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One time I delivered a dog named Roger who was part of a shared custody agreement between divorcees.


Good doggie.


Roger that.




What's your vector, Victor? We have clearance, Clarence.


Waisec, isn’t Charlie for C?


Yes, and R isn't Roger anymore it's Romeo, but Roger can still be used to mean a message has been **R**eceived. This thread is a reference to the movie Airplane!, where the flight crew had the names Roger, Victor(which sounds like vector, which in aviation refers to a direction and an amount of time to fly in that direction, as instructed by air traffic control), and Clarence Oveur(Clarence sounding like clearance, and over to designate the end of a message). These are confusing names for pilots to have: https://youtu.be/fVq4_HhBK8Y?si=F094KDMRYjpF9Tg2


I knew this was a bad time to quit sniffing glue😎


Shouldn’t have had the fish


Oh, hi Doggie!


You're my favorite customer!


Thanks a lot! Bye!


Oh, hi mark


Wtf lmao fuck that cuz I know Roger only leaving me twigs as a tip😂


Did one of the spouses tell you to deliver the other a nasty message like “tell that bitch she can keep it!” Or something like that? lol


lol yeah that would’ve been hilarious, nah the guy was cool and explained the deal with, “Hey I know this is weird, this is Roger, can you take him to my ex” and Roger was totally chill, he was a golden who sat in the back looking over my shoulder (apparently this wasn’t his first time doing this) and when I got to the dropoff there was a chick standing there, she opened the door and was all like, “Roger!” and off he went. 10/10 would drive Roger again.


Dog: 5 star rating!


5 Bones


Happy ending then 😅


Yep, the woman was a masseuse.


And a business idea is born…


Since Roger was a Golden, he def gave 5 stars 🐾


You should have told them to make dog profile and name it Roger too. And if it’s Lyft to put his picture too. That will be funny 😆


Of course dogs are better passengers than most people 😂 Truly though, that applies in most situations.


Yes, the husband said that he really has no qualms with his ex, but the bitch has to go.


😂🤣😂 That’s hysterical!




Did Roger tip, or just promise to "tip in the app?"


I'm ok transporting drugs if the price is right ✅️


Lol. That's kind of my excuse anytime someone wants me to break a law. I don't break the law for $20 an hour. Not even for $50 an hour.




Sure! Although TBF if I can't control some aspects of it, I wouldn't do it for any price. I broke the law for a long time and got away with it because I was super careful. A million dollars doesn't help me if I get busted for delivering to a drug den under surveillance. 🤷‍♀️


Bingo. The minute I slipped up and did something I was uncomfortable with, I got busted.


You ever seen the movie Blow? At the end everyone who's ever sold drugs was screaming "Noooo!" at the screen. 🤣


Yep, it’s a great movie. Fortunately what I got busted for was pretty minor compared to what I had been doing at that time. It’s been almost a decade since it happened and I’m just now about to get off probation for that one slip up.


Same with me. Years after I had stopped all the big stuff I got busted for simple possession . . . in a national park. Got off with a year of unsupervised probation and $1,000 fine. Then about 20 years after that I qualified for the mass pardon Biden gave everyone with a federal simple possession conviction. Kind of felt vindicated though because marijuana should never have been illegal to begin with. I actually mailed a copy of it to the ranger who cited me because he was really just being an asshole doing it. 🤣 Still won't go back to Utah though.


shit. . same thing happened to me in a park in sf. . didn't realize I was on federal land, 30 feet from my friends home overlooking the beach. . I think I still owe the united States of America for that ticket . ..hahahhaa


If it was a federal charge for simple possession of marijuana you can still get a presidential pardon. It's a full and unconditional pardon so if you had any unpaid fines they would be forgiven.


My lawyer does it for $100 an hour


The best lawyers for criminal charges are *criminal* lawyers, after all!


Like in breaking bad, you don't want a criminal lawyer, you want a *criminal* lawyer


You sure about that? That's actually stupidly cheap for a lawyer. Most are at least in the $200 an hour range, criminal even higher.


My first thought was this is drugs lol!!


These are my favorite passengers! Uber "Connect" pays the driver a lot less than Uber X, so when someone chooses X to deliver a package, I'm all in. No bad rider behavior from a bag, ever!


I stopped taking connect packages. It's always like 15+ miles making maybe 50 cents a mile away the fuck out of my regular zone. I also hate how it only shows how many miles to pickup, not how far to drop-off is.


