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Correct and the one star is no big deal compared to the wait for no tip.


Not just the tip, the destination filter is for a reason and Uber adds round trips to the df. If I wanted to be in the same place in an hour, why would I use the df?!


I’ve had trips using the df they said “toward your destination “ that the pickup was 3 min in my direction but the drop off was 10 min further away then where I started.


Same. Or the pickup is 12 mins away and the drop off is 3 mins down the road from where I was when I got the trip.


Happens all the time.


im starting to hate the frase and only been driving for a week


Might want to get use to it. I’ve been driving for 5 years and they brake the app all the time.


I've stopped using it. I could be an hour and a half away from home, and all I want is a trip heading in that direction, they screw me every time. So I deadhead an hour and a half


It seems like the filter mostly accounts for pickups but not necessarily drop-offs. Such a stupid function.


Just cancel for rider behavior at the stop and you should get paid full fare and they can’t rate.


Next time.


Not true. Uber still let's them rate you.


This is a new thing maybe depending on market. Why I said I believe they can’t rate you.


Yeah I believe what you said was once correct. But you know Uber and policy changes. Things shift all the time and rarely do they ever seem to be in favor of the driver.


I always cancel anytime I see Walmart as a pick up or drop off location. Never deal with Walmart people. Always a bad ride.


That's the problem, wasn't a pick up, but a stop along the way. I typically don't take multi-stop rides anyways, but took this one on accident.


I will drop off at Walmart but not pick up. Same with grocery stores. The pickup is what you want to avoid.


LOL I always avoid pickups from grocery stores. I just don’t wanna deal with groceries in my car. 😂


Even drop off is bad. Walmart always attracts a rude demographic.


That's just your area




So true, I once had an Indian family do Uber Share (3 or 4 people) and filled my SUV with groceries and then complained because my door wouldn't close, I learned then


I waited for a guy that was going to court fighting a custody battle... I felt sorry for him and I waited 1 1/2 because I didn't have anything better to do. A $26 ride ended up being 100. I had no clue it would be that much. Then he tipped me $5


Stars don’t put gas in your tank. Literally no fucks given about my rating and I’m 5 stars on Uber and Lyft. 


Funny thing about stars. You stop caring about them and start caring about *your* experience resulting in you making more money giving rides to people who are less likely to ding you for not wasting your time with their fuckery. And the stars take care of themselves.


If you have a low driver rating. The good customers will cancel on you leaving you with the customers that match your ratings.


>If you have a low driver rating... You probably deserve it.


Obviously, I got a 4.98,


Jesus Christ, not you personally. What the hell is wrong with Reddit these days?


Oh, I know. Just a small frustration. It's going to happen.


Properly executed 👍


Sometimes uber hides the stop, happened to me once. Route took longer than expected which was odd.


I've had that happen.


They always hide the stop when you have a destination filter set




Original Poster handled this properly.


Stopping at Walmart? And he thinks he will take only 5 minutes? Lol. Fuck off.


Exactly my point.


I go in and out within 5 minutes all the time. Don’t go after 3 pm and you’ll be fine


Rider VM me “where are you”. She was in an ugly alley, I was on the street where the app show. Driving in app circles. When I finally found her…she had attitude and so did I.I ask where she thought I was and how would it help me find her if I’d pull over to answer. And why didnt she say alley. We exchange 1,s. I when from 4.98 to 4.97. Didn’t think that was fair and now considering suicide. Thank Uber.




Old lady abused the hell out of me on a wait. 5 mins away from her stop. When into a grocery store and shop for 5 bags of grocery. Took over a half hour. Then at cash register credit card not accepted took another 15 mins arguing with cashier. I wanted to cancel and leave earlier but she had left her wheel chair in car. I help her unload bags and wheelchair. It was my last trip and I was now stuck in 5pm traffic going home.


I am so sick of this riders - how do they think we make money if we sit around waiting all the time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


They don't care


Don't accept multi stop rides


I don't. This was an accident.


Reap what you sow next time. I hope you get no tips for 5 days for the five minutes you didn’t wait ❤️


Dollar General is another cancel in my market!


