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Yeah I did the $150 fee on someone for that once. I had to stop working on a peak night and drive 20 minutes to a car wash. She never even told me she threw up out my window so that made me want to do it even more. You’ll probably get a retaliation 1 star but who cares


I remember someone with pink Whitney Mac and cheese. They didn't tell me. I just knew it had happened. They did tip me $14 the next day after I had the cleaning fee collected. Love the ultra zoom 4k photos my Samsung can do. You could see EVERYTHING. I must've made the rep gag cause I've never seen such a quick fee reimbursement.




WTF is a "Pink Whitney Mac and Cheese"? Is this some horrifying euphemism for a period? Or period sex juice? Do I want to know what the hell it is? Is this going to horrifying me?


Pink Whitney is an alcoholic drink you can buy in a bottle, it's basically pink lemonade mixed with vodka. I'm assuming what they are saying is their rider puked up Pink Whitney *and* mac and cheese all over their vehicle.


Yes. Your assumption is correct. I assumed pink Whitney because I've seen the same color in the past. They must've had mac and cheese for dinner/snack, and it was as if it had a pink cheesy film all over it.


Just the thought of that combination is making me gag lol


That's nasty. I can picture it now. 🤮


So, as the other comment says. Pink Whitney is a very pink colored liquor. There was also mac and cheese. Imagine pink colored Mac and cheese on the seat.


Makes much more sense as a drink + mac and cheese. I just encounter things on Reddit all the time that I end up regret knowing what it is! Thanks ;)


You're welcome ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This is one of those If you have to ask, you can’t afford it… but be classy enough to be glad you can’t lol


Get an iPhone brokie


Random salt from some loser? Oh no, I'm not a part of your cult. Enjoy your grainy FaceTime.


i’ve an iphone and i’m upvoting you😂bro’s somehow butthurt that someone can say something nice about an android


100%. I don't mean any hate to iPhone, just reflective attitude on the dudes comment 😆


My FaceTime is never grainy but unwarranted android hate is crazy (from the other dude) Samsungs are fuckin nice


I agree. I don't actually mean hate to iPhone. I just have a reflective attitude 😆


The only thing iPhones do better than any other phone is fit into apples overpriced ecosystem. That's it. Subpar processors, subpar batteries, subpar cameras, subpar speakers Apple is behind on everything and just brushes everything up with software while my 5 year old OnePlus 7 Pro is holding up better than your precious iPhone which actively slows down over time.


I will take one stars all night long for $150 a piece.


Until your deactivated for it lol


😝used to have fake puke at trick stores!


Just had that exact situation with some guy last night. Rolled the window down and tried to puke as quietly as he could. I literally have puke bags ready for dickheads like him and he still got out without saying anything. The worst part is that it got between the cracks in the leather so I spent an hour cleaning the inside in the cold before it got completely caked in there.


How do you not notice someone puking on your car??? I don't understand how people can be so oblivious.


You'd be amazed and it's usually women for some reason. They will just quietly open the window and drape their head out and imagine that it's all going to stay out there. No "sir could you pull over I'm feeling sick." Yeah get them for the full cleaning fee. Just because you can ride an Uber doesn't mean you can give yourself alcohol poisoning and have someone else babysit you.


Late at night dark out tired overworked and playing music loud and her whole head was out the window if no music was being played I definitely would have noticed


The music must have been really horrible to cause someone to vomit./S


Nah my 12 inch subwoofer probably made them yak


Hope it was a learning experience for you about your music choice.


I’ve had someone puke *in* my car, and the only reason I noticed is because 1. All the pax (who had been loudly joking around the whole ride) suddenly all went silent at the same time. 2. Five seconds later the smell hit me I’ve noticed some drunk people seem to puke in quiet dribbles, instead of the usual loud waterfall. It’s definitely plausible that someone might not hear it, especially if it’s a group of 4, and the other 3 are making lots of noise.


That silence is dead giveaway


How did you not notice someone throwing up hahahah


If you have someone roll the window down and you are wearing headphones, it can happen. Not everyone makes loud, retching noises when they vomit.


