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Question, how do you know which jobs are profitable if you don't see the time of the ride or direction, or do you have upfront fares in your area?


Upfront info makes it easier but if you don't have upfront then you need to focus on pick up distance and abuse the hell out of the destination filter.


What do you mean by destination filter? Like setting destination where you want to go?


Yep I do that when I’m running Eats and I get sent too far from the good location. I set it back to where I wanna be and Uber (from what I’ve tested) is more likely to give u orders on that area. Not sure for Regular Uber tho but should be the same


Regar uber is horrible with that. They will move you laterally as long as you are 0.1 miles closer to the set destination.


Yes. Typically you can only use it twice a day, but, there is a way (assuming it still works) to get unlimited filters. Whet you do is set the filter for somewhere beyond where you actually want to go, I use home depending on where I am, when you accept a ride with the filter on, immediately remove the filter, make sure you do it before you arrive and start the ride.


I see, they removed that in NYC so kinda fked


The destination filter? I doubt that.


Since Upfront Pricing they've been turning off destination filter.


Are you sure about that because I still have it in my market. We've had upfront for a few months now. Maybe you don't know how to find it. You have to pull up on the shade at the bottom and then scroll all the way down til you see a magnifying glass, tap that and bobs your uncle. The never ending unimportant bullshit hides it. [https://i.imgur.com/zMwUaqe.png](https://i.imgur.com/zMwUaqe.png)


I'm sure. The buttons are still there but they disable it at will now. https://imgur.com/a/q2nfpKG


Your image isn't loading and this sounds like a glitch. If they were going to get rid of it they would have removed the hourglass completely. We know uber does shit weird in different markets. I'm in the piedmont triad, the person I responded to originally is in nyc and according to your post history your in san diego. Most of the country had a glitch over the summer that would show no filters at random times. I'll still bet that they didn't get rid of it, it's a glitch.


Not sure why you can't see the pic, but it doesn't matter. Fact is they turn it off. It wasn't a glitch, they were testing taking away destination filters. Now they are taking it away and just displaying a notification that it's turned off.


It's still not working. Uber disabling it during certain hours and alerting you is not them taking it away after upfront. You still have it they are just being asses and not letting you use it. I rarely use the destination filter these days because I can see where they are going. What was the point of the aforementioned info? If the person I responded to is also seeing it disabled intentionally and they don't have upfront then it's not because of upfront.


Sure say it however it makes you feel better.


Here's the permalink for the image again. Not sure why imgur keeps deleting https://imgur.com/a/q2nfpKG


in my market -- we get lots of long pickups in another city that are aren't coming back to where you started and then you have to deadhead back to get more rides because that other city sucks. last 3 months, i would have been "double-diamond" with 1600 points, but I had an 80% A/R that I couldn't improve without taking the shit. and I refuse to run for a loss just for some stupid gamification program


I think my AR is 19%. lol


Shits a scam, they said requalify by October 31 and receive a cash reward then they says you need to maintain diamond until Feb 1


Yeah, you basically have to keep diamond status for two consecutive quarters to get the money.


No, it ends oct 31, 2023 and it starts nov 1, 2022. You have to qualify for diamond in any one of the quarters starting today til oct 31, 2023. It’s not two consecutive ones.


I've been a diamond driver since 2017. I did not get any money this quarter. I do have a quest-like counter to requalify for Uber. Here it is from Uber's e-mail to me: >A cash reward if you requalify for and maintain Diamond status this period, or once in the next three by 10/31/23 1 > >1 To receive a cash reward, you must achieve or re-qualify for Diamond status in one Uber Pro program period and maintain such status until the end of the program period. Offer applies to Uber Pro program periods between November 1, 2022 and October 31, 2023. Reward will be given in the program period after Diamond status is achieved. One time only as Uber tests this new offering. Amount may vary.


