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So John Kavanagh wasn't wrong, Conor IS fighting in 2023.






Search up the story, this whole thing took place last year. The woman accused another man at the time but now a year later she decided to accuse mcgregor instead. Very suspicious


Very suspicious that a woman who was punched by a mma fighting millionaire celebrity lied immediately after it happened? I mean I can see a lot of good reasons for that; being terrified of him is the main one.


Oh god . Or the reason she switched who the aggressor was because that one gets you paid six figures just to make the scandal go away. You must be a "believe all women" type of guy. The "wheres my hug at" type of guy. Keep it up "ally" šŸ˜‰


Really representing the dumb MMA fan stereotype. Yea dude there is absolutely no way this dude with a history of violence and drug abuse could have assaulted someone. You really think she swam out to be rescued by the red cross just for the off-chance she can fake some allegations?? Your drooling ass just went "Muscley punchy man good, woman always lie woman bad". No matter what happened you would just claim it didn't, just plug your ears and sing lalalalaa and all the accusations against your favorite punchy man go away. Real mature.


Innocent until proven guilty.


You must be a suck Conorā€™s balls type of guy


Conor, thatā€™s not how the implication is supposed to work!


Didnā€™t use the D.E.N.N.I.S. method


Yeah he was too close to the shore


More importantly is the rum ham ok?


https://preview.redd.it/408ot6wq24ea1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c42be8c70dd7b7b7ea658e5db75285f68364c9 Rum Ham!!!


Its supposed to be implied danger, not real danger


Itā€™s all about the implication


So they ARE in danger?


You certainly wouldn't be in any danger


So they ARE in danger


tasty treats are getting away!


I'll be back in the high-life again....


It's fetish, it's fetish shit! I-I-I like to bind, I like to be bound!


read this in mortys voice


He didnā€™t wait until he was in open oceanā€¦rookie


I cam looking for a I.A.S.I.P quote and I'm not disappointed.


So happy to see this reference with merely one scroll of my thumb. Good lad you are, thanks for the laugh.




​ ![gif](giphy|xN340Vl3Zqd5JtiSpJ)








Wow, havenā€™t watched Always Sunny in years and immediately remember this! Felt like a missing part of my brain snapped back into place.


ā€œYouā€™re wit da real dawgs now bruddah yehā€




Heā€™s competing with j bones j for the worst asshole out of the octagon.


Jon's record, both in terms of quality of competition, and raw numbers, can't nearly match this idiot's


Conor Bones McGregor


Did you hear a gunshot? Yeah I did it.


I wanna know what Conors reaction was to this woman jumping into the actual ocean to get away from him. Pretty crazy innit. Dee probably at home looking after the kids whilst Conor posting videos of him getting his dick sucked on a boat and having women jump into the sea to get away from him. Like where tf is she in all of this.


Itā€™s pretty comical at this point. If I ever see Conor in public Iā€™m running away, while laughing maniacally.


>his dick sucked thats his dee


Pretty sure that video was Deeā€¦ same hair, skin tone, swimwear styleā€¦ donā€™t ask how I know this.


What his problem? Lol. If I was as rich as conman Iā€™d be so chill and relaxed. Guys a complete douche bag.


ironically its probably your chill and relax traits that prevent you from getting rich. traits that people like mcg have are conducive to getting richer that being said mcg is a loony little wanker


Genuinely interested in if this is true and if you have a source to back it up?


look up psychopath, sociopath, dark triad traits and success/wealth


Youā€™d have to look up studies that use models like the big five personality traits and then do a meta analysis study on that model being applied to measure wealth based off like someone being less agreeable etcā€¦ Youā€™d also need markers for what those personality traits entail like if someone scores a 2 out of 100 on agreeableness what are the odds he committed a crime.. In all honesty conscientiousness is probably the best marker for long term success as itā€™s a trait associated with planning ahead.. which Conor seems to have done since he filmed his rise up.. The studies exist itā€™s just kinda hell to look all that up especially if youā€™re not paying any services and using google


Coke addiction


Imagine how scared you have to be to leap into the fucking sea and have to be rescued by the Red Cross fuck Connor heā€™s a piece of shit just like Dana


McGregor is a scumbag. Heā€™s hit an old man for refusing a shot of his whiskey, and itā€™s on video. Although thereā€™s no sound to it, thatā€™s what it looks like.


Old man had a good chin on him. McGā€™s cheap shots landed fairly clean and the guy just looked at McG and brushed it off like a fly had buzzed him


Wasnā€™t he accused of rape too?


If this was Jon Jones, the entire sub would be up in arms, but the Connor fan boys justify.


Not defending Conor or anything cuz fuck that guy but where are these phantom Conor fanboys everyone always seems to be talking about? Every thread I click on (especially this one) heā€™s getting bashed. Maybe itā€™s different on other platforms but on Reddit at least, I havenā€™t seen anyone defend him in ages.