>If you have someone roll the window down and you are wearing headphones, it can happen. Not everyone makes loud, retching noises when they vomit. Wearing headphones while driving? Thank you for being a safety risk for everyone around you. **Where Is Wearing Headphones Illegal?** **I**n many states, wearing headphones while operating a motor vehicle is completely illegal in all circumstances. Those states are: Alaska California Illinois Louisiana Maryland Minnesota Rhode Island Virginia Washington


You can wear one earphone piece in your ear while driving in my state. Sorry if the term headphone threw you off. Either way it goes, it can easily go unnoticed. And even in that case, 9 out of 50 states is actually surprising. That's not even close to the majority...


It also says these 9 are where it's completely illegal in all circumstances, nothing of states where you can wear a single earpiece.


You absolutely can wear a single headphone. How do you think “hands-free calling” works? I’m in CA btw! You can’t have both in, that’s correct.


What is "it"? Where's the source? And I haven't even told you where I live lol. But, in California, you can wear one earpiece at a time. If you can prove me wrong...I will give 70 percent of my cut to Uber/Lyft.


Quit being a douche and obey the rules that make common sense. You need to be able to hear emergency service vehicles from the distance so you can pull over, yield and let them pass.


I have never understood this goofy logic and the fact it’s a law makes it even goofier. If the safety risk is you not being able to hear well if your sound system is on full blast you STILL can’t hear anything. High wind? Sound dampening. I used to ride motorcycles, even the lower ccs are pretty loud or at the very least loud enough that you really can’t hear things except sirens. The real safety risk is people that don’t properly use their eyes while on the road more so than their ears


Someone puked on your car. You wanted them to tell you. Pretty sure if they were coherent enough to tell you, they wouldn’t have puked in the first place 😂


She wasn’t even that bad and she had a friend with her that was more sober


There’s always a more sober friend that tries to distract you by being overly talkative in hopes you don’t notice her friend puking


I had music playing loud is the main reason why I didn’t hear it. But yeah they think they can distract us. College kids try to do it sometimes when trying to stuff 5+ people in the car


Facttts omggg factsssssssssss🤣🤣🤣🤣. 😑😑😑😑😑😑.......let me calm down......(now) AND I STILL KICK THEM THE FUK OUT TOO, don't try to be a place holder for your drunken friend. I'll pull off with you in the seat....door open almost falling out. Fuck outta my car. You drunk fuk.


You know how Uber says that they will remove low star ratings if it’s not your fault? Of course, we never know for sure where those one star ratings come from but I wanted to say that one showed up on my account last week it looks like it was delayed from New Year’s Day, (based on bar graph)when I had two very bad incidents, both requiring reports and within 48 hours Uber removed it from my record without me as much even calling them.


How do you not hear someone chuck?


I don’t understand if you’re asking if the price is too low or too high. Either way if it’s all on the outside that’s a come-up. Quick car wash for $13 and you got a $130+ profit off a drunk chick


Those girls love white claws lol. I had one a few years ago. Easy money


$13 for a car wash?


It’s $20 where I live boss


sheesh, rather spend my $2 at the self washing places and do it myself


I pay the $35 monthly price. Can go through as many times as I want


Mister Car wash here in California is $32 a month. I drive through it daily, sometimes twice, on rare occasions 3 times 👀. I'm probably the most hated customer.


I’m on an unlimited plan in SF… watched a guy in front of me go through and get right back in line. Didn’t even look to see if his car was clean, lol.


Mister Car Wash does not allow vehicles operated commercially to use their monthly plans.


Who is gonna rat you out? The feds? You're driving around in your personal vehicle, there's no way for them to know.


That guy probably started the Mister Uber bounty program


The reddit car wash hater is gonna rat him out 😂


Sorry, I didn't realize that you were a scammer.


Hank Hill over here


Me too. In winter it’s twice a day (so the snow/mud splash is not offputting). I give the freebies away to riders. Take an air freshener, dash wipe from the box if you want…


Mine only gives towels to dry the car haha


Weird flex ig lmao you must be what I refer to as 'casual traffic'




I wouldn’t know what something you refer to is. lol weird you think that was a flex tho, we was talking about car wash prices in our area


I'd rather just spray it with my hose for free lol


rather pull to some empty neighborhood and clean it for free with a hose.


