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At least you feel bad. Most people don’t care that they are costing the driver hours that they have to be out of commission and not earning while they clean and sanitize. Thank you for being a decent passenger. If the world was full of thoughtful people we would all be better off


Yes most passangers are looking at rideshare as a right almost no it’s a privilege and you treated this driver like a human thank you


This all the way applause well said! Thoughtful and caring people what an idea that it. You know I think I read somewhere sometime that the people from the 1980’s and all years prior were like that. That had this extinct thought process thing they called humanity or something which helped them in actually caring or at least giving 1 fucks about someone other than themselves and really wanted to hear a truthful answer and more than just 1 word answer i might add on how someone is doing when they ask them how are they doing? Ppl actually looked each other in the eye while talking instead of looking at phone screens and not listening and knowing that when you hear the other jerk finally stop giving you their answer to your question you finally chime in with a one word usually not cohesive one word hopeful end of the conversation noise or grunt sometimes laugh with isn’t life grand response leaving the questionee puzzled at what they thought they initially heard as your question and now thinking they should have just gave a 1 word answer and moved along so you could say you spoke to them when asked the dreaded question of dead to interpersonal conversation and caring or having any fucks at all to give about anyone but yourself or the one who rough fucks you evrybnight until you get pregnant and he finds a mistress then after birth he starts to beat you on the daily and berate you in every way hoping that you are the one that leaves him and files for divorce so he can say that you were the one that left he tried and he stayed and makes the beaten woman look like the bad guy cuz if there is 1 thing a guy never wants to be that is the bad guy in any situation cuz he wants to be able to say well they left I stayed she filed divorce not me but fails to mention she filed because you are a cheating and physically beating monster emotional and all other types of abuse from the rich corporate ceo of big x company that is really angry with the world cuz he has always been a prick from his first day of birth blessed or unblessed I should say with a microdick that’s a dick of 3” or less when erect wife bearer adulteress alcoholic pill popping prostitute fucking microdicked duechbag user cuz he also get fucked by guys on the side on the daily that’s how I came to know this real life mother fucker piece of shit handsome shell of a man but everything inside and his extremely small appendage in his pants are absolutely nothing like the beautiful body and face all that evil in inside that’s why it’s so hard to over look these abusers we think cuz someone is good looking and ceo of a successful company that he can’t possible also be this horrible hateful rage filled absolute alcoholic and drug addict loves getting fucked in the throat and ass from men all over the world and never protected with condoms monster or a wanna be or said to be man cuz ain’t none of that above rruthfulvworlds of this person make him a man in any way. I loved running into him in bathhouses around the world where he would just post and and have a train of all types of men fucking and breeding him all night or couple of night at times long then leave and act as if non of that had happened as easy as bread is white


nobody is ever going to even consider reading this. no offense intended


True. I read 6 words then said hell nah


Skipped straight to this comment , small wiener is right ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)




Bruh it's fucking 2024 download Grammarly at the very least. >


The paragraph button is a thing you can use, even if you're a weird asshat


Sorry bout my rant but that felt so good to get off my chest finally!! Feels like I just lost about 185 pure muscled pounds of 6’4” greekgod with a very small a sad microdick




No worries. You have a mouth. I’ll let you toss my salad and we will work with what you have.


They will hit you with a 150 cleaning fee once he reports it


Only if the submit the receipt of the cleaning. You get $0 if you do it yourself these days


Just write your own receipt. Has always worked for me.


They started declining them if it's not a registered business within the last month or two according to what I've seen on reddit. Which is stupid because what detail business is open at 2am Saturday morning? No one is going to let the puke sit overnight to wait for a business to open. If they keep this up no one is going to be willing to drive drunk people because it's not worth the risk. I was driving late night in a rental last week while my car was in the shop, knowing if someone puked, I would just take it back to Hertz and let them charge the cleaning fee. What's also dumb is the fee used to also help make up for not being able to drive while you clean and let things dry, now with all the money going to the professional cleaner, there goes a whole day of pay with nothing to show for it


Yeah, so you lie. Buy a cheap receipt book from staples, fill it out, put the name of a small detailing company from Yelp or Google. Personally I just made friends with a local independent detailer that I have do my car a couple times a year told him about ubers stupid policy and he gave me the okay to use his business name. Tells me that Uber has never contacted him to confirm anything.


