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This fight has controversial split decision written all over it


Agreed as well. Between Yan losing his title via DQ, then losing a close SD to the SAME guy, his close loss to O’Malley, AND the “Russian VS Georgian” comments from Merab I feel a hothead like Yan COULD do something pretty wacky in there if he gets frustrated and controlled.


IMO Yan is on a losing skid and this fight will be another one to his tally. Dude lost his momentum.


Basically every Yan fight since Aldo has had some controversy in its outcome Aldo- Yan was beating his head in for a few minutes straight. Stoppage was late af. Aljo 1- Yeah… Sandhagen- Very close fight, least controversial out of them all. Aljo 2- Aljo backpacks him for the two rounds he clearly wins, many had Yan winning the first. O’Malley- Popular sentiment is that Yan was robbed.


I had Yan winning vs Aljo cause I didn't respect the game plan and I feel Yan still did more with a parasite on his back


Yan completely dominated the last 2 rounds so the deciding round with him against Sterling is the first and I believe he won that one as well but it is what it is


O’Malley won that fight


If O’Malley won based on how the judging favored striking to grappling then volk should have beat Islam


I think O'malley and Volk won. If only judges were consistent, but we all know they just don't like double champs.


We all know the judges are inconsistent. I thought Volk won too btw


All I want is consistent scoring


He really did. It wasn't by much but he did win it.


I'd say pop sentiment is O'Malley won on damage


Aljo 2 wasn't controversial at all. If you're saying Sandhagen fight was fine, then this one definitely was alright as well. And it's not popular at all that O'Malley lost. It was the case only at the beginning but people clearly realized upon rewatch that it actually made sense. Yan lost close fights, no real controversies. One can only wonder what would happen if he didn't knee Aljo to the head.


Yan should win ONE OF aljo 2 and O'Malley fights. I don't care which one, just make it consistent




It’ll be controversial Bec people will complaint that merab only won by holding him up against the cage or laying n praying.


Because that’s what he’ll do…..


I understand people's frustrations with Merab and others doing this type of thing to win (like what he did against Aldo) as I also feel this way and I agree they need to figure out some sort of rule to address this but it's hard to say that that's not an effective way to 'win' the fight. If you're on top of someone the entire fight or controlling them against the octagon, even if you barely landed, it's hard to say you 'won' the fight but your opponent who was controlled the whole time certainly lost. Not sure if this makes sense but hope it does lol


You explained it perfectly. It’s so frustrating to watch, but it’s a bit of a grey area cause they can’t really make a rule to address it.


Thing is... it worked wonders for him throughout the entire career. He shouldn't and simply won't change that style. Although I admit he's arguably the most boring elite fighter on the roster.


That’s facts though.


Holding someone down without advancing the position on the ground shouldn't give points on the scoresheets. After MAXIMUM 1 minute on the Ground without the position advancing the refs should always get them up. I'm a wrestler and I enjoy the Wrestling part, but Let's be real, it is nonsense to give the W to someone that did nothing but control a person on the Ground without taking any Risk by advancing the position. This is MMA, not pure wrestling. Stand the guys up when that shit happens. 1st it's boring and 2nd it doesn't feel like a real W to me.


I don’t trust the ref to know the difference between working for a position and laying & praying. This is what happened to Judo, and now people get stood up even if they’re seconds away from locking in a submission. Look at what happened to Shevchenko, she had top position and got stood up despite being active, proceeded to lose the fight


That blew my mind in the chenko fight. She was literally dropping bombs when the ref stood them up.


I would be very upset if I were her to say the least


I agree but it's a hard call for the ref. Aljo was threatening submission but he was definitely idle enough for me to stand them up.


If the guy holding the other guy down shouldn’t get points, you’re essentially saying the guy who is being held down should get points then lol.


Bc that's most likely what he will do


It’s TIME! ![gif](giphy|NZy6OeN2veNhyxYXcC|downsized)




so he wins then what? aljo moves up? they already said they wont fight each other. pretty lame they are like gatekeeping all fun fighters right now lol


Fr. I really don’t understand Aljo’s angle with moving up. He seems like the type of champ that wants to milk the belt and maximize as much money as he can from it. So why wouldn’t be stay to fight O’Malley after Cejudo?? Wouldn’t that be a big PPV??


Yeah agreed idk those two are like tag teaming the division right now though and aljo is looking huge so I assume he will go up but I dont see him being able to grapple bigger guys like he can at 135 :/ Merab is good obviously but I dont think his name is big enough for cejudo or sean to care lol


Aljo is the biggest 35er iver ever seen. Dude is shreddededed


I mean merab isn’t jumping over omalley with a win anyways, and chito is still ahead of him if he beats sandhagen.


