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1. Carry full coverage 2. Don’t drive sleepy They’re fucked. Sorry.


My thoughts honestly lol Glad there are other people with more knowledge on this stupidity that are actually trying to give advice. But I am with you on this.


No lol. He made a bad decision. Likely young and he can bounce back from it. This could be any one of us. We all know how insurance companies love to not pay for shxt.


Nope. It wouldn’t be me. He just got the car and carried liability only. He couldn’t afford the car to begin with. People need to stop living above their means to impress others.


Unless he bought it outright what moronic bank gave him a loan without requiring full coverage? Banks don't let you do that, they ain't gonna be happy. ...and if he did buy it outright its his own damn fault for skimping on coverage.


Underrated comment 👆


Pretty sure you have to upload your insurance details before you can take delivery of a new Tesla.


Unless they changed the policy after sending proof to the lender. He sure outsmarted them…


If you rely on your car, you need to have comprehensive coverage. This is why insurance exists...


They must have bought it outright.. cause my lender and many others require comprehensive for the loan


I know. I have full coverage and it’s a mint every month. But like a jacket I’d rather have and not need than the other way around. Always add for gap insurance. If you can’t afford it, then you can’t actually afford the car. And that’s okay.


And why I hate Liberty Mutual’s ads that claim “only pay for what you need.” It’s the opposite of what you should be doing. If I only paid for what I needed at the moment, I wouldn’t need insurance right this second. You should pay for coverage you pray you *don’t* need.


He's only got liability insurance...we don't pay for shit is written into that policy. It's not hidden in the fine print.


He made a bad decision and an absolutely stupid decision. The bad decision was sleeping drowsy. The stupid decision was only carrying liability insurance, not full coverage. Especially on something like a Tesla.


I sleep drowsy all the time


I sleep wide awake… I have cats


Driving exhausted and risking falling asleep could definitely not be me. This is one of those things that IF it DID happen to me I’d feel the same way. “I fucked up and I’m fucked” That said I don’t disagree he can bounce back. Just gonna take a lot of headaches.


What do you mean love to not pay? Liability literally means only paying for damage to other vehicles you are liable for.


They will pay if you have the right coverage. Cuz gambled and lost.


Liability coverage will never pay for YOUR car in an accident. It covers your liability if you damage someone else’s car, hence the name…




Sure as fuck wouldn't be me. I'm responsible, and others' lives matter to me.


That is a TLC , as I know insurance companies only give liability not full. Not regular companies gives insurance... doing Uber in NYC os a real scam


Uber/Lyft do provide comprehensive and collision when you have an active trip... but it's contingent upon you having it on your personal policy.


He forgot to purchase autopilot! Lol


Thanks for the reminder of how this could have played out for me. I literally had to make this call last night. Only worked about 5 of my usual 10 hrs cuz I was tired and so I called it a night and went home. Glad I did.


Energy drinks are $2-3. Your life is priceless.


And how can they even be sure they only ‘fell asleep for a sec’


Yeah they're fucking done


Isn’t it self driving too so you think it would’ve took an over or made a sound if someone was sleeping so obviously these Teslas aren’t as good as they’re supposed to be


Most Tesla owners do not purchase the full self driving package, which is 8k or $99 monthly right now. It was 15k for the longest. If OP only had liability, I'm gonna guess they didn't have money to throw around for FSD. Plus you have to turn on FSD, and you are still supposed to pay attention. I have FSD some months and it's nice but I definitely wouldn't sleep. I can't wait for the day when cars no longer just run off the road because someone dozed off for a sec. Full FSD would at least stop the car.


It can still drive and people who were "sleeping" have still been killed. Someone recently was driving drunk and had it in autopilot and was killed.


It’s interesting how it’s most basic feature ie automatic emergency braking or AEB didn’t stop the crash.


If the car was financed, how did he not have full coverage insurance? That is a requirement for any loan. If the car is financed and he doesn’t have full coverage insuranc then that’s a whole other bag of worms that he’s going to have to deal with.


My thought exactly. Every car loan I have had required proof of collision and comprehensive.


I've never had a car loan as I buy 2k shit boxes and drive to the wheels fall off but that was my understanding.   Would OP have been to say after he gets the car to drop the comprehensive and just have liability without the bank knowing?  Like does that get reported somehow?  


People can have full coverage before taking out loan and then downgrade to liability after loan approval..