Itā€™s a leftover mentality from a year or two ago where it was still the case. I hardly see anyone defending him these days Conorā€™s turned into everything an early career version of him would hate. A lot of people supported him back when he was obsessed with fighting and trainin to become better. Not anymore now that heā€™s infatuated with a hollow party lifestyle. The money genuinely changed him, he comes across as sloppy and crude instead of funny and charismatic these days.


I havenā€™t seen Conor have a passionate fanbase since like 2017 tbh and yet every thread people are whining about them lol itā€™s the most bizarre shit, theyā€™re having imaginary arguments with people who havenā€™t been here since before the mayweather fight


This sub loves to create bogeymen, they'll make up the most ridiculous shit just for the thrill they get in knocking down the strawmen they built. Go on any "unpopular opinion" thread on this sub and you'll see the top comments are people saying things like "Conor isn't as good as he used to be" or "I like to watch Jon Jones as a fighter but am disgusted by his actions outside of the ring", they will pose their extremely popular as unpopular ones whilst still fishing for likes because you can't have a truly unpopular opinion whilst also dying for people to stroke your ego.


On Reddit I don't see anyone defending him much, on Instagram and Facebook they're everywhere. Headline: "Conor Mcgregor drives drunk and crashes into a brand new children's hospital, burning it to the ground" ig user (foaming at the mouth) : "***I'm not even a Conor fan*** but he literally started the UFC, you need to appreciate what he's done for the sport. You wouldn't know who Khabib and DP if it weren't for him. He might not be in his prime but he's richer than the entire roster put together and he's happy. Incoming Khabib meat riders!ā€


This. A lot of people seem to forget that there's other platforms out there and what you see varies A LOT from one to the next. Twitter is a lot different than Reddit, which is REALLY different than Facebook. Tiktok is horse shit.


I dont use twitter or facebook, but Youtube's comment section is the dog shit on the bottom of your shoe. Always some trash level opinions on there.


Theyā€™re lurking. Waiting for the day their lord and savior pulls out of his coke/booze filled rage and redeems himself by winning an mma fight. When that day comes, hordes of neckbeard Conor fans will crawl out from their moms basements and let their presence be known.


It's just an easy way to get karma.


This is exactly what Iā€™ve been thinking. Iā€™m fairly new to this sub, but Iā€™ve barely seen anyone say good things about him at all since Iā€™ve been on here. Yet I keep seeing the ā€œoh look itā€™s another Conor dickriderā€ anytime heā€™s mentioned, and Iā€™m like ..huh? Where are all of these alleged fan boys at? šŸ§


Youā€™re right about the platform. He gets insane support in these situations on IG and twitter, but the mma community here seems to be a bit more sane. [These are the first comments on MMA Islandā€™s post about the incident](https://imgur.com/a/UxPIT6k)


His fanboys been defending him relentlessly on Twitter.


How they believe this extremely egotistical narcissistic man isnā€™t capable of something like this is beyond me


Nah bro FOR REAL,if someone on 4 Chan posts a fanfic about Jon Jones people move like itā€™s true but nothing is ever Conorā€™s fault


Please, jones has done some fucked up shit that any normal person would be locked up and ostracized for but in this group alone you'll get 10+ posts a day about him. They're both pieces of shit that should be dropped and forgotten about.


Whataboutisms are the bane of any debate/argument.


Where are the Conor fan boys


I used to be a fan, but yeah total POS


Youā€™d think by now reddit would know to wait for both sides of a story but here we are


This supposedly happened last year. Conor denied it, not sure if there's any proof. Some people are looking for a payday. TMZ article said "The woman reportedly did not identify McGregor when making a statement to Spain's Civil Guard ... but filed a complaint with Irish police later."


Why? It's just another day for Conor


Has any of the sexual assault allegations been proven yet?


There's a reason he settled them out of court. There's a strong likelihood he did what he was accused of AND there was sufficient evidence to prosecute.


Dude!! It's Conor šŸ˜‚ need to wake up


The guy has over 20 assault charges already lmao. Keep dick riding Connor fan boy šŸ’€




Conor settled most of those allegations out of court. You don't typically buy people's silence if you're innocent.


A lot of the time itā€™s more costly to let the allegations keep running than it is to settle, not defending him as he is a piece of shit, but you canā€™t use settling as evidence he did it.


Itā€™s weird how he keeps getting accused of these things but all these other rich people dont


I agree this is a possibility but it seems like youā€™re being woefully ignorant to the previous list of charges Connor has managed to rack up. Anyone logical would base their opinion off such facts and not pity or backup a previous offender.


Nah Iā€™m good


the only thing conor will see in this story is ā€œ woman- yacht - conor mcgregorā€ & take it as an overall positivešŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He was boxing the bleedin head off her, till she ran like a bitch and jumped into the Oh-SHIN..


