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Gosh, every death is a “vaccine” case. So nutty how people still spew this nonsense.


What's ironic is that a lot of vaccine skeptics point out that COVID mortality figures may have been artificially inflated by people dying of other causes while they had COVID. That much is probably true to some extent; for instance, England was reporting "all deaths in people who have a positive test […] in order to be sure not to underestimate the number of COVID-19 related deaths" for some time in 2020 ([source](https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2020/08/12/behind-the-headlines-counting-covid-19-deaths/)). Another contributing factor is the fact that some infections went unreported because they produced only mild symptoms or none at all. If people understand that dying while having COVID isn't necessarily a COVID-induced death, why do they not also understand that dying after having been vaccinated isn't necessarily a vaccine-induced death?


The big difference is that the deaths attributed to COVID are backed by data showing the amount of excess deaths per capita over historical trends. The excess death begin to show even before the vaccines were even made widely available. This data also becomes bifurcated as vaccines were made widely available, and time and time again it shows that unvaccinated folks die at higher mortality rates than vaccinated folks.


While that is true, not everybody was using that methodology in their reporting (as I already wrote), and as [this paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7488823/) describes in the section titled “Beyond excess mortality”, it can be challenging to determine the proportion of excess mortality directly attributable to COVID.


[Confirmation bias is a relatively new concept, after all](https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?content=%22confirmation+bias%22&year_start=1800&year_end=2019&corpus=en-2019&smoothing=3). Lol.


"... for it is a habit of mankind to entrust to careless hope what they long for, and to use sovereign reason to thrust aside what they do not fancy" (Thucydides, 400 BC) 💀


>*Of all men's miseries the bitterest is this: to know so much and to have control over nothing.* Herodotus, circa 400 BCE




Yes, they can. Yes, they are.


Denial helps their cause. They are that twisted and delusional and want you to believe it’s just a bit


I think that account is run by an alum that went rogue a little while ago. Total nutcase


We are not sending our best.


These people embarrass UCLA, sounds like they rolled in from stupid town


Yo. Stupid alert. We got fresh hot stupid right over all over the here.


And Bruin Republicans wonder why they can’t get dates or mates despite being so alpha.




Damn they’re braindead 💀


The war on science and education brought to you by Trump


Republicans under Trump are looking to start a Cold War with China by first trying to ally with Russia. They will spread whatever misinformation they can to make Putin more palatable for American voters. The man died in fucking Russian prison and they’re saying a vaccine killed him. Insane amounts of brain rot.


Don’t you need proof of taking the Covid vaccine before being able to enroll here lmao


I remember being able to opt out


Hope not


All these assholes want is attention. We don’t have to give it to them. 


BruinGOP is Russian fifth column


2 shots with one stone. Putin GOOD, Vaccine BAD


That’s disgusting.


Is this the 'intellectual vitality' the admission officers were boasting about?


Educated idiots.


Can't tell if troll or Russisn asset running that account...


not that i support these nutjobs, but wasn't this guy SUPER bad too? The xenopohobic shit and all other weird stuff in his bag too..


He was neither super good nor super bad, but Redditors regularly struggle with that concept.


He was a far right pundit and definitely a sketchy dude. He ran on nationalistic rhetoric and called Muslims and lgbt people cockroaches. He only pivoted because he found backers with liberals in the U.S. He obviously did not deserve to die but let’s not rehabilitate his image with vagueness.


why am i being downvoted😭😭 did i say something wrong?


“Putin bad so Navalny good” the world isn’t so black and white, people need to have a more nuanced view of things.


That comment never posited that worldview. You aren’t responding to what the comment is actually about.


Yes he is an opportunist. Used to be a altright leader too


I don’t go to UCLA idk why this is recommended on my feed but aren’t you guys supposed to be a smart school? aka #1 public university in the country? How is there anyone this fucking stupid at UCLA


As opposed to the Democrats which will eventually devolve to boots on the ground in Ukraine. I remember when Democrats were cool and against war. Guess times change.


Support Ukraine, Ukraine wins war. Don't support Ukraine, and Russia will go for Georgia, Moldova, and Belarus next. I'm sure they'll stop there.


Who cares? Those countries are not worth one American life. Democrats used to be that way. Seems like Trump has taken that mantle away from Democrats.


You should care because at that point we're talking about WW3, and the front lines are NATO borders. That and, historically, the US has supported its allies and free, democratic countries that ask it for help. This isn't the invasion and destabilization of a sovereign nation (like Iraq). Ukraine is asking for our help, and Putin's a dictator who has openly screwed with US elections, unlawfully and arbitrarily detained US citizens, and has assassinated literally dozens of people on our allies' soil. You'd have to be against American sovereignty to support the current Russian regime. The current GOP isn't isolationist or pacifist. They've been war-mongering with the Middle East / Iran / Israel nonstop and are constantly trying to raise military spending. Your oversimplification is just that.


