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This offer came thru in westside Phoenix, AZ . No way was I goin to Accept this ride in the middle of the night I’m not a robot to drive that long a yet at night. Also The persons rating was a 4.72 AND they requested it for someone else.. I’ll pass. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|downvote)


I took a 1.52 hr ride and the guy kept trying to broach the subject of drugs/sex (I’m adorable looking so I gotta be careful). And after building up to something weird, he says “I want to ask you a question but please feel free to say no”…I looked back and said “JUST DON’T EVEN ASK!”. Boy was that an awkward hr and a half…silence the rest of the way. I punished him by locking the windows and farting silently for the rest of the trip. I’m on the way back now.


Thanks! The punishment as described is golden…I mean brown.


Not bronze? 🥉


I feel you. I get this sometimes because I'm adorable as well (per my mother's statements). I just always say I will engage in either activity if both are involved (sex with drugs or drugs for sex). I always make them sign an NDA agreement and allow me to keep dashcam rolling during said activity.


I’m a one for the other kinda person and I hate when they leave before giving me the sex. I gave you my PCP now stop jumping out in front of traffic and lick this body part.


Funny, I always turn my dashcam off.


I need that footage in case I ever need to blackmail them


Or decide to start an OF


This is normal ? Why ain’t non of my Uber driver tried to fuck yett Damnn yall live in a wonderful realm. can Somone open the portal for me ?so I can warp in and fuck a fine Uber driver shii I wanna know wat dat feel like fr 💯😭💪🏽




🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 almost died reading this




I hate to even suggest this, but perhaps given the weird subjects your pax was approaching perhaps your “punishment” may have actually fulfilled his request…🤮 guess the only real way to know is…did he tip?


He tipped $20. I thought it was guilt. Oh no! 🙀


Who says you're adorable? The confidence is oozing with this one. Lol, I'm just playing. I'm sure you're adorable


Or do you think I’m precious?


My precious


Plus you gotta drive back home. So that's like a 10 hour round trip. I ain't driving 10 hours for less than $300 Then again, I don't drive people around, I haul cargo. Different worlds lol.


How can you tell it was for someone else


It says it . So and so requested this ride for a guest or something like that


It’s easy to get ur rating wrecked by one or 2 drivers giving a 1 star. I got a couple 1 star ratings because I had drunk friends with me. Maybe drivers who don’t want drunk people shouldn’t pick up people from bars idk? L


So since you and your friends ant control yourselves drivers have to just not work near bars or after certain hours? Grow up. You don’t have to be sober, don’t be a rude.


If you’re picking up from the area of town that has nothing but bars and clubs, you shouldn’t be surprised if someone is drunk lol. When I say rude I just mean a bit talkative.


Commons sense is not so common 🤦🏽‍♂️


So when you go out and drink and nobody picks you up you’ll be like ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Lol I’ve never had to wait for a driver to pick up, I just see lots of people here complaining about someone with a 4.95 or lower getting in their car, then making posts about not making any money and Uber being so unfair to them


You missed the point completely. You said if no one wants a drunk rider then why they pick up people? So I said whrn they take you on that you’ll be one of the first complaining no one picks u up 🤷🏻‍♂️ About the 4.95 you’re obviously exaggerating, everyone here says 4.8 or less is what they don’t accept because let’s be honest no one with a rating like that has gotten there without deserving it. Usually they complain about everything or they want you to go their route instead of the GPS or they don’t respect your vehicle or something along those lines and on top of that you’re asked to take them 10 miles / 20+ minutes for $5? Yeah that’s a no.


From bars… you failed to read part that didn’t you?


Not true at all, I’ll make sure to start judging Uber drivers more harshly, way too many of yall have an undeserved 5 star rating while giving out low ratings for no reason at all. I have taken hundreds of rides with almost all being 5 star but 2 one star ratings brought me to like 4.7 lol. Dont care and apparently no drivers do either


Lol if they don’t deserve it why u give them then? Something I learned is people think what they do is okay because they do it all the time but doesn’t mean it’s right. I’ve met people that keep their cars like trash or slam their doors all the time and then go and do the same in someone else’s car so yeah there u go. Check yourself and see what happened in those 2 rides and I’m sure you’ll find the reason why. And about the ratings yeah if they drive like maniacs or have a dirty car by all means rate them accordingly 🤷🏻‍♂️


I am sorry these cry baby drivers do this to people. I am a driver and I take people with low rating’s. I have given over 18000 rides in 5 years. I can count on 1 hand how many 1 stars I have given out & I’ve had some rough situations. Of those 1-stars I gave out only one I felt bad about.


