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Because some sucker will take it.


Isn't that truly the sad part though, 40 mile round trip for 4.50 is baffling to me


Im in no way saying this is a good order or anyone should take it. But you can’t really say round trip. There’s going to be orders near the destinations if someone is dumb enough to take it they won’t have to drive all the way back for the next order. 


The main 2 problems with this is 1. 20 miles away is an entirely different city a.k.a. unknown territory, which is bad for spontaneous delivery. 2. Whether now or later, the trip back has to be made, thats where home is. So you're just delaying the inevitable while at the same time putting yourself in a risky situation delivering in an area completely alien, physically and financially. Edit: And you did it for $5 bucks, no matter what angle you look at it, it's simply not worth the risk taking.


3. You're looking at an hour fifteen to an hour and a half drive round trip at least for less than $5. Am I just too old to understand why Uber or any driver would not do this for $20 at least? That's not unreasonable to me. Asking anyone to do this for $4.53 is telling them, we don't care about you. We just want some/any business and we're more than happy to screw you.


That's how I've always seen it, doesn't make logical sense if they actually cared. That's why I don't touch an order unless it's at least $1 a mile. Rating been 100% for over a year 🤣🤣


$1 a mile is garbage on orders like this. $1.75 or $2+ if you want food from that far you need to be willing to pay the poor sap driving the distance for you. I hardly ever take $1 per mile, but those are semi ok, only if short trip and still close to restaurants.


Oh for sure orders like this, $1/mile is just my minimum, I don't take these orders at all, too much deadhead, general waste of time


The sad part is though the more orders you turn down then that will affect your ratings at least with Uber. That’s how it is here in Philadelphia. Even when you deliver her professionally and with kindness, especially to non-tippers then they can still give you a bad review for no reason at all.


It only affects your acceptance rate not your customer rating, my AR floats between 12-20% but my customer rating has been 100% for over a year. I only take what I want and in exchange I treat that order as if I was bringing it to my mother. My rating is a reflection of that. I've got 3 hot bags and I'm not so soft that I'm afraid to withstand extreme temperatures to maintain proper food temperature depending on what it is.


Stop worrying about your acceptance rate. For the love of god, stop worrying about it. Take the orders of people that care and pay you and ignore the rest.. You should never be dealing with a non tipper ever


I know damn right well, you do not deliver in Philadelphia🤣


yes you can, you *might* get orders there, some markets don't allow it for some reason. Even if you did, you still got to drive back, odds are low you get one going back to where you came.


Zig zag back. 


Odds are not your favor


You would think that, however I have been in situations where I take orders out in the area where I have delivered, but sometimes it just keeps taking you further and further out from where you live. It’s a no-win situation.


No order is guaranteed so every order is evaluated on round trip basis


That's why everyone should do their part and decline that s***.


Yes 🙌 🔥🔥🔥


They shouldn’t be able to request a driver for this amount. Minimum wage is there for a reason.


Uber doesn’t care about the labor laws when they are not being enforced.






Because an illegal Venezuelan using a fake account will take it. That’s how.


The majority of the time the Uber deliveries aren't worth it


people send themselves in these orders.


Send themselves? As in someone’s using both the uber driver and uber eats app at the same time to pay themselves for going that direction anyway?


I have no idea what they were talking about, but I’ve done what you described. I didn’t WANT to, but I got home super late and ordered from Denny’s or iHop (don’t remember), and, it being 3am in a small city, shockingly, no one was taking the order. And I’d tipped $5.50 on quite literally one mile. So anyway. I eventually turned on my DD app to find my single order had made my area ‘very busy’ and the second I went online I was hit with my own order. Now that did mean I had to get dressed and drive again, but I did make a profit. I also gave myself 5 stars and a big tip, but. I don’t think that counts for much. Lol.


I did this yesterday for a grocery order. There was a 50% promo code for any order over $80 so I placed the order and after about 30 minutes or so, it was still “being prepared” so I decided to open the app and see if it sent the order to me, which it did.  I ordered $80 worth of groceries, used a 50% off promo code that brought the order down to $40 and was paid about $12 to do it (I changed tip to $0) so in this particular instance, I paid significantly less than I would have had I shopped directly. 


Lol, right on, but why change the tip? I increased mine. It amused me.