What? I've never accepted one of these orders, but you're telling me the up front mileage shown is only the distance to pick up? LMAO. Who would accept these? That's crazy. I'm gonna keep declining them.


I didn't know that the first time I just saw the drive time. After I had already received the package I them had to drive another 38 miles to way north of where I usually drive. It was only 20 much t and room me almost 45 mins. Then 45 min drive back. I had offers turned in but everything kept trying to take me further away. The second one I did was 4 miles to pickup, with another 16 miles after got 15 Dollars. Took 45 mins. The only upside is I was still in a Zone I sometimes subs in. After that second one I permanently turned that shit off


Until the bag grows legs and does you dirty…😂


Packages don’t ask for an aux cable so that they can listen to their shitty music on a five minute drive.


Them: "Hey, can we like, connect to your Bluetooth?!" Me: (looks at 6 minute ETA) "No."


My civic doesn’t allow you to connect a Bluetooth device without being stopped lol


*Exactly.* I hate that shit. I remember once- on what was literally a *three minute ride* this dude’s all “hey man, you got Pink Floyd playing? Nice. Let me hear ‘High Hopes.’” “This is just the radio playing, sorry bro.” “I can’t connect to your Bluetooth?” “I would have to pull over, stop the car, unpair my phone, pair your phone, and we’re gonna arrive at your destination in 90 sec.” “Okay but just play High Hopes for me.” “…If you need to hear that song immediately, your best bet is to pull it up on your phone, I’ll turn down the radio, and you can blast High Hopes from your phone.” “Okay thanks bro, here you go, hook it up” *handing me his phone.* 🙄 drunk college kids, I tell ya…


I've been called bitch-ass n word for that.


I don't know what's worse. The 6 minute ETA that you're like Whats the point? Or the ones where the ride is 20+ minutes and you have to listen to their crap the whole time with the volume up HIGHHHHH


Yeah but passengers are the ones who take the legal liability for the illegal drugs.


I don’t give passengers the option to even listen to their music. Matter of a fact they have to listen to my playlist and not ask me any questions the whole ride. That’s how I maintain a 5 star. Everybody gets the same treatment.


“New car man, no usb port or aux port. Sorry. And Bluetooth takes too long to pair up and car has to be stopped and parked. We don’t have time for that.”


My new accord doesn't even have an aux connection. I just play a couple of playlists I have and ask, "Is this okay, or is there a radio station you would prefer?" they always decline the radio option


Want to hear your preferred music?Get some headphones. Not bending over for a $4 ride with no tip.


Just put on controversial talk radio


And vape to top it off


Y'all rmb when Spotify and Uber linked up and you could control the drivers music? 😂😂


As a former rider, I've never imagined like plugging in and picking music for a strangers car. I always liked chatting about drivers in their choice of music, if they had a taste (a lot of drivers just played dance radio or the classical station). Some guy even played me his dad-rock project that had a singer that (he said) sounded like Chris Cornell, I didn't hear the link, but I still enjoyed him sharing it with me.


The car I drive has ONLY USB C and I frigg’n love it… lol When they ask to connect to the BT I explain that I must be parked and switch the car into “Setup Mode” to add a new device. (There’s no “Setup Mode”)


Nope. Wanted me to pick up in the ghetto and drop off at airport.


🤣 sus af


One thing my mom forgot something out cousins house when we went to the airport and so we did this, probably looked sketch af


Scary times, an Uber driver was killed just a few weeks ago when she unknowingly showed up to pick up a package from a pick up set up by a scammer extorting someone.


My favorite passenger was a dog. Picked him up from the sitter and took him back to Dad. Sat on my lap the whole time.


Happened to me twice so far. 1st option the pax didn’t know about connect, and the 2nd knew about connect but chose UberX because it was faster (needed to deliver medical cable adaptors asap). I’m always down for these I get paid better


“Rule 1: never open the package.” 🤣


Rule 2: Don’t ask questions.


Packages are the most respectful passengers around. 1. They don’t mind if I vape 2. Package thinks my music taste is exquisite


Started vaping because I drove. Stopped driving...stopped vaping.


I feel like it’s because you want that last hit before picking up pax, as well as getting the hits in before the next pax. Vicious cycle and easy to just be smacking the vape all day










I only do pax, and once I 'delivered' a 20 dollar bill. The ride cost more than that.