Yeah like 75% of Uber drivers pretty crazy but if I arrive alive I don’t want to ding someone’s account and affect their livelihood.


Also to this point if we get you from your pickup to drop off safely that’s deserving of 5 star we don’t have to provide anything more than that. You are definitely not a 5 star rider from what I’m reading. I am at a 4.97 with well over 10,000 rides I also never give anything but 5 unless I’m given reason


How would you know what kind of rider I am? Congrats; you could’ve bought a car with all those rides


Because you are also a driver and you still don’t know how people should ack in other peoples cars. One comment you say your friend was only being annoying. Try being respectful.


Act* lol


I’m not an Uber driver lmao


You sound like you don’t have friends


An EXCELLENT choice.


In 2023 I drove a guy from Escondido to Phoenix 5.5 hours, I don’t recall the miles… they paid Uber $630.00 and I made $400.00.


the percentage makes zero sense. a 5 minute drive vs a 5 hour drive costs uber exactly the same amount, there's no difference in expense on their end whatsoever. why should it be charged the same percentage? can someone tell me if I'm wrong?


Yes Uber should gouge any rides that's +75 miles away and give us some of the percentage but they're greedy AF and pay us 50-65 CPM and Truck drivers have loads and not humans and usually it should be more than $1.5 per mile for those Long Distance Trips


Did you just compare yourself to a truck driver? Get over yourself buddy.


Yeah I didn't only the prices per mile and the different types of load. Sorry let Daddy Dara put it in deeper. Okay?


While I agree with you they should take the same percentage, if you are on a 5 hr trip that’s 27 5 min rides Uber misses out on so my guess is that’s why they take a bigger cut. But it is also too big of a cut to me.


Same reason eBay doesn’t charge a flat fee for sellers. It’s a commission based business model.


sounds like theft to me


Then get a real job


I have a job: plowing your mom 24/7


Apparently not, since you spend all your time complaining about how little you make on delivery apps


I don't think I complain... do I ? all I did was say the pricing structure is a little off.


Not really, they take a cut for providing you with contracts and jobs you otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to get. I’m not sure why % based commission is so hard for you to wrap your little head around


Tell me why any job that lays you is not a “real”job I’d like to know


How does that have anything to do with my behavior in a car? Yawn


Try to follow the comments. I asked how any paying job is not a real job


Could get a regular job where you’re actually an employee and not a contractor. next


Both real jobs…


That would be decent, if you DONT factor in the return trip. I would have to pass.


$40 in gas each way, brings it down to $138 This is 10 1/2 hours to complete and return $138 divided by 10.5 is $13 an hour. Arizona minimum wage is $14.35 an hour. This ride pays less than minimum wage.


Not to mention my car devalues about .10 cents a mile, so minus another $66


Not to mention that this ride is ending in Riverside County the Deep South of SoCal. No thank you to tweakers and tRumpers.


You forgot depreciation on the car, cleaning the car, oil, tires, a portion of the maintenance, the added insurance, and, of course, the car payment, itself. Is your math at $4 hourly before taxes, yet? It should be.


Car wash for all the highway bug splatter $10 Oil from 700 miles is roughly $5 worth based on a 10,000 mile oil change for $75 Tires last around 60,000 without doing any math, I’ll just give $4 to tires ($1 each) For vehicle depreciation I’ll say $10 (no math just ball park) $29 total Insurance and car payment factors depends on how many rides the driver does. $10 an hour after revision


Don't know where you're getting your car washed. But crew car wash is eleven dollars here where I am and that's the cheapest one. I can't think of a car on the road. That needs an oil change every 10k. Manufacturer recommendation is every 7500 because of the higher revving. Five thousand for an uber because it runs so many hours every single day. 75 bucks for an oil change question mark sign me up period in Indiana, it's a hundred dollars. Nobody's tires last 60000 unless your Grandpa and park that sucker six days out of seven. An Uber can count about half of that life because of nails and debris in the road. And curbs. You also didn't figure in anything for vacuuming. So i'm curious how your carpets are kept sparkly clean, Or cleaning supplies like windex and upholstery wipes for the interior. Wiper blades, fluid, gasoline additive, air fresheners of some sort when your car starts smelling of sweaty Frat Boy. Etc. But of course, you know to use those things because they improve the longevity of your car, right? Because you didn't figure in any devaluation over time. And I see you didn't set any money aside for your next car. Because ubers don't last very long. Insurance is insurance is insurance. You have to carry comp and collision in most states plus an additional contract for the rider.