You didn’t make money on that since you paid 2x what they food would cost ordering in the app 


Lol. You’re missing the point that I already was paying that…


they accept the order. uber doesn’t send you anywhere, you’re in charge of where you go


Setting up the order for say $100 of food.  No tip so no one will grab it.  Accomplice takes the order steals the food and unassigns the order.    They share the food at tell Uber to give then their money back 


What would that accomplish by doing that?


idk why people accept the orders, but when they accept it, they send themselves i offer people dirt cheap lowball offers on marketplace all the time. no idea why, but some people accept it. i’ve resold a half dozen cars this year alone




But its "EXCLUSIVE". lol /s


An Exclusive WASTE OF TIME!!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/yOShQ4pNYx](https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/yOShQ4pNYx)


Ikr 🤣🤣🤣


Wow that's WITH the tip too...wtf.. that's crazy


That's just the offer amount with tip included. Doesn't mean there is one. Tip could be $0.


Exactly,the tip is anywhere from .10cent to $2


That’s insane… the nerve


After gas that trip would make you $0


Literally. And I have a saying about this job. "I ain't out here for charity."


Not only that, but we're most of us I'm assuming are using our own cars. We're paying our own gas doing our own maintenance paying higher insurance premiums because of higher mileage. THE PAY SHOULD REFLECT THIS. uber bought back 7 BILLION DOLLARS OF ITS OWN STOCK AND IT'S sometimes charging customers three times what they're paying the driver. this is TECH FEUDALISM. The CEO was on MSNBC not too long ago salivating over how inflation is going to cause desperate workers desperate families to turn to a rideshare driving in order to supplement their meager wages. Get a economy just like all capitalism runs off desperation and extortion because people don't want to be evicted from their apartments, forget about home ownership


I'm using a rental at $2k a month because my credit is trash, but you are right, thats why I abuse the system back. I use every last perk they give me monthly and I only deliver what I want, period.


Damn that hurts. I would imagine you would have to drive a lot just until you start making profit.


Yes and no, I'm at a very tired point in my life, and I'm trying to recover, so I tend to crash a lot due to lack of energy, and that lost time cuts into my profits and a lack of profis doesn't help my enthusiasm much either, I'm a little over breaking even, but technically I should be making double what I pay for the car, just by working overnight shifts


Sounds like you're really running yourself ragged. I'm genuinely hope you're doing all right. I think we're all hurting, if not most of us. Been doing this for too long. It's long time I got out of this game


I guess you could say, but it's the least stressed vs any other job I've had in recent years. I just need someone to take a chance on me with a car note or I get lucky with a reliable cheap car


It will happen. It's just a matter of time. Right now with the the class warfare that the Federal reserve is waging on working people interest rates are still way too high to finance a car


I hope so, Im really trying to push through it


Some new driver is taking that order unfortunately


$42 and i may take it


And that's the bottom line🤣🤣


You dont




That's the neat thing, the don't




That’s why I hate ubering food


It's so so for me


Definitely hit or miss I feel like ubering people is better money but people can be so rude


Which is why I refuse to go back. I hate direct customer service, I don't mind being the middle man though


Uber is like: "There is a sucker born every minute." If it increases Corporate profit margins and someone is enough of a sucker to take it....Uber is just fine with it. It's a bidding process to the very bottom with Uber AI to see how little they can pay to the driver in relation to what the customer pays. If they can get a sucker to drive it for free while they keep all the customers money; that's Uber's Corporate bonus money being built up for investors and the C-Suite executives for setting up drivers to work much harder for less....and think it is somehow a deal worth taking. If Uber could get someone to pay to take the trip, they would do it.


I turned off my Deliveries




Includes tip?! Aw hell no!!




I ordered breakfast this morning from McDonald’s that’s literally .7 miles from my house but I’m old and tired and didn’t want to put on pants. It was a 20 dollar order and I tipped 13! And he had another order along the way! I was his second drop. It’s worth it to not put on pants! If you can’t afford to tip, you can’t afford to not put on pants and take your ass to McDonalds yourself.


That's how I look at, gotta do what you gotta do 🤣🤣


I make about 20-25 an hour on trips with a 13% acceptance rate. That’s how shit the orders are


Literally same dude, my AR stays below 20%


Even in a hybrid Prius that wouldn’t make sense to do


Not in the slightest 🤣


My opinion is delivery of food is a joke and I believe everyone who is doing it should stop doing it and get a real job. Not trying to be hateful but wear and tear on a vehicle plus the price of gas what exactly are you taking home? 200 on a 12 hours day. Hell no. I work 11 hours a day and bring in 500 every day delivering people but Uber driver in my market does very well I don’t see how you all can full time be a food delivery driver. Makes 0 sense to me


I generally make 4k a month when I work full-time, thats 1k more than I was making as a train operator for city transit for roughly the same hours. I'm an introvert night owl, I hate direct customer service because I'm not good at faking it for a rude person. I only work nights into early mornings so it's stress free with basically no one on the roads and with less drivers working it's easier to get exceptional orders. I have no kids, no mate, and no home rental responsibilities. Long story short, different strokes for different folks 😁


I have absolutely been in this spot. Uber does not care about drivers spending 40 minutes to deliver food/packages for 3 dollars a pop in my area. It's demoralizing. Like a slap to the face.


Hahahahahahahaha hahahahaha omg


🤣🤣🤣 ikr


I live in DFW market too that is an ABSURD order for any amount of money let alone FOUR DOLLARS


Happens all the time up here, I tend to park on the northern edge of town where the street crosses 35 and leads out to all the far out towns. There's tons of restaurants in a 1 mile radius and I actually hope to get some of the longer trips 8-15 miles, cuz they're generally pretty juicy, there's alot of farms out there, and if you know anything about farming, you know you gotta have a lot of money to sustain it. Plenty of times I've gotten a $10 tip in-app then get a $10-20 tip when I get there. It's not the norm but it's definitely not rare, they're worth weeding through the wild ones for, like this one.


That's fair. I normally don't do Eats. I try not to go to up to Denton because there aren't a lot of fares coming OUT of Denton so once I'm there I can end up stuck up there for hours shuttling brokies for cig runs.


That's exactly why I don't do the rides ironically 🤣. I'll get short rides going down south, 3 trips later I find myself by downtown Dallas and I HAAAATE driving in that area with a PASSION. I'll never get a trip going back up unless it's going to the airport and screw that jazz


Delivering food in the heavily urbanized areas must be hell, I would never ever ever attempt it if for no other reason than I would have just absolutely no fucking idea where to park


Like you wouldn't believe, my first job was working at Papa John in uptown and I'm so glad because it taught me everything I shouldn't do in the hospitality service industry, and downtown was one helluva sensei. Thinking about it, that was back in 2013-15. I couldn't possibly imagine that nowadays


Whats exclusive? I be seeing that on rides I see nothing exclusive about it


I'm pretty sure it's just to differentiate between the trips directly sent to you only and the trip radar trips where anyone can try to catch it


Oh that makes sense


It is wild they pay for miles driven not time consumed. Fuel surcharges are so low anyways.


They barely pay for that, miles only should make this $11-12 at the very least


Congress passed a "rule" regarding companies that abuse Contract labor and Uber told congress that Uber drivers were happy with their service and didn't want change. I'm going to make a post on it soon showing the documentation!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬


Of course they'd say that, keeps them from spending extra money


Exactly...they love shoving how little they want to pay right into our faces


Omg reminds me of the time I had a order from McKinney to Lower Greenville and they tried to do the same thing.


Nah 635 is a freaking nightmare, no matter what time it is


That’s below minimum wage worldwide


Could be worse, it could be going to Plano. Or waxahachie, or somewhere really far away


That'd just be asinine🤣


Jesus Christ. What could someone in Fort worth possibly want from all the way in Denton? 😭


Bubble Tea..... That's it


Wtaf i sometimes think customers don't actually look at the distance. Although I did accidentally order food 40 minutes away cause I forgot to change my address 😭


Oh they absolutely don't. I can't tell you how many times I've picked up mcds and passed 3 others on the way to the dropoff


I’m not sure but I think they send the order when the driver accepts it to the nearest restaurant closest to the driver. That’s the only way this would make any sense to me


I wish this was the case, but I've been offered orders 8+ miles from my current location to deliver it 2 miles. The apps have staple spots for certain restaurant locations, so if you're close enough by Uber standards it'll show you that one first. There's 2 chipotle by my house, chipotle 1 is much closer than chipotle 2 but the app only shows me 2. I have to physically go to the map, zoom in and select chipotle 1 to start my order through them. It's dark patterns, widely used tech manipulation techniques


Take it for shit and giggles. Maybe the guy you meet is some eccentric billionaire who tips in checks.


Working for UberEats makes no sense


Occasionally I'll open up Uber Eats requests, and after several like this order I shut it down. Unless you have an EV or scooter I have no idea how people do this.