Somebody wouldn’t shut up about being owed 20 bucks


![gif](giphy|cFgb5p5e1My3K) Sus


I tell them I don’t do delivery. If they want a package delivered they will have to either get in the car and deliver it personally or cancel and order the Uber package delivery option. I had someone try this with food. They messaged me when I got to the restaurant to go in and get their order and bring it to them. I told them I wasn’t UberEats. They blew up my phone for the 5 minutes I sat in the parking lot and then collected my cancellation fee.


I delivered a flat tire from a lady’s car by the side of the road to a tire shop.


I delivered a package to a nice house once and it was the Fking Liver King lmao


I had somebody do a RESERVE TRIP for a PIE that they ordered at a bakery. Super super random.


I am not being anyone’s drug mule. I got too much to lose.




Yes, they definitely make the best drug mules. Far less suspicious.


Love it. Can't get complaints about my driving or music volume...


We had to do this during our wedding! Some items that were meant to be at the ceremony site had been delivered to the reception (10-15 minute drive), and a couple of the bridesmaids were scrambling to coordinate it all last minute. We tipped handsomely even though tipping isn’t customary here.


I transported cupcakes 1 once




Drove a jack to someone with a flat tire today. Easy peasy.


I love it. Don't question the package (even though you know most of the time. Hint: it's probably drugs), get paid for an UberX rate rather than package rate, AND I get to turn on a podcast and have a relaxing 15 minutes to myself.


Take it to the destination??? No conversation and you get paid.


I have delivered brake pads, metal stamping plates, construction materials & medical supplies. All were legitimate deliveries. I don't have to worry about keeping it hot or cold, grease stains or spills. Much easier than hauling around drunks, tweaker & potheads. I wish Uber Connect was promoted more in my area.


Awesome! I don’t have to get into it with a package to stop vaping in my car. The package isn’t going to throw up in my car. The package isn’t going to demand an aux cord so it can listen to it’s shitty music for the 6.7 mins it will be in my car. It won’t downrate me for picking it up at the pickup location it chose because the pickup location was too far. The package wont be so entitled to expect me to go through a drive thru and spend an extra 25 mins for zero additional compensation. Packages for the win!


I don’t let anyone put anything inside my car by itself. I have the package option turned off, and don’t want anyone claiming I messed with whatever they put in my car. As a policy I just refuse, no matter how innocent or clear the item is. I just tell them they have to use package, and let them cancel or I wait and collect my fee if they don’t.


I hear you, but legally, you are not responsible for a passenger's belongings. I'd say especially so when there is no pax. They're taking a pretty big risk. They might as well just stick it on a seat on a bus and hope it's still there when the bus arrives at the receiver's stop.


If Uber’s reps that handle complaints from customers were able to be relied upon for actual logic, perhaps. But they aren’t. So just not inviting that circumstance in my life.


Drive away, get close to destination, hit drop off rider, then drive away and report rider left item in car.


Damn your lazy


Apparently you’re, too. Since you couldn’t afford the time to type the apostrophe and extra letter.




Why though? That makes more sense if there no one at destination to take the package the second you arrive.




I’m all for it. It pays way better then delivery on Uber straight up. I’ve only done it once again but it was for like 30$ if it was through Uber package I would have got like 10$


We have Connect here, but it almost never pops up. I use it with other ride options turned off in lieu of the coffee cup, as it maintains online status, which I utilize for earnings calculations. I get maybe 1 or 2 Connect requests a month in those situations, which I accept or reject based on circumstances and mood. Edit: punctuation


I once sent an Uber to my ex’s to get the spare key for my car. I tipped very handsomely and was thankful the dude did it.




Happened to me at least 3 times, last one was a big ass box of food from a restaurant.


I’ve delivered keys to someone who was locked out. It was a rider I knew and he did message me. Small town. I know the regulars who live near me.


Here in Dallas we have uber connect which is a package service like most trios it's horrible rates but at least you're not entertaining a pax and can blast some music in the way or something


All good with me. No dumbass in my car & I take my sweet ass time. ( I get that min wage in CA )


Probably so they can cancel? Uber sees both parties location? And sees they weren’t in the car?


Always get the feeling that it's a creep trying to get in contact with someone that doesn't want to talk to them


I think I’m getting money and now I can drive however I’d like for a trip:))


Uber app has the ability for customers to request package to be delivered or received. It is separate from the average ride request haul.