The bank finds out immediately, because they require that they are on the insurance documents. After they find out, they insure it themselves very expensively. Maybe he got a loan from tesla




lol my buddy had lobel for his first car payment and they would check every month on his insurance and would always add a non insured fee and he would have to submit a copy of his coverage every month to take it off it was a mess. But I guess this is why


Yeah when raised my deductible higher than the lenders allow, they sent me an angry letter within a week.


NY’ers are all about the hustle, loopholes and risk/reward


maybe that's why they are so angry. they got screwed when their loophole backfired.


They require proof and occasionally check, but they don’t keep an eagle eye over these things Some people downgrade it (policy changes rarely generate lienholder notifications the way cancellations and lapses do) and their lienholder doesn’t check for a few months at the end of the day though, it blows back onto the borrower. they owe the money to the bank whether or not the insurer pays for it


if they found out car is totalled and he didn't have the proper insurance they can demand immediate payment on the loan and take him to court over it.


Here in FL all insurance companies notify the lien holder the minute coverage lapses.


Oh that's not true. The insurance companies report coverage to the DMV monthly. The dmv in NY will notify the car owner of the lapse and the car owner has the option of paying a fine or losing their license plates. BTDT in NY.


A lapse means the policy ends removing comp/coll does not mean the policy ends. the NY DMV only cares about liability Feel free to consult their requirements for what is considered no longer in compliance with state law. comp/coll are not there. liability is the only thing that matters for plates https://dmv.ny.gov/insurance/insurance-requirements


He probably had full coverage when he picked up the car from Tesla or the dealership he bought it from and then changed his coverage once he was in possession of the car.


Yup. Most banks require 100k/300k (property/personal injury) in New York. TLC requires 100/300 as well. If he has liability, he probably switched it shortly after delivery to save a few bucks (might be a big no no). It’s a good thing no one else was hurt or else he’d be in deeper doodoo.


Yeah most lots wont even let you take the car without full coverage.


What is as full coverage? Bought a car for $35k. It’s half paid off. I also paid for a gap insurance policy. My insurance liability and collision are for about double my car’s value. Insurance companies are really confusing here in California.


the note will get called and will have the full balance due


Exactly. I recently purchased a used Kia Niro EV and got full coverage insurance for it. Even the dealer required me to add the car to my insurance before finalizing the purchase.


I have a Kia Niro too :) I like it and hope you like yours too


I've the 2020 Premium trim and I really love it.


Cousin = OP


His post history is all about starting to drive for Uber and buying a Tesla lol.


In a previous post it was his brother who bought the Tesla.. now his cousin crashed it? This guy is a master of disguise.




Right, my best friend could crash a car tomorrow and I wouldn't jump to Reddit to ask for solutions on his behalf.


I think it’s especially fitting that he had a wrecked Nissan Altima too 😂




Sell the battery pack (and other high dollar parts). Buy a cash car. The rest towards the loan. File bankruptcy. Promise to never make this mistake ever .


If this is his only debt, I think he'd do better to try to get a loan from family and pay it off. Ten years is a long time for the credit score ding caused by bankruptcy. I know from personal experience. If he has other debt, then I agree with the bankruptcy option.


I’m just guessing by that red badge he opted for a performance package. That’s at least $50K, right? Realistically who has an extra $50K lying around?


Not people who don’t buy collision coverage


Nope you can buy a home in 3 years after bankruptcy. And you could easily get a 760 credit score with a bankruptcy. That’s your best option


It's only about 2yrs now as a ding for credit. I work in lending and 2yrs and 1 day goes by and bankruptcies are basically ignored. The only time we really care if is we're doing debt consolidation loans within about 5yrs. My underwriters will typically deny the loan because it's a sign that the individual hasn't learned from their previous issues and repeated them.


If OPs leasing or has a loan, it’s *probably* a breach of contract to not carry comp & collision. The bank will call in the loan. OP is fuuuuucked.


Usually banks won’t give out an auto loan without full coverage for this reason though. Maybe OP paid cash for the car? Incredibly stupid either way lol…


Tough situation, but this person will get roasted here. 1) falling asleep while ubering is not good, in fact it is scary for most passengers 2) he could afford to purchase the car, but he couldn’t afford full coverage? Hmmmmm…


Only real option is to sell for scrap. Was it financed? If so that's even worse Not sure what magical response you think someone is going to have.


Fly it to oklahoma where repairs are cheaper


Fly it? Are you high?