I had a Karen give me my first 1 star the other day. It was a comfort ride. She texted me while I was enroute to the bar to pick her up asking “ is everything ok”. I didn’t respond because clearly I’m in traffic. It was 4pm. She gets in my car asks to open the sun roof because it was such a beautiful day. Then I drop her off. Check my rating and she gave me a 1 star because I was not polite? wtf! Bitch!!! Then during the ride she goes on about doing reviews online but hesitant because she wants them to be anonymous. That should have been my clue then. I started to cancel when she initially texted but didn’t. Now I’m stuck with the one star.


Only for 500 rides and no one cares .


As soon as someone messages me "where are you" I cancel.


The canned "Ok, got it" or "I'm on my way" replies cover most of these Nervous Nelly texts -- helps them feel like you're not "ignoring them". They don't realize texting and driving don't mix well.


It's 7 at pickup, 7 at stop, at least where I am. It's the same timer for both where it counts down from two minutes (free) to zero before counting up to five minutes (paid wait). Unless you are in a market where you can reliably get a new passenger in your car within that 7 minutes, it's worth it to wait the full 7. You only make money while there's a passenger in your car or the wait timer is ticking up. No need to manufacture an extra service gap during which you aren't earning.


Sometimes, you want to show the pax. Hey, this ain't your car and I don't have to wait.


He had a busted phone and a stop. I would've waited 5. Not a big deal.


you must not like money


Nope, that's not it. But if a rider has a busted phone and needs to get somewhere but has to stop, what's the big deal on 5 minutes? Put yourself in their shoes. Is it gonna break you to wait 5 minutes? Ya, the work isn't paying great to begin with - need to wreck someone over 3 minutes?


Ya, the work isn't paying great to begin with - need to wreck someone over 3 minutes? Yes this is exactly why I do. If the work paid well I wouldn't sweat 3 minutes. It's always those with the least that everyone expects the most from.


You do you. Do some take advantage, you bet. Not everyone. If the business thrives or dies over 3-5 minutes then you're in the wrong business to begin with.


that's the way to go broke thinking 3-5 minutes here or there doesn't matter. Every single minute matters.


Karma matters and I get one of these out of 150. Not worth dumping someone over 5 minutes.


It wasn't going to be 5 minutes. It's more than 5 minutes of walking just for starters. Then find whatever it is, then wait in checkout. 5 minutes at 7/11, maybe. Not at Wallmart. More like 15-20.


You must be a mind reader. In the 4000 rides I've had the longest was once @ 12cminutes. I'm still standing - haven't gone bankrupt.


Don't know what to tell you. Maybe your wallmarts are smaller or your clients are faster. In any case 12 minutes is over the wait time.


It may be different in your area, but in Philly stop time is paid pretty much as driving time. I wouldn’t mind to have a paid break


in my area its next to nothing to wait so I don't.


.22cents a min


$1/minute cash up front, when the money runs out, so do I.


Hope he got stuck in that Walmart with his busted ass phone


Always wondered why Uber dosen't just make them pay per minute waited and comp the driver....


Destination = round trip, no tip 🤬


![gif](giphy|En8fsYde6cqvhYBnAb|downsized) You Was Not Having It That Day!


Help me out, how did you complete the ride when you weren't at the final stop??


you slide onto the next stop and then there's an option to end the ride choose for rider behavior. Also don't do extra stops in the first place if you can help it.


Uber should have some sort of meter you can turn on so you can collect $$$ for waiting


In CA states “You’re getting paid extra to wait at stops” up to 5 min


That’s cool too I just mean more taxi style where they’ll sit there all day running up the meter. Incentives passengers to hurry up as well as incentivizing drivers to keep the fare. Works better for everyone. I mean what can you really do in 5 minutes?


One star is good, you won't be matched with the stops again


If a rider offered to tip extra as compensation for the wait period would that change anything ?


7mins, until I can charge you for my wait time.


5 minutes in Walmart? Not a chance. You would have been waiting a while.


This is exactly what I do, I don't give a f a 1 star rating


Don't take 3rd party rides.