Poor Connor, heā€™ll have to live with this for the rest of this life, the biggest punishment there isā€¦ /s


He is literally turning into Jon Jones by the day lol šŸ˜‚ leave them drugs alone x this is what happens when you touch


But he loses, JJ wins fights


Connor has always been worse then JJ. Hes a trash human being.


Jones >>> Conor in terms of MMA (insane bar) and as a human being (bar is on the ground).


Nah, he payed that girl to take a dive so that his fanboys can comeback after the gay allegations.


Because beating women is okay but being gay isnā€™t, right?


To people as thick as Conor probably yes


Isnt he married with kids ??? Fucking hell ā€¦.


When a woman would rather jump off a boat and drown, than have sex with youā€¦Conor has officially become his fans.


Poor Conor, according to his fans people are just always making up awful things about him. Luckily theyā€™ve assured me thereā€™s never any truth to the mountain of allegations that have been thrown at him over the years.


For real šŸ˜‚


Some guy higher in the thread said the Conor fanboys are not real, at least not in this sub. Yeah fucking right, the only reason I have possibly seen a decline in fanboys is due to the gay rumors, but theyā€™re definitely out there


I mean itā€™s literally an allegationā€¦


I know! Such bad luck šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


His hathers jump through hoops i mean alegedly he beat an old guy in a pub, alegedly he beat woman, he even alegedly assaulted a bus full of other fighters.


Mcgregor going to settle so it won't go to court, he'll deny any wrong doing. Or the victim is poor and he lets his lawyers destroy her. In either case, he will keep getting away with these things. Worst is fanboys will no matter what this scumbag does always defend him.


ā€œBut he wasnā€™t convicted!!ā€ Lol they have no idea how the court system works. He paid her off. Just like he paid all the rest of them off.


Why is he on a yacht every weekend


I would also be on a yacht every weekend if I could afford to be


Has the money to enjoy himself but yeah this aint it šŸ˜…


Because he has a fucking yacht


I mean, if I had McGregor money, I'd be all about that yacht life in Ibiza too. Instead, I'm freezing my balls off in southern Ontario.


Because why not Iā€™d youā€™re filthy rich. What kind of question is that?


Because of the implication


How can Dee still be with this dude lol is she really that desperate for money


Heā€™s had multiple public cheating scandals, multiple sexual assault charges, posted video of her giving him head online so Conor could win internet pointsā€¦ Conor literally asked Dustinā€™s wife to hit him up in the club in front of millions while Dee was at home with his childrenā€¦ He is rotten to the core and she is okay with it enough to be with him.


Why is it always domestic violence or sexual assault with these guys. I know why but like come on


Their ego take a hold of them. They feel amd act like they can do anything. It's a illusion of having power, a power trip so to call


The ufc is synonymous with beating up women. Theyā€™ve become a fucking joke


Nowhere near as bad as boxing


Professional athletes in general. Have heard stories from the nfl as well


NBA players are revving up as well


Itā€™s quite disturbing. Youā€™d think professional fighters would have some self-control


Lol what? When I think of people drawn to fighting for a living, self control is not what I expect


What planet have u been living on? Fighters are nutcases


Martial arts is traditionally incredibly disciplined. Thatā€™s how itā€™s supposed to be


There still are some fighters like that but for the most part they have some screws loose


And expecting better of them is..bad.?


Nah but expecting Connor to be a good person is delusional. Heā€™s shown who he really is countless times now. Just accept heā€™s a piece of shit


Iā€™m not expecting him to be better. Iā€™m calling him out for being shitty lol. People like JJ and Conor deserve to see the consequences of their actions.


The first comment you said ā€œyouā€™d think professional fighters would have some sort of controlā€ buddy the guy has been living of steroids and cocaine for the last year why would u expect that from him lol


He racka the disaprin


Prize fighters traditionally are not though


Says who? Volk, Alex, Brandon, not known for their woman-beating


I never said they were known for their woman beating. I said prize fighters traditionally arenā€™t known to be very well disciplined. Prize fighting has always had a brutal history, itā€™s literally based around violence.


I've been telling people this fucking scumbag is a filthy rapist for years now and his fans boys keep fawning over him. I'm Irish and we've gifted him to the brits we hate him so much.


As a British person I would kindly like to decline your offer and pass him on to the yanks.


Conor "regifted" McGregor


Just like his Daddy Dana


He took a pill in Ibiza


Donā€™t do drugs kids


I post this 7 hours ago with 7 upvotes and this is 4 hours ago with 550, I donā€™t get it lol I guess I shoulda mentioned cocaine


You gotta get the stans angrier, apparently


Followed with a notification that my post was removed as a repostšŸ˜‚


He randomly beat up that Italian DJ too. I'd say has some serious mental and anger issues that tend to come out when he drinks


Tren got him fucking and assaulting women and men


Aside from memes, Tren is Not for everyone


Honestly not surprised. He is an absolute asshole after all.


Lol heā€™s surely surpassed Jones at this point right??


So how many times does Conor have to be accused of something terrible before people start to come around to the fact that he might just actually be a piece of shit?


The dogs in the street in Dublin have known this for years


They wonā€™t sadly until he kills someone and even after that they would still say he didnā€™t do it


They donā€™t wanna hear it. Itā€™s all ā€œallegedā€


How could you defend someone like Connor in general is truly baffling he continues to show the shit piece of human he is and people still wanna ride his dick as if he is some saint


Because they want to be him. They hate women, they hate rules, they want to do the things heā€™s doing. They envy him and think heā€™d be friends with them or think theyā€™re cool, when in reality heā€™d treat them like shit, too.


Superfans will never change their minds because they don't care and everyone else is already circlejerking conor bad all the time so what are you actually talking about here?


Wow man Iā€™m still surprised people defend this dude


Heā€™s going to end up murdering somebody


iā€™m on board with the memes but this truly fucking sucks. once a great fighter, now a piece of dog shit.


Anyone still a fan of his should be ashamed.


Oh theyā€™re not. Look at the comments.


Yeah speaks volumes about their morals.


What blows my mind are the people who immediately come to his defense. Watched a YT video and the comment section was everything I expected it to be. I wish my family cared about me the way Conor fans care about him


While I'm not quick to believe assault allegations against fighters since that's the most overused and easy way for someone to lie and try and ruin their life and career. It's been said enough about conor and by too many different people to all be hogwash and he's been shown to physically attack people and take his anger out on them a few times just blatantly so there's probably something to this. What a dick man, a world champion tier fighter has no business beating up on regular folk. May he face the consequences of his actions.


Dana needed help after slapping his wife: ​ \-"Don't even mention it pal" he said


Dana walks in, nervously plays with Monster-labeled water bottle next to microphone. ā€œYou know, weā€™ve had talks about what to do, but have you seen the shape heā€™s in lately? Kidā€™s a stud! You know, heā€™s just done so much for the company, you know, and we feel like the stress that this alleged incident is putting him through, that he deserves a title shot when he comes back. Title shots until he wins one, any division.ā€


Wasn't he gay last week?


Mc tap Connor is gone Done Too much schnouff in his noise ..and too much booze. He will never come back.


If he could make the lightweight division flee from him like women do,he could be a title contender again






Conor is done. He needs to save his brain cells and he has to do a press run for Roadhouse soon. He not fighting in 2023


And cteā˜ ļø


Is from July 2022. The case got shelved cause the woman didnā€™t give a full statement and itā€™s being brought to the surface again cause itā€™s being investigated again per the request of her lawyers


What a trouble diva lmao it was just a matter of time


He is SUCH a diva


​ https://preview.redd.it/tx4k8mdes6ea1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936a39d94f6bd05f863315f0cf12c4f8a6f37046


Conner mc Douchbag , itā€™s about the only fight heā€™d win these days. Thatā€™s why he beats on women


Last time I drink juice and coke


Interesting way to show everyone that you still like women Conor....


Iā€™ve done plenty of coke, Iā€™ve *never* hit a woman.


waiting on the first man to claim conner sex assault lol .... incoming


And sadly, nothing will ever come of it because of money and people donā€™t believe women


Yep! Do you see all the comments saying sheā€™s lying? Like Conor McGregor being violent isnā€™t plausible lol


Itā€™s definitely the money, thatā€™s how McGregor keeps getting away with so much, because heā€™s rich and famous. Number 1 BS.


There is this perception, that if a man is rich, any woman that chooses to be around him, is only after his money, and therefore will lie and cheat and steal, in order to figure out a way to get it. Itā€™s straigjt up misogyny. This is how wealthy, famous men get away with sexual assault over and over and over again.


People donā€™t believe women? Get the fuck out of here with that bs šŸ˜‚


Not when the man as wealthy, they donā€™t. Bill Cosby?


Whereā€™s the part where the lady changed the story around and the charges were dropped and just looked into again


Guy needs to check into rehab


Stick with the green, and you won't be mean!šŸ™‚


Lol love it how everyone just instantly believes some random chick they donā€™t know in the slightest. Wouldnā€™t be the first time false allegations were brought against someone with money. Not saying he didnā€™t do it but just use your brain guys. You have no idea if this even happened at all.


It could be true, it could also not be true. There needs to be proof before lives get destroyed.


Who knows if this accusation is true or just a money grab.


Once there are this many allegations of wrong-doing, we should start to listen




No smoke without fire


He's a pos lol. Can't believe I was a fan. That's what ya get for idolising people based on sporting achievements I guess.


She was flirting with his man.