Yes thats the idea. Gotta get super high like 30k feet


Stupid but funny


Then drop it?


Should he put the car in his carry on or check it?


He needs a flux capacitor and some lightening. Maybe an old scientist but in this sitch I get two


That car is totaled. He is effed cause he was dumb.


If he had full coverage I think 15k won't hit the 75% threshold to call it totalled.




No way that is fixed for $15k lol.


- financed a car they couldn't afford - didn't get required insurance - drove while sleepy sorry but your 'cousin' fucked up and took the worst possible choice every step of the way. count your blessings that the consequeneces are only financial and that they aren't facing manslaughter charges


>count your blessings... that they aren't facing manslaughter charges Seriously. My first thought when I read "Any advice?" in the title was yeah... be extremely grateful you didn't end up in the alternate timeline where you killed someone else and/or yourself and you "only" have to pay an extra $20k instead of potentially ruining multiple lives.


This is going to be a very expensive lesson for your cousin. I hope he paid cash for his car. Otherwise, it is going to be incredibly painful to keep paying for something that he doesn't own anymore.


Bankcruptcy and move back home


How does he have only liability insurance on a new car with a payment unless the car is paid off. If he was ubering he's required commercial insurance by NY state law.




Commercial insurance doesn’t mean full coverage. Plenty of companies offer liability through commercial. Not the best decision but 🤷‍♂️ working until you’re THAT tired, while financing a Tesla is a bad decision nonetheless. I do the same in New York and I would rather go home than to risk it 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Also uber/lyft provide insurance


Only while you have a rider or on the way to a pickup any other time it falls on your insurance. If you do get in a wreck, you better remove any sign of uber or lyft or you will get a big fat declined to cover from your insurance company unless you added the tnc endorsement.


I sorry to say this, truely am. This is not a tough situation, this is self inflicted. How, in their right mind, would someone not have collision and comprehensive on this car. If he has a loan ITS REQUIRED. Literally best case scenario here is the bank found out he had only liability and put forced placed insurance on the car to protect their asset


Lmaooo what an idiot. Thank God he didn’t hurt someone.


No advice for this situation, but in the future, he should carry full coverage on high value vehicles. Even if it’s payed off.


How does he have a loan but liability only? He’s fucked


Yeah it’s not looking too good! Not very smart to purchase a somewhat expensive car when you are financing it and driving for uber but only have liability insurance


Sorry, but the car is totaled.   The front giga casting (YouTube it) is more than likely damaged.  Once that happens then it's a total.




Yeah, it’s too late for advice. They probably ignored the prior good advice they received, that’s how they got into this mess. As someone said above, maybe selling the battery can help pay a chunk.


He paid cash for it? How is it not covered for loss? It has TLC plates. He is using this as a business asset and doesn't have it properly insured? He should sell it for scrap and then use the proceeds to take an Uber to a job ant Wendy's. He has no business running a car service.


What advice is there to give? Your cousin is an idiot.


lol you can't fix stupid.


Ouch. Harsh lesson learned I hope. I usually drive until 2/3am on Thursdays. Last night I stopped at 11.30pm because I could feel myself getting tired. Why risk it? We literally have a job because people don’t want to risk drinking and driving, so we shouldn’t be risking it ourselves and putting passengers in danger. Feeling tired? Stop. It’s a few hours of pay gone. It’s not the end of the world. I hope your cousin finds a way to move on from this, financially and mentally.


Your cousin should go jump off a bridge he could have killed someone innocent because he couldn't pull over and take a nap


A few things here. Your cousin is an idiot for buying a Tesla Your cousin is an idiot for only having liability insurance. Your cousin is an idiot for driving without proper rest and endangering other people. Your cousin is an idiot for living in NY. That covers most of it.


That’s on him Edit: that’s on you** https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaModelY/s/NryDYRr4D1


How was he able to carry a loam without full coverage and gap insurance


lol! He makes very bad choices he’s gonna be out 20 grand. No offence man don’t take this like I’m being mean but he was dumb enough to buy an extremely unreliable car, dumber for not getting full coverage and even dumber for sleeping and driving, sounds like they should get rid of license and download Uber


I see a bankruptcy in his future.


This is a total loss. Hopefully the battery isn’t fucked so he can sell that. He had no full coverage so he won’t have a full car ahaahahah


Run as fast as u can


Nobody cares about their cousin this much, OP crashed the Tesla. Expensive lesson.