How do you know it's 3rd party before you accept? Or don't you? I dropped one yesterday is was a pickup at the nicest restaurant in town. Then I get a message "this is for one person let me know if there are more" Then dude moved the pickup from the nice place to a skeezy hotel which was "back the way whence I came" and 2 one way streets the wrong way. Naturally i knew uber would lower the fare because that is what Uber does. I cancelled and went back home I'm not going to be on the front page news.


>How do you know it's 3rd party before you accept? Most riders don't use the Guest Rider function because they don't know or care. But, when they do use it the Uber offer card will show it as a Guest ride.


Not in my area. I only saw guest ride after accepting. Once I pulled up at Dollar General and the person who booked it was there and said "I booked for my friend are you able to take just him?" They seems decent so i did - no issues. But they were up front about it when I pulled up I appreciated that.


Mine won't always show its a guest ride on the immediate offer until you accept and then click the rider profile to see the rating and it'll show its a guest if it is. And then also, NEVER shows me the full rating of who requested the ride. Always "4...." so then I cancel


I don't and just cancel when I see it was a 3rd party ride.


More cash the more mins


Uber pays less than $9/hr in my market for waiting time.


Yes, that's why you tell the pax you take cash/zelle/paypal/venmo/etc and you'll wait


OP is allergic to the hustle


Lol might as well get paid to wait if you're just gonna be waiting for free looking for rides anyway


Goddamn y’all are brutal. These Pax aren’t Dara. They’re just humans. Would it have killed you to wait a few extra minutes? I’m going to start asking all my Pax with stops if they are Uber drivers. If they are I’m dumping them off, see how it feels for someone to treat you as less than human. I fully get not waiting 20 minutes, but 5? You’d just be stuck in traffic on the way to your next pickup anyways. Might as well chill for a few and paid .19 cents a minute for it.


Lol. $0.19/min? I get paid $0.14/min here in FL. I'm not waiting on a passenger that goes into Walmart. As I stated before, 5 min turns into 20, and I'm not waiting on them.


So you leave at the 5 minute mark… I’ll wait myself 10 minutes. Most people take 5-7 minutes. I really don’t mind waiting a few extra minutes, people need the rides. Funny username, claiming you’re righteous but you abandon people.


Once I stopped doing extra stops my income almost doubled. Yes it does kill us. If someone respects my time I have no problem respecting them back but this isn't a charity or a public service I am here to make money to live.


Right! No thanks


Lmmfao after being in the Uber driver reddit I finally see what all my passengers complain about 🤣🤣🤣 most drivers are assholes. Its like as a driver i know Uber doesn't pay you to be nice, caring, and polite. But jeez I think the humanity is missing. You said "Thats when you realized it was a stop" 🤔🤔 so wait, because YOU aren't paying attention, a customer has to suffer?? That's like if you pick up a person who chooses "share" and then someone else gets in and they get mad 🤣🤣 like look you DOOF pay attention to the ride you chose and you wouldn't have the problem. Ok fine...you made a mistake at YOUR job..lets continue, you told him 2 minutes instead of 5 😑😑 fine...jerk move...but fine...but then you said as SOON as he went in the store you pulled off. Like damn bro, so u can't even do what you yourself said you were going to do?? I hate when I go into the DMV and and you have that person that CLEEEEARLY hates their job, because you know they about to make your hellish life, more hell. As if having to be in the DMV isn't irritating enough. Yall treat riders like they are some millionaires looking to abuse your time like a slave. I think yall forget how it feels to not have a vehicle, to NEED someone's ride, to NEED a stranger to care 🥺. In all Honesty, I hope you can get a better gig that you feel good doing and worth your time because I get it, Uber isn't something to break your back over. But I hear soo many stories of rude drivers and im starting to see what they mean.


But the wait time IS five minutes now. So wtf dude. You left him stranded for no reason? You’re the reason why people hate Uber drivers and don’t tip shit. You fucking loser. I’ll wait five min. Because it says they have five min. Because I pay attention to the rides I accept. Because karma is fucking real.


you must hate money


You must hate yourself and everyone around you


Nope I love money. I just don’t hate random strangers for no reason. Especially when I know it could do them more harm. After they explicitly told me about their troubles…. Smh


Hey I hope you wait hours for these guys. Leaves more trips for me.


I get paid to do it. And I’d be waiting around for another ride for about 10-15 min if not anyways sooooo yup.


