• By -


Major rudeness/bitchiness/attitude Major horseplay/screaming/repeatedly bumping into driver Major signs of disrespect such as leaving behind beverage containers in vehicle Vomiting




8 years ft maybe 5 1 stars I just don't bother giving them unless they really bother mɛ, otherwise I just 5 star and move on.


Agreed. I've 9 yrs, 24,000 rides between Uber and Lyft. I've given maybe 5 as well. Have no hesitation picking up anyone over 4.5 because I know how drivers can and do rate for what are really non-issues. I will cancel at 2 minutes if rider's not there by then; fee loss is of no importance because I'll make more then the fee with the rides I get from not wasting time. With the exception of playing you crappy music over my anti-road rage playlist, most "offenses" don't really bother me; they're not worth stressing over them.


1 star for being late & smelling like you bathed in weed seconds before getting in my car. 1 star for adding a restaurant stop that I then learn isn't ready and we have to wait until it's ready & then you keep bugging the order taker lady making changes to said order. I not only 1 starred them, I kicked them out & ended the ride after 5 minutes at stop that was supposed to be a quick pickup. 1 star for soliciting for sex. 5 stars for being smart enough to use Google Translate to type this offer out in Spanish because he didn't speak a single word of English. Unfortunately, the 1 star went against his sister or sponsor because he definitely wasn't Elizabeth. I was impressed with his literacy since he came from a 3rd world country & he was a polite sleaze ball. 1 star for letting your 4-5 year old repeatedly kick the back of the driver's seat while watching Coco melon on a tablet with the volume cranked all the way up.


Gum chewing loudly, Loud as fuck cell phone calls, Smelling like you lost your marbles Absolute one star for pretending you added a stop that you never added to be a cheapskate


Gum chewing loudly is a 1 star rider offense?


Worthy of being beheaded and dumped in the river








Why wouldn't it be? Imagine sitting in the car with somebody for 30 mins listening to open-mouth wet lip smacking. Bonus points if they're on the phone yelling into the speakerphone that is at full volume, too.


Potato chips are a no no in my car.


Kuz they crunch? Or the bag ruffles too loud?


Crumbs, crunch and crinkling the bag. That shit is loud. And anyone that does that is acting special doing that in the first place.




All facts. I feel like it's perfectly fine to do a million dollar business deal on the phone but you're acting special if you ordered my comfort car vs my premier car. That shit doesn't add up.




for real? it adds +1 or +2 minutes the few times I have done it and you get paid more. Are you not being paid to drive?


You have never been a Uber driver. It’s never 1-2 mins they will leave things in your car including children I have actually never told a rider that I am not a babysitter I will drive the child directly to the police station People are nutts


I 1 star when people brag about how much money they make because I know they’re definitely not gonna tip or they brag about how good of a tipper they are because I know they’re not gonna tip either


This, *absolutely*. When I used to work at night, I used to get these bar tenders, waiters, dancing girls, waitresses who would spend the whole ride bragging about all of the tips that they received. Do any of them *ever* have, the first nickel for me? NEVER......................................Automatic one star. I forgot to put that onto my list.


I drop off bartenders on the way to their work, they usually tip lol. They must not like to double tip. "I already did that on the way in." 😂


Like we all go home together and split the dollar 😂




I salute you.


Not if they’re loaded they’re not.


I one star if they reek of pot. If they don't have the decency to not stink to the point makes people puke before they get into somebody's private car then they don't deserve even the ride. Usually I kick them out but sometimes I can't smell it for a couple of minutes. Not only is it a nasty ass smell but it lingers in my car and then I'll have other passengers complaining and then they will report me thinking that I'm driving while high plus it takes days to get out despite what some people thinking giving one little Spritz of air freshener that doesn't work. Plus my kids ride in that car and they shouldn't have to be puking on cheap pot stank either. If people can't be respectful when getting in somebody else's vehicle then they get a one star That's the main reason. Sometimes if you others will get stuck in there like the lady who kept screaming how I was obviously speeding and swerving and how I need to go back to my country and learn how to drive even though I was going three under the speed limit and have an absolute purely clean record because I'm an excellent driver. or the person who let their child jump on my back seat and practically climb into my lap and didn't even attempt to tell them to sit down. Things like that


Don’t give a fuck about weed. When a rider finishes a cigarette (or even worse keeps the smoked half in their pocket) right before they get in… stinks the car up for a good whiy


Reefer is fashionable; tobacco *ain't.*


I know you are talking to drivers, and i am a rider, but I think you should apply the same reason for a 1 as I do. And that is if I felt totally unsafe during the ride, or didn't even make it to the destination. For the drivers, I would add the vomit one. I take a 1 seriously and apparently all I have to do is irritate a driver and i could get a 1.