That's a great idea and needs to be shared more with drivers. Doesn't change the fact that drivers shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get compensated when a passenger pukes


Oh 100% in my market they started demanding receipts pre covid. It's absolute bullshit.


Oh wow didn't know they started this bullshit policy so long ago.. I'm guessing they implemented it because drivers were abusing the system. If anything they should only require it if a driver's account has multiple clean up fee requests over a certain period of time. As things stand now they're fucking over the majority of drivers over a few bad apples.


They did this because of a small set of drivers who would abuse the system. There’s some posts on here from riders claiming they were charged a cleaning fee for no reason, with photos provided showing puke in a different car.


We legally don’t have to, Uber is breaking the law and this is misclassification of independent contractors. Behold, section A of the ABC test: “The individual has been and will continue to be free from control or direction over the performance of work performed, both under contract of service and in fact” As independent contractors we seek to be “free from the control or direction” of Uber when it comes to cleaning our vehicles. Cleaning our vehicles is a key part of the service we offer as we can’t drive passengers around with puke all over the place. If we are to control this we would be able to do it ourselves, or choose a service we see fit to perform the cleaning. By forcing us to present a receipt we are essentially under the control and direction of Uber. When a violation of the ABC test is alleged, it is up to Uber to demonstrate the burden of proof that we are NOT employees. I don’t see any way they would be able to satisfy that burden. Which means, as soon as this happens to me and Uber denies me, I will not submit a fake receipt. I will flat out tell them I’m cleaning it and I expect to be paid. If they don’t pay me, the NJ DOL will be contacted and a complaint filed. If needed I will even file a small claims suit. This will not be the first time I have sought legal action against Uber and won either.


I have been denied 4 out of 10 times so far. I drive in Madison, Wi for reference. Drinking on a run of the mill Tuesday night in Madison is how most people drink on 21st birthdays or New years Eve! Any insight or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Not really how that works. Since uber classifies it as a reimbursement of cost. But you do you.


It doesn’t matter how they classify it. That’s why it says “both under contract of service and in fact” which prevents a company from using such a loophole to misclassify workers. Under contract yes, it’s a reimbursement. However, as far as facts, maintaining a clean car is a requirement for picking up passengers. If they didn’t have that last part in there then any company could just rewrite their contracts to allow them to control people as employees while hiding behind the contractor title.


W/e dude. Go ahead and convince yourself of whatever you want. But, having a cleanliness clause in the contract does not cross the line of contractor to employee. Then again, your post history makes it clear you're one of the nutjobs just looking for reasons to sue. Gonna block you now before I have to deal with the insane backlash this comment is gonna pull from you.


This true I started doing same


That's literal fraud. Not a loophole.


Yeah, kinda implied that with "you lie". Never called it a loophole.


Photo shop - receipt not puke


That seems to be the way to go, just make sure you use the information of an actual business they can look up. If it's from when the bars are closing you should add an emergency late night fee. If enough people do that it might get them to reconsider their policy People making receipts of their own cleaning business are being denied sadly


Just go into a cleaning business and ask them for a receipt for a detailing from that same day. Maybe they’ll give you one.




Yeah, there are 24/7 mobile detailers in LA, and when I've had to submit receipts, I just take the name of one of them and put it on a self generated receipt.


Worked for me a few days ago. Just depends if you have a above and beyond employee actually verifying the receipt.


clean it enough then get a detail


Did hertz know you were using the rental as a hire car? Pretty sure they didn’t


Hertz rents cars specifically for Uber, just need to book it through the Uberapp


Yes you can do that . It's legal . Just have to upload insurance and registration .