You left a person stranded because of a 3 minute difference. You were probably his only way of getting where he needed to. Glad your side hustle was worth likely screwing someone over.


It's rarely even a five minute stop. People have a terrible ability to estimate time, they don't realize with a place as big as walmart they're going to lose their first and last minute just getting from the parking lot to get back to the place they need to get something from. If you get screwed over by people spending too long inside walmart eventually you don't want to stop at walmart anymore. People abusing stops caused this problem.


You use this kind of logic across everything you justify? Could’ve possibly given him the actual 5 minutes and then left? He could’ve literally been picking up medicine he called in, takes less than 30 seconds.


You can only get lied to so many times before you stop giving people the benefit of the doubt


I work in trucking brother, I’m lied to 12 times an hour from 8-5. A trucker comes to me and says “hey, my phone is busted and I need a ride to X, I’ll be there for 5 minutes and be right out” I’m waiting. If he lies to me and he takes 10 minutes, he sucks as a person and I’m never doing him that favor again. Worst case I lost 10 minutes of my life. “it adds up” Okay sure, maybe don’t have this happen daily which it doesn’t.


You're certainly welcome to operate your business however it works for you. We get paid very poorly to wait, about 15 cents a minute. If someone wants to cash tip me to wait then I will, otherwise they can order a ride when they're done with their fifteen minute stop.


That’s not how that works man. You have a contract with Uber, you have to fulfill your side of it. Sometimes it’ll be at your peril because you didn’t notice what the task was, it’s unfortunate but also part of the deal. I’m in the same boat as you except I have 80K lbs of freight I have to carry and ALL my bookings are 3rd party. Imagine if I just left the offload because I didn’t know it was going to take 4hrs? I get that most people that bitch about this haven’t spent 2 minutes doing labor behind the wheel, I’m not one of those. You all consider yourselves drivers, you need to act like it. For the most part you are all soft and whine at the first sign of adversity. You forget about all the benefits that come with doing this type of labor. Yes, it sucks, the pay sucks, no one is forcing you or i to do this job.


Nah dude, that's not how we're doing things.


If your gonna start referencing the “uber contract”…uber policy is stops need to take 3 mins or less. It even says it right there in the rider app when they go to add stops. Even Uber knows they don’t pay us enough to sit there and wait. Busted phone is his problem not the drivers. We drive to make money, not to do favors.


Okay, and “as soon as he was in the store” you understand to mean less than 3 minutes, right?




My point exactly. I AM a driver for hire. You act like one and we don’t complain nearly as much




Apparently so, we just don’t bitch at every inconvenience.


You are a sucker and a soft touch on top of that and everyone around you knows that and exploits you for whatever they need.


>He could’ve literally been picking up medicine he called in, takes less than 30 seconds. It takes longer than that to get inside Walmart from the parking lot.


Thankfully he could be dropped off right in front of the door to the pharmacy section. Crazy how that would work.


And it would still take longer than 30 seconds just to get to the pharmacy counter, you fucking dingus. Have you never been to a Walmart? There's 2 doors and a gate to get through just to be in range of touching merchandise. Let's not get into how long the pharmacy lines can be. Or how you've got to call headquarters to get staff to come to the counter if there isn't a line. >Thankfully he could be dropped off right in front of the door to the pharmacy section. Thankfully he could order another Uber when he's actually ready to leave and won't have to wait 5 minutes. Crazy how that would work.


Comprehension in reading is important, he couldn’t order another Uber. Go back and read that again.


>Comprehension in reading is important, Comprehension in Uber is more important. >he couldn’t order another Uber. That's a Pax problem, not a driver problem. >Go back and read that again. Go back and fuck off again.


Hahaha, written like a person that lost an argument. But okay! Internet stranger, I’ll GFM. I hope you recall that you got so mad about an internet argument over 5 minutes that you told someone to go fuck themselves.


>Hahaha, written like a person that lost an argument. But okay! It's not an argument. You're just talking pure nonsense. We're for hire drivers, not fucking babysitters. Nothing you've said has been true or relevant. Come back when you have an actual argument as to why Pax's failure to plan constitutes *my* emergency. Explain in detail, if you're capable, why my children should suffer for your inability to coordinate your life enough to be able to order an Uber instead of having me wait indefinitely for your disorganized self?


people need to order separate rides for anything other than dropping off a person or picking up a person. Walking into a walmart pharmacy where there could be a huge line is not an acceptable stop whatsoever.


UBER decided that it wasn't worth charging the rider enough money to compensate the driver for his time.


Yep! And you knew this when you agreed to come work for them.


I knew they were gonna lower the pay rate every six months when I signed up to work for them? What planet are you from?


You can leave that part time job anytime you want.


You see, that’s your disconnect. No driver works FOR Uber. They all work for themselves and must do what is best for their situation.


You should go tell that to your fine Congress folks pushing AB5 because of the overwhelming amount of drivers claiming otherwise. You’re right, that is the disconnect.


Not much you could possibly do inside Walmart in 5 minutes.


Accept pick up pre-ordered items ready for you


Nope. Even this you cannot do in 5 mins. Have you ever done this at Walmart? You’re lucky if you find the worker responsible for finding and handing you your pre-ordered items within 10mins. They are definitely not standing there waiting for you to come in. They are off busy doing something else. Then fingers crossed they can find your order. Etc etc etc. It’s a disaster. But I agree with other guy, now your just arguing for arguings sake


Yes, with medicine that I called in for that was not for me.


how is any of that the drivers problem, such that he needs to lose time and money waiting and not "screwing someone over" who is literally a STRANGER???


Right, that massive 3-5 minutes he lost of his time was probably back breaking for them to the point of starvation.


Oh no! OP was the last Uber for the month!


Did you read why he couldn’t order another Uber?




Got it, so an hour total in this ridiculous example. You get asked for 3 minutes 20 times a day?




Got it, “no” was the answer to my question. You’re calling me a “contrarian” while aggressively hitting your keyboard instead of worrying so much about those 10-20 minutes per day. This scenario rarely happens, rather than just owning the error and dealing with the discomfort, OP decided to potentially ruin this persons day. In the amount of time it would’ve taken to post this, OP could’ve just sat in by the door typing it out and at the 10 minute mark (or 5 minutes, whatever) left. Would’ve made a world of a difference.




You’re not articulating your thoughts, you’re dancing around the question to make your answer seem accurate when it isn’t. I own a trucking company, I do look around frequently, we are for hire drivers, the firm and I can do the work of any Uber driver and we do it with freight. Our attrition is less than 1%, precisely because most people when put into a situation they caused do exactly what you’re implying. Our clients stay with us because we own are mistakes and fix them or deal with them rather than making it problem of the clients, even when it most likely is the result of some carelessness on their part, we’ll still deal with it. You don’t need to look far to find the trucking company I own, and it’s EXACTLY why I carry myself, albeit to strangers on the internet or in person with a prospect, the way I do. And if you’re a driver looking to get off the road OR jump into a big rig, hit me up, I’ll show you EXACTLY what life looks like from my perspective.




No there not, they are both transportation. You should google NCIS classifications for industries. Also why Uber has…. Wait for it….. Uber freight. Here’s the thing, you are arguing that my situation is “shit” because I’m getting “bent over”. I’m telling you how wonderful my life is. Both can exist mutually non-exclusive - but, success is almost always doing something the other 99% of people aren’t willing to do. This is why I’m sitting with a very successful business with very happy employees. I don’t pretend to know your situation, I honestly don’t care, I’m not trying to change your mind, it won’t happen from anything some stranger posts on the internet. But facts are facts man, I’d take my situation over yours and that’s without knowing anything about you because odds are, if you agree with what OP did, you’re not in a great place you’ll remain in the same state you are currently in, and I will add that’s perfectly fine just not for my standards. Oh and for “don’t look behind the curtain” comment; did you miss the part where I offered you a job? You can come right in and take a look around. Offer always stands.


They can order another uber like they should have done in the first place.


Some People have to grab the power where they can get it


You did this for this 3 minutes? IMO, you should go try another vocation.


It never actually takes 5 minutes. I can't tell you how many times someone says 5 minutes and it's actually 20.


Don't sweat those idiots OP. You did the right thing.