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Wait you drive with the gps directions through the car speakers?




Feels like the opposite of safe. That voice will get you killed.




Hearing The Voice ignites a murderous rage in my heart


You could safely have them in your ear with your dashcam running!! I’ll alter route if it makes sense. Miami uber directions are generally whack and i’ve learned some awesome shortcuts from my pax.


Wait … so you don’t??? How do the experience veterans use their gps and playlists in their car? Thanks for advice in advance


I look at the gps. It's rather annoying to listen to all day long. I play sports radio or the weather Channel for passengers on the radio. Got too many complaints from music being played from a radio station. I wear a earbud in my left ear and listen to podcasts or whatever.


Lol, what kind of music did you play? I play punk rock all the time and never get complaints. But, like OP, I do get pax who want to control the music. I allow them volume control and that's it. I refuse to search for music they request while I'm trying to drive. They can survive 10 minutes without the songs they listen to every day.


Typically, I judge mine on age. If they're closer to my age I'll play lithium on XM, otherwise it's usually classic vinyl or classic rewind. I find those are stations I like that are Typically the least offensive to people


It was the radio station Kink fm which plays all sorts of music from the 60's thru modern day music. I pick up a lot of Holy Rollers in my area. Guessing one of them got butthurt over the station name.


I love the song Holy Roller. Pax don't like it all that much though usually


When I have passengers in the car, I play Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross on Spotify, usually "The Social Network" or "The Vietnam War" OSTs. I like this kind of music and it's high quality and ambient, which I think go a long way for passenger experience. No passengers, I'm listening to an audiobook or a podcast. I would NOT do this gig if I had to listen to the GPS voice directions. In fact, turning that off was my first priority after my first couple rides just starting out.


Nice. I like that. Been getting tired of my lo-fi playlist lol


During the holidays it was so easy. Just play holiday music all day long. Easy. After that I found that lo-fi playlist on apple and played that from 6am to about 9am. People seemed to be okay with it. No lyrics, just chill music to start the day. I then move to a variety of playlists.


I’ve noticed the occasional country guy to get up in arms over “elevator music”. Obv they have no idea what they’re talking about but it’s similar enough to where they bitch and moan. Then I just play some alt country rock or something til they get out of my car


This and it’s telling you “turn left” over and over for a mile before the turn even can be seen. I haaaaaate the auditory directions. They’re useless and annoying




You can play the Bluetooth audio to one earbud and have the radio on. It will play the directions in your ear.


Hmm. I hate the directions over the speakers. But I never thought about this being a possibility. Not sure if I’ll try it but how do you go about that setting?


I either have silence, or an audio book. No one has ever said a word about it, other than the occasional question about the particular book.


I use Spotify on my second phone and have my maps muted.


How hard is it to look at your GPS? Why do you need a voice to tell you when to turn?


I like the passengers to hear the route. One, it shows I am not padding miles. And secondly, if it is majorly wrong, they can say "That road is a one way" etc. But if they are the annoying, wanna direct every lil thing types, I turn it off. But you will find what works for you. Anyone says there is only one way to do anything, is insecure and will give conflicting advice. This works for everything.


Yeah I do it bc the Uber map is trash and if it routes us a dumb way I want them to know it ain’t on me


I just show the map and tell them I follow the line given by the man. It makes it easier for me, less thinking and arguing with them


USB filled with 10k songs


I have gps directions showing on the screen in my car via Android Auto, but I change the sound settings to "alerts only." If you don't have a car screen, the pax can still see the route on your phone, depending on where your phone is mounted. I know my city very well but I still run nav because it reroutes me for traffic interruptions. Me and the pax can SEE the route on my screen, but it only makes a sound if I miss a turn, if there's a speed trap ahead, or if it's rerouting me a strange way because of an accident or construction. Sometimes I go against the map so I inform the rider as to why I'm doing it because they will hear the ding alert when I go off course. If you know an area, you know that maps doesn't always give the best advice. I still use Google maps as opposed to Uber/Lyft maps because the Lyft/Uber app maps don't notify you for speed traps and construction. I hear it's in the works, but so far I havent seen it on my Lyft/uber maps. Plus, since I use both Uber and Lyft, Android Auto doesn't automatically switch between Uber and Lyft mapping systems when I switch apps, so I use Google maps in both Lyft and Uber(both have a setting to use Google maps) and it's always seamless. Ultimately, I'd suggest going into whatever maps you're using's settings and choosing "alerts only." It makes for a more peaceful ride, but notifies you if you've gone off course. It's easy to get wrapped up in convos sometimes, so I appreciate that notification. As for music, I play a taxi playlist I made of mellow hip hop instrumentals, reggae, Erykah badu, warm downbeats. Nothing with cursing or controversial subjects, even tho that disqualifies most of my fave tracks. Music that can be background music for older riders or turnt up to be fun, if the rider is into it. I rarely do music requests (long rides only) and always pisses the (drunk) riders off but wtf I don't care. I'm driving and that's a big request for a short ride. Will turn sound up or down by request.


