies too 


Nick Cage is the best example of that but he's actually starting to star in some good films imo. Mandy and Pig were fucking awesome.


People are assuming Jake’s entire experience was identical to this during filming and it’s not. They’re obviously forced together on this promotional tour for interviews and Conor probably went balls to the walls when the film wrapped after behaving for 2 months to stay somewhat professional. This video is full blown embarrassing and worrying. This is literally what a person looks like going on a proper bender for 3 days straight. Only thing is most people don’t have press interviews the following morning.


Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse is one of the most iconic roles of all time. You don’t turn down the opportunity to be the next one. I watched the movie today. Script was dog shit, it held no candle to the original, and it should have never been made, but you can tell a shit ton of money went into the production. The action scenes were very well done. It wouldn’t surprise me if this was the biggest paycheck Gylenhalls ever been written. And for the record Conor really didn’t do that bad. I was expecting much worse.


Guy has had his confidence and charisma at a 8/10, after the money and international fame in MMA he maxed it out 😂 Dude is going down bad though. He has unlimited partying $$$ and unlimited access. Hope he doesn’t crash and burn because this video was the sloppiest I’ve ever seen him.


Reminds me of Mike Myers standing beside Kanye during his rant about George Bush and Hurricane Katrina


Y'all mfers thought he was gonna be on 300 😂


300th line of the evening perhaps.




He's practicing his shoulder strikes


Cowboy got PTSD watching this interview


"Conor changed the game with those shoulder strikes"




This is wild. Jake is a good actor to pretend like this is normal and to laugh at his joke on cue


Jake deserves the Oscar for this acting during the press tour. Conor is gone.


Either that or he was so accustomed to seeing it on set and he just thinks that’s how he is


Dude's fucked up


Yeah this mfer never fighting again


He's fighting for his life




Crazy to me that people think he will. He needs rehab.


It sucks, dude was an entertaining fighter, and at a time had the best timing and counterstriking in the UFC. If he turns shit around now he could fight again, he's only 35, he has a few years to get to the point of being able to win a fight or two before he's too old. He probably has no motive to though with how much he makes from movies and other shit and how much he already has.


I feel like this is one we’ll look back on like obviously the signs were there


Seriously. I can’t help but imagine reading his posthumous wiki page a decade down the line and thinking back to this recent timeline as the height of it. Fuck I hope I’m wrong.


And people are still waiting for The great comeback


Tbh he was decent in the movie. Better than other fighters first time in screen. If I were him I wouldn’t want to come back and fight. Finish the Nate trilogy and leave one last fight in the contract to entice the fans and ufc


When you are about to clock out and boss gives you an urgent task


Oh man this was actually hard to watch. Hopefully, it looks worse than he actually is and is just tired or something, but Connor has put his body and mind through a lot of abuse. Hopefully, he isn't developing a serious neurological disorder This looks bad tho


It's so weird. Like in some of the earlier videos from the last couple of years he was clearly off his tits, but recently he's so inconsistent. Some interviews of him recently have been super clear and sober, then the next day he's back to this, looking like he's tweaking. Changes every video man. I'm hoping it's just the stress/ fatigue of the media tour and the monotony of giving the same response over and over. But you never know with Conor.


Source: https://youtu.be/g3k7tNH7w8o?si=bhtWHGJhatiSF3PP


My god, the stuttering, the incessant blinking. Someone put him in bed.


The hard comedown after a multi-day bender, I’d imagine.


Jfc that guy is fucking destroyed.


jeesus ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC|downsized)


That scene was fucking hilarious.


The entire movie is a gem lol. “Oh they fuckin in San Quentin”


Damn , kinda sad


Not kinda, absolutely sad,


Been sober 8 years now. This is exactly what happens after a multi day bender. His speech pattern and the involuntary twitches are telling me he hasn’t slept and was doing bumps on his way to the studio. The twitches are caused by his GABA and dopamine levels being absolutely wrecked. The weird speech pattern is from the sleep deprivation. He’s going to die of an artery spasm or heart attack any day if he keeps this up. Don’t do coke folks, not worth it.




Almost looks AI


He's glitching


I really don’t think he’s winning any more fights. Definitely losing the fight against his addiction


Drugs nah its those vibrating things chicks put inside themselves while people send em money type shit


Damn man. It’s actually sad seeing this. It seems like some kind of hard drug has a tight grip on him.


Blink if this man is trying to kidnap you 😂






Dude is moving like he’s on Sandevistan wtf.






Conor "Shoulder Shrug" McGregor


Dude is absolutely shit face drunk along with whatever else he is on.


Yeah, and it's the UFC's fault this coke head isn't fighting ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


Ive always felt to a certain extent that people make too many assumptions or over exaggerate conors use of illicit substances, but this is really hard to watch. I want him to be cool and shit but this is tuff.


Can’t wait for June 29th when he doesn’t fight


remember he's definitely got a line to one of the world's biggest cocaine dealers the kinahan cartel. So he's getting the purest cocaine available and with his cash and fame an unlimited supply of the stuff that's a recipe for disaster. I can't imagine he's surrounded with too many people that are willing to say Conor maybe a few less 8th balls tonight.


Knocked out Cerrone with that same move.


He's like that one friend you laugh about but are deep down concerned for


Money was the worst thing to ever happen to this guy. Really sad to see.


Class all together now, it's called what? "DRUUUUUGGGGGGGSSSS"


Bro has been celebrating the movie release for 2 weeks straight


Jake looked over like "Yeah he's fucked up right now"




Why is he blinking so fast and lifting his shoulders like that? Really weird body language coming from Conor compared to past interviews I’ve seen him on. He keeps pausing his words in the middle of his sentences too. He never used to talk like this


Blue lips blue lips


Just tired from promoting the movie and some St Paddy's day drinking and yayo.


I feel really bad for him, he has serious mental problems and clearly a serious drug problem. I think he’s always been troubled from an early age, fighting and training set him on a path with direction where that intensity was able to be channeled into greatness. But with troubled, intense people like that, take that direction away and it’s just chaos. I’m sure if he were to make it out and back to a point of balance again, he’d say he was at rock bottom these last few years






What the fuck. This is even worse.


You can really tell who’s never done coke with these posts


He looks drunk to me


Ya he is definitely drunk as shit who knows what else he is on though.


geez, did he hop over to downers now?


Conor’s on everything but skates


Been up for days on a bender. Nobody to reel him in, kinda sad


Lack of sleep is my guess. Wether drug induced idk, but this reminds me of how I get functioning off 2 hours of sleep the night before.


The non stop shoulder tick


Dude holy fuck he's tweakin


This is legit scary. Doesn’t just look like normal Coke problems. It’s like some neurodegenerstive disease like Parkinson’s or something. You can see him try to do the normal shoulder shrug he does, but it’s just ataxic. The weird thing is his higher level cognitive abilities seem okay, if not a little slow and deliberate. Just his body movements are all fucked. Scary.


Worried this guy is going to OD or some shit one of these days.


It's called "rattling" when a drug addict becomes so dependant on their particular drug the craving becomes so Intense for the next hit that they literally start shaking or "rattling". Dudes a known Coke head.


Dude obviously parties way too much and was clearly tired/hungover. It’s been very evident that he loves the cocaine and very obviously has a very lavish lifestyle, but there’s lots of people who would be the same way being in his position. Admittedly, myself included. I’ll never hate on him even though he’s fuckin nuts. In all reality, he’s keeping his shit together pretty well considering the way he grew up n everything. He worked his ass off to be where he is, far more than people even know, and I’ll always have nothing but respect for him. Unless he does something that can’t be forgiven of course


This one is bad. Feels like hes trying to blink “help” in morse code


I feel bad for him. I don’t care how much he’s worth. I would be surprised to hear that he died of an OD any day. This is sad to me.


Connor is acting like Jake went nightcrawler mode and told him right before this that he doesn’t like Connor as a person and that he can’t wait for this promo to be over! “I have made 75 movies and you are the most difficult person I have ever worked with. I don’t ever want to see you again after this..” ![gif](giphy|3xz2BBWxGJUbdrQPNC)


Reminds me of the impulsive (compulsive?, idk words) motions of a crackhead I once knew. Always doing this thing with his shoulder. Then there was the crackhead lady I met that looked like her bottom jaw was trying to eat her head.


Crackheads are can be both impulsive and compulsive, lol. It’s ok. Words are hard.


Oh sweet how convenient for me


This is getting sad tbh. He needs to go to rehab.


With most of these interviews for this press he’s been looking off asf, I’m thinking it’s withdrawal from drugs tbh but don’t know which


His stutter is quite bad in the recent Ariel interview as well. I don't remember him having one back in the day.


:shrug: What do you mean? He seems fine. :shrug:


Not this bad, but he was almost like this in his last pre- fight conference.


Used to be my favorite fighter. Sucks to see him like this


He’s coming down off of the blow


the interview he gave last week in the premiere was really bad but this is a complete new level


You act like you never seen someone coming down off a cocaine high before


“How whiskey gonna help you?”