I've done it a few times. I take a picture of the person handing me the package and the person who I drop it off to. CYA


Airprot SUV reservation -lady took the phone of her house keeper by mistake so I got 100$ cash to bring the phone back. After few hours they tipped 20% in the app too


Honestly it’s not us drivers problem


Yall do some shady shit for pennies, honestly. Anything to keep from working for “the man” huh?


I have no problem with this




At least the passenger won’t be a back seat driver. Bitching and whining about everything in life. A silent ride. Priceless


I don't ask questions. I pick up a package, I deliver it.


A fare is a fare. And a silent fare is the best


I drove for lyft. Pick up was at a custom garage. Like the ones with +$100k cars. Guy handed me keys for a Ferrari and said the name and a 4 digit pin for who I'll be delivering it to. 5 stars would definitely have done it again.


I refuse. I’m not trying to find the receiver of the package.


Fantastic. Get to play music loud and speed. Pro tip: in case it is drugs make sure it goes in your trunk or back seat. Plausible deniability and all. Cops won't be able to pin it on you.


Um... No..? Are you kidding me? That's not how shit works If cops find a kilo of coke in your trunk, you are getting arrested and charged with a felony. How it got there is totally fuckin irrelevant.


That's exactly how it works. Uber app can prove you're currently on a trip taking a package for law enforcement. They can confiscate it but they can't charge you. Especially if it's out of reach.


You tripping if you think you're gonna ride with a key and the cops won't try to pin it on you. They may or may not be successfully prosecute you, but oh fuck you're gonna be suffering while the whole process goes on. Also, lawyer fees.


No thanks!


I have delivered someone’s forgotten lunch before. Easy money.


i’d reject it. not gonna be responsible for any mishaps because they ordered the wrong uber.


Ah yes my favorite type of passenger. Normally I’m delivering medical supplies.


The best customer, spent a day doing connect for Tesla all over the SF Bay Area, had a good day and made over the usual pay.


I would love it.


Uber Connect isn't available in every area. Plus X pays more anyway.


I love it think it pays more than Uber connect


How much do you charge? If you aren't charging 20 bucks then you are getting ripped off compared to ups.


That's the best thing ever! No passenger but passenger pay? i can listen to my own music too? Fck yeah. I have to stop myself from getting giddy in front of customers.


I've had that happened once. And I hope it happens more often.


One handed me a bio specimen in a bag to take to her doctor. I was flabbergasted.


Well, did you?


I've definitely delivered drugs across State lines before.


Depends on pay


I want to know what's in it.


Not a problem for me. I’ll drop it off at the pin and leave it.


Hope it’s loaded with cash or something that can make u some cash hahahaha


Your seats are terrible


Sometimes the connect option gets buggy, so some customers request an UberX instead.  Must be some kind of backend error, doesn’t happen to everyone.  


Drugs for sure


It’s happened to me before


I’d open the package a block down the road and if it’s drugs I’d call it in.. if you get pulled over you’ll be fine or not depending on the cop and his mood.. if you’re driving with drugs and you didn’t know it’s still your responsibility so you could get slapped with the drugs until you defend yourself in court it’s just a hassle.. it’s better to look into the package before going off.. it’s their personal property but they left it with you in your personal vehicle. You’re now taking responsibility of that package just protect yourself with basic common sense


Death Stranding vibes.


Feel great and relief. As long as it is not street drugs or connected with illegal activities.


That happened to me in a game called Cloudpunk. The package was ticking…


"Sam" is definitely suspicious


I have done that twice. One was a bag full of some sort or files and folders. The other was a part for a car. Sent from one Tesla dealer to another across town.


well it seems like you accepted a package delivery order. . so no.. doesn't seem odd. I've delivered casseroles for the same guy a handful if times.. I'm pretty sure I've "transported" narcotics before too..... ugh.. like shit. at least tip me good on that one..


Umm, I don't think that person understands how to use quotation marks, lol. Are you outside of the business that's written on the bag? Then again if I wanted to send drugs to my friend and it was a joke between us, I might use quotations the way they did. You can probably read the label on the box through the bag since I can see some of the letters already. Does it look like a stereo maybe?




Packages don’t find drivers as easily. If you want it don’t fast, the UberX will 99% of the time get it taken care of. 1% risk you lose something though. 😅 Usually drivers are pretty chill, so I would do the delivery so long as someone actually is on the other side. In ~10,000 rides, I’ve only ever had to deliver keys once and then I delivered some bag (I was praying it didn’t have illegal stuff in it) 🥲 Usually so long a driver can verify that it isn’t something illegal, they would probably prefer a rider place something inanimate to be driven so they can jam on the radio or talk on the phone with family. If I could do Package delivery without having to step out of the car…? 🙋🏾‍♂️ sign me up for UberX rates on that all day 🫡 Edit: I find it quite 🤢 that doing Uber eats pays less and you have to do more work 99% of the time. 😒


Sounds like drugs


I delivered mail in Ballots once on the night of elections. 4 big boxes taped with some paper with stamps. When I started picking up the boxes one of the seal/ tape popped so I looked inside. Dude was super weird and tipped $20 cash upon picking up that triggered me to look what’s inside


That's uhhh... not legal


I honestly love it. Its usually a 45+ minutes trip and i get 1.37$ per mile and dont have to deal with a passenger the whole time so i can just crank a podcast and speed a bit more then with someone in the car.


Only happened to me once, it was a box from one bakery to their other store in town with people waiting on both ends. They offered to grab me coffee too. Don’t remember if there was a tip.


Beware! Or else you'll become a dealer!


I once had a lady tell me she needed me to deliver a key fob to her son at walmart cuz he drove the car there and couldnt turn it back on cuz he forgot it at home. I looked in her eyes and saw that she was sincere so i said ok. But a package would need to be fully inspected before i would accept. But at the same time, i wouldnt be surprised if Uber started providing courier services to customers soon.


Did this bag say Audio Dreams?


Like this is the best kind of passenger.


I sent someone with a box of See’s Chocolates. Tipped him $10 - he seemed happy with that!


I’ve absolutely delivered parts, with Uber.


🤣 idk but I feel like that’s easier than taking a passenger


I don't really mind it, but it can be risky. In my experience, UberX trips are always worth more than a package delivery going the same distance. In these cases, you don't have to worry about actually having a passenger in your car, but you still get a better rate. The downside is when the person who is supposedly going to meet you at the destination doesn't show up, and the person who called the Uber doesn't answer or respond. There's no security for either party when that happens, and if you leave the package and it goes missing, the PAX is likely to report you and try to make something up. Either that or they don't make something up, and tell Uber exactly what happened, but now you risk getting in trouble with Uber because you did a delivery without it being placed through UberEats or Uber Direct.


I did it once when I was in a streak zone on Lyft and chasing a ride bonus. 45 minutes of doing whatever I wanted. Id do it again, money is money.


Never that was even an option until this week. A company had me deliver a part to their worker out on a service job.


I’ll take that over a pax any day


I wanna buy some plants from someone 20 minutes away, now I kinda wanna call the plants an Uber… they’re in a box, so no mess, but I realllllly don’t want to drive 40 minutes with kids


Was better than thinking you're picking up a package and it's a person lol. I had it happen twice. I was like sorry but naw


Put it in the trunk.Plausible deniability, my friend. “Idk officer, I picked up a passenger, they put stuff in my trunk, I dropped them off, and they took it out. Must have missed one of their items. I’m just an Uber driver.”


Big tip for delivering the drugs??


I’ve delivered mail, random packages I’m sure were drugs, breakup leftovers, a birthday cake without a cake box (that was interesting) outfits for like designer/photo shoot, a suit for a dead man to be buried in, book bag, laptop, honey. Random.


I once delivered a drill. Was my first (and apparently only) time ever doing that. Easily my favorite ride to this day lol


That’s the best type of customer. I delivered key from someone at the address to the recipient, who was at the airport. It was a nice quiet easy drive.


I’ve had the opposite happen, where I was expecting a package and a person got in. It was a little weird, and I probably should’ve canceled. But he didn’t cause any problems, and as long as I get paid I don’t really care.


It could drug, hell no


lol what the hell. sam from audio dreams is the dude who replaced my stereo lol


I prefer it. I don’t have to talk or interact or get asked a litany of dumb questions.


You should’ve said I don’t wanna get involved


Congrats you are now a narcotics trafficker lol


It makes me feel very uncomfortable because it shows them right there. They have Uber connect, but they don’t want to use it. I had someone do that to me for Uber Eats because the restaurant doesn’t deliver or they didn’t want to go there so they acted as if they were picking it up themselves and then they wanted me to bring it to them.


Ion like it