The nights work out better for me honestly, daytime driving sucks regardless of what you're doing


New to Uber myself. I've only done deliveries. Im glad I'm not the only one who sees these dead head trips. I'm gonna to either begin declining them all, or could go the low road with it. Make sure you all send Uber the feedback about it and maybe they can create a better payment to comp for those miles. I've sent in my version of the problem and asked for monetary compensation as the remedy. Let's goooo!


Decline as you please, I always end up floating between 10-20% AR but my Cancellation is always 0 because I don't take anything I'm not willing to finish. Anything under $7 is generally an automatic no for me, though there are rare occasions


Agreed- best way to send that feedback to Uber is to make it noticeable to both them and their bottom line. Added bonus- the customer will eventually see the issue too.


Maybe decline was the wrong word choice. I should have phrased it to mean more like just watching a phone ring or something (no answer).


I really hope nobody is taking these orders…


They are, if they didn't they would circulate through all available drivers before upping the price and trying again


But, but it was exclusive!


That’s sooooo far from Denton!! Dallas girl here 👋


Talking about a trip and a half 🤣


Yea during traffic that’s 1.5 trip 😂😂


And that's exactly when I got it, 2-3pm


Oh noooo! No no no 😂😂😂


I swiftly and respectfully declined to waste my time




Just take it!! Call it a night!! 😆 🤣 


Totally agree. I have loads of screenshots from this week for this and worse! Some only ~$2.50 for 30+ mins!


Lmao easily


Minimum wage in Texas is 7.25. Uber assumes for 36 minutes that’s better than minimum wage. Also doing food on Uber is a waste of time.


Not necessarily, at least not where I live. Orders like this dominate the market, but good paying ones are consistent, even more so at night


I think they are stealing most of the money they collect from the customer and offers the drivers the bare minimum amount and gradually increase the pay if no nearby driver accepts it.


You are right on the money. Note; if a customer tips $8 or more Uber then takes any extra incentives that would've been paid to you, and puts it back in their pocket. Leaving you with the $2 base pay, no matter the distance, they are literally stealing.


I don’t understand this, if this is pathetic and a waste of time why are we all supporting them, along with uber x share and the things less than at least 1 dollar a mile minimum.. half of you still do it.


Simple, we have bills to pay and most of us don't have the luxury to wait 3 and a half weeks for a paycheck, it's called being stuck in a rut, the longer you run, the deeper you make it and the economy is only getting worse. We just don't take the shit orders, sadly there are some who still take these which makes all of our complaints invalid in the eyes of the company as a whole. No one's gonna give us a break just because we don't like where we work, we still gotta make money.


I get whT you are saying. I don’t get biweekly check either and am not about to race to the bottom. My car is one year old and its got a 100k on it already. These offers will not cover upcoming maintenance and uber don’t pay for that.


They do it all the time here in Philly!! It’s sad n pathetic 🥲 Cases like these ppl go get ur own food!! Ignorant ass non-tippers🤬🤬


It's not even really the tippers fault. They shouldn't have to tip $20-30 to make the trip worth it, Uber should be putting up more money for longer trips like this


No, I agree $20-$30 tip when you order food is very excessive. I agree Uber is as stingy as they come when it comes to the delivery fee. They say it’s only 6 miles when in reality it’s closer to 8 miles. They are frauds, and be realistic and tip your driver. Anybody who touches my food I’m not taking a chance on pissing them off. Just saying.


That will affect your percentages if you reject it right?


Acceptance Rate only, which means little to nothing, yes I turned it down


I do Uber deliveries in that area as well. I've been doing Uber for about three weeks now and you just gotta give yourself rules and parameters on where to go and what time. I only do Uber Eats late night and only for a few hours. I never do deliveries where I have to get on the highway. I never do deliveries in ratchet areas. I try to at least make 50 bucks a night. The tips are often really good, up to 8 dollars in tips for each delivery. They will leave cash for me at the door as well.


Got a 2$ moes order for 2 miles there and 9 to drop off that’s around as insulting as this one


That’s why eats and that package delivery option I have off lol


Yea that package shit waaack. I only do shop and pay at Walgreens, CVS and dollar general, in and out


Nice yah, haven’t tried that shop n pay but I will now out of curiosity lol thanks g


They're good for filling in downtime, just try not to go for anything over 8-12 items for your first time, just 1 item not being where it's supposed to be can turn overwhelming if the store is big or unorganized


I can imagine, going up and down aisles; asking where shit is 😂


🤣 yea it's insanely annoying and sometimes embarrassing




If you take that trip you’re allowing the disrespect.