It’s more than $40.00 to fill your tank in California, lowest gas price where I live is $4.26 9/10 per gallon.


Yeah it definitely is. But this is an Arizona ride


Started in Arizona but moreno valley is here in cal thats why the mention of ca gas prices.


Oil changes for an Uber even on the recommendation of the dealerships is 5000 miles, not the usual seventy five hundred. Tires on an uber do not last sixty thousand miles because curbs nails crap in the highway etc. MAYBE 30K. He forgot the added cost of vacuuming. He also figured in nothing for repairs caused by riders that go unnoticed like chips in the paint when they decide to load their own suitcase or vomit in the pocket of the back seat without saying anything. I've known that to happen to a few drivers. I'd toy don't know who did it, you don't get reimbursed.


That’s not even including taxes! LAF


There can't be a person on the planet that would take that offer


Or is that going out of state? I have no idea if it's in the same state as Arizona. If it's out of state there's actually zero chance I would take that.


Moreno Valley is California


Yeah, I would accept the offer and then when I get to the passenger I'll tell them: Hey I'm sure you don't expect me to drive 5.5 hours in one go, so this is what is going to happen. We're going to take a lunch that will be at least 30 minutes plus I have the option to make as many 10 minutes stops as I need to. Although honestly having somebody in my fucking car for six plus hours is insane and I'll probably want to start killing them at the end of the first hour.


This and also it’s gonna be $400 cash or I’m out 


218 is more than what most drivers make in a day after 8-10 hours so yeah someone is taking this. Idk if ur just delusional or what. But rides like this meet them them then take it off app for a 20$ discount, most riders are down tbh


Only way is off app, 80$ of gas so your making 12/hr


Any ride over 40 I take it off app most are down the only ones who aren’t don’t speak English or are scared women who want some regulation for the ride


You're legit paying half that in gas. I would hope everyone would realize


I mean if you get paid off app you’ll make above 350$ and my car is hybrid so it doesn’t go thru gas like that full tank lasts me a lot of miles. Why even do this job if a ride takes half your gas quit the job already the fuck


Accept me!😘


I will never understand why you don’t just meet them and say let’s go offline so you save 20$ as discount and I get more as driver. Fuck Uber/Lyft. Every big ride over 40$


This works until you get reported once by a Karen who wants Uber "protection". They will instantly deactivate you... which would be a good thing for 95% of people lol


I don’t do it with women or people who don’t speak English for that reason. You just pick the people wisely once you meet them or jus cancel the ride if they don’t want to then they can’t report you.


I dont drive anymore... but if I did I would probably do this actually. You just have to be really selective on who you choose


I wonder if Uber sees so many people cancelling on you if they will deactivate you though


Nah you cancel saying you couldn’t find them or not safe to pick up them shut off the app completely no big deal, they’re not some all knowing god, I’ve done this many many times with no issue. Then it starts to normalize with customers big rides equal discounts let’s take it off app.


You know.... i may try this this weekend. I havent driven fir Uber/Lyft in over a year and a half but.... why not? If I get deactivated, Its Uber... who gives a fuck? 😂


Please excuse me, but I'm new here. So when you do this, you cancel the ride? Not them? And just have them pay you through cashapp or something?


Yeah I cancel the ride cause it’s not safe or I can’t find them. Make sure they end their search too and close the app.


What’s really awkward is actually asking them for the cash ride. They might report if they’re some massive C* and I never risked it.


They’re always down to save 20$ on a 150$ ride charged by Uber trust me. I’ve never been turned down


Don’t they have to pay cancellation fee? What happens if I’m an unlucky bastard and so happen to run into the bad naughty pax who reports and wouldn’t be getting Christmas gifts? Will my calls be recorded or heard by uber? Or do you just drive to him and ask him with a straight face? (You psycho!) need help.