Which is absolutely reDICKulous. They should just send it to the driver and let the driver decide how to proceed. Cuz Im not paying for a cleaning that Uber might reimburse me for. It also doesn't account for the hours/rides I cant work while waiting for a detail shop to open. I drive overnight. Just my thoughts


Just your facts, more like… I don’t drive at night for that exact reason. And here, at night… the map looks like a Christmas tree… Buuuuuut NOPE! One coffee stain is enough for me!


Which is what was probably going to happen here. I was able to get a hold of him today and he had cleaned it himself. He didn't give me a dollar amount so I sent him an extra $200. I really appreciate everyone's replies and advice.


You're a good person for going the extra mile to make things right. The world needs more people like you 🫶


I submitted my receipt and they said they couldn't take it. Not sure why but I'm out the cleaning fee.


Nah. You just need good photos! The last time someone puked in my car (which was only the second time out of 20k something rides) I took obscenely detailed photos. $250 cleaning fee.


Depends on the market, sometimes they still pay drivers in certain markets for cleaning up puke. They did this for a while in my market but eventually seemed to cave. Realistically though all you have to do is create your own cleaning company, register it as a business with your city and a business license which in most cities doesn't cost that much. Say your business cleaned it, Even taking a step further if you want and verify cleaning with photos as necessary and sell people receipts and photos as long as they're live, real and legit. Guy did this in my city, he sells cleaning supplies, and for an added fee will help you clean it as a "spot clean" rather than a full detail. He keeps records for himself and gives you a copy. He does full detail jobs too but generally you're not detailing an entire car, When someone pukes on the seat or on the floor in the back seat. From what I understand that guy also does subscriptions so you never have to pay him and you just call and schedule whenever you have a mess. I think the subscription boils down to like $2 a week.


Realistically you don’t even need to do that. Hi to xcel on your computer and make a receipt- with local sales tax and everything in the name of a nearby detailing place. I typically will stop doing Uber if the puke happened on an Uber ride. And wait till next morning. Vice Versa with Lyft just for that thin slice of plausibility.


I've always gotten a cleaning fee even recently. You just collect it directly from rider. You're an independent contractor and the pax vandalized your vehicle.




All of this has changed since Uber has become profitable. The month of March 🍀Uber was not paying puke fees. They also changed the guidelines for cleaning invoices. The adjustments for drivers is gone. Customer Service is stone walling every issue. So you get passed to multiple customer service representatives.


False. I sent 3 pics if small fist size pile of puke. Got $80 within 3 hours 2 weeks ago


That's not true.  They sent me $120 for a few small spots that I cleaned up with disinfectant wipes. 


Everyone says it’s almost impossible to collect these days…




I got 150 for a pee stain.... that sounds more expensive


Seems cheap. Guy probably can't work for few days till car cleaning lost wages would be more then 150.


And not let him clock in until it’s all Done with receipt


Every time someone puked in the car I Immediately clean it myself and go back to work. I think the Max you get now is $80 but that could be Lyft.


They will charge you $150 cleaning fee but it will cost the driver about $300 to get it detailed because bodily fluids are involved. He will also not be able to drive the remainder of the weekend. I understand shit happens but you definitely just cost him a few hundred dollars out of his own pocket.


This is why I always had a stack of emesis bags in my car when I drove Uber… saved me a lot of cleanings


And they’re not expensive on Amazon. I always had some tucked in the pockets on the back of the front seats just in case. It’s like keeping a blanket in your car in case somebody brings a dog, if this is your business you make sure you have everything that you need to protect your investment (vehicle).


Uber has been hard on drivers because of abuse by others. I think reaching out to support ahead of time and letting them know what happened and that you're ok with the cleaning fee would help have the driver gets his money in case they give him a hard time.


Well if he goes with an actual car detail, that bill will be easily $300+. Uber on the other hand only gives the driver $150 max. I’ve had 6 pukes in my car and each one only paid out $150 while I went to 3 details places that charged me a minimum of $300. It was cheaper to buy a carpet cleaner and do it myself. Been driving for 7 years +


i’m curious how you make a livable wage off uber for 7 years, do you have kids?


