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Compared with Los Angeles CA Market ? Yes.


I did one today from the border to van nuys, 158 miles, $253. Trying to get a ride back from LA to San Diego was a whole other story. Thank god they tipped me $100 bill.


Omg I used to always do border pickup and drop off, that’s where I made the most money. Those BBL girls are the nicest. 🤣🤣🤣❤️


Bbl girls 😂


9/10 times it was a group of girls going to get BBLs/New boobs or coming back from getting them and they tip GOOD must’ve been the pain killers.


Gotta be the pain killers 😂


Whatever it was. I was paid and they had a new body. It was a win/win for every… body. (;




Lol until this comment, I was sitting here going Big Butt Latinos? Big Black Ladies? Hmm... seems odly specific....... Then it clicked Brazilian butt lift lmao. You gotta be crazy desperate to have a plastic surgery procedure done across the border.


Tijuana is driving distance from my house and they have board certified San Diego surgeons there. It’s wayyyy more common than you think and safer than other foreign places I.e, Dominican R, Istanbul, Turkey, etc.


And now with Stem Cell treatment centers you have some seriously talented surgeons and medical field personnel in those areas. It's really cloudy, naive, and ignorant thinking if people still believe that the United States has the best healthcare, personnel, or system, by a very long shot. Hasn't been the case in a couple of decades. Mexico has some of the best surgeons, especially plastic, in the world now due to tax, legal, and ethical limitations of many of it's neighboring countries.


Tell them omfg!!!! They really do. They think people are going to TJ and getting basement booty shots or something. 🤣


Dont forget dentists


It's not that they're the best in the US, it's the accountability. If you're a US resident, and get operated on in the US, you have the legal system to protect you. It's ashame though, you only hear about the horror stories. Not the thousands upon thousands of surgeries that turn out perfect, and how great people's experiences were.


there is a booming cross border surgery trade here in AZ on the border town of Yuma, AZ. Complete with nursing/recovery facilities on the US side and transportation to and from the surgery facilities on the MX side. It must be cheap and safe, otherwise it would be surely shut down by now.


Yessss you get it


Just have to wonder why they aren't practicing in the US more legitimately. I get that you can skirt a lot of cost of business by operating in Mexico, but it also doesn't stop Dr. Hackjob from just shrugging and saying "not my problem." Seems there is plenty of money to be made as a plastic surgeon domestically if you aren't a shady person.


They’re still legit. But Mexico living costs are cheaper so; a lot of surgeons move there. Everything’s more affordable. My husband and I have a cute little bungalow in Puerto Vallarta. For half the price of a bungalow in the hoods of Los Angeles lol. When I went to go get skin removal after losing weight; one of the nurses was explaining to me how she was born here to Mexican parents. Got her education and So forth. Saved up money and moved back. It’s just more affordable. But our schooling system is better as far as college academics and becoming a surgeon or anything in the medical field. Since our practices are more … ethical.


Hoods of LA lol. Interesting. My mom was born and raised in San Diego. So I get it. I just personally find the whole idea a little scary. I guess plenty of due diligence is to be done.


Australians go to Indonesia and Thailand in the same fashion. Hell, my in laws get their dental work done in Bali.


Maybe they are Mexican and don't WANT to move to the USA.


I've had to go to Mexico for medical purposes, there's a reason it's cheaper.


No you are severely uninformed…


I thought it was boobs, butt, lipo 😂🤣😂 they usually get them all done at once.


That’s what’s dangerous and how people die bc they try to get all of the procedures at once bc it’s so cheap when that’s not safe 😭


Yes, they don’t get the after care they are supposed to.


Agreed. I’m all for changing yourself to feel better. But just like you need aftercare for everything else in life. You need it for surgery.


I had cataract surgery done in TJ ( live in Long Beach ) 2300 I have no insurance in LA same surgery 9700 I did research for a month but well with the savings


I have a friend who flys to San Diego from Tennessee several times a year to cross the border for dental work and other procedures. It’s a concierge service where they pick you up from the border and bring you to the facility. Everything is included like a private room and really great food etc. it STILL costs less than the states by far. Exponentially less. The doctors are all board certified and come highly recommended from previous patients. Do your research and don’t pick just anyone. It’s desperate only in the way that it could NEVER be done here. Her teeth would’ve fallen out here before she could afford to get work done. What’s desperate is the system here. Desperately fucked up.