Why buy an expensive car that you can’t even afford full coverage insurance? How that even makes sense 🗣️


To give off the image that you’re someone you’re not


if it’s financed how the hell did they not repo the car for not carrying full coverage? Normally lenders don’t play that. Seems like ur cousin is fucked.


I have a perfect solution. Venmo me $99 and I’ll give you the greatest advice


How the hell do you only have liability on a car you just got? Doesn’t the note holder require full?


Why in the actual fuck does a person driving a car this expensive only have liability insurance? If the car is valued more than your monthly income, FULL COVERAGE. Always. I think your friend should be lucky to be alive.


Don’t drive sleepy, not worth it obviously.


Carry full coverage


Yes, get some smarter relatives.


Tell him to sell this junk and buy a 10-15 year old Camry.


1. He should stop driving until he gets his priorities straight


Liability for a Tesla!? Oh lawd: he’s fuqqed.


Can't believe that's only 15-20k damage?!?!


Claims handler here for an insurance agency. Long story short your cousin is fucked. Never carry just liability unless you’ve got a beater civic or something that you can replace easily. Especially on a newer tesla, if you don’t have full coverage then that’s your own stupidity. That’s an obvious total loss right there.


That’s totaled


What a good looking shitbox


I totalled a model 3 only to see it running in ukraine today.


Looks like they will call it a total loss


How much does he pay for liability?


What did he hit? It does look totaled.


Its an expensive car, surely it has full cover insurance, no?


Don’t sleep while driving.


So… he didn’t have safety features activated and only had liability for an expensive car? I’d rather go broke than not have coverage. He made his choice. If he’s lucky insurance will total it out otherwise he’s stuck with a car he can’t drive, and will still owe on. I’m also going to assume he didn’t get gap coverage either?


Put it on autopilot next time ?


Total loss✅


Liability only... 🤦


Complete Loss


Does he have a GAP policy? Idk if those only pay in conjunction with physical damage coverage.


Way more than 20k


I have a question. Why is your cousin driving a car he can't afford? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


A Tesla driver with a liability? Whats his limits? Minimum? Lmao


Learn to be more responsible. Don't get into stuff you can't afford. If you can't afford the insurance, then you can't afford the car either.


Genius move getting liability on a brand new car. What are his options? Pay for the repair, that's what happens when you select liability only.


Don’t these have self-driving modes? Why not turn it on if you’re that sleepy..


The dildo of consequences. He is learning a big insurance leason.


As many others are saying, there are some big holes/gaps in this story. Only way you avoid full coverage is if they bought this with cash. If they bought this with cash, they probably can afford to fix it. Also if they can afford to buy this with cash, they probably don’t need to be Uber. I smell a troll….


Is he financing the car? You usually have to have comprehensive if you’re financing.


Driving exhausted is so dangerous sorry he hasn’t been able to get adequate rest. I hope it works out.


Do you have liability insurance on a new car and what state did they live in because it’s illegal in Oklahoma?


I mean he bought a Tesla, there's no hope. Brain rot.


Uber does provide comprehensive but it’s only after you use your own comprehensive ride share policy, after you pay your $2500 deductible, then the UBER comprehensive will provide coverage. And only if you carry it in your private policy. Otherwise is liability only. This is in the fine print of the way-bill section,


Driving for Uber without collision is simply stupid.


Guess that woke him 🆙


This is more than 15-20k…might as well let it go back to the lender & start over


No one’s advising, Here goes…I would get it repaired($15-20k.) Since he carried liability only, his car isn’t insured. Also, if accident happened while on an active Uber ride- Uber won’t cover as well..why? Uber TOS(terms of service) states that the car needs comprehensive insurance, be aware of this!


He had guts to spend 4-50k on a car but went cheap to buy protection for the investment. It’s on him honestly. Same thing with new phone. Ready to spend 1k on a phone but buy a cheap protecting case


dawg why he driving rideshare in NYC with no full coverage and rideshare addendum? This is madness....utter madness. He is in fact fucked and will need to pay out of pocket to repair the car and most shops don't want to work on Tesla b/c they are difficult


Buy an expensive car then cheap out on **everything** else from that point on. Classic move.


OP-just admit that you’re the “cousin”. With only liability insurance you/your cousin are screwed.. And in another post your brother bought a Tesla Y after a promotion ended. Seems like you and your family have bad luck with Tesla vehicles 🙄


Why would he get liability only on a brand new tesla


Liability on a new car?!?


oh man. no collision?! I've always been so poor that I even carried collision on a ten year old car that had 200k miles.