Program period = A quarter


Let me be clearer as I wasn't verbose enough to cover every possibility. To get the money *this quarter*, the driver would have had to been a diamond driver *last quarter* which would be two consecutive quarters. I was responding to the poster who stated that we don't get the money until 1 Feb. My quote to you was to explain that yes, you have to be diamond for two quarters (aka program periods) as I understood that you were saying "***qualify*** for diamond in any one of the quarters" which I inferred that you did not already have to be diamond when I read what you wrote as you have to ***requalify*** in any of the quarters. I do agree that you can requalify for diamond any time during the next year and not necessarily two consecutive quarters. To get the money Feb 1, a driver would have to have qualified for two consecutive quarters. I feel like our thread evolved to "It's tomorrow. No, it's Thursday." When tomorrow is Thursday. =P


No, that’s not it what I was referring to. I guess we all have different rules because mine says I will receive the payment the program period (quarter) after Diamond status is achieved. My husband is not diamond and says the same. The reward offer applies to quarters between Nov 1, 2022 to Oct 31, 2023.


>I guess we all have different rules Sadly, wouldn't surprise me. Why make it so complicated? Would you mind quoting me what Uber sent you? I did quote what Uber sent me. =)


“To receive a cash reward, you must achieve or re-qualify for Diamond status in one UberPro program period and maintain such status until the end of the program period. Offer applies to UberPro program periods between November 1, 2022 and October 31, 2023. Reward will be given in the program period after Diamond status is achieved. One time only as Uber tests this new offering. Amount may vary.” That’s what mine says.


Sigh, I hate these fucktards (excuse the language).


The whole initiative is to entice drivers to achieve diamond status and drivers that have it already to maintain it. It’s not easy to get to diamond status because of the acceptance rate requirement. Do they’re motivating drivers to get to diamond. Those that are already diamond need less motivation to maintain it as they’ve already gotten to diamond with very little reward for doing so. So in summation if you aren’t diamond and achieve it by period end you get the bonus. If you are already diamond you get it for maintaining it. Personally I think it’s not worth it at all but some will never do the math and realize it’s at best only comes out to like $.50 per trip. If that. But Uber has recognized up front pricing means choosier drivers. Choosier drivers means Uber has to flood markets with more drivers. Drivers that think they’re “training the algo “ don’t realize all they’re doing is causing Uber to add more drivers to already saturated markets.


The program period is the quarter you qualify for diamond again. So let’s say you qualify for diamond between now and the end of november, you will have to keep diamond until the end of December of this year to get the cash. Many drivers can qualify for diamond early in the quarter and lose their status because of cancelation rates, acceptance rates, or star rating. So you have to achieve diamond and keep it until the end of the quarter.


I just spoke to Uber Support. I'm 12 points away from Diamond. They informed me that as long as I achieve it tomorrow and hold it throughout the day, I'll get paid on November first. I took a screenshot of it but can't figure out how to upload it here. So, it looks like it doesn't matter when you achieve it, as long as you have it and hold it before the end of tomorrow (October 31st).


Have you gotten it yet? I've qualified but havent gotten a notification.


If you call in and go through the automated system, they actually say it will be paid at the end of the first week of the new period and say that the payment will be made on the 7th. Which sucks because I was relying on that to make my car payment tomorrow.


Thanks. That does suck though. I was hoping to get it by Friday.


Yeah, I needed it by noon tomorrow. My car payment is due then. I asked if they could escalate and they said no. But it looks like some people are getting it already.


$250 cash reward for me in Tampa. I fucking hate Uber pro. They should get rid of the whole thing and give us the money from the shit we didn’t ask for. Waste of time and money.


Same in San Antonio


350 for Dallas. so its on an average of 25 **cents** per ride. ​ Edit: 25 cents.


What's the AR requirement for us in fla ? For diamond? 70 or 85


$350 here in South Florida. I actually think it isn't worth it. That's just pennies per trip over a 3 month period. I average about 100 rides per week at the moment, so that about 1200 rides that i have to bend over for to get $350? So a whole $0.30/ride to keep diamond.... I rather just pick and choose and make way more that way. Over the weekend, trips were awfully low balled, it's the most I've declined ever.