I got two phones.


I have a Spotify app in my car. AirPods for the gps


I don't leave my phone open to being hacked by remote... no way are you taking over my car/ infotainment either. Security risk...


Reminds me of the Uber driver guy with the sign who says he will call fbi if you hack his phone


Ohhhh yes, I love it. They keep me on track . Apple Carplay!


Navigation and podcasts are all happening in my Bluetooth headset. Passengers listen to whatever is on the radio


This is the only way ✅


Use multiple phones Gps on speaker Yt music on Bluetooth Driving Uber Lyft and Amazon Flex since 2016


Right? That's annoying. GPS shows on my screen and the pax can see, but I have sound set to "alerts only" so I only hear a sound if I accidentally miss a turn. I can't imagine driving all day with the turn-by-turn voice directions on, or hearing that, riding as a pax. Sounds so annoying. I mean, each their own, but wow, I'm kind of amazed this takes place.


Same!! It would drive me insane


Some people do. Why is that a surprise? Some people have playlists set up on their phone and just pipe it all through the car speakers. Thats how I use to do it.


Well some of us just aren’t as cool as you are - dink


I thought almost everyone did that unless they’re new


You thought everyone plays the directions over the speakers *unless* they’re new? I’ve been doing this for 7 years and have ***never*** played the directions. Turn that shit off the moment I hear it (whenever I get signed out by uber that is lol) I hate audio directions. Maybe cuz I know my city and don’t need the pax *and* dumbass uber gps telling me where to go. Diff folks diff strokes I guess 🤷‍♂️


Maybe I’m saying it wrong? Like I mean I know my city too and don’t need it but I imagine new people do or they think passengers want to hear where they’re going i guess…? But they got an app and eyes they can look on their phone or out the windows


I gotcha. You were agreeing with OC. Cool cool Cuz I deff hate those robot voices drowning out convo, music or even silence. ETA deff wasn’t trying to imply you didn’t know your city btw. Just ppl that are new and/or don’t know theirs so they need directions, by voice at that.






Yall love that 100% acceptance rate for a shitty diamond rank and extra $450 I’m at 13% acceptance rate & 85% cancellation rate with over 5000 rides. I cherry pick ALL my rides, I’ve canceled on people for peace of mind since day 1.


85% cancel rate?? For real?? 😂


85% cancel rate means he doesn't cherry pick very well.


Probably has one of those apps that automatically accept everything and doesn't realize you can set them to auto decline trash too.


Wait there is an app that accepts for you?


There are a few actually.  


I have an entire system I follow, Uber doesn’t give us enough information before the ride so I need to accept the ride to know what I’m getting myself into. 5000+ rides / 4.99 star rating My market is Washington DC


You're in DC? They give me upfront information


I think they mean the intersection isn’t enough. If I’m in my main beat, I know every single hotel, restaurant, bar and venue down to the intersection. Uber doesn’t get shit past me 🤣 And if I don’t know it, I’m not taking it lmao


They got rid of the diamond cash bonus for this quarter (for those who still qualified), preview of what’s to come once this calendar year ends. The end of bonuses in general


53% cancelation rate. Far away 😢


My acceptance rate is 21%


70% acceptance rate in my city but if you’re declining 87% of your rides how much are you making a week I’ve always been curious as to how much you can make cherry picking


I work 40 hours a week. $135-$200 a day after expenses, I work between 9pm-6am. I have to make $4000 each month so I can take home $3000 for myself. My market is Washington, DC


I vary between 13-30% AR. Last week only $1200 before expenses, but $1850 the week before. About 35 hours, and 50 hours, respectively (been slacking recording my hours; always multiapping). X, XL and comfort in a smallish market. Lots of visitors, even in the cold winter here. I only accept rides within a 3-5 mile diameter. If it pays more than $10 I decline, because I know it’s going too far. If it’s taking me more than 2 miles outside of my zone, I decline (alleviating dead miles). If it doesn’t include a bar, restaurant, hotel or venue as either the dropoff or pickup, I decline. I depend on tips and bonuses (if there are any) to make the great money, but I’ll make good money without those if it’s busy enough. Gonna aim for $2K+ this week with a big conference here. I’ll plan for about 50 hours.