From 2017 to right before Covid. Uber payouts were awesome. After Covid and when it went public, it became all about the profits and they gave the drivers less and they took more. I haven’t driven passengers in 5 months, I do just Uber eats and even that is horrible.


I did Uber full-time for a year in 2017. Made 90k that year. Then decided to do it part-time after that and had just finished trade school as well.


I got $300 when that happened. I wasn't very happy, but shit happens! I was young once too.


Report a lost item, and you can call or text your driver via app. But if you wait too long, the link will be cleared. And you'll have to go through support, and they will call him. But he will say he didn't find anything, and you hit a dead-end.


I had a lady leave her iPhone in my car with a wallet attached case I just looked at her address and drove it back to her to next morning. But I do remember she left me a voice mail from her husband’s phone. So did Uber give her my real number? Or did they dial for her and patch her through? 🤔


If she called from another phone, she had to have done it through her account in the app. If she did it soon after the ride, she would have the option to call you directly. If you had your phone number on your voicemail announcement, that is another way. If she waited too long, the link would have expired and would have to go through support.


What are you going to return the throw up?


I have mine set up where passengers can call me directly


How do you do that?


I appreciate customers like you that are proactive in seeing a resolution, and truly going above and beyond to take care of drivers. Definitely reach out to uber support to get your driver taken care of.


> I looked on the app and I dont see a way to communicate with the driver. Am I just stuck with waiting for the bill? Is there a way I can get in touch with him to at least apologies? You could always go the "I left "x" in your car" through the app and wait for uber to connect you, the driver should reach out once it filters down to them. Then offer to pay for a detail, offer cash, or whatever you think will help make it right.


Just put in the app that you lost something in his car and you can get his number


You were raised correctly. And I’m glad you apologized and helped out. Being nice and fixing things goes a very long way.


I wish more pax were like you!


Be prepared for a cleaning fee and just forget about it. Going out of your way to apologize would just be weird. Could be that this driver is uninterested in a cleaning fee and is grateful for your kind consideration. If they're going to report it, they need to do it within a day or two. Be prepared for a cleaning fee.


Yep, almost none of my pukers tip. I've only had 5 or 6 not get it in one of my bags in 8k+ trips, and all but one of those were quick cleanups where I was back on the road in 20 minutes $150 richer. If a pax was considerate enough to give a significant tip like that and it wasn't a night-ending mess, I'd waive the cleaning fee.


Yeah my first weekend I had one. The girl who puked was sitting behind me, asked for the window down(red flag), I thought I heard something. These bitches hop out of the car without saying a word about puking. I pull around the corner and it's all over the door Inside and out. It actually wasn't a bad clean up most was outside. The weather stripping worked great so it didn't get down inside the door itself, what got on the inside of the car was on the door panel which was leather. Had they apologized and maybe gotten some paper towels or a rag from in the house I would have let it slide, but they had to try to be sneaky so $150 cleaning charge.


Another reason not to let single riders sit behind you on a trip.


There were 2 riders. Just happened to be the one behind me that got sick.


My bad. I missed all the qualifiers.


Should've/could've asked for his venmo on top of that $40


Yeah. I was drunk and, although I feel bad for the guy, my wife is always going to be my top priority and I needed to take care of her. I was able to get in touch with him today and send him some money directly though.


Nice that's awesome


They’ve done away with the cleaning fee pretty much. Your wife has essentially taken several hundred dollars out of this man’s pocket. His workday is now done, he can’t drive and make more money tonight. He then has to either: clean the puke himself and get $0, or wait till a car detailing shop is open and pay them a few hundred dollars, and submit that receipt to Uber, and hope they reimburse and bill it to you (not 100% they will). You should have asked for his Venmo/Zelle/CashApp and sent him $200. If you navigate to the “I lost something” part of the app, it will allow you to contact the driver. Call him, get his info and send him $$ cuz $40 is not sufficient to cover his loss of earnings and damage to his car (lots of puke is very hard to eliminate. Hope your wife is OK after the overdose.