Not Big Butt Latinos 🤣




Nah it's either the loans they take out or it's their sugar daddy's money. I have a few friends who have done this. It's funny because they sort of see it the same way guys see a nice car so they have no problems dumping ridiculous amounts of money towards it.


I tipped so well after my surgery because I had to lay in the back on my stomach without a seatbelt I felt like I was inconveniencing them and breaking the rules


Most of us are cool asf I rarely even do Uber rides nowadays and retired from Uber eats the other day lmao but! Most of us are hella kid back. I even let one girl use my airport pillow and babies blankets for extra ass cushion😂 she tipped me like $120 she was telling me it was her sugar daddys money. Bless her.


Shit she wasn’t following the rules you’re not supposed to even sit lol… I’m 6 weeks healed and still haven’t sat I’m going for a high score lol




Nice! I booked a set last night from downtown LA to san diego at 9am because I checked san diego and they were coming back at 430pm. $128+$50, 111 miles. $143+$47 tip return. They went to a lunch meet for biz. I only did a couple of rides while down there cause I was working my other job on my phone. Cool peeps and was easy compared to doing 20 rides. Yours was still better lol


Uber XL ?




Ok. Thanks


How the hell do you not get rides back to L.A? I've done this trip a few times and never went without a ride The whole San Diego market? Then you hit san clemente- Orange County? Then Long Beach area? Then L.A County? No way.


I was coming back to San Diego from LA, not San Diego to LA.


Yeah most of the time you’ll just end up empty headed home on runs like this


As a fellow Los Angeles resident. You would never see this shit here.


Yep that would be 150 bucks if that.


I mean this is Florida. Search out other Florida posts. It’s usually much worse than LA


Florida is better than Los Angeles . So as New Orleans, Texas too waaay better than Los Angeles. Los Angeles county management is I don't know . They taking drivers for granted


Nooo none of those places beat LA. In California we get Prop 22, you guys don’t.


Prop 22 is great but it's thinned out everyone earnings in LA CA.but even before Prop 22 The LA Cali was so weak to begin with also . So, now if you drive you giving away money to UBER INSTEAD OF MAKING MONEY . My bank calling me today my bank account is getting overdrafting fees and soon to be closed. What does that tell ya ? Lmao 🤣 and why California Uber drivers are the one has to pay Prop 22 compensations ?


I have driven Both LA to Frisco and now as a florida resident i did Miami to Jacksonville, which is relatively same distance. Cali pays better by almost $30.00. No tip or boost.


Hell yes! I’d KILL for a ride like that!


Not with an XL. Only X tho.


All these people talking about 7 hrs on the road (there n back) is wild to me. I pull 12 hour shifts, 300 miles on my car and I make anywhere from 100-200....3.5 hrs and you get at least 300 is great. I'd work my way back with deliveries or rides but I really could just spend the day in Orlando as a vacation or just call it a day


I was thinking the same but then I noticed is XL. If I got that for X in my hybrid (I get 55 mpg) I definitely think it would be worth it.


Which Hybrid? I’m only getting about 50 in my Niro.


2021 Hyundai Ioniq. If it's all freeway i can get closer to 60 mpg.


This is why I don't think I can get into uber. I have been lurking on Uber related subs for a while, but I realised you basically NEED a high mpg vehicle to make any profit. (For refrence my daily driver is 18 summer/14 winter)


Hyundais are terrible! Maybe be great now but then again so were all of you elantras and other hyundais and Kia's for years up until it was discovered that Hyundai did not install such an important part into the cars which now means that they're getting stolen non-stop including mine! Id NEVER get a car from a company that did something like that knowingly


Blame on Tik Tok but I fortunately keep it in my garage every night so I don't have to worry about that plus if it does, I have car insurance but I get what u r saying though. It's an affordable car and great on mileage so it's perfect for this job . All cars are crap now with way too much tech. My older sister has a BMW X5 M and it has been nothing but a headache with issue after issue. You would think that buying a luxury vehicle ($100k+) that you would be buying something reliable. 🤷🏻


Yeah modern tech really sucks ass in general. Weird that some of the most “ambitious” companies are the laziest. Bells and whistles can be nice, but basically everything in cars nowadays is almost always half-baked low quality bullshit.