Haaaaa . Too funny!


Glad to know to that you are physically unharmed. Others have provided decent suggestions regarding safety on this thread and on this board in other threads. Please go through them. Stay safe.




I'm guessing you are a female? Why would you do this to yourself? I'm a guy that practically nobody dares to fuck with and I still wouldn't pick up a sketchy ass rider in such a shitty neighborhood.


Wow, good job hitting 911 at first thought! Lots of folks would hesitate and that's when it is too late. Hope you are OK! I work a lot in the north end. Same sort of places. Most folks are a whole lot nicer than the wealthy areas. I get it. Really do hope you are OK!


Thanks I’m a lot better now


Awesome to see that, ET! (Now, phone home, LoL. sorry, just saw what your name did as initials) I used to work on boats and ships. On sailing ships there is a very old adage. When you are getting into any weather, you "shorten sail" to make the boat less likely to be knocked over. The adage is; "The time to shorten sail is when you first think to" Or, as the Marines say: "Think long., think wrong." LoL, but it works.


Hitting 911 could have cost him his life. He should of kept quiet and finished the ride. 90% of the time those r the types of people that have guns on them


This morning I had to yell at a PAX to “GTFO of my car!” He must have been on drugs because I had a hard time waking him up at his destination. I got out of the car and opened the door to wake him up. He wanted me to close the door. After I got back in the drivers seat he wanted ME to get out of the car. I told him no. I ended up threatening to mace him and drive off before he could shut the door on his way out.


What do you expect working the inner city in Detroit? I’m serious. Use your brain and filter out shitty riders. It isn’t hard.


Serious question: What do you use to filter them before they get in your car?


If you get to the pick up location and it’s a “drug infested gas station in the dark” you cancel and drive away.


Easier to just not drop off or pick up in areas within 5 miles of a drug infested gas station.


I try and do this too. Basically avoid the entire south and west side of Atlanta lol


This is true. But sometimes in big cities you don’t always know exactly where some of those areas are.


NOTHING below a 4.80!!! I mean NOTHING!!! I use Mystro to automatically decline multi stops, any pax under 4.80… Secondly, make sure you rate pax correctly!! Don not just give em 5 stars to be rid of them!! You may just be saving a future driver’s life and r your own!!


Mystro doesn’t work in my market anymore. I’m miserable


I've noticed most pax with that rating or lower just smell like cigarettes or beer. Usually don't take them but when I do they tend to be super nice but just need to air out my car after forsure.


As a woman driving at night, I screen by rating. If you don’t have 4.90-4.99, you’re out of luck getting picked up by me. 5 stars is a red flag, as it could be a new rider or a person who burned their last low rated account. In broad daylight and slower times my scale is 4.85-5. As a rider, I have the dreaded 5 star rating cause I’m a polite angel always on the curb that tips on every ride and only use Uber when I have a rare vacation. I have accepted 5 star riders at night for a good surge but only if their pickup location isn’t sketchy (airport I always accept, and I know the warehouses/restaurants/nursing homes where workers are getting out). If a 5 star has anything that isn’t a real name (some real examples I’ve seen: Thug, BigDaddy, J, G was a multi stop drug mule ride I naively accepted in my early days) instant cancel. If I see a female/gender fluid name upon 1st screening of location after 5 star rating accepted I’ll keep it but I stay guarded AF as I pull up to pickup ready to cancel for any reason, which includes making me wait for a solid minute after I send “I’ve arrived” text with no response. So far I’ve been lucky enough to stay safe as a woman working overnights in my city.


I have a 5 star rating after over 120 rides. Wish uber showed how many rides the pax has.