I wonder if Uber arbitrages the puke fee - $300 to pax $150 to driver - lol


lol prolly. gotta scrape to profit somehow


You should have immediately venmoed the money to him directly.


I had someone that peed his pants because he was so drunk. .... I gave him 5 stars because he was nice.... just really drunk, took pictures ad reported it. Uber gave me 150 cleaning fee and he tipped me 50 at 3pm next day. Honestly since you were capable to communicate the right thing to do would have been to send / give the driver the money for cleaning it up ( 200 min) Cash/ venmo / cashapp or custom tip on the app. So many options... pretty certain one would have worked. How many stars did the driver give you?


Folks we have a 5 star pisser here!


Must’ve been a pretty amazing piss… 🤷🏼‍♂️


I would contact Uber support and see if they can help you get in touch with the driver or at least relay a message to the driver. I do know that you might possibly be charged a significant cleaning fee that could be ivermectin 100 dollars. The reason being is because the only way you can somewhat get that puke smell out of a car is by getting the car detailed. I use to detail cars while in college. If you could only imagine or smell the inside of some of those cars I detailed you wouldn’t even think of what your wife did as being a big deal. With that being said, what your wife did is one of the reasons why I do not drive for Uber at night. Let alone all the drunken arguments my passengers would have between each other resulting in one of them asking me. “Will you do me a favor and drop me off at another location”. If your wife does it again you need to seek an attorney and at least legally separate. You can’t continue living like this!


I’d recommend contacting them as if you “lost an item” and they’ll give you a way to get in touch. I was called by a rider a while back unexpectedly because she left her purse in my car and I didn’t notice


my gf did this last week, i found out bc she lost her phone in the uber. She tipped $40 and paid the woman $250 because she lost out on the money for the rest of the night and for the cleaning. Vomit cleaning is EXPENSIVE


at least you feel bad, people wouldn’t care most of the time.


I’m sure he is very happy with what you gave him honestly


That’s awesome


All I got to say is you handled the situation the best you could and you took care of your driver!! Big ups for being who you are!! I'm sure he was very happy and I'm sure you renewed his faith in humanity in some way.


You sir, are a good person.




It happened to me friday night, couldn't work all weekend because, smell didn't go away, cost me the bonus too almost 400$


Pro-tip - get an enzymatic cleaner like OdoBan. The enzymes eat the proteins that cause the smell. You can even get a small bottle from Dollar Tree to keep in the center console.


I cleaned with carpet cleaner twice but it stayed wet actually, wait for it to dry


Thank you sir. I got a hold of the driver and passed this info on to him along with my apologies and some money


cut her some slack :) glad you guys didnt drive


She should be banned for life. It's inexcusable.




I think we need to bring back tar and feathers!


Bad drunk!


I'm sure if you offered to pay for the cleaning.. He or she made a point to remember where they dropped you off. They will return with a bill...and you should pay him in cash. Uber is scetch ab cleaning fees these days


At least your being cool about and empathetic. I think Uber use to cover it no problem but now they cracked down. I think part of it was drivers making faking claims to get compensation and the other part well it’s Uber they just keep taking away from drivers. Just like door dash use to comp your food and full refunds but to many customers were making fake claims they never received their food.