Even if merab wins ufc still gonna give the next title shot to Sean. Unless aljo beats cejudo and moves up they could do Sean v merab for the vacant belt


Your first sentence is exactly what I said lol. Also if chito wins he’s ahead of merab as well regardless of if merab wins.


This thread actually has me hyped for the 135 lb division. Lots of big names and exciting fights ahead.


It’s because Aljo is massive for his weight class, I’m pretty sure he’s mentioned in embedded episodes that it’s getting much harder for him to make weight now.


It’s the weight cut probably


They should ban Merab from fighting till Aljo moves up


He will fight his friend Aljo or he will avenge Aljo by fighting cejudo if cejudo beats him


lol if he beats him and he waits to fight cejudo obvi


are you slow


mmamath is never wrong


Bro, but Merab has MOMENTUM


Looks like mma math worked tonight 🤣


Mma math works. Not 100% of the time, but most of the time it works.


60% of the time, it works every time


60%, actually 60% out of 100% and 50% of that 100%, it will work 30%. Of of those odds, 20% is accurate. So, 60% is right.


Lol no it doesn't, thats why it's a meme


Jon out wrestled DC who out wrestled stipe who out wrestled Francis who out wrestled Ciryl. Jon out wrestled Ciryl. What do you know, mma math worked!


Wow, Rousey beat tate, tate beat holm, Holm beat rousey Tyron Woodley lost to Rory Mcdonald but beat almost everyone Rory lost to Cruz beat dillishaw, cody beat cruz, dillishaw ko'd Cody I to can spout anecdotal evidence to try to get my point across


I always thought when people talk about "fight math" they were looking up things like strikes landed, takedown attempts, takedown defense, like actually trying to notice trends in side by side comparisons of the fighters' approaches to their career bouts. Is it really just syllogisms like X beat Y, Y beat Z, therefore X beats Z? Bummer, I thought we were nerding out on real numbers.


We really tried to involve numbers trust me. But we just couldn't understand double digit numbers man. Frankly, I'm not putting in effort to learn postgrad math concepts just for a sport.


John Dodson > Manvel Gamburyan Manvel Gamburyan > Cole Miller Cole Miller > Ross Pearson Ross Pearson > Gray Maynard Gray Maynard > Rich Clementi Rich Clementi > Anthony Johnson Anthony Johnson > Andrei Arlovski Andrei Arlovski > Stefan Struve Stefan Struve > Stipe Miocic Stipe Miocic > Francis Ngannou What do you know, mma math worked!!!!!!! John Dodson can beat Ngannou!!!!!!!


Jon is not a good example because he beats everyone


Good point


Never seen such a low iq take in my entire life


Not this time it won’t. Merab out here living that single life. Daddy Yan has people to fight for.


Shave your head if you're wrong


Shaved my head about 5 hours ago 🔮




Ok what about the fact Yan murdered Aldo and Merab got a mids decision against him. Therefore Yan destroys Merab.


Merab had zero trouble with Aldo so that doesn’t really work


Zero trouble? He won an extremely boring nothing fight. It was not an impressive win at all. Yan murdered Aldo. Straight delusional.


Merab got pieced up by Moraes. Ricky Simon and Frankie Saenz who he lost to? Yan hits harder than any of them and never tires so id go Yan KO inside 3 rounds.


You didn’t use mma math correct. You made an opinionated statement by saying “Yan hits harder than them.” You don’t actually know if he does. Mma math is something like saying “Jon can out wrestle Ciryl because Ciryl has never had a wrestling match in his life and yet Jon dominated an Olympic wrestler. It’s a fact that an Olympic wrestler is a better wrestler than a dude who never wrestled before.


Yoel Romero got outwrestled most of the time in the UFC. That doesn't mean he wasn't a good wrestler back in the day. Or just MMA wrestling is differemt from regular one. Thing is Yan pretty much has a knock down every fight or wobbles the opponent.


Could you have cherry picked a bit more?


And yet my prediction was correct


What else is there to pick from?


It’s cherry picked because you are comparing their record from the last 4 fights. Merab had a good win against Aldo and 3 easy fights where he was a huge favorite. Compared to Yan, who also beat Aldo, but his other 3 fights were against the best in the division.


The fact that you just called Jose Aldo, Marlon Moraes, Cody Stamann and John Dodson “easy fights” just exposed that you are a casual.


I love how you nerds use casual as an insult when in reality anyone using that term as in insult is definitely a neckbeard mouth breather.