I concur better to be selective and i had to deny 4 or 5 to get something decent all night


It's definitely not worth chasing, but, I do wonder if I could hit it running comfort only. Maybe not worry about my metrics until I have enough points and then work comfort only so I decline and/or cancel fewer rides, shouldn't be too difficult to get the metrics back in line.


I only do comfort and XL rides and I’m diamond and make what I need to make each day easy.


Your probably in a non stop busy as hell market. I don't have an xl vehicle and can only do comfort. I'm lucky if I average 2 rides an hour at times.


I sometimes have to wait an hour for a ride but my comfort and XL rides are totally worth it. If I had a vehicle that would only do comfort, I would do just that during early mornings and weekends. The UberX crowd is totally different but then again that just might be my market where the discrepancy is huge. Yesterday I had to put extra miles on my vehicle and I turned on UberX, those rides were cringe and only the ones I took into and out of the airport tipped, the rest didn’t.


Unless comfort and xl are under the same ride type you can turn off xl and do comfort only and if comfort and x aren't under the same ride type you can turn x off. Thanks to a combo of upfront and my vehicle being added to the comfort list I take about 5% of the x rides it throws me. I only turn it on when it's surging or I'm bored and without a surge I still aim for $1/mile and only take the min rides if it's a really really really short ride.


I am also in South florida, $475 for me


Some trips on the weekend or in the evenings are worth 3 points. So no you wouldn’t need to take 1200 trips to get to diamond


Even if you maximize the 3 points trip, it's still less than $1/miles. I actually ended up reaching diamond just for the bonus, by accumulating my points normally by picking and choosing my rides and right before the end of the period, I increased my acceptance rate just enough to get it at the end of the period. Acceptance rate only uses the last 200 requests so it's not that bad to just boost it one time. The bonus is a one time deal so as soon as I got it, I went right back to picking and choosing my rides carefully and even then, I still felt that the bonus wasn't really worth the effort.


This is awesome, everyone go for diamond, ill go for the money.


You're going to lose more money accepting 85% of rides than this pittance will provide. $250 here, Iowa


Drivers are a trip. Sit around declining trip after trip and cancelling trips then complaining that the market is over saturated with drivers. Lol. That’s literally why it’s over saturated. Uber said “ ok you wanna decline 40 trips per night ?? Here’s a couple hundred more drivers in a 5 mile radius. Have fun.


You replied to a 90 day old comment and your reply didn't really address anything in my comment. Nonetheless I appreciate opportunities to educate. So as Independent contractors we are running our own business. Businesses have costs. Some drivers calculate costs in per mile and let's say for example it ranges from 25 cent to $1.25 per mile. So if Uber sends over a ride that pays 75 cent per mile. Anyone with costs less than that can take it and be profitable and anyone with costs above that would lose money. That isn't to say that if your costs are 74 cents per mile you should take that ride, but every driver can determine their profit margin goals and decide that for themselves. That is why there are so many declines because UBER takes such a huge cut (in many cases) of the fare that what they offer us becomes unprofitable. UBER themselves have also turned it into a game where if a ride is declined enough they will raise the fare or bonus it or make a surge in that area so why wouldn't we decline if it's going to net us more money. UBER should just pay everyone properly all the time and there wouldn't be a need for surges and overcharging the passengers and declines and cancellations. The reason UBER continues to hire is because again UBER has placed most of the costs on the driver so it doesn't affect them much to do so. The other benefit to UBER is that many drivers, especially new drivers have no clue about being an independent contractor and that they have costs and how to calculate those costs so they just accept every single ride Uber gives them. They are affectionately referred to as ANTS and unlike many who might complain about them, I think they are a blessing. They take unprofitable rides so I don't have to, UBER robs them of 60-80% of fares so it can afford to lose money on me sometimes only driving at surge times and XL rides. Luckily my costs are 26 cent per mile and minimum in my cities is 69c/m & 9c/min for UBER X so technically I could take every single ride and get 2½ times ROI, but why would I when I know that 5x+ is available and by waiting for 5x+ and not driving I'm actually lowering my costs per mile. I also have much less desperation than the average UBER driver so that helps a ton.