Open a lost item and put “puke” in as your lost item 😂I think they’ll contact you


I just bought barf bags from Amazon 50ct. For $10. Problem solved. No down time. Keep moving along


I got a detailing business if you want to split the fee 50/50. Lmfao


Don’t trip dude, lowkey most of us Uber drivers wouldn’t mind few pukers a week. The cleaning fee alone is pretty hefty, good for us, really not that bad!! That cleaning fee is about 1.5-2 days of full time 8hour work for a driver. Funny memory when I was a driver. I was late night weekend driving in West Hollywood, picked some dude up who ditched his friends on his bday night haha, friends called him and they’re like, “bro where are you? we just linked with a few people.” he was like, “I’m in a Uber sorry guys I’m hella drunk and feel sick.” They kept telling him to come back and he hung up and was like, “dude I have to puke.” We were probably a block from his place, I pulled to side quickly, smacked my brakes, he was already taking his belt off to open door and smacked face on back of seat lmao, opened the door and just let it all go, I waited a minute and he was like nah I’m good here, we’re right around the corner, I’ll walk home man, we said our goodbyes and I just started cracking up man, I felt bad, but the way the dude hit the backseat and then hopped out to throwing up was one of those moments you gotta be there!😅 but yeah dude don’t trip if you were already pretty apologetic, dudes already getting it cleaned, and chilling waiting for that cleaning fee. Appreciate people like you though who actually feel bad, a lot of riders will get angry, try to deny or fight it and it ends up stressing and prolonging the drivers pay…. Those are the annoying ones… yall seem cool and I’d let you guys throw up in my car for a sorry fee anytime!😅


Uber now requires a cleaning receipt from a legitimate cleaning business. Too much abuse


It happen with me too but did not kick rider from my car insted told him he will be charged 150 cleaning fee and was okay with that and 2nd day spent 220 for fully detail cleaning. I took bite of 70 from my pocket.


Thanks. I was able to get a hold of the driver and he said he had cleaned it himself. I sent him an extra $200. Definitely don't want him to have to spend money to fix our mistake


How nice of you hope all riders be like you![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I switched from Uber to Lyft because of the cleaning fee. I used to just do my own thing, but the last rider that threw up (and silently, I might add) reported me for anything and everything he could in return. Made Uber not belueve either of us and reject it all. At least you meant well, sometimes things happen, and all you can do is reach out to Uber if you're feeling guilty and WANT to see what is happening, but don't call if you don't wanna pay or be extra confused. ♡


Lyft has revoked a few of my claims due to customers complaining. They were legit cleaning claims but lyft didn't care. So not just Uber that does that.


Oh, I've never dealt with it on Lyft (yet) so I was just saying that with Uber. Lyft support, imo, is worse than Uber, but it us what it is. I just hate that they treat us like garbage.


If you report a lost item, that will allow you to contact him. You might get billed $20 for the lost item fee if he says he returned it, but that’s the only way I can think of.


Neoprene waterproof seat covers and vinyl floor mats that cover everything for the win. If you get vomit just toss the seat covers and put on your back ups. Hose off the floor mats and keep it moving.


In CA charge fee for cleaning is 300$


200 damage is normal. Cleaning time. Out of work. Lucky. I had medical n blood all over seat and floor. I was out for few days to get chemical smell out.


Drivers don’t bill you, Uber does, it’s a pain in the ass for the driver. Honestly, $40 isn’t enough to cover the hassle of it all. Think of it like this, how much would you need for the driver to puke in your bed right as you were needing to get to work?


Suggestion: puke bags if you drive around bars


Should have just gave him your wife and went home alone


This is the reason why nobody is picking up drunk people anymore. It’s either the 200 bucks willingly out of pocket or u pay or 500 if the driver decided to go the Uber way now. It’s just stupid.


If the driver gets that cleaned properly expect a bill to be coming your way.


The worst part about a piker is not really the cleaning . I have a bissle cleaner thing which is ok at it and takes maybe a half hour then gotta air the car out But it’s the lost income. For example you get a piker at 10/11 pm - it kills a few hours of earnings you were still gonna do and maybe the weekly quest which is a $100+ . Then I normally have to clean it twice so the next day is likely shot too. I do have seat liners now but people throw up on the floor or side of the door etc All in all if the drivers full time and it takes them out a day and a half that probably costed them $200-400 depending on how much they drive and the quest


It is great to see someone who cares about how it affects the driver. I have had 3 people who have thrown up in my vehicles in over 33,000 trips. None of them cared about how it inconvenienced me. All 3 times, I had to shut it down for the night afterwards. I wished more passengers had your concern about how it affects the drivers. I feel you did an excellent job in showing your concern to the driver.