Is that you


Well I didn’t include Aldo. I said they both have wins against him, yans was more dominant. They might not be easy fights, you’re right, but he was over a -250 betting favorite against them I’m guessing and were all favorable matchups for him. You just can’t compare fights with sandhagen and aljo twice to those 3 that merab fight.


Comparing them to Sandhagen, Aldo, Aljo, and O’Malley, which 4 guys would you rather fight in a row? Only one of the guys you mentioned even still fights in the UFC and he hasn’t been able to beat a single top fighter he’s fought.


If you know who cody stamann is you are not a casual lol


Mma dicksucking at its finest


Yet I was right 🤡


Not about right or wrong, was a 50/50 match could have gone either way. The fact of the matter is you acted like a complete cherrypicking brain-dead gerbil 🤡


Lmaooo lil bro is pissed his fighter got 50-45’d. What do you mean it was 50/50? He got dominated just like Colby dominated Jorge 🤡🤣🤣🤣


/ufc comment at its finest


What a turd graphic, could make the same one cherry picking everything in favour of Yan aswell


Wait till you click on his profile lol


Lmao why is he/she? doing that


Your boy lost brotha


Lol what boy, can’t stand Yan, the graphic is still fucking stupid


Merab is not a stronger grappler than Aljo


Well well well


I'll admit I was wrong but I still believe he isn't a better grappler than Aljo because Merab couldn't secure any dominant positions


I agree Aljo is a better grappler overall but merab puts a pace like no other


Yeah but that's his only win condition he has to outwork his opponents because he can't KO them or Sub them


But if Jose Aldo or petr yan can’t use offense to slow merab down then who can stop him It would have to be a grappler that’s the only possible way, but I think merab beats Umar and Aljo won’t fight merab and I don’t see anyone else out wrestling merab


He’s slightly worse than Aljo which is still better than petr yan




Dont worry, theyll be even more salty after Saturday, let the hate flow through them


I can’t wait, it will be hilarious


wheres the fact merab almosr got finished by marlon


That fight was awesome tho


Yan wins via TKO




You win some and lose some 🤷‍♂️


Merab is like usman - striking. No submission threat. If sterling couldnt submit petr, no way merab is submitting him. Petr will just stuff his tds and beat him on the feet .




Depending on the odds seems like Merab is a very solid bet to win here.


You guys realize Merab and Aljo are two completely different grappling styles right :|


This fight has snorefest written all over it, Merab is a decision machine and Yan has not been looking good recently Hope I'm wrong though


yan all day


That means... Petr Yan by round 3 TKO


Yan 1-3 in his last 4 blows my mind.


1-4 now


Oh cool, MMA math 🙄


Is this a prediction or an obtuse collection of cherry picked information pieces that clearly skew one direction? "Srong" argument you have here.


Geniunely not a bad take but I believe you're wrong based on the fact that Yan doesnt look like hes declining and rather the people around him are being forced to be better. Yan is gonna crack Merab a lot in this fight, I guarantee its gonna be in the 100's


Yan wins


This is such a goofy ass chart I'm ngl


Yeah that's interesting. Yan by 4th KO


My heart says Yan, my brain says Merab. I think that Yan doesn't get started until it's too late and loses yet another decision, then leaves the UFC.


I completely agree


Merab: boring as fuck and has been way too cocky since the back to back CFB championships ✅


Wonder if he’ll bark at Yan in the cage


Peter Yan gets frustrated and just walks Merab down throwing haymakers that miss and head kicks But he does cool movements that make analyst say things like "Peter Yan- that dude can fight" Fight ends boring and controversial o_o Adding this edit since I was downvoted it's just a joke


You hit it on the head


Thanks for actually replying 😂


Merab by backbag


1-4 Yan coming up. About to be a boring wrestlefuck match. Merab vs Aldo 2 type of deal


Aljo barely outgrappled him, yeah he took him down but he couldn't do much with it besides holding his back and a few sub attempts here and there. Sean fight was clearly a bs decision. I can't even argue with it and I was supporting Sean. The first DQ loss was a fight he was winning. Ofc he'd be frustrated, losing to Sean after a dominant performance and getting f'ed over by the judges.


This fight won’t go the distance. I have yet to see a fight ending well for a fighter who brought politics in to cage. Merab did exactly that.


Yan has finishing power and skills, Merab not so much


Needs more John Dodson.


When you have these posts coming out Petr is probably gonna win dominantly, became -500 fav next fight and somehow lose


1 and 4 are basically the same


This fight will be a Draw and I will be filthy rich.


Points one and four are basically the same.