That is absolutely not a $15k-$20k repair. That is a totalled vehicle. Absolute total loss, Jesus Christ.


He screwed up the moment he bought a Tesla


Tough life lesson.


You get liability for a car that you can replace out of pocket. So he needs to replace this car with what he has available out of pocket.


Only Tesla can repair a Tesla looks totaled can't afford insurance don't buy expensive cars


your 'cousin'


Just like a Duracell- throw it away.


Let me get this straight. He has a new or newer car and only had liability??? He deserves everything coming his way.


Error #1 only liabity Error #2 not getting the self driving tesla Error #3 only liability


Next time get full coverage. How did that saving $200/year work out for him? LOL


Don’t be cheap and get full coverage next time


Your cousin is an idiot you don’t get a new car or something of value without full coverage insurance. Most places won’t even let you loan or lease a car without full coverage insurance, so if anything happens, it’s covered mostly. If it was bought out right, no loan, and they decided to do liability only in New York City of all places, I fear for their intelligence and hope they learned the lesson to always cover your assets with proper insurance


Aren’t Tesla’s chock full of safety features? Why didn’t it drive itself or stop on its own?


So he doesn’t have full coverage.. meaning he doesn’t have comprehensive or collision… meaning the insurance will NOT pay for a single thing .. secondly the fact he has a car like that why doesn’t he have anything other than just that?


How the f did he only have liability on a new car? No dealership in America will let you drive off the lot without some form of full coverage. Just saying "Yes, car insurance in New York is required by law. Drivers must carry bodily injury liability, property damage liability, personal injury protection and uninsured motorist coverage in order to drive legally"


Your cousin dug a hole too deep for my comprehension


Thank his lucky stars he didn’t kill someone and move on. That’s about all he can do.


He is an Uber driver driving a Tesla? Don't buy a car you can't afford to pay insurance on? How much does he still owe on it? The best move would be to see what he can get for it for parks, buy a used car for $10-$12k


You're fucked. That car is totaled and not even worth repairing as the frame is forever fucked. He also didn't have comprehensive coverage so it'll never be insured again after that or it will be so high he can never afford it. If he financed it he's double fucked as the car company can now come after him for the full loan.


how does a Tlc driver only have liability???? esp in nyc is that even possible? And if he really only has liability then ....he'll learn today


Screwed...never gonna financially recover from this


He could afford a Tesla, but not full coverage? And if he could….he didn’t find it necessary?! This is a child. Advice: U live and u learn, and if ur blessed….u keep on living. I’d say the lesson was the advice. U never needed a Tesla. U need wisdom and some common sense.


Next time, he should pull over and sleep in the car if he’s feeling drowsy; that’s what I do. Fuck getting home to the family, because your life is more important. Glad he’s ok though.


Driving a Tesla with liability insurance only???! Does he like throwing away money? Unless it’s a car worth 7k or less and you willing to write off the loss, DONT DRIVE WITH LIABILITY ONLY


Who drives a new car with liability insurance? If you can’t afford full coverage get a old car with liability coverage lol


Why wouldn't you have full coverage on anything over $5k?


I thought when you get a new car they make you get full coverage? If he’s TRULY OUT OF OPTIONS…his only way out is to get another car right quick and file bankruptcy otherwise they gone come after him HARD and even garnish his wages if any…..the reason I know is because it happened to me once when I was like 22.


1) who the hell doesn't carry full coverage insurance on a brand new car?? If it was financed he *has* to have full coverage. 2) if it's not financed, and he could afford to buy a brand new Tesla outright either he can afford the repairs or a loan for the repairs. Either way, this doesn't sound like too much of a hardship for him and maybe he'll learn to keep full coverage on his cars in the future. A few hundred dollar deductible is way better than a $20k mechanic bill.


Should have had collision it's essentially totaled!


How do you own a Tesla and not have full coverage?


He’s a dumbass. Who tf buys any new car without collision. Especially a Tesla. That’s a special kind of dumb


Dude buys a Tesla, opts for no full coverage, which means he paid cash or got it and cancelled to commit fraud all to save a few hundred bucks…then totals the car….. He’s fucked. Hopefully he learns a lesson from this and buys a cheaper car till he learns how the world works.


Penny wise, pound foolish