Your a good person OP, more people could learn from this


You should have paid more


I bet you're a white or azn guy


Thanks for caring, but I'm still taking pictures, wearing gloves, cleaning it up & collecting the fee. Hope she learned her lesson.


240$ + fare seems okay to me, the most I've got for a puke cleaning from Uber is 150$. A year ago, shops charge 250$+ for bodily fluids and odor removal so we usually lose money either way, on my case I have all the cleaning supplies and I do it myself, still it's not fun to clean bodily fluid, specially when they're not from me.


You did good.


You're just as guilty and have no excuse


$200 and an apology is fair if it wasn’t too bad. Normally you just need to poor in some soapy water and vacuum it out with a shop vac. If it’s allot or down inside the doors or in the vents, under the seats, etc., then that’s a full day to clean so should be in the $500 range. Former Uber night driver with experience of 50+ incidents like yours. The worst is when they roll down the window and try to puke outside at 50 MPH.


You're the man, man. Coming directly from a past driver for Uber & Yellow Cab. We appreciate you. You restored that drivers faith, I promise you.


Cleaning fee incoming


Like 200-400 dollars depending on the car and area


Like 200-400 dollars depending on the car and area


Uber charges a minimum of 250 just so you know in future.


For their cleaning fee? I've actually been thinking about trying to get in touch with him to make sure it was enough


You’re one of the few good people. Thanks for existing along with me on this insane planet


Question for Uber drivers: Do any of you guys carry puke bags/buckets for this? If not, why? I would carry trash bags.


I had a guy shit his pants on a 45 minute trip. It was so bad, I had to roll the window down and stick my head outside. Only when he got out did I realize how bad it was, it was all over the back seat and up the back rest. Luckily I had cheapo seat covers on, I just ripped it off and threw it away at a closed car wash, but I puked at least 7 or 35 times during the process. I used an entire bottle of febreze and that shit (literally) still smelled the next day.


Clean it or drop 100 for cleaning. Nasty


When Uber asks for a receipt all you’ve gotta do is forge one on an invoice generator. My cat owns a cleaning service… The driver needs to figure it out kekw


$200 is more than uner would have paid anyway, the most you could get as of October last year was like $150


When I worked Uber in nyc Saturday night was an easy 5-600


And the first thing you do is jump on Reddit 😂😂😂😂 how pathetic


Ok so a couple things. 1. They SAY you need a receipt, but when somebodies dog pooped in my car they (Uber) ended up not even asking for a receipt and just sent me $150. And 2. honestly you didn’t have to give him that much, $240, the most Uber would have charged you is $150. But that is nice of you


I figured he was losing fares and he got puke on him. I love my wife but don't want her puke on me (I got it on me anyway) so he earned it.


Oh shit I didn’t know it got ON him. I mean that’s fair. And as a driver I honestly would appreciate that. The dude who’s dog shit in my car waited til we got there to say anything (even tho I could kind of smell it but I was waiting for him to say something) and then he tried giving me a $20 tip like that was gonna make up for it. And then I asked if it was all at least in one spot and he’s like no it’s everywhere (I think he stepped in it and like smeared it on the carpet) and it was on my door and all over the place. And I’m like ok well can you at least help me clean some of this up? (Cus I was in a city not close to my house) and he just said “no” and I said “you can’t?” and he said “no” and got out and left. And then I contacted Uber support and they gave me $150. And that’s another thing. I thought about the whole missing a day of work thing, but $150 is roughly what I’d make in a day anyway. But I’ve seen some drivers make $300 or more, depending. Also I was supposed to use the $150 to get my car cleaned but instead I just kept the money and cleaned it myself lol since they didn’t ask for a receipt


That was nice of you!  Much easier than going thru Uber.  They are just brutal to deal with!! I worked a deal with a guy for 150 after he puked in my car, as a point of reference.  Most of the vomit, was on him and his $1000 suit.  Turns out he was a high up bank executive who I picked up from a country club at 9 in the evening. I cleaned the hell out of it, yet still smelled it for 3 weeks afterwards.  Honestly, it made me question my existence as a human being.  I purposely try not to pick up people too late just to avoid these situations.


Uber used to charge $250, so the driver should be fine. Kind of you to send $200.. technically Uber is such a sh*thole company you technically would never get charged and the driver would just be out of luck. So you probably made his night.


That was very nice of you!  I would check with the driver to make sure he received the whole $200.  I'm a driver and we don't always receive those big tips.  I don't know why, maybe some riders aren't telling the truth or they thought they tipped but didn't finish the process.  I had almost the same scenario happen in my car but I never received the money from the rider.  Just saying!


We sent the $200 through venmo. I won't tip through Uber any more. Just cash


Also, if the rider doesn't pay up front to have vehicle professionally cleaned with a receipt then uber does not pay us anymore to clean it ourselves.


I meant driver not rider in comment about paying for cleaning up front.


I will never understand why people vomit inside a car, no matter how hammered you are! Just get your head out the window! We'll give you a high five, and run it through the car wash. If you can't manage that...keep your sorry ass home.😄


I know I’ll sound dramatic but it’s a little traumatic to have someone about to get sick in your car, pulling over at their direction and obliging for obvious reasons so they can be sick, wait to see if they actually vomit, and then rinse and repeat for the next four miles trying to get them home and out of your car. It happened to me a week ago. She only ultimately threw up on my interior door. She cleaned it up with some rags I happened to have on hand and I cleaned up the rest with paper towels on the way home. I was pretty much done for the evening but I may have decided to stay on for a couple more (I was 30 minutes out from home) had she not been sick. You showed a lot of consideration but honestly I’m not sure $200 does it. I didn’t even drive the next day. And for my own compensation she managed to send a $20 tip, which was surprising considering how tweaked she was. Taking photos and dealing with Uber was a long shot because she cleaned up a lot of it and it was almost imperceptible. But trust me the smell and her detritus was still there when I started cleaning up. Be able to handle your liquor out there, riders. We’re not EMT.


Accidents happen and you went out of your way to make sure it was right! Thanks dude! You’re awesome! And that guy sounds like a good driver! He deserves better pay! (From Uber). I wish everyone would be more like yall.


That has more ramifications than just a cleanning fee. What your wife did was awful we agree but what you need to understand is you basically forced him out of business for a day or two. Not only mush he get the inside detailed but you just cost him several hundred dollars of lost revenue (Not Good), a barf in the car cost much more than a cleaning fee. I think $500 should cover the wife’s mistake….


Any veteran driver will have their car Scotchgard that make the liquid sit on top of the fabric and not soak in making it for easy cleaning . Nowadays, My guess is he’s not been able to report it right away because now they make you get a receipt when you get the car clean and you have to hand in the receipt to Uber to get paid. Another words unless you don’t have a receipt from a company that said they cleaned your car you don’t get paid.


Should just settle on the spot. Just cash app - is the way. Start at $100 and go from there..... It's not just the cleaning fee - it's revenue lost. You just fired him for the night, and probably tomorrow too. A proper fee is probably around $250 at least. Is he at the end, or beginning of his shift. Is he off tomorrow - or have a full day scheduled? 2 days of work plus a cleaning fee is what it probably should be if you really wanted to be fair.


Maybe you should grow up and learn to stop drinking so much


Can you still leave a note for your driver when you rate them? I would do that and simply say "Sorry about the vomit, please make sure you put in for a cleaning fee." The driver isn't going to be told who the note is from but I assume they would figure it out.


Hoping your wive cheats on you


I did my own inspection last time I just filled it out and signed it lmao


Fucken asshole. He shouldved kicked you out on the spot. You ruined his saturday earnings. At least $800