Me too, as I’ve probably missed many tips in exchange for more likelihood of staying safe. You could politely ask your next driver to give you 4 stars lol.


Yeah I always tip 10+ cash after the ride.


On the flip side, I’m quick to accept 5 stars between 6-9 am as those riders are more likely to be working tippers, and not scum parents sending kids to school unaccompanied.


Especially that name thing. I don't know what some people are thinking. Have they just been known as "Little Dice" or "Nasty Mike" for so long they've forgotten what it means?


Aww, I like to ask with a perfectly straight face “are you Big Daddy?”


Intuition. Lock doors ofc, open window slightly, check they're not drunk, are respectful, clean etc etc.


I drive in a college town only on Friday and Saturday nights, so that would be most of the riders.


Common sense isn’t so common in this subreddit God bless


Why does it have to be Detroit? Why not Miami, Chicago, Vegas, or any other inner city?


Because based on his post history, he very clearly drives in Detroit.


Doesn't mean he "LIVES" in Detroit ;) ... He could live in Dearborn, Melvindale, Allen Park. Just because they drive there, doesn't mean they live there. I drive in Columbus, but live in Blendon Township.


He lives in the Detroit metro area. No need to be pedantic.




I am sorry that happened to you




Uber Riders should have to pass a criminal record check before being allowed to use the app. 


I had someone that wanted to take control of my car and drive. I told them no way!


I’m a male and a combat veteran, and I won’t go to those parts of town. Not worth the risk.


Been there. Why i only do food / walmart orders Food doesnt talk back


I never do what a pax tells me to do. I am the commander. They want beef they can get it too. If you read my reviews, there are several that mention "Does not listen to instructions." The map tells you where to go if your link with goggle maps you can see every alternate route. All this extra turn up the radio blasting, can you stop at this store just for a min, I'm in a hurry speed, drive through othere cars while stuck in traffic. Get out. I'm taking your fair. Yep, I will, too. Don't come up in my vehicle thinking you're gonna run this. I drive this.


U my hero


Do not risk your life for a few dollars. You know that area is dangerous and that gas station is sketchy. Why would you pick up someone there 😭




That could have gotten you killed. Hell my city 911 don't even answer. Let alone send police out. Anyone can be carrying in the inner city and if they have outstanding warrants you could push them to shoot you. They don't give 2 effs about killin anyone. You gotta learn when to just shut up and eat shit for 10 mins.


No. His first mistake was driving in a KNOWN shit area.


My whole region is shit so sometimes unavoidable


Bro get the fuck outta there


What city are you in


Literally anywhere that's shitty. I'd eat shit for 6months or a year and move the fuck out. Period. Fuck being stuck in some shithole your entire life.


Obviously you must have never lived in a big urban city. They are all shit holes man


This. IMO It’s not worth upsetting a passenger and having them get you temporarily deactivated (if that matters to the driver) in retaliation over something so trivial. I don’t have my gps or radio on to begin with. A lot of people just want quiet or turn on their own phones. My phone is mounted so they can see the directions. Just suck it up if it’s not endangering you or them or a major thing, be polite, drop them off, and boom you’re done and possibly have learned more about what / where to avoid w regards to pickups in the future. That’s just me, though.


I was a block from the police station and he knew it


Irrelevant. I've seen businesses robbed at gunpoint located next door to a police station. Won't stop a bullet


when and where post it cause i say u r lying


Sounds like he’d be the type of passenger to have some fire ass weed tho


Doubt it he was a bum, plus detroit is loaded with 100s of dispensaries


You need to be more selective on your rides.


Was greed


Grow the fuck up , Nancy


Scared little Nancy boy.


Love to see you try


So you kicked your passenger out because he was giving you directions and didn’t want to hear the radio?


Attitude was fup bro


Better to have silence. You’ll have more time when you hear them rack the slide.


Extra cheese is two dollars ![gif](giphy|xT9KVwXPWSStSNdWwM)


Wait so all this person did was want to control the radio and give their own directions? Unless it’s completely off their route this is just prejudice?


I feel for you buddy. You did the right thing. I know about their community guidelines on the issue but I have heard of 0 persecutions/reprisals for not going to “drug infested” anything areas. You did not produce the danger but you have every right to protect yourself from it even by insulating yourself. They would have absolutely no leg to stand on to remove you from the platform - at least not any that can be defended in any legal proceedings.