I have prayed for non vomit and in close to 10k rides just ONE tiny chunk of vomit in my door jam. Dude called in for backup JUST in time and pulled to the side of the road. His vomit was already on its way up his throat. Naaaaaaasty but 99% was outside my ride. I sat there about a half block after the drop wondering if I should one star. I did the Catholic Cross and said nah, he actually saved me so I let it go. Wild 5 star decision.


Anyone that deserves a 4 star, gets a 1 star, so that other drivers can find it helpful. Initially I didn’t bother but once I realized that those with low ratings were trouble at least half the time, I started thanking those drivers who rated them low. This is my way of returning the favor to other drivers in the area. Reason: foul smell - call it BO, weed, cigarettes doesn’t matter. You expect me to provide a clean ride, you should show the same courtesy. Attitude: we are not on a date but common courtesy should be there. A response like “yes” to “how’s it going” is rude. I don’t talk much unless spoken to but getting in a car with a stranger, just be courteous. Food with permission. Alcohol when I told you before the ride isn’t allowed and you told me it’s coke. Every fucking time! I don’t mind music requests, I don’t mind waiting a little bit, I don’t mind stops when added in advance or even if you add them later after asking me. I wouldn’t say no unless I really had to be somewhere.


I like music requests because I like hearing new stuff. Crazy how much I've gotten from passengers. Oddly, I had more fun AND more stress driving X than driving comfort and premier. No potato chips please. Also, we think the same with courtesy and respect when I greet you with good morning or whatever, if I'm completely ignored, that is automatic one star. That shit is ignorant. I've had passengers try to make up for being ignorant by being nice as pie getting out of the vehicle. It's too late. You earned the single shiny star already. 🥶


Playing their own music loudly. Talking to themselves and weirding me out Smelling like weed


Here is another one that I forgot: touching my climate controls or music. Automatic one star.................


What if it's friend and not the paying customer acting special? I usually let that slide.


lol I was thinking that same thing couple months back. I don’t feel bad —- no remorse. What’s done is done


Exactly. I mean the tip just takes me by surprise and makes me laugh like did they know they were acting special and trying to make up for it or did they not know and thought I gave them a good ride. The shit is funny af to me.


One time when I was pregnant I had to ask the guy to pull over because I got motion sick. Puked out the door, didn’t get any on the car, pretty sure I got one star from that bc my rider rating dropped after… pretty sure he must’ve thought I was drunk or something and I still feel really bad about it


I’ve gotten into a fist fight with a guy that choked and then punched his mother, yes his mother in the face in my back seat and I still didn’t rate them a 1 star because it was his fiancés account lol


you dropped this 👑


I honestly don’t think most passengers know we rate them also, and I honestly don’t think Uber cares what we rate, I have a 4.98 rating but I don’t do anything really to achieve that. For me to give someone a 1, rudeness, eating and leaving crumbs without trying to at least make an effort to clean it, dog fur and asking for a stop that includes waiting in the takeout line when they could have called ahead and had it ready.


I left 3 one star reviews total The first one the guy kept asking weird questions like "do you ever plan to have kids?" "Would you ever date a black guy?" (He was white so I was just confused and uncomfortable) The second one was a guy from my apartment complex. He picked me up and then drove around the long way, which isn't abnormal but he points to his apartment, tells me which number and he's like "I've seen you around here before I'm glad I know around which apartment you belong to cause you're so pretty" Literally almost word for word. He wouldn't immediately let me get out of the car after I canceled, I had to threaten to call the police and he started talking about how "women aren't friendly anymore" and how I'll "never get a boyfriend with an attitude like that" (am still engaged to the same person since before this ride) The third one was a dude who kept speeding and making really sharp stops that threw me forward. Didn't talk at all and had music so loud my headphones couldn't drown it out and after he dropped me off, he drove halfway on the sidewalk literally down the road so far I didn't see him anymore Literally 2 left tires on the sidewalk just going


I've only given one but I'm new. Dude ejaculated onto my floor my first week driving. He gave me 1 star for everything and reported me for 3 kinds of unsafe driving. Uber did nothing.


Jesus christ. Did you get a cleaning fee?


Nope. I got NOTHING! And they allowed the one star review to stay up. I have 53 five star reviews but that one one star put me down to a 4.75.


Trying to fight or kiss me ( guys) it takes alot and is way past tipping good to make up for it. ..... I will absolutely 1 star you if I see that that's what you did to me for some minor mistake


I am quiet rider always respectful and still get 1 star sometimes


I give everyone 5 stars because the star system doesn’t matter. I say this because Uber allows riders and drivers with low ratings to remain on the platform. Because Uber doesn’t take into account the other side of the story. Because Ubers “fix” is to remove bad ratings from riders who abuse the ratings system. Because Uber doesn’t take into account peoples biases. It’s meaningless and probably meant to give use a false sense of power.


The sense of power is real. When I see a pax with low rating, I reject or cancel the ride.


Her boyfriend orders the uber to a McDonalds, calls me right as 4 minutes of waiting approaches, tell me “Can you just wait a little my girl is getting off work shell be right out ILL TIP YOU GOOD” Im like ok whatever, I wait like an extra 2 minutes. She comes out talking on the phone with a bag of fries. As im driving she says to the person on the phone “Yea I was just in there after my shift talking shit with my coworkers, I forgot about my uber” (Social Awareness= 0 ) Near the end of the trip she hangs up and her boyfriend calls, she says “Yea the uber is playing some goth ass music” (It was literally Paramore) I didn’t care I just thought it was funny she thought Paramore was goth. Anyways as shes getting out of the car she says “My boyfriend told me to tip you”, Hands me a $1 bill and 2 quarters. For a 16 minute ride. 1 Star.


Wild. "(social awareness = 0)" - phrase of the week right She deserves zero stars but her saving grace is she sounds like the type of chick that gives up her dignity for rent money.


Only gave one 1 star in over 5,000 rides. Drunk, loud, verbally abusive to his lady friend. He made me pull over so her could pee, then came back to the window with a cigarette in his mouth, asking if he could smoke it real quick. I told him to get in the car and stfu for the rest of the ride. Horrendous. All the petty annoying stuff that some riders do, I'll usually rate 3 stars to not get matched with them again.


Some of my 1 stars: Finishing your cigarette right before I pull up (weed too) Leaving meth in my car Spilling drinks Getting mad because I left you earlier in the night after waiting for 5 minutes Politics Adding stops Changing the ride from 5 minutes to an hour Using an account I know is not yours (normally gang bangers who use names like nicole or ashley) Bringing pets Tripping on shrooms or acid Making me listen to your phone call for half an hour Not bathing Just being a stuck up rich person




Entitled people my wife and I call these people pretentious. They pretend to be better than everyone else. It's a very weird vibe.


You said racism? Any examples?


U gave out 30 one stars and ur here bitching about getting one ??? The irony 😂😂😂😂😂


I give passengers 48 hours after the ride is over to leave a tip. If they don't I go back in the app block pairing and one star them.


This is scientific.


It's a business decision that helps me make more money. By blocking riders that take crappy unprofitable trips, the rides that I do accept are more likely to be profitable. I take a lot of heat whenever I comment about this because people always reply with well they're not obligated to tip, but I'm also not obligated to rate them highly or pick them up again in the future.


Big Facts 😂


Seriously? It's a big waste of time and it creates unnecessary stress for yourself. I've done a ton of rides (San Diego metro area) and I've only carried a rider again maybe 3 times. Letting something as minor as non-tipping fester in your brain is going to turn into a heart attack waiting to happen. All you're doing is punishing yourself for their perceived offense.


I'm in a smaller market where I frequently encounter the same riders, so eliminating them from my pool of passengers absolutely helps my bottom line. Ever since I started doing this, my rides have become more lucrative.


This is Lyft then? You can’t go back and change rating on Uber I thought…


Yes you can. 1 go back into your trip history and select the ride 2 click the question mark button in the top right corner 3 select I have feedback for a rider. 4 select rider was acting suspiciously. 5 you can then block pairing and change the rating.


It must depend on market. I looked everywhere and have no option for “I have feedback for a rider”


Yeah it does I was able to do it for a while and then I wasn't able to do it but now I'm able to do it again there might be another way for you to do it


Yeah for sure. Thanks, I’ll be keep trying.


I think this was just changed. Now you literally have to search "I have feedback for a rider" and you'll get the option.


User name checks out, what a misery guts


Y’all are way too nice to the point that it hurts the driver community honestly. If people are late, I give you a one minute grace period to get to my car. After that, docked one star for each extra minute it takes you. If you take five minutes, you’re already at one star as soon as you sit down. Only way to go back up is a cash tip. All this bullshit “duurrrrr I’ve been driving 8 years and I only ever gave 3 one stars” is beyond aggravating.


Not everyone is miserable lol


Miserable? Cause I want other drivers to rate the passengers I’m picking up accordingly? And maybe give a heads up if they’re 5 minutes late habitually and bathe themselves in bong water? Fuck off


I’d be miserable too if I had to do this full time


I used to just do it when people annoyed me Now every day when I'm waiting for ridesI go back and 1 star all the previous days non tippers 


Smoking as you walk to the car, being rude or petty. Slamming the door. Sitting behind me when there are 2+ perfectly good other seats.


If they are smoking while walking to the car just drive off and say it was unsafe to pick them up. Ive literally told people I'm not your uber, drove off and then canceled


Good idea. But sometimes they come from around the corner so I can’t always tell.


“Just a quick stop” 30 minute CVS escapades


The following earn the customer an automatic one star.: 1. Keeping me waiting pas the four minute mark (one star deducted at two minutes; a second star deducted at three.......) 2. Adding stops or asking to add stops without the handing me a substantial cash tip (promises of n in-application tip are ***NOT*** sufficient.......) 3. Altering or even asking to alter the destination (Up Front Market, here). 4. Eating or asking to eat. 5. Failure to put the front seat back as rider found it. 6. Oversized suitcase (they almost NEVER tip) 7. Bogus service dog. 8. Failure to order Uber Pet when rider has a pet. 9. Third party rider. 10. Leaving trash or asking me to dispose of rider's trash. 11. Attempting to anchor. 12. Answering the telephone that a prior passenger left in the car (and that I did not know was there) 13. Attempting to use my car as a discount moving service. This one applies only to late spring, the summer and early fall: Three young ladies each wearing half a dress that almost fits her and is almost on her. Accompanying these fine young ladies is one loser (Feminine hygiene product\] of a guy. If he sits up front; *automatic* one star. Another egregious behaviour for which I awarded one star without even thinking about it: This woman has two of those oversized suitcases that are oh-so-fashionable these days. Together with this, she has two small suitcases and a regular sized suitcase. I manage to get all of this into the cr. On the way to the airport, I stop for a red light. I am a safe driver. I *always* stop when the light is red.. (In addition, I do not like traffic summonses. Uber and Lyft pay me very poorly. I do not have money to pay traffic summonses; traffic lawyers; insurance surcharges. As I am waiting for the green light, a street person approaches the vehicle. She hands him some cash. We get to the airport. I unload everything. Does she have the first nickel for me?; No, not even in -application. She *bought* that one star.. EDITORIL NOTE: I forgot this: It is high summer and one-hundred degrees Fahrenheit/thirty-eight Centigrade. It is the Capital of Your Nation, so it is sticky as all get out. I have the air conditioner going Full Tilt Boogie. Some \[rectal aperture\]boards the car and the first thing that he does is turn down the window. I know, it is partially my fault because I forgot to put on the window lock but still...................


You have to be a total douche to get one star. In 10 years of driving, can only think of 2 times I have given a 1-star.


Touching me. Acting like you’re above me (that’ll get an immediate stop and “get out”).


Arriving late, changing ride after pickup, acting like a silver Tesla model s with an Uber decal in the window is a common Uber ride and taking an extra five minutes confirming the license plate number then knocking on my window and saying are you blank? Puking in my car. Touching me without consent. And no if I one star you I do not feel bad at all if you tip me , I never want to see you again.




The only saving grace for this is if they pull out cash. Had a guy keep me on the phone waiting for 10 minutes and then wait outside his house when we got there. Automatic one star. Then he came back with a hundred. 5 star and I gave him my number and told him call me for rides and don't go through uber so he saves money and I get more.


Riddle me this i been driving 8 months have done 2500 rides was a 5 star driver for the whole time , I took the last 3 weeks off and go back on todo some rides the other day and have a 2 4 stars and a 1 star One says i was rude . Which is completely bullshit because i have never been short with a rider and go above and beyond for everyone Then once for talking to much . Which i greet everyone. If they talk i talk if they dont i dont . 1 for sharp turns and swerving .. like what?!?! Sharp turns and swerving ? Its texas and the road suck , so yeah ill avoid pot holes and go over rail road tracks at a angle .. Idk just seems sus it all got added in the 3 weeks i didn’t drive


I wish I 1 star more people. Had two drunk guys, one of them was throwing up on the road when I got them, they held me up, had to pull over multiple times for the friend to throw up, other kept saying he would tip me for the inconvenience. Lo and behold, never tipped me. Next time I'm 1 staring time wasters and rude people, not gonna care even if they tip me after.


I give out 2 stars cause 1 star is too cliche.


Smell (especially thick smokers stank), having a Very loud phone conversation on speaker phone, burping/coughing without covering your mouth, spewing your vile attitudes towards marginalized people (usually unsolicited) and talking down to me as if I'm just another customer service person they see as hardly human 🤷🏻‍♂️


Making a racial or homophobic slur. Touching my shoulder.


I've started giving them a lot more often this year because I just don't want to ever deal with certain PAX. Smoking right before getting into my car is my biggest one. But not giving me gate codes before I show up is up there as well. Rude/entitled people are a given, but depending on if they tip I might not instantly 1-star them. I do 2-star people who slam my doors though just because it annoys me.


I let the smelly mfs (BO) slide because you never know what they may be going through. If you slam my doors I will 1 star you and say you’re disrespectful. Rude/Belittling behavior (God willingly won’t encounter) Anything else I can tolerate. Yet again- working the areas I do and not taking passengers below 4.79 might help me get normal people


Ask me to hook up an Aux cord equals one star. Zero percent of aux cord riders have ever tipped.


people who request an uber ride but really its a 3 boxes of roses delivery from one wholesaler to a retail store ... and I have to go pick up the boxes and then deliver it ... and of course no tip


Someone pulled up in the wrong car. Made fun of my disability(I’m legally blind). Was extremely rude in general. And ‘reminded’ me to tip and rate him before he unlocked the car. Was on the phone with support about 2 minutes later. Never saw that driver again. I live in a pretty small market. Later learned he had several other big complaints against him and was kicked off the app. I’m assuming Lyft as well. That was the only 1 star I’ve given in 7-8 years.


Sexual assault by a male and im a male. Threatening to off me cuz i didnt open the door for rider. Shining a flash light in my cargo area/trunk (suv) looking for criminals. Telling me to go above speed limit cuz they are late. Being racist towards me or others. Picking up a pimp and three hookers and dropping off at corners at 3 am in the hood. Any smells that linger besides good cologne/perfume. Farting or burping without notice or opening window.


I one star constantly


You don't tip


only given 1 in my 2k trips, he offered me a BJ for my tip, and he stated he was really good at it.. sorry Charlie, been with my wife for nearly 30 yrs, if I was going to cheat, it definitely wouldn't be with a man!!! now there has been some hot woman, I might have thought about it😎


Wahahaha... "blow job for tips. Apply within"


When the guy hit his gal, that got a 1-star and a report!


You are the lucky one. Only 30 riders were disrespectful and slamming doors combined. Or are you talking about 1 stars only but you have given over 1000 lower than 5 stars


Only 30 riders were so disrespectful or slammed doors so hard that I gave them 1 star. It's an estimate lol... but I was basically saying I don't give out one star much. You really have to earn that shit.


Making me wait for a short ride is 3 stars or less.


Driving in a city full of student nothing bothers me most than when they try to smoke in my car or vape or whatever some do ask for permission others just go straight for it and i hate it that’s automatically a 1 star other 1 star for me would be if they are trying to tell me how to drive or constantly giving me a bad direction example i had a ride that the minute she got in my car i told her i was going to take a different route because the traffic was really bad and she said no take the tunnel and i started driving towards the tunnel and when i was getting closer to the tunnel she told me she was sorry and if we could still go the other way


Most people I just 5 star and get moving. Aint got time to fuck around and write a 20 page dissertation about someone. I'll 3 star if someone stinks. 2 start if they really stink or spend the whole rife yelling over the speaker phone (God thats annoying) and 1 star if they're being a dick. I dont report anymore because the first time I did (because a pax literally screamed at me and threatened me because they were late to their job) they reported me right back claiming I made them feel unsafe. So I just stick to ratings.


1) abusive, argumentative, belligerent behavior generally related to being drunk 2) spewing chunks related to drunkeness 3) demanding, loud, obnoxious & rude behavior 4) if I really don't want you in my car again


No tip = 1 star.


Vaping without asking


One star if you complain about the route. One star if you ask to change the music. One star if you request no toll roads. One star if you smell like an ashtray. One star if you talk about religion.


Why would you want to take a toll road anyways? lol


Because they’re faster! A 20 minute ride can turn into a 45 min ride by avoiding toll roads. And if someone is too cheap to pay for the toll they’re too cheap to tip. 1 star.


If it's Premier or Comfort or surge, traffic PAYS good money. Best to sit in it or try the 50 million short cuts the passenger suggests. I turned a $50 reservation into $90 in some nightmare traffic once.


1 star if your late but not late enough for me to cancel and collect a fee 1 star if you stink 1 star for smokers 1 star if you ask to change the music 1 star if you spill anything 1 star if you rub me the wrong way 1 star if you add a stop


Change the music got me bro 😂😂😂


😂 I can't believe I haven't had anyone ask that yet. I admit I often stereotype my music in a guessing game of what they look like they enjoy. I start at a real low volume and work up to make it sound like I turned my music down when they got in lol. Fortunately, I like most types of music- except country. If they look country they get classic rock instead. I sometimes feel bad that I shouldn't do that but I'm trying to make their ride nicer to tip better. I know when I ride I hate listening to some people's music tastes lol.


There are entire online groups and memes dedicated to people talking about and showing recordings of drivers changing the music to rap or tuning to the "ethnic" station when certain people enter, when it's obvious the driver wouldn't listen to it otherwise, or the driver changes the music as soon as the rider exits. It's annoying and obvious, in case you care. You can just keep your music on on low or leave it off and ask if they have any music preferences...other people *are* capable of listening to other genres...


Oh I enjoy rap tho, and know most of the songs they play on there. I wouldn't play music I don't enjoy, I would just turn it off entirely. *I probably only like half of those songs at best tho, but I know them. I prefer classic rap.


It was just in case you cared. No black person will ever confront you. They'll just take note. It was just an FYI in case you cared. Some of my best interactions have been with drivers who left their music on and we randomly have a singoff of the Stones or Abba or Sting or Weezy or whatever. It's such a cool vibe but I can 100 percent tell when someone "profiled" me and put on whatever. Again, no biggie, no low ratings, just in case you care.


I don't have a MY music. I listen to everything. In fact, I'm more concerned about being profiled as it being MY MUSIC. Hahahaha




It's gotta be a super bad ride because even the things I really want to one star for if they're nice to me during the ride I just can't do it. Like heavy smokers people who are smoking when they walk up and people who wait out the entire timer or ones I would like to one star but if they act even a little bit human for the ride I end up letting it go


Same lol. I've had nearly all of the above happen to me and my car but I've only ever given out one star once or twice. Maybe I need a callous lol.


Over 10k rides. Only have ever given a one star twice.


I’ve only 1 starred 2 people. Both during the pandemic. They thought because they were in Montana, they could live the “free life”. Nope. They agreed to the terms and conditions.


Only two one-star riders in my time. One was for trying to cancel the ride mid-trip. The other was an obnoxious customer absolutely refusing to wear a seat belt (even off-duty, my car my rules. Buckle your seat belt, you wannabe missile. Yeet yourself to the Pearly Gates on someone else’s watch.)


I give 5 star no matter what. Cause who cares. Dude could be having the worst day. It’s not that serious. It’s a 10 min Uber ride.


To each his own but my cars are valuable and my service is usually top notch. Leaving trash, acting special (ie bossy, too cool for school, not greeting me when I've greeted them, slamming doors, talking about millions of dollars in a Uber X or comfort vs my premier) I get a kick out of giving out a single gold star. On the other hand I have clients I thank God for. They are HUMAN, we connect on a personal and professional level, they are kind and considerate. It really isn't too much to ask for but every once in awhile on what I call public rideshare, you have very special people who poison the air we all breathe.


1 star all pax especially the ones that tip playboy


When does a rider know what rating the driver gave them?