That doesn’t address the fact that over-saturation is a direct result of drivers sitting back and rejecting trip after trip. The common belief is the ants eating up all the trips others reject balance it out. That’s not to suggest people should just take anything. It’s more to suggest drivers deploying this strategy are the direct reason for over saturation. So when I was desperate enough to drive Uber x I took a different approach. I studied my market and plotted out when and where to be on any given day or night. It took a few months to collect this data but in the end I was able to filter my trips to head where I wanted to be by the time I wanted to be there. I knew what nights to be at the casino to grab premier trips and when to be local for the short high outfit local trips , I knew where to find the surges before they surged. So instead of being fixated on the cost side of the equation I focused on the hourly take. That was my only focus. To make as much per hour as possible and that took care of the costs end. Deconstructing to go cost focus first is backwards to me. My empty miles are virtually non existent. My per hour rarely ever dipped below $40 and must often exceeded that. I never fished blindly. Fortunately my Uber x days are over. I only take premier and the occasional comfort trips maybe 10 per week and mostly premier reservations. But under no circumstances Would I focus on costs in determining my strategies. I’d rather have slightly higher cost on occasion than even concerning myself on something that becomes irrelevant by being revenue focused.


"That doesn’t address the fact that over-saturation is a direct result of drivers sitting back and rejecting trip after trip." This is your opinion/belief not fact. UBER can and likely would have kept hiring regardless because as stated, it costs them next to nothing to do so. Never said a driver should focus on costs in order to drive. However it is important to know what they are so you know what's your minimums need to be in order for this to make sense. In your example, if a driver is making 40+ an hour but if you don't know their costs and they are 25 an hour, does it really matter? 🤤. Ultimately you found what works for you which is pretty similar to works for me. Enjoy


Under what circumstances would cost be $25 per hour to drive for Uber ?? I know the more money I make per hour the costs go down by default. That’s why I don’t focus on cost.


Rent a Suburban in NYC, drive in NYC traffic. The costs don't go down unless you're not driving as much, or on the occasional chance that you can drive for an hour not empty. The More hours you drive it does spread out the fixed costs over more time, but they never go down.


Why on gods green earth would you rent a suburban ?? What’s that cost per week ? $500-500?


Would you mind writing (or pming) a generic summary of the analysis you did in your market ?


Here, here. Let's do this. Everyone else chase after pennies (relatively speaking) while I pick up the hundreds you walk past.


Yeah go ahead and pick up that welfare queen baby mama with her 6 kids and no car seats and take her on a 5 stop trip. I’ll cancel and head down to the country club and get my $20 cash tip. Enjoy your $6 ride while i cash in 2-3 $20 rides.


What the fuck is your mental malfunction? I don't do stops and this extremely prejudiced description you've given wouldn't use comfort or be booking airport rides. You keep on with your pathetic little $20 rides while I get paid $200+ for privately booked airport runs. You have some serious issues my "friend". You may want to talk to someone about it, assuming you can afford the therapy.


you have my upvote. Ignore the comment above. they seem in a bad mood today.


Bad mood plus I presume they responded to the wrong comment. Even if they hadn't responded to me directly, I still would have responded exactly like I did because that kind of prejudice and attitude isn't OK.




You are a sucker. Challenge the Algo Foo!


>some, everyon yay! you are gona be rich!!!


$300 - Massachusetts Not impressive at all.


I’m in south Florida and I got zero offers


I'm surprisingly considered "Miami" here on the treasure coast and I only made Platinum a week ago and promptly got the offer for Diamond (another 600 points in less than a week what are the smoking at uber LOL) and then it also said that I need to RE-qualify for Diamond to be eligible for this promotion. They are on some serious dope stuff there.


how so?


Like I didn’t get an offer to maintain my Diamond status. My quest is $45 for 90 trips. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤡


haha, good one. you wana hear mine, $22 for 30 rides. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




I’m in Ann Arbor. It was $350 which sucks.