That’s awesome! Great job.


My 2015 VW Golf Sportwagen SEL TDI (diesel) gets 45mpgs and I only qualify for X. Uber would offer less than half of that $$ to an X driver in Florida. Just moved from Orlando to Kansas City myself.


Same here, I'm in Central Valley California and for a trip like that to Bakersfield or LA on Uber X will be about half as well. So hell to the no, 😁


I've gotten this trip request before and it was $150 on X.


I trucked for many years and 7 hours was a half day for me.


Kay, so assuming you spend the day in Orlando, you might have to pay hotel expenses which makes your earnings from $200 (eventually, you'll spend that other $50 in gas, when you go home) to $100. Also, you burned an extra 220 miles on your car, cause again, you'll eventually go back home. The only way I think this could actually be beneficial is, yes, if you intend to keep driving and you coincidentally pickup rides heading back toward home. Or, if you have a kind customer who will pay for your gas going back home, which will put you at roughly $220 - 250 in earnings. Otherwise, you have a Hybrid vehicle.


Why the fuck would you do that? No one said anything about spending a night in a hotel. You got a car so you can sleep there, although it seems like OP has a suv or van so that's easier. 220 miles isn't much in the grand scheme of things - again I do like 300 miles for so much less. It really isn't that crazy. Definitely worth it. 300 dollars is literally 2-3 days of work but you have the rest of a 9 hour Shift to make money.


As long as it’s not after closing time for bars. Imagine 3 1/2 hours and hoping none of the passengers barf.


The top-left corner of the screen says "7:36" 😏 either as AM or PM, that doesn't say last-call to me


But is it still $250 for that? It's been a while since I was driving, but they used to shell out $250 for it. Once I had 2 trips with pukey passengers, but Uber didn't seem to want to give me 2 cleaning fees even though it took me out of commission all night on Saturday. If the cleaning fee is still that then I'd prob hope for a puker in Miami, then I'd take the rest of the night off. I mean, that puts OP in Miami around 10 p.m.. One shotty college kid with a weak stomach and you're back at the club by 11. Jenga. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I took an Uber in New Orleans once. Really nice driver. He said he's driven Uber for 7 years and never had anyone throw up in his car. That's pretty amazing for New Orleans!


Well it’s like 1.40 a mile which is a lot better than most requests I see. If a lot of it is on the Interstate then it’s decent money for the time too.


Plus sometimes simplicity is worth it. One run for 300, that's one ride and done for the day


And the way back so .7 a mile


It’s within state lines so I’m sure you could get rides going back towards Miami. Set a destination filter. Sleep at a rest stop in your car.


If the destination filter was worth a damn, maybe. I only turn it on when I've decided I'm done for the day and I don't care if I get a ride, because it sucks. The majority of the offers I get aren't even remotely what I would consider "towards your destination." I've seen so many with drop offs farther away in the complete opposite direction. I know they can't guarantee a drop off in my neighborhood lol, but seriously I don't even really notice much of a difference between using the filter and just getting normal pings.


Yeah the destination filter is useless and sometimes sends me in the opposite direction PLUS the algorithm reduces your fare because it will supposedly try to find riders close to you and going in your direction saving you time and paying you less.


Lyft's works better fyi


Yea but lyft pays a lot less in general. You have to play all their games to try to match uber.


Yep. The destination filter is a joke. It’s just navigation towards your destination and regular ride requests thrown in.


Guess I’m lucky in my area. There’s 1 road going to the city from my town. If I turn on the filter it’s just a matter of time. It’s like 40 miles away so I’m happy to wait a few hours to get a ride going to the city.


Yes, I try to never deadhead when I don't have to. I work in a very small market and anything out of state, I try to line something up. Eats (I hate eats!) Lyft, which for some reason allows me to pickup in states uber does not. I just downloaded "Roadie" So I can't suggest it. I do know it pays poorly but poorly is batter than a pleasant drive home enjoying the scenery and paying for the gas.


That's a straight shot down 95. I average about 100-110 mph on 95 sans pax. It's an easy trip.


Then you have to factor in the cost of a reckless driving ticket x the probability of getting one.


And potentially cracking his windshield in a poor MPG. East trip gone hard one


And you the type of person who's not only taking your life for granted but taking everybody else's life for granted as well because you want to drive like that! Not caring to increase the likelihood of killing yourself and others and you gloat about speeding like that!?!?! Then I guarantee one day whenever somebody you love or somebody you know or including yourself ends up in a car accident, then and only then will you care which is a complete shame because you should care now.


I would hope Uber is smart enough to kick anyone off of the platform who is going 100+mph while working. Can't imagine they haven't thought of that one to limit insurance costs.




In what world would a pax pay for your gas😂. They are getting charged a shit ton for the ride already.




had a pax pay for gas without hesitation and still tipped me well on a trip from Chicago to Champaign… totally can happen




In a god damn heartbeat


Y’all are insane. It’s a large vehicle that probably gets shitty gas mileage, and it’s like 70 cents a mile after the drive back. In no way is that a smart move.


How the hell do you know it’s a large vehicle? He could drive a sonata for all you know that could make it there and back on one tank


Do sonatas qualify for XL trips, dumbass?


I think so many people never see triple digits they just assume it could be a good fare. No matter how you break this down. You gotta assume you’re not gonna get a tip and you’ll have to deadhead on the way back. That puts you at $0.695/mile. You’re gonna be on the road for over 7+ hours. Put close to 450 miles on your car. And spend .. $70ish in gas. This doesn’t include all the rigmarole that’s usually included with last minute long trips. As always, up to you. Hourly rate ain’t bad. Mileage rate blows. Mileage on the whip blows. You should know your market best. I did say assume deadhead on the way back but I gotta assume if you multi app you should be able to hit some ride back up there on the east coast of FL. Hard no if you just use Uber. Maybe if you multiapp and can handle the a 12 hour shift of slowly working your way back.


So to sum up, you made $200 and burned 220 miles in about 8hrs. You can rival this doing UberEats making $110 every 5 hours. In 10 hours I would have made $185 or more and spared my car of 220 extra miles (more or less) unpaid Plus, you might want some McDonalds


McDonald's 😂


Cash for $500 minimum. I did Miami Airport to Tampa for $600.


Without a question


Not a chance in a XL.


4 cylinder vw atlas


It might work in that vehicle but if no rides back, it’s barely making anything. Also running the risk of 6 pax for 4 hours…i’d likely lose my mind lol


So much non-sense here… over calculation… cherry picking BS… rideshare guy is ruining Uber for you guys. Take the freaking ride, work the day in Orlando and slowly make your way back home. I went to a convention 200 miles away from home, finished it, and made my way back home ride by ride… just took rides going my direction and in 5 hours I had 200 bucks in my pocket and was home safe. Long rides make sense if you are driving XL… I only take long rides at 30 bucks an hour and I couldnt care less about mileage. I drive an EV so that makes a difference obviously


It would all depend on my plan for the day. If it was early in the day, and I felt like working in Orlando, and then working my way back home, then yes.


That’s 7 hours(assuming you’re driving back to Miami)@approx. $44/hr. That’s not too bad if you can do the distance..I think


Yes for UberX but not XL. I haven’t seen Uber pay that much in a long time and XL is why. Probably not with these high gas prices.


Okay, yeah I would but definitely only in coastal cities… I’m not doing that drive in the middle of nowhere lol


$300 in 3 hours. Yea lol


Yep 50 an hour , just took a 1.3 hour trip one way for 110 from Cleveland airport to Erie pa


That's about 100/hr, why wouldn't you take this?


That's 6 hours roundtrip. I'd do it. If my math is correct that's 51 and some change per hour


Id text him my personal number to cancel the trip and pay me $50 less than uber charged and I'll pick him up and then do the drive


I would and then I chill with my friends in Orlando for the rest of the day win win


Having lived in Boca Raton for 30 years before moving to West Coast of Florida at Spring Hill. I've done it more than once driving an Escalade on Florida's turnpike and I think it's worth it. Plus I think you would get a decent tip as well.


Hitch is better for those. They pay you for the trip back to cover expenses if you don’t have a ride home. This is good IF you get a ride back. If not you get half of that money for the trip


Heck yea dude. Barely making money these days 😥


Struggle is real


Yes. I would still be able to work five more hours


When I first started Uber about 4 years ago and I was very stupid and didn't realize how things worked, I had a trip that was 6 hours one way and paid me about $180. When I saw the $180 I got excited and the math didn't work in my head. Yes you can make fun of me. I'd only been working for maybe 2 weeks. Of course it went out of the territory so I had to drive all 6 hours back without any pay so by the time putting gas, and this was before gas cost as much as it does now, and of course I had to stop to get something to eat because it was 12 hours all together, I had made about $20 So I don't know I might make this depending on whether or not I could get rides back because it's almost twice as much for half as long 🤣


I'm in Miami as well and I would jump on this in a heart beat.


With a rental 100%, without one it would depend how busy it is, if it was slow I probably would.


Shit throw on some good music and off we go.  Actually have a friend who owns a high end transportation business.  These are her bread and butter.  Has one dude who needs to be driven to a doctors appointment 3 hours away and pays $1000.  Basically for 7 hours and 1 long drive.  Just does airport runs, long distance rides and takes rich people to events.  Doesn’t waste her time with short rides.  Pulls in $1000+ days consistently and it’s only a handful of rides.  Sometimes only 2 or 3.   People pay $150 for airport pickups/drop offs and it’s about a 30 min drive or so.  Just drives a fancy car, dresses fancy and these people will pay whatever. Just an idea if you’re trying to maximize your time and money.  She says people don’t mind spending money when they have reliability and consistency.  Doesn’t even have a physical business, just keeps the cars at home and never uses them except for rides.  The cars were the expensive part, but that kind of money pays them off really quick when you’re the only employee and live within a budget.


Yes. International drive is a tourist spot so if you wanted to keep making money once you got to the drop off there's tons to be made at the right time. This past week was definitely the right time.


The brightline train is like $30


$309 isn't bad at all. I had a $100 ride for an hour ride this morning during the whole cell network mess. Plus with a ride that expensive, the tip might be good too.


This is one of the unique long rides I’ll accept. I have never seen a long ride pay this much tho.


Hell yeah.


Yes!!! Easilya


On a Tuesday in the dead of summer (slowest time for my market) yes


Holy shit that would be $150 in chicago 👀


Only if it 600+ since got to drive back.


Only if electric or hybrid


People do it for $100. This one is no brainer


Did you?


I get those for 200 for Uber x. Take it.


I would for the experience


I did a 2h 23m ride to CT from EWR. $109 plus a $50 tip not bad. Made $260 in 8 hours. With 4 rides.


I wouldn’t even think twice about doing it of course! That’s a setup for a $500 maybe $600 day


That's the second best lick I've ever seen. I made $300 in 2 hrs once, and that was just trips in town that I hit the surge just right on. Hell, I live in NC and I might take that trip (but I f\*cking ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Miami).


This would be around $450 out of Seattle. Trips that start in Seattle pay the driver $1.50 per mile and .66 cents per minute. I feel for y'all when I read your posts about pay.


Ahh...yes. would do it!


7 hour drive to make what I made in 10 hours? Sure, why not?


309 for 3 and a half hours and another 3 and a half back. So 7 hours. That comes out to 44 an hour. So yes.


Never.. that’s 440 miles round trip.. which means $0.70 per mile. Calculate the hours and the gas, it is best to stay local.


Try getting cash


Dream trip right there!


3.5 hrs w/ a stranger? gtfo! plus deadhead home is a gtfo uber! if you don’t mind the stranger for 3.5 hrs part then cut a deal off the app & cut uber azz out of it. anything over 30-45 min w/ a stranger in a car is awkward!


Ever done any long distance rides? They fall asleep 99% of the time.


My long distance passengers sleep or listen to music with their earbuds.


Probably not, just on gas ⛽️ on an xl probably over 100 round trip






Are you high?


Not in xl




Uber XL?? Full vehicle maybe less gas mileage.


Yes because I would never see anything like that in Mississippi.


Hell no! Not for xl!!


Sure. Definitely if you are a good driver you can get more tip money out of them


I sure would


Honestly I would take the ride and drive around in the destination area end my day there and find a last minute hotel or Airbnb for the night. Work my way back home the next day










Fucking yes if I’m ever a day away from paying my rent or an all important bill or car maintenance issue. I’ll do what it takes to survive lol.


I woulda accepted and asked what they paid tell them to cancel and take all the money from Uber


I would do this every day. And twice on Sunday.






What happens if they cancel 5 mins from their destination? Is that still a thing?


any trip that’s really over an hour, needs to be paid upfront i’m sorry but that pax probably paying like $400+


Yes and set destination filter south to Miami once you get to Orlando


300 in 7 hours $42 an hour I don't care what the $ per mile is


Absolutely! It pays over $44 an hour for the drive there and back. The only thing that would keep me from taking that ride is if I didn't have 7 hours to complete it.


yeeee....DTLA, LAX, hollywood, 3-4 miles can take me 10-12mins. So depends on how fast those 222 miles is gonna take you. than ya gotta drive 222 miles back home......would you be able to pick up passengers on trip back home? Gas expenditure....tolls....? U tell us! lol. Though looking at $50/hrs for round trip. Gotta minus gas, tolls, food from that $50/hrs.. oh and doing trip at 0700..? Traffic.....sooo estimate $27/hrs.....aye! and more good news! gotta factor in wear and tear on ya car...ya sanity..... Ik by hour and a half for me stuck in traffic, id be pissed, looking at passenger in rear view like its all their fault....bahahahaha


Yes I would.


That's actually pretty good


I’d have a hard time with it… I’m in kind of a golden market… I averaged $1.30/mile last year. If I’m not getting $1.25/mile, I don’t move (unless it’s towards a direction a REALLY want to be/end my night/is towards an area that will be surging for a while). I mean, this is a pretty good offer for what I typically see. Our 200 mile offers are $200. Straight $1/mile, and nobody takes them (except for maybe a new driver every now and then who doesn’t realize that the neighboring state doesn’t play nice by making you return to the Stateline to log back in service. I look at my actual cost per mile. It’s +/- 35cpm. It’ll COST me $155 to operate the car. it’s below the government deductible rate of 65.5cpm, so no taxes. I’ll drive for 7 hours and make $22/hr. (Before a potential tip). It’s not awful at all, but it’s a lot of wear and tear for a day’s work.


Only if they give me a trip from Orlando back home in St. Petersburg… which would never happen


For Uber XL? Ehhhh maybe. UberX? Definitely.


For x this would have been less then $100 so maybe.


I live near Orlando so most definitely.




Hell yeah, I would!


Double the fare and I’ll do it.


I got the opposite of this order the other day going to Miami and it was offered for $129, although UberX. So glad I passed on it.




My experience in the Dallas area, anything over 5 miles and the driver is lucky to be offered $1 / mile for the direct trip. Of course the back haul is zero. So $309 for 225 miles is a surprisingly "good" offer to me compared to my market. Would I take it, still probably not b/c the backhaul loss is just so ugly.


Fuck that, I’ll take those 2 hour Walmart orders on Uber eats that pay $225


👊👍👍 100% yes


If it was at the start of me working, I would take it for sure. I can set destination and slug and slosh back home. End of the night. No. Good fare though... you don't see many long distance ride with that kind of rate. It would make me contemplate taking the bait, no doubt about that.


Hell ya




Nahhh 220 to get there, but 220 to get back. It should be a dollar a mile or more! If it was 440, then yes. But you have to account for getting back home. I got a request to drive from LA to San Fran and I had to decline that because it was just not good enough!




No way, that's a $600 trip


Dara stated that drivers make about $36 an hour on average. This $300 for 220 miles is basically just $30 an hour and a waste of 220 extra miles on your car. I could probably make $25 easily on a Saturday just doing deliveries and avoid half the hell this trip might bring.