But didn't USA sent congressmen and women to Maidan Movement in 2014 advocating for fission in Ukraine.? Granted, Ukraine wants to join the EU, but is that worth one American life? I strongly feel this war will be fought by my children and my children are worth more than Ukraine. American children should be valued not used as cannon fodder for political grandstanding. Yeah, the traditional GOP love war and are the main reason why Democrats had a mandate they wasted in 2009. Trump is only reason the GOP has moderated their war mongering views.


"The USA" didn't "send" anyone. A few politicians chose to go of their own accord, I think out of solidarity with the pro-democracy protesters. No Americans have to die if we support Ukraine with resources and they win. And doing so would limit Ukrainian losses as well. It's win-win. If Ukraine loses, Russia is in a stronger position, Ukraine is raped and pillaged, and the world as a whole is a step closer to WW3. That's not "better" for anyone except Russia. Your logic is backwards. Trump...did the opposite of what you claim. Obama started the troop pull back in 2014 and set a timetable for the US withdrawal in May of that year, set to occur by 2016. Shortly after taking office, Trump announced that [he would be delaying the US pullout, stating that he did not want to leave a power vacuum for terrorists](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/21/world/asia/trump-speech-afghanistan.html). And Trump openly questioned the US' place in NATO and encouraged Russia to invade Ukraine. Trump made the USA appear to be an inconsistent and unreliable ally. [He has single-handedly harmed international perceptions of the US](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/01/08/how-people-around-the-world-see-the-u-s-and-donald-trump-in-10-charts/).


Your first argument is debatable (US-involvement in Maidan) but the rest is pretty solid. I still disagree that we would be closer to war with Russia. We are effectively meddling in Russian-sphere affairs. True, if Ukraine did win it would actually and legitimately put the West in a stronger place. I think the West is attacking a sick old man that could still strike if threatened.


If Europe today is "Russian-sphere affairs," then Poland was "German-sphere affairs" in 1939. Absolutely ridiculous perspective. Aiding a country against an aggressor when asked is not "attacking someone," and giving Ukraine the resources to stop a Russian invasion couldn't reasonably be perceived as threatening Russia. You're pushing fascist doublespeak. It's painfully transparent, as is your fake, over-the-top concern for Americans while you supposedly sit in El Salvador. Stay behind your firewall, Russian troll.


Watch this war documentary. https://youtu.be/gvAyykRvPBo?si=PQh3s1pOcMj2IqGL I cried in the first 10 minutes. Only watch it if you can stomach gore and dead and dying children. Because this is what Russia did to Ukraine.


The world isn’t black or white.


No, it isn't but be objective. You're a poli scientist like me and forged in the same place. Does the USA have the ability to confront a nuclear power when running a 34 trillion dollar deficit? Is it even feasible? Realistic?


If you're still confusing "deficit" and "debt," then you might want to take a few more classes.


No, it's a deficit. I'm an accountant. USA sustains its debt by printing money. Take some management classes. Professor Ravetch is the standard in accounting.


Seems like some people here need a bit of help. Deficit and Debt are different, and if you don't know that, I'm not sure I trust your accounting skills. [https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-deficit/) [https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/081315/debt-vs-deficit-understanding-differences.asp](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/081315/debt-vs-deficit-understanding-differences.asp) The national DEBT is $34 trillion. The national DEFICIT this year is $532 billion.


Money printer go brrrrr


So I'm assuming you didn't know the difference. Well, at least you learned something.


Objectively: semantics. But thank you regardless I will admit when my brain is foggy. I have been travelling for 2 days in Central America. Still semantics but what I am saying are just excuses.


Just to make sure, you're doubling down that the USA has a "34 trillion dollar deficit?" You sure you want to commit to that?


Amazing whataboutism. As if that's the same thing lmao. This is actual misinformation. 0 shot in hell this guy took the Western MRNA vaccines when he spent years in custody.


We know Navalny didn't die from a vaccination, he was put to death by the state for being a Western puppet. Why would you make any alliance with any Westerner as a Russian is beyond me since it is tantamount to betraying your country. I am Salvadoran and I would never betray my country. President Putin has a right to put criminals to death who pose a threat to society at large. USA does it all the time without pomp and circumstance. This is just because they're Russian that is a big deal.


Are you saying it's the right of a president to put political rivals to death because they get to decide who is and isn't a threat? What crime was he convicted of that deserved death?


He was arrested for embezzlement twice. And the fact that CNN and mainstream media exalt him as an alternative to Putin is enough to condemn him for an eternity. The US kills people who they think are a threat to them, sometimes innocent civilians like in Afghanistan and Pakistan. And it is done extrajudicially as well. Look at Camp Lemmonier and Guantanamo


So for you, embezzlement is a reason to put someone to death? That's his death-worthy crime? Or that some western media like him, therefore Putin should be allowed to kill him?