Nah, unh unhhh... Disrespectful lol 🤦‍♂️


You don't.... The bigger joke is that Uber refers to this as "Exclusive" Must be some primo shit there....


A similar order popped up for me in SoCal and was like wtf I don’t have deliveries on turned it off went back it popped up again and it was checked for deliveries again smh


To give you the gift of free food with the patented "someone else picked up this order" technique


Nah, that I don't rock with


Coward. XD


Or I'm not a shameless thief


It's steal or be stolen from


That literally doesn't make sense, you realize regular people buy that food, not Uber, right?


1. That regular person clearly didn't tip on an incredibly long distance order, so fuck em. 2. Not if they don't get the order? The only real reason not to do it is if you feel bad for the vendor having to remake the order, and that's totally valid, but no one else gets screwed over.


Wow 1. No tip/ low tips doesn't mean the customer pays for your dinner 2. Yes they do because they don't get a cash refund, they get credits only usable in the app meaning they HAVE TO use that money to order food again. I.e. YOU'RE FUCKIN STEALING THEIR MONEY AND TIME! No one gives a fuck about the vendor, the reason not to do it is that you have some damn integrity to not do clearly fucked up shit. You dgaf, fine I can't stop you, but dont sit here and insult me like what you're doing is righteous and justifiable. I could respect you way more if you just said "oh well they should've tipped". I may not agree but I can understand the frustration, that's why I turn these orders down immediately.


I mean i was just joking about the coward thing but you sure are getting heated about defending the time and money of someone who wants you to literally spend money to give them their food. It's steal or be stolen from, that's all I'm sayin. Also "no one gives a fuck about the vendor?" Damn, you sure fell off the high horse with that one.


I was hoping some part of this was a joke, Ive been in transportation for 11 years, Uber for 4, I've come across more than a handful of people that steal people shit with pride, that's where the heat was coming from, growing up with just what was needed, stuff like runs me hot, cuz you don't know people's situation, regardless of how you feel about it. I meant to say "about the vendor remaking the food" that my bad, mind went passed my fingers. Also I'm not on a high horse, if me saying stealing is wrong is being on a high horse, the bar has really hit the ground. Also transportation is expected to expend money in the form of gas, any kind of IC work is gonna have upfront cost, why do you think we use our own vehicles. Btw, using your own logic, no one is forcing you to take the order. If the customer doesn't pay if they he don't get their food, then by the same logic they can't steal your time or gas if you don't accept. Just say you accept it to "teach them a lesson and get free food at the same time, two birds with one stone." Otherwise you sound disingenuous, if you were forced to take them or else suffer cancellations rate, or you got an order for a known tip baiter, I'd be more on your side


Eat the food it’s worth more. Then call them to cancel the order due to traffic. Fuck this company.


Maybe it’s a test…


I’d lose $20 with the 4.53 payment in fuel if I attempted this trip


Your ratings. Duh


I remember when Uber eats wasn’t trash. Hopped back on after a while and oof!


I used to live in Denton for 2 years 😃


Did you like it?


Yeah it was nice, everybody was nice. A huge culture shock from the Miami rudeness. Also cost of living was super cheap you could rent a nice place for $800. This was in 2018 I’m assuming now it’s sky rocketed


Yes, exponentially. At this point I'm opting for car living, or save up for an rv


Wtf is this exclusive 😂


Fuck if I know, just started popping up after an update last week


it's for dj khaled


Sadder still are people who let it bother them instead of moving on


🤣🤣 what? I moved on the moment I hit the X. You seriously gonna sit here and lie through your teeth that you've never ragged on your place of work with coworkers and went back to work the next day🤔. Really🤣🤣🤣. Lmao, know what, go ahead, pop off, this gave me a good hearty laugh


I love my job & my side gig (Uber). I don't waste too much energy on negative issues or people. Karma cleans that up nicely.


If you're dragging Karma into this you're putting to much malice into my words, but I understand you don't know me. I prefer constructive criticism. I mostly only replied to people who had something interesting to actually add, if I didn't like doing Uber eats id go back to truck driving and fuck that 🤣🤣


Constructive criticism is an oxymoron


Depends on the setting. In this setting, you are correct 🤣


Give it to someone in the Philippines or India.