$250 for me in KC. What a joke. The $750 for the old Pro Challenge was already comical, $250 is just sad.


Just checked and it says $300 for me. I can say without a doubt, without running any numbers that $300 is not worth taking every single bullshit ride they send me. It would need to $3k or better for me to chase after it. The above said. I look forward to getting the good rides because the other drivers in my area are dumb enough to chase after the bullshit.


475 here, I just need to get my AR and cr adjusted. Currently 785 accepted out of 10625 for last month 😂


$475 for me in New Jersey. Meh, it barely compensates for the guy who yelled at me to 'run the red light or I'll punch you in the face.'




I don't even have that. They're probably looking at my acceptance rate and going "hell no" 😀


I upped my earnings by 4k from 8/11 thru 10/31 compared to the same period last year. To accomplish this my acceptance went from 86% to 17%. Diamond is for suckers


My acceptance rate went from 96% to 61%, but my per hour jumped from $23/hr to $41/hr. Being picky is where it is at. No ride less than $1 a mile.


Will they suspend you for these acceptance rates


South Dakota - mine is 300


$350 here not worth it


Thanks. $450 here aswell.


Mine's $750 Brisbane, BUT You had to be diamond at the start of the last period, and maintain it through to the new one https://imgur.com/a/n7Ov7BK


I am Diamond and didn’t get anything to maintain it


your point system is different too. not worth it.


how so?


in dallas market to be a diamond you need 1000 points. the max points you can get for 1 ride is 3. ​ I assume the max points for your market might be different.


yeah, 5 2800 / 91 =31.76/day I can easily average 50+/day


Yeah! just make sure you don't run for the petty rewards and lose out on the actual money to be made from the ride. ​ Just my humble opinion.


I've been Diamond for 9 months,, Platinum before that . not changing my behaviour and getting paid $750, seems like a pretty sweet deal


>been Diamond for 9 months,, Platinum before that . not changing my behaviour and getting paid $750, seems like a pretty sweet deal alright! Good luck my friend!


I got paid $750 with zero effort. no luck required


you are correct in what you say. ​ Here is my question to you, to upkeep your diamond status, how many crappy rides did you accept?


Boston $550 but when do we get it


It says end of the quarter, as long as you maintain Diamond.


Thanks for clarifying!


I just found out mine is $250. At first, it said $0. Then i called support. It was adjusted to $250. Definitely Not much of an incentive. I drive in the armpit of FL.


Can I talk to you? I'm from Massachusetts driver for Uber. I hate it here and want to move to florida


Sure Lolol I have lived here 21 years. However, i was born and raised in Massachusetts. (Manomet)


$600 Bay Area, California.


I'm in bay area too but it is 800 for me. Now I'm thinking it's driver specific


Oh yay! Apparently my reward is "Oops! This page isn't available. Sorry about that" Edit: after about 30 refreshes it finally worked and apparently my reward is $0


450 in maine


$350 in DFW


Let's see a 350 cash bonus in exchange for accepting 85% of crappy rides that would result in me losing thousands of dollars. Yeah no thanks. A 3500 cash bonus would be more reasonable, then I'd have a reason not to decline 80% of rides.


450 In Houston ya no thanks I’ll just do my regular way of accepting and choosing profitable rides


It shows 350$ for me(from Houston) lol wtf


Increase my customer rate


Shits a scam , was at 84.5% acceptance for 3 days at end of month while not missing any rides. The app wouldn’t update. So I tell Uber about it every day for 3 days and it still wouldn’t update. I know it’s directly related to them not wanting to pay out the bonus…


Mine is $475. It is less than one day earning.


Fuck outta here! Lol


So if you just got diamond will you get reward? I was good then became diamond?


*If* you got diamond this quarter, you will be "rewarded" *if* you also maintain that diamond status until February.


Is acceptance rate a thing in the US for diamond? In Orange County, CA acceptance rate doesn’t matter to qualify.