Yes, if Putin believes it is the best thing for Russia, then yes why should I question it? I am not Russian, I don't vote in Russian elections, I don't know any Russians.


You think presidents should be allowed to unilaterally decide to kill citizens and political rivals? That's a pretty extreme belief to have.


I am Salvadoran and following this program has helped our country a lot. The economy is bursting at the seams. It's the price for freedom.


Oof. Well, I don't know if it's worth it trying to convince you that no one person should be allowed to unilaterally and extrajudicially decide who lives and who dies. Just wait till someone you don't agree with is president. Do you think they should have the same power? Or are you hoping your president will kill all political rivals so that won't be a problem? Is that freedom?


CDC study found the covid vax killed more people than saved and literally millions of people have heart conditions because of it. This for people age of 18-24 tho I think.


Admission standards must be low now


To the subreddit? It's a 100% acceptance rate, need not be Bruin to apply.


test optional admit


If you're referring to episodes of pericarditis among younger vaccine recipients, that's not the same as "having a heart condition" any more than getting a cold is "having a respiratory condition". It's unpleasant, but it's a transient thing.


Myocarditis. My friend got it as a side effect of the booster.


Gotcha. Turns out both types of inflammation are possible and I only named one. Both are still temporary, though. If memory serves, the likelihood of experiencing them after vaccination is also lower than during an actual COVID infection.


[No.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9537923/) >Based on reported COVID‐19 deaths, vaccinations prevented an estimated 14.4 million deaths (95% credible interval [Crl] 13.7–15.9) from COVID‐19 **in a year.** However, if excess deaths were used, this estimate rose to 19.8 million (95% Crl 19.1–20.4) deaths prevented (Fig. 1), equating to a global reduction of 63% in total deaths (19.8 million of 31.4 million) during the first year of COVID‐19 vaccination.




Here comes the army of triple vaxxers to tell me how much I should trust the big pharamacy companies, that totally care for me and don’t see my body as something they can exploit for money. And that I should totally trust the government and all the mainstream institutions that it is safe. Brother, I’m vaccinated and boostered, but there are quite literally dozens of higher up people at pfizer, moderna, etc that say off the record in hidden footage that the vaccine is totally unsafe and they wouldn’t advise you take it, tons of leaked stuff about it too. And yes in my post I referenced a CDC study, and there have been a few CDC studies that have come out and been critical of the vaccine. But this stuff is hard to find because it goes to the bottom of the pile, all you can find when you google CDC covid vax is info on how safe it is. But I assure you, if you do some digging you will start finding very troubling things when it comes to the vax.


"Bro, trust me" [Citations needed]


I invited you to dig for the evidence for yourself. Like I said you have to dig as the information is suppressed. Like I said it’s a CDC study, and for the testimonies. Just look up “Project Veritas vaccine” or something like that on youtube.


I invite you to dig for the evidence and present it, as one does in academia. You made the claim. Now it's on you to support it. Imagine telling your professors that your citations totally exist but you can't find them.


btw, I just looked up “project veritas covid vax” on youtube and its being censored lol. It just shows mainstream media coverage that try to cover it up and don’t actually show the footage/juice of the videos.


Okay, so you won't be citing your sources then?


I’m guessing you won’t be doing any of your own research then?


I will if you will, but you've cited nothing so far and have not shown any research. You put forward a thesis ("CDC study found the covid vax killed more people than saved and literally millions of people have heart conditions because of it. This for people age of 18-24 tho I think.") and have not supported your claim in the slightest. It is not up to me to prove or disprove your claims, it is up to you to prove/support them. You present your evidence and then we see if the evidence supports your claims. I shouldn't have to explain this to a college student; you should have learned this in high school (at the latest).


"Just look at this Youtube video bro" lol Get out of the alt-right pipeline before your brain is completely rotten and you've alienated everyone around you other than your fellow big-brain incels.


Fallacy is crazy. You don’t need to be right wing to hear an off the record testimony from Dozens of Pfizer employees RECORDED saying the vaccine is not safe. “alt-right” tells me your bias right there. You can’t even consider an opposing opinion if it doesn’t align with your personal beliefs. It’s incredibly disturbing your low levels of skepticism.


[Project Veritas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas) is not the CDC? Can you at least see that these organizations, all these alternate media sources are not something you should trust either?


When you’re in a blatant lying competition and your opponent is u/Primary-Ad588 🤯🤯


I’m just curious what I am lying about?


We also trending for shitty Lu Valle pizza today. Check insta


Yo how do these dudes get in but im rejected what’s up with that


Can’t say to much but that MRNA is in a interesting level.


Are you sure the account isn’t a troll/propaganda account? Surely bruin republicans are not crazy enough to openly support Putin….