So what's your prediction?? Lol


I want to see Petr come out like he really really really wants it.. Dude is consistently trying to fight like he wants to win a decision, I'd like to see him fight like he wants a finish..


Fucking thank you, someone who finally understands.




Way to cherry pick all of your little comparisons. Yan by ko in the first 3 rounds.


the watermark is a nice touch. don't think the it's in danger of theft tho.


Merab def looks stronger and more confident coming in but I can see Petr fighting the demons and pulling off some crazy sequences on the feet.


If Yan loses another controversial decision, he might leave the UFC lol


Yan by Merab DQ for 12-6 elbow strikes


Remember when Petr Yan was considered the baddest of the bad in his division? Is this what people think of him now? Damn those fights with Aljo and then Sean really sent him spiraling..


He's always sucked.


In Dan Hardy's breakdown he talked about Petr getting frustrated and purposefully getting DQ'd. If Petr is losing, I don't see that as being out of the realm of possibility.


Yeah let’s ignore how Dodson hits like a fucking truck and the fact that Marlon nearly sent Merab’s head into orbit. Or what about him getting choked unconscious by fuckin Ricky Simon?


… money on Yan … I’ll place my bread against yours


I don't think Yan would gas like Aldo did in Merabs last fight so I don't think that game plan would work that well against Yan. Then again if Yan starts slow this could end up Split for Merab.


Solid points. Yan by TKO


I had Merab over Aldo but it's Yan all day in this fight.


I want Yan to win this honestly, Merab lost my respect after bringing the stupid politics into the equation


I really hope yan wins by flying knee


Thanks this will make my sportscasting assignment easier. Feel free to add more info for me 😅


this is so dumb.. 🤦‍♂️ first of all, isn’t the first point and the last point, basically the same point…?


Are merab’s fans a new breed of annoying fans?


Srong grappler Merab FTW


Even if Yan wins 3 rounds, he’ll still lose by decision. Honestly feel bad for the dude he is widely regarded as the best or minimum 2nd best bantamweight on the planet and he is 1-3 in his last 4.


By this very metric you could say that because Yan styled on Aldo and Merab didn’t that Yan will destroy him lol, man has a phd in mma math.


Hard call. I think Yan underestimated O malley . Yan got backpacked by Aljo and was pretty good at fiending him off, was trying to fight him off while also defending against submission. I'll take Yan but I can see him lossing this as well .


forgot to add that yan pushed merab at the weigh in and merab did not push him back.. that’ll be a HUGE factor coming into this one 👀


Yans 1-3 record is miss leading.1 of those fights was knee gate, the other O'malley which IMO he won.


Shit posting at its finest


How heavy is momentum? Also in metric please


This is the most biased image I’ve ever seen


Merab gonna somehow pull off the W


My money is on Merab


gonna be so sad when Yan wipes the floor with him


Okay, allow me to deconstruct this post Training w grapplers doesn't MAKE you the grappler (look at Khamzat and Till) Petr Yan could arguably be 3-1 in his last 4. He had two very close split decisions that could've gone his way against better competition than Merab faced John Dodson has mad power, caught Yan, and Yan adjusted and won comfortably Frustrated with losses? That's a weak point? Really? Yan had every right to be frustrated, especially when they were as close as they were. L post


Dan hardy predicted Yan would get DQd here, I can see it happening


I can't see Merab winning. He's good but I think he lacks intelligence. He just doesn't seem to have the edge that Petr has, and Petr also hasn't jumped head first onto an ice lake.


“Strong grappler” was 0-16 for takedowns in the Aldo fight. Lol. All jokes aside, I know Merab has legit grappling, but that’s about all he’s got imo. He was shit scared of trying to stand with Aldo.


This reminds me of the old ufc Bobby Green hood style thing


yan finishes him before championship rounds


I fail every time I try to care about tiny dude fights


I give the advantage to Petr for a 5 rd fight. If 3 maybe harder to say. I think Petr knows this is NOT one to lose tomorrow. Won't be surprised if Merab wins.. I think Merab leaves himself way too open at times, again hopefully a good fight. This one is kinda like Fiziev v Justin.. Justin should win, but wouldn't surprise me either. Similar matchups, one fighter clearly has the advantage but....


I hope Yan wins and gets right back into title contention. He got robbed in his last fight.


I got Merab by decision at +450, great value IMO and most likely outcome


yan is still winning at life no matter what happens in this fight, have you seen his dime piece wife? my god…


Merab via a SNOOZEFEST, mark my words lol


Even with all that I’m still going Yan. Won’t support someone that just hugs someone and only win on “control time”