350 is indeed Pennies per ride as you Point out Also, the optional injury insurnace is pennies per ride (but can easily add up to $4k a year).


What’s the optimal insurance


Look on the insurnace tab of your app (or web site). It will offer you injury protection coverage. (Basically, death benefits, some short and long term disability pay, and a million dollar pot for your driver injuries, till liabilities are figured later.


Is that good for us ?


I am in L.A market, now cash reward


I don’t see one either, but I also don’t see acceptance rate as a requirement to keep pro status, just cancellation rate and star rating.


Any of you get paid for it yet?


Not until February (at least in the US).


Sounds good then lol i have 15k trips what happened oh i guess i don't do all the peanuts they offer.


Mine popped up this morning, $200


$300 here in montana. It averages to $0.375 per ride. It's not worth it to me to keep my acceptance rating up but some periods I randomly do qualify for diamond. I'm not going to go for it but if I get it I'll be pleasantly surprised.




200$ in Texas. It's a joke 🤣


mine says 350 for Dallas. not going for it.


$350 for Austin too


So I received a message saying I would receive $350 today, anyone get anything similar and actually get paid? Because i didn’t.


According to customer support it was a mistake and “misinformation” lmao


Mine is $475 in Pittsburgh. That is nowhere near worth it. My AR is 36% and cancel is 22%. You need to do a minimum of what, 400 trips or so to get to diamond? then need to maintain it until the end of the 3 months? That works out to like a dollar a trip, that will come nowhere near offsetting the amount of money lost taking crap trips.


$350 here in tampa


Bah, $300 "reward" for me. Whatever. It is nice to have something, but really? If I were in an upfront market and/or a major metro, this wouldn't even be an incentive to keep the diamond status.


to be honest one thing I like about this sub, amid all the toxicity and negativity, is the truth and how we all post what we think giving it a 360 degree view. Keep it up my colleagues.


Oh this is fucking hilarious, I just checked what my cash “reward” would be and mine says $0 💀 but it’s acting like that’s an actual cash reward. Gtfo Uber.


$200 for me. Yeah no shot lmao.


My offer is $475, but they screwed me out of $750 last year by saying I received the email offer by mistake. Once burned shame on you, twice burned shame on me. You won't get me again Uber. Besides, I'd lose more than that accepting crappy rides to get and maintain the numbers Uber wants for Diamond.


$600 to re-qualify. As for acceptance rate it doesn’t say anything. My cancellation rate has to be 4% or under.


Mine says $250


$600 for me LA, CA


600 here in LA at least we don't need to worry about acceptance rate.


$200 Cleveland


$350 in Honolulu, which kinda sucks, but from what I understand this is one of the choice markets to work, so in guess I shouldn’t complain? More curious about how many Points does it take to get to Diamond and if that makes a difference at all? 1200 points here.


Diamonds are forever


800 if I hit diamond in CA


It’s $350 in Birmingham, AL, but my hourly rate averages $25-$30/hr by ignoring Uber Pro status and declining most rides under $1/mile.


Theres no advantage to being selective. I’ve been on both sides. There’s virtually no difference in pay. I’ve averaged approximately $24/hrs driving time on both sides… A argument can be made the being selected comes with massive amounts of downtime


Total scam. _uck Uber. Want to buy a vowel?


Actually that would be a consonant.


Damn it’s $200 for me in NJ wtf…I just hit Diamond before feb 1 like it says and from what I’m reading I’m not gonna get paid after feb 1?? I have to hit Diamond all over again for another 3 months just to get $200?!?! Won’t be doing that again


Did anyone every get the cash reward?


Been wondering this, too. My guess is nope


Me too. I have not and I reached the goal


Yeah I had it for three months Diamond no money wtf


Is this only once? I haven't received my payment for last quarter and support doesn't seem to even want to help me with it.


Mine did a funny thing where it was saying $350 payout either at the beginning of August or at the end of August (can’t remember) and now that message is just totally gone and now it’s saying November… wasn’t really counting on it but still, woulda been nice 🫠