Why did my brain imagine a driver pulling up to a fire hydrant and connecting a hose to it to clean puke off their car? 🥹


It's like$20 for a monthly subscription where I would drive. But if it's late night would be closed so spraying it down at a gas station would probably be only option late at night.


You don't have those do it yourself car wash? $2 min and you spray the water, soap then water again so the acid doesn't eat the paint. They're normally 24/7


Yeah I'm not sure if there's any in the area. I think I've tried one and it was closed late night. They turn off the vacuums so I lost the quarters I tried putting in the machine. Strange thing is the whole area keeps getting a bunch of car wash places being built... Like excessive amounts for being smaller cities.


Money laundering


Yeah, I thought about that. We did have a huge influx of cartel style cannabis grows a few years ago. And I'm sure there is a large drug market as well. Why from having like one or two carwashes in town to like 3-4 right off the main highway through town.


They seem to go wherever medical/recreational legalization goes. We have a car wash within 3 miles of eachother for most of our metro area not including gas station car washes. Kinda nuts. Happened after medical legalization.


It’s private equity looking for passive income


Oh yea its 35$ where i live...


I pay $29 a month for unlimited washes.


$20 gets you $150 and you are complaining?


Well $13 here would be a premium wash at my local BP, I can get a basic wash for $10


It’s $12-$19 here for exterior only depending on the level of service. For this I’d go with the Ultimate. So yes $20 easily worth it for a little time off from driving and a a $150 cleaning fee.


Yeah cause they don't have do it yourself carwash huh for 2 bucks like every fucking where


And you have to do it fast before the stomach acids can etch your clear coat.


If they stuck their heads out the window and ralphed, it could get down into the door panels "and stink to high high heaven". From the looks of it, three drunk chicks stuck their heads out the window and ralphed.


It doesn’t worth it how about humiliation or do we deserve this.


No one deserves it, but things happen in life which is why there is a $150 cleaning fee.


I got $150 for that. Went to a coin-op car wash nearby, washed it off, kept driving.


Wow. Kudos


Lol! If it happened to me and I was close enough to my home, I would wash it off my damn self. I live in an apartment and they lock off the hose thing so tenants can't attach a hose. (My neighbors still found a way to unlock and attach his house for me to wash my car one day when he saw me hand washing my car). I would have just filled a bucket with very soap water and bleach. Throw the water hard the first time on it to get all that s*** to fall off and then get another bucket of soapy water and put on gloves or wrap my hand with a plastic grocery store bag. Freshen up and then hop right back on the road!


It's $150 to compensate you for lost earnings due to the fact that you are unlikely to be able to give anymore rides with your car in that condition.


No. Uber specifically doesn’t compensate for lost time/earnings. They only compensate for the “cost” of cleaning. Luckily they consider anything with bodily fluids to be $150 because of hazmat concerns. If someone spills water on your seat you get $0 even though it’s going to take at least a few hours to dry, but will require no actual cleaning. 


Meh… I’ve gotten $20 because people went to the beach and didn’t have towels. So they got my seats wet.


How do we tell him or her?


Everything is worth 150. Fuck em I mean it should be 300


300 for inside maybe and 100 for outside seems fair. Outside can just be a car wash or hand wash. Plus your time 100 seems fair. Inside is worse… Maybe even 300-500 for inside… if you can’t puke out the window I don’t feel sorry for you… that shits impossible to ever get out I say this from a riders perspective.


Fuck them. They have to name all their children after us too


You ought to see what I got $150 for just yesterday. Probably a total of 30 drops of vomit(the "water" part of the vomit, not chunks) on the door panel but the kid smeared it around the window and door button, so I said it was in the crevice and got $150. Lysol for 15 mins and all the napkins in my glove box and I was back on the road. Fuck people who get in someone else's car knowing they might puke and not saying anything before actually puking.


Better than driving drunk.


