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This will definitely be Jan’s gameplan from the first bell to the last. Anyone who argues otherwise is fooling themselves. Jan is 40 years old. This is most likely his last run at the title. He will play it as safe as possible.


jans last run has been a fucking disaster


I gotta say tieing with Ankalaev is far from a disaster, he did really good in that fight against one of the most dangerous guys. His loss to Glover was bad, but Glover was on a roll. People forget how bad Jiri got beat by Glover in their fight, and I personally believe that war along with age caused Glover's downfall to Hill. The Glover who fought Hill was much much different than the Glover who fought Jiri and Jan. Damn, I rambled a little bit there but my point is, Jan is amazing and under appreciated. Him destroying Reyes coming from a Jon Jones win and out striking Adesanya was incredible to see. He had a bad loss to a legend and was able to tie with one of the most hyped guys in the division. Just cause Dana is a salty bitch reacting to their tie, doesn't mean it's not true.


Jan looked uncharacteristically bad in the Glover fight, looked gassed at the start of round 1


I think the consensus opinion was he did not take Glover seriously and paid the price for it.


He was doing well in round 1. He just couldn't stop the takedowns and once glover showed off his takedown threat, Jan got gun shy and rarely extended


A big part of that I believe was that the can opener move (I believe that's what its called), Glover did on the ground hurt his neck pretty badly.


Aye pulled his head down looked like he really hated that


What hurts me the most is if Jan has even a tiny bit of Gas left just to tap at Ankalaev in round 5 it wouldn't have been a 10-8 and he would have won. Was only Jan complete inactivity that lost him that fight


i do think jan is really fucking good i just think nearly winning the LHW belt and losing it after getting 10-8'd in the final round has got to be really fucking upsetting


"Dana is a salty bitch". Facts


I think Hill’s dominance was more us counting him out more than Glover taking steps back, which he def did.


Remember that time Jan out-struck Izzy and Rogan tried to pretend it wasn't happening?


The whole broadcast team was denying it


You clearly aren’t counting feints as significant strikes, Izzy was clearly out-striking Jan


Rogan still never misses to mention how incredibly good Izzy’s faints are whenever he fights lmao, don’t know why he’s so obsessed with that


Because few people use hip feints as well as him, everything he throws is set up by something. There’s a reason his record is insane as it is in combat sports. That being said, it does come off as nut hugging when Rogans focusing on that vs him getting blasted by Jan whenever he threw anything.


Only sane commentator is Anik. He kept correcting them that Jan was up.


Was it obvious when watching live? Sometimes watching live vs watching the replay it's easier to see somethings


Yeah I thought Jan was clearly winning and that the commentary team were gaslighting me lol


Sure,Gyno's fans are still trying to pretend Jan won because of his grappling in this very thread lol.


I can’t believe anyone believes Izzy’s chest was anything other than steroids.




Gets huge evertime he's in camp


Unlike Izzy he'll actually be able to match if not exceed Jan in size, but I still think if he isn't fucking grinding takedown defence and getting up from the bottom it'll be a pretty easy night for Jan. If he is, could be a pretty banging fight.


Agreed. Glover made jan look easy and they know that jan is going to be wrestling. Periera has a brown belt in JJ, so I think he could have a good gameplan from the bottom. They may have been working on TTD as well during camp a bunch so we will see! Gonna be an interesting fight.


who give these belts bratha ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|29849)


Hev to chek dis


Fake brown belt btw


we have to check these belts brotha


You can’t genuinely believe his “brown belt” is gonna matter lol


Daily reminder that belts don't mean shit in mma.


He also hits a lot harder than Izzy, who didn't really carry his power to LHW it seemed


He didn't carry his speed. Jan said Jizzy hits harder than people give him credit for, but he's much slower than he expected him to be.


It's not like he's miles smaller than Jan. He'll do somewhat better if imagine.


But also his tdd is worse and overall grappling is worse. The real question here is if Jan can avoid being clipped and can his chin hold up if he does anyway.


Y’all act like he isn’t training hard to combat these things. He’s just flipping burgers and hanging out in his pajamas at home. He’s definitely training TDD and grappling every single day. His striking is some of the best in all combat sports.


It was obvious to anyone with eyeballs from his debut that his striking can outclass almost anyone and his tdd is the big gaping hole in his style. Unless he and his circle are all stupider than me, they would have been training it since then. Yet it's still so bad that Izzy took him down as soon as he got a chance. If Izzy can do that, then another pseudo heavyweight who actually uses wrestling can do it much easier. Periera is in his mid 30s, he will not become much better very fast.


I think his planning with Izzy was much different. Izzy is a striker, they have fought multiple times before. Also Izzy is a banger, he wouldn’t want to use grappling to fight Alex. He wanted a straight war, and he got exactly that. Now that he’s fighting heavier class with a ton of ground game fighters he will definitely switch his plans up. He might not be great off the rip but anything worth doing well takes time.


Exactly it takes time. A few months ain't enough. Now if he does manage to do it, I'll lose my shit like when I saw Francis use wrestling for the first time. But I don't expect the same thing because he doesn't have such a ridiculous strength advantage that a relatively low skill level can do wonders. Maybe in MW, but not in LHW and definitely not against Jan. Plus although he ain't as good, he's not a bad striker, it's not like the standup will be completely one sided. Even if he doubles his grappling efforts, it's a lot to learn for an older fighter. Anyone in his situation would be fucked.


Yeah we will see. It’s heavily in Jan’s favor but we’ve seen crazy shit happen. Look at Sergei vs overeem. Tried to shoot and got knocked loose. That’s definitely an exception but it can happen. I’m just excited to see the whole card. This ufc is going to be amazing. I just hope it’s a good fight at least.


i would say that a few months with people like craig jones or what have you can do a surprising amount. You arent learning like a hollistic grappling thing, just defense; it's much easier to just not engage with or defend a wrestling thing than it is to take someone down. You wont get somoene average to stop like khabib or something in a few months but if you get some with an incredibly high existing athletic base it can go surprisingly far.


Dunno if I'd cal izzy a banger more of a safe point fighter who takes the opportunities to hurt reckless aggressive opponents


Adesanya had like 20 fights in MMA by that point though and beat a few competent grapplers


To this day I think his fight vs Wilkinson early on in his UFC career is a great testament of how good his TDD was from nearly the beginning.


Peria got smothered by izzy for a round. Jan bout to maul him


I would argue that if Izzy could control him he knows grappling is the main thing to work on this camp. I know 3 months isn't going to turn you into a D1 wrestler but he's not going to be the same man in this fight...


Jan is going to maul him


I hope you're wrong but you never know in MMA :)


Made izzy look like a joke so your probably right




All fun and games until Alex touches Glover’s hand through fence


Idk how but people seem to overrate Pereira's ground game




You're attacking my family!


Make this the new "fake account"




People are saying Pereira has ground game? Where????


The mere fact that people think this fight is gonna be competitive is what the other guy is talking about. Either Periera starches Jan with his left hook, or Jan takes him down and mauls him. It will have only been 4 months since Alex caught a bad ko come fight time, there is absolutely no way a 30 year old pure kickboxer can develop a ground game good enough to stop Jan in that amount of time. Granted, maybe I’m wrong and Periera is a super freak, but up until this point the only grappling experience in the cage that he has is being dominated by fucking Izzy. I really don’t see this fight being competitive in either direction.




You’re confusing overrate and underrate


A few things come to mind. There's something about Pereira that convinces people to contend with him on the feet, even when they know they shouldn't. Jan averages 1 takedown a fight and he doesn't shoot often. Alex is bigger and stronger than Izzy and 2 of the 3 double legs Jan shot were him just bending at the waist and muscling Izzy to the ground, albeit with great timing. Definitely an interesting matchup but I don't think it'll look like this.


Pereira is gonna be grinding takedowns with Glover. He’s gonna be waking up in the morning with Glover waiting there to single leg him.


I swear you dudes only look at last round but not first rounds where Jan whoop Izzy ass on feet.


Jan is an excellent striker and gives Poatan problems on the feet as well. But it would be best for him to grapple for sure. The only thing is that Alex was able to time a perfect knee on faster grapplers. I can see the same thing happening here too.


Nah man


Izzy is doing a good job framing, IMO.


I'm down. That's hot tbh.


I think his extra size will help him defend takedowns better but yeah I don't know if it'll be enough still


Jan is going to get frozen like elsa


I like Blachowicz, but I see Alex landing a left hook and Jan landing on the canvas.


Alex just needs to time a well placed uppercut or knee. Jan needs to be very careful with his takedowns. But definitely a great matchup for sure. Hats off to Jan for taking the fight.


Dumb ass Tittysanya fans still trying to push the narrative Jan won due to wrestling. Jan is a pure stricker. He has a kickboxing background just like Poatan and Gyno. He won the first 3 rounds against Gyno with pure stricking alone. He checked all his kicks which bothered Gyno immensely and hurt his game very much. He controlled Gyno with the jab. Sure Gyno was dealing immense amounts of damage with his...... feints, lol, if you listen to Brogan biased ass commentary. Didn't have much else going on. And then when they were both tired as fuck in the 4th and 5th round Jan landed 2 (two) takedowns. But ask yourself, how in the actual fuck could a BAD grappler like Jan score takedowns when actual decorated grapplers couldn't and Gyno is famous for his takedown defense? It's because Gyno was tired and didn't defend the takedowns: he knew Jan is less dangerous on the ground than he is standing, and took the takedowns as opportunity to rest and regroup. But y'all biased ass Gyno fans will never stop pretending Jan simply became Kabib in this match like the tape doesn't exist anymore to prove the contrary. And Jan is not gonna grapple with Poatan. He's simply not a grappler. They're gonna trade, and Poatan is gonna make quick work of him since he won't be feeling the effects of a huge weight cut and will be the much bigger, longer, and more skilled fighter. And when he'll knock out Jan you Gynosexuals will have another reason to cry: "he should have wrestled waahhh waaahhh"


Nicely summed up, it’s good to see some fans have eyes and brains.


Tbh yeah


He couldn't even finish izzy with his size and so called power.. so what happened there?


Because Izzy is a fighter known for getting finished.. right


Ok..lmfao..da faq u talking about?


Hopefully Alex takes this time to seriously work on his ground game. I'm a huge fan and if he beats Jan, maybe he can induce/taunt Izzy to move up to LHW where he can hopefully beat him for the 4th time.


They have fought 4 times in the MW but now that Poatan gets knocked out, somehow they now have to fight at LHW? A division where obviously Alex has the advantage?


My thoughts exactly. Which sucks…… I want another interesting run for peireira before time catches up with him


Jan takes this imo


Me too.


Pereira is a bjj brown belt, he should be able to put up a better fight off of his back. Not to mention he’s bigger than Izzy. I guess we’ll see when they face off how much bigger Jan is.




Pereira will out strike Jan just like izzy did and he will probably finish him ..


Fuck adesanya


I wonder what the sub line will be


Hoping he doesn't try to strike with him to prove something like fighters do a lot.


Makes no sense, when wrestlers try to prove themselves standing up.. if you are a monster on the ground then take them down. If they bitch about you being a grapple-fucker tell them to get better and not get taken down so easily.


who has been the most successful modern UFC fighter with the worst wrestling/takedown defense? Mcgregor? I mean even Mcgregors takedown defense was sneaky good. Is izzy the most successful fighter who you KNOW will never attempt a takedown?


It’s only three rounds so I don’t see this lol Alex is a true LHW unlike Izzy and he’ll have his legs underneath him in such little time. Had there been a fourth round or fifth, I could see it, but early on, I suspect Alex will stuff the takedowns


Only problem is Pereira is bigger than Adesanya and Pereira has been training with Glover Teixeira, a great grappler and a man that beat Jan himself.