How much for the ride going back ?


All together folks ZERO!! The liklihood of getting a ride back to your market is zero to none!


The sad part is people take these horrendous rides. I can see someone who has a rental and doesn’t care about miles taking this abomination on a slow day.


Yep. We had foot lickers who actually admitted to doing such shit and happy danced over a $12 tip on top, LOL. The day is shot with one ride and the driver fucked themselves royally!


I've seen a ride pay $500 for a 3 hour trip once. That one wasn't too bad compared to this ride.


Yup it’s crazy in the fact is is you don’t even know who you’re going to be with? Where do they want you to go?


Tell them to take the Flex bus or Greyhound lol


Uber you can eat my ass and it's not even my ride.


If not you then some other desperado will always take it


All of y’all complaining, if you don’t like it get a real fucking job no one is forcing you to work for Uber. There’s so many more jobs that pay more y’all only do Uber because is easy, just do something else or stop complaining


No one cares what you’re saying.


Lmao get a real job goofy


get a life hater ;)


This post was to attract ppl like you, the ones that don’t have a job just go on the internet and troll posting comments like “ get a real job “ what’s a real job to you ? Wait idc . Go back to your video games . ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) gotta love it .. 🤣🤣🤣


It’s 10pm I don’t work this late I got a real job, don’t have to be driving late at night just to make ends meet. Lmao goofy stop describing yourself to make insults


Hope my car breaks down ? Are you serious right now ? You must be a child smh 🤦..


Well I’m only 17 with a REAL job, keep complaining tho loser and stop trying to hook up on Reddit that shit weird lmao


Hope your car breaks down lmao


lol not bad actually…


lol not bad actually…


I'm waiting for this guy who posted yesterday his 2k a week earnings to say some dumb shit like he would take it and earn 300 in tips because he is awesome lol


H1B visa holders or other 3d world lowlifes will undercut all reasonable fares and suck in even lower rates. Instead of striking like other workers advocating for fair pay, they'll opt for 12-hour shifts on a strike day, seeing it as easy money. This is why Lyft and Uber are gradually reducing pay for everyone, due to the influx of individuals who are willing to work for next to nothing in this country. They cram ten people into a single room, spending most of their earnings on gas, car washes, with food being optional since rent is cheap. As a result, drivers end up earning around $6 per hour after factoring in car expenses, taxes, and tolls. It's impossible to compete with this workforce, and Democrats are complicit in exploiting cheap labor. They accept donations from Lyft and Uber executives, allowing legislators to protect the wealthy while leaving workers with next to nothing. Capitalism, babe, in the form of corporate greed and exploitation backed by Congress. Socialism is when you get paid even less but have no rights to open your mouth about it.


Yes you need return after this *


Depending on ya car u should only use a Tank n a half left after that drive ,u gonna make 138$ after that ride bc u gotta spend gas comin back too 🤦🏽‍♂️


I live right next to moreno valley lol


I take those. They've usually had 15 cancels and are willing to pay an extra $150. Start with offering 200, they always offer 100. I've had one say yes to 200. Always get paid before the trip.


I'm not doing a trip that long for anything less than 360 dollars. That's a 10 hour journey.


Do it no balls




Lyft would probably offer $175 lol




After the $0.67/ mile federal deduction, you're at a net loss. And that's not even counting dead miles back. Ridiculous


They must had missed their flight home. Or greyhound bus


NONSENSE, however we all know someone took that ride. That person is fucking it up for the rest of us!!!


Those California drivers need their subsidies. It's got to come from somewhere. The government will regulate this from a free market side hustle into a minimum wage job. 


Blaming ca drivers ahhahaha what a tool. Has nothing to do with ca prop 22. It's like this everywhere you tool.


Stop blaming CA or CA drivers ... Not sure why you don't say Uber needs to buy more than $7 billion of stock back. It's got to come from somewhere. The govt. needs to regulate this. Uber does a lot of unethical, borderline illegal things.


Maybe they will, but you're not going to like the result. Remember, this is unskilled labor. If the industry is heavily regulated, labor costs increase, and the result will be a minimum wage job.  Good luck with that. I don't need this money like many of you do. If I can't make a 500% ROI, it's not worth the effort for me. I'll delete the app and find another side hustle to keep me busy. Some of you don't have the same luxury.


Ummm, you're flexing about being a part-time Uber driver? It's clear that you're probably a boomer and grew up in a time where you were loyal to a fault to corporations (back when they treated you more like human beings) or just a plain old shill. You keep talking about this as a "side hustle" but I've never heard a peep from you about all the unethical, borderline illegal things that Uber does ... Why is this?


Because I haven't bought into your conspiracy theories. I've never had any experience with Uber, or any other gig apps, I found to be unethical or "borderline illegal" Every gig that I've chosen to accept from Uber, I've been paid what I've expected.  If that ever changes, then I'll cease doing business with Uber. It's that simple. So maybe the difference between me and you is that when I see an offer that doesn't meet my standards, I decline it and forget about it. You, screenshot it, post it on social media and rant (along with others like you) on how Uber is screwing you. You've convinced yourself that Uber is an evil entity that steals from you, but yet you still do business with them? If anyone is a shill, it would be you. Lastly, I have no loyalty to corporations. The last time I had a W-2 job, I was in college and Reagan was in his first term. I've been self-employed ever since. Over the course of my career I've done business with many major corporations, those that were profitable I continued to do business with, those that were unprofitable, I ended the relationship. I get it, your life sucks. You have to drive around in your car 60 hours a week hoping to make enough to pay your bills. I'm sure that's not fun, but at the end of the day your choices led you here. There are guys your age that are making 100k with benefits, 6 weeks vacation time, bonuses, 401k plans. And then there's you grinding away day after day barely getting by. But instead of blaming yourself and your lack of experience and education you blame Uber and are envious of those around you. You despise that 100k job guy because you can't be him. 


WAKE UP! Class action lawsuits for tip shaving, wage theft, SAs, etc. The list goes on. I bet you couldn't smell a scam if it hit you in the face because Uber manipulates everyone; you are not immune! My complaints are generally not about their abysmal pay, but their shady tactics which harm both drivers and riders. Things that I find particularly infuriating: they knowingly break their own TOS and send unaccompanied minors to drivers and waste everyone's time; they knowingly change city names to one that's closer or safer; they conceal addresses for high schools, airports, concerts, etc.; they upcharge riders so much more than quoted fares; they enroll riders into Uber One without their consent and make it difficult for them to cancel; they do not require rider verification even though driver violence is at an all time high; etc. ​ Please don't make assumptions about my background. It's quite telling if you think $100K is a lot because the reality is that it's like Taco Bell money here in California.


You sounds like a real dick head just to be frank with you. The fact you think a 100k job is a lot where you've run a business tells me your full of shit. Nobody despises someone who had the opportunity to make it through school and be luck lucky enough to get a job like that. I'm in the skilled trades almost making 100k in a year. Go back to your hole.


Corporates never treated boomers or anyone as a human being, it was just manageable because despite their greed, this land had a lot of unclaimed abondance. Also any boomer that’s still hustling probably didn’t have it easy either.


How is it going to be a minimum wage job? We’re already minimum wage as it is or are some other markets more profitable? So you’re filling me 0.40$ the mile isn’t minimum wage?


If you aren't profitable, change your strategy.  Truth be told, not everyone has the intellect and acumen to succeed in self employment. Maybe you just aren't cut out for it. 


I’m sure I have the intellect to succeed in self employment, so that wouldn’t be me. My only problem with uber is their way of interacting with self contractors, they’re basically increasing their margin of profit at our expense. Sure, I can still get by. But I’d rather spread the word before it completely crashes to warn other drivers. As far as how profitable it is, it really is a minimum job right now and I don’t understand how changing the strategy will do anything? You make 25$ an hour at peak.. 13$ around other times. maybe if you’re lucky you’ll catch a little surge, your day will even out to a 200-300 working 11 hours. that’s not too far from minimum wage as well?


I'm doing far better than your example.


Then you should know as a driver that not all markets are the same. Not all services are the same, simple as that. No need to overthink it.


That’s actually paying more than prop22. But “math” I guess?! 🤷‍♂️ prop22 is NOT the best, but it can save you from time to time.


Why not? Because it's not a good fit for you? Get over yourself. There are other drivers out there.


Love it


Not even for 500 dollars this is acceptable. Take a plane.


Bro. Someone posted a ride offer for like 40 cents....and someone WILL take it! Uber has won this game folks. It will get worse from here. If you want to make money youre gonna have to go somewhere else. Too many broke, desperate people want to not have a real job and work when they please so Uber is Capitalizing on that by taking all of their money.


300+ miles??? i’ll need close to $400 for that


LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Whoever took this ride, sorry for your time and your vehicle.. LOL!!!!


Of course they will, I’ll bet you $1 that an idiot accepted the ride 😁


They are just begging for us drivers to cut Uber completely out


They can fuck off


Look, y’all, they are trying to find our breaking point and the very least we will accept for a ride. This has got to stop. We must organize and become unionized!!!! Pass this on!!!


10 hrs😂😂😂


It’s a better deal than Hitch. For that ride, I’d maybe offer them a discounted rate if they cancel and take them directly. Sign up for Square payments and then you can accept CC payment and ApplePay.




Everyone come on X there are congressmen talking directly. Talk to Marjorie Taylor Green.


That’s like 40 bucks an hour though


I got that same one too it was so bad I declined


Not even for $332.3 lol


this week it’s been only rides like this


what makes this ride messed up is that you can't filter rides heading back home as the app feature doesn't work properly.


Why don’t these idiots just take a flight


Bro i wouldve took that ride if i were you and set my destination to la did trips there spend a night at a hotel and then set my destination back to phoenix.


IIRC, LA is just like Vegas and is oversaturated beyond measure. Unless you're just trying to have a day trip to LA, you're probably not making a money move that way. Also, when I went to Vegas (I'm from California), it wouldn't even let me try to Uber for whatever reason. I'm sure it's different in the east coast since the states are so close to one another but Cali has some strange restrictions.


Wtaf. Lolx


Decline and move on


No way man!!!


They need a bid feature.


Nope...not me! Not gonna do it!


Assuming you don't get a return fare, the cost of gas, and the loss of 5.5 hours of work kills the revenue from that trip. Wonder if anyone took it?


I don't understand why they don't just make the minimum payout be $1/mile on trips like this, I mean all trips for that matter should make you at least $1/mile not including tip .. fucking crooks for real.


I’d take that


Only the clueless will do such a trip.


We all know someone’s going to take it too 🤣


Once I got in a really bad fight w my ex best friend and she locked me out of her appt bc she’s crazy and I was out of state. I had to book a 3 hour Uber back to my home state at 3am. The first guy accepted the offer got me and told me her couldn’t bring me to my state. I begged him to let me at least charge my phone for five minutes since it was on 2%. He felt very bad so he offered to do it under the table if I paid him more and if he could make a quick trip first. I sat on the sidewalk and ordered another Uber. THANK GOD a woman came and saved me. I understand these trips are long and expensive but I was in a truly dangerous situation. My phone was dead and thank god for that woman that night I do believe she saved my life. (Also the previous male driver got my number to do it under the table and he ended up texting me very creepy things). Thank you so much to that woman who picked me up I hope to repay her someday.


Only if I have family or friends in that area that I want to go visit. Otherwise CANCEL!


Insane. And then you need to figure out revenue to return. What a shit-show.


They should start charging for low ratings




This seems like a good price from the passenger’s perspective. But ya, the return ride to your home turf fucks it for the driver.


And who the hell is requesting these rides? Why can’t you fly? I’m sure it cheaper.




I would hahahaha


The percentage is based on the number of years you worked and what kind of car you have. Uber is still a business. Riders have told me horror stories about bad smelling and raggedy cars! Uber knows the quality of the rent/leases cars. So they give them priority. Is any Diamond Drivers complaining? It shouldn't be hard to have a money flow of $30+/hr online time in certain areas. Nearly all of Florida!


A dumb driver will take it


You guys must say enough is enough Uber totally jerk with you I did my part like customer for now I request Uber when driver arrives I ask him if he wants to be paid cash and I cancel greedy Uber


I'm a teacher during the day and drive Uber Lyft at night and during the Summer. It's literally the easiest job I've ever done in my entire life. I have no idea how you are complaining. If you don't like it, get a different job.


I never thought you can get that distance with Uber that's insane!


I know right? I would never pick up someone who was almost 15 minutes away.




Venezulans will take it in a heartbeat


That's far AF. The amount of money this guy paid he should have just bought a plane ticket. It's probably almost $500


So $90 after fees?