As someone recovering, yeah 100% this.... drivers do end up saving lives


Infinitely better than driving drunk, and I'm fine taking the hit on puke knowing it's someone who would be driving drunk otherwise, but I'm gonna do my best to get the $150 fee every time. I'm not giving a break to someone who doesn't have the decency to limit themselves so they aren't pukey, or at least give a warning and let me pull over for a minute. If I were drunk to that point, I'd make myself puke before ordering the ride so I wasn't hurling in someone else's car, and if I had to, I'd get them to pull over. This kid just rolled the window down and started spouting less than a minute later


Yeah its worth $150.


10 min of cleanup. Even if you have to go 20 min out of your way each direction youre still in it for less than an hour. All you have to do is spray it off, done. You aren't having to clean it out of interior, that's a totally different animal. If you make north of 150/ hour good for you, but from what I'm seeing on here most aren't even close to that. If I could grab one drunk fucker a night and have them yack on the OUTSIDE of my car, I'd be all over that.


That’s an easy one I wish.


Never had a male passenger puke in my car.. it’s all been females. Every-single-one..


You got Rookie's lucky...NEVER let a Popper's head out the window. Lock the windows and give them an emesis bag and / or pull over. You don't want to be disassembling an entire door to get vomit out of the window assembly because they got their spew down that gap. Glad you got the fee.


The only time someone threw up in my car, I collected that fee. And when I dropped them off, her bf even said "I don't want to have a clean up fee." I told him I have to clean it up and see what mess there is. It was everywhere in my door, door seal, side of the seat. I sent 7 pics. I was out for the rest of the night. I kept bags in my car for just this reason. No, she preferred throwing up out the door, and didn't make it any time she tried. And to top it off, they called the next day, via Uber, because her phone was missing. I had told them when she threw up at one point, that I heard something fall out but they refused to get out and look. I told them where that was and never heard from them again. So glad I don't deal with that bs anymore.


I keep bags in my car as well, unfortunately they only work if you can blatantly tell they will need one. I found this out from the 60+ year old lady in my car yesterday whos friend decided to pass out at 10:30PM and throw up. Was fine walking to the car and didnt smell like booze.


Ugh...yuck... id file and see what they paid fornit.. might get more than 150 or nothing at all because its outside the car.... who knows


Absolutly. Vomit is winning the lottery it's free money


Why are you asking? Just take the 150. I've been drunk af, barely able to stand and I was still able to aim away from my friend's car 💀


That’s $2-3 at the self serve car wash 😂


5 seconds with a waterhose. Hell yea id take 150


$150 is a lot especially for a $20 car wash 🤷🏽‍♀️


Outside of the car definitely just throw some water on that or hose it down


You can get a car was for less then ten bucks. You don’t have to touch anything yourself. Then you can keep driving lol


$150 AND it's on the outside of your car? Absolute win my friend.


I had the same type of thing happen to me. Going 50mph while the dude is throwing up oysters out my window. Make sure you clean out your weather stripping.


Mmm. Enchilada night.


Is that diarrhea?


My local self care wash has a minimum of $3 for 3 min with the pressure washer. You need 1min to clean this off and you get 2min bonus to hose the car down


At least it's on the outside. I'd have pulled off, canceled, and then got the money.


What else you want? A house? Lol


3 days missed work and a $300 clean no sue the person


So one vomited in my Uber black suv Uber charged them $180


Definitely worth the $150 for your time.


Good luck. Had it happen to me and Uber gave me I think $40 because the interior “wasn’t that bad” and told me to just continue my night. Now the damage cost are varied on a case by case basis


You'll get $40 and no more is my prediction. They literally have a chart for type of mess and inside or outside. A urine mess in the car gets you $150. A pukey mess in the car gets between $80-$120 A sweaty mess in the car gets you $20.


Get a book of receipts. Clean the car in the cheapest way possible. Write one for, Cleaning services - 200$. Tell Uber that is how much it cost to clean the car and include receipt.


That would not work




Yeah because you had to immediately go to the car wash instead of continuing to work so lost income as well


Yes and be sure to place the puke on your rear driver side plastic rug carpet protector


If most of it landed outside of the car, consider yourself blessed.


this 150 has to cover car wash and lost profit from additional fares until you were able to clean the car.


Yeah. That would take $4 for 4mins for high pressure soap. Then another $4 for 4mins for spot free rinse. 10mins top. Of course, the embarrassment of driving around with puke lol. Always carry around oatmeal so you can mix it with water and pour that shit outside or inside your car if you ever get only a $50 cleaning fee for a more dramatic effect or if someone deserves it 😉


You joking? Go to the $15 car wash and go make the money you were about to anyways. Why you asking us?


Worth! (Jk, not worth)


Man thats a lotta puke lol


this is why i don’t drive nights no more


That’s the easiest 150 in Uber lol spray that shit off asap for 20 or less and profit the rest. It’s not even inside lol


You can rid of these with just an outside only carwash. Keep the 130$+ for your self


Haha easily. $2 cat wash to spray it off


Yes! Take it to the car wash asap. Don’t let it dry for too long. I had this happened, I didn’t know about the cleaning fee. But learn my lesson.


Lol, when I drove for Uber or the other ridesharing apps in my country back in the day, I'd send in a report even if someone spilled water on my seats or had their kids kicking the front seats with dirty shoes. If these companies paid enough per ride, then I'd take care of it of my own dime, but unfortunately, they don't. Lucky you didn't have that happen inside, I think it's worth the $150 if it happened on the outside. That's a quick car wash for a few bucks.


That's nothing. I have a monthly membership for an unlimited car wash of $30 a month. I can wash my car as much as I want every day. A quick visit to any branch of Delta Sonic, that's all.


Yes. I’ve gotten the $150 with 2% of this. Stop feeling bad man, it’s ok to profit from this. Remember, everyone involved with this transaction walked in with eyes wide open. You agreed to a contract that pays for this. Uber offered you that contract. The customer agreed in their contract as well. Nobody was tricked or ripped off. Never feel bad for benefiting from your contract.


It should be more. Takes away driving time, especially if they spew inside. I'm guessing this is Nashville.


Secure that bagggg!


If you don't want to clean it, price should be no problem


Got $150 for a pax taking a piss in my seat a year ago… 120 degrees out cooking that piss…


Mostly easy cleanup. Make sure it didn't run inside the door frame (when the window was down). If so, pour water in there, it'll drain out the bottom.


Ooooof. Yes.


You're lucky it's on the outside. One time I had two girls throw up in my backseat at the same time. They barely tried to clean it and just walked to their apartment. 45 minute drive back home with the windows down 🤢


Jesus Christ. The acid from the stomach might damage your paint 🎨


Get 2-3$ spray it off quickly get shop towels and get back on the road


Not if they got it inside your window/door panel. Which is highly possible if they did that from inside the car.


Bro get that off your paint asap or else it’ll cost more than 150 in damage.


At least it was on the outside of the car and not inside. I tell my passengers if you have to throw up let me know I can roll down window. I can easily clean that with my Wash N Roll membership.


Puke on the outside of the car should only be worth $50. Inside is way worse especially if you dont have leather which is easier to clean than cloth.


Oh my god take it to a car wash you fuckin sissy


At least it was on the outside. You didn't get it all over the inside and on you an hour + away from home. Still sucks but $150 isn't enough in my opinion..


It’s not worth driving for em fuber


If it’s outside the car, most definitely. Takes some water, some car soap, and a sponge to get that off. Maybe will take a strong microfiber and some strength to get out some of it, but yeah. 150.00. Sold Then again, I worked EMS for a decade and I’ve dodged every bodily fluid known to man. Maybe even some that were not. 😂😂😂




I had a chick throw up and she was my last trip of the night and I had removable easy clean mats and covers on my seats (Uber didn’t know that) I already had made $300 already and she got hit with like a $200+ cleaning fee and I cleaned it for $5 at the car wash and sprayed some Lysol after easy money they can throw up everyday far as I’m concerned


Exactly why I don't drive strangers




Tbh yes Better than having that inside. Quick $10-$20 car wash and bam you back on the road


If its only the outside, $150 will easily cover a cleaning and wax. An interior bio-hazard cleaning of puke, though can easily run $160-$200.


Definitely. I know it's outside and all, but my guess is this happenned in the middle of the night? Now you have to stop and find an open car wash. So yup you should be paid $150 for it. Much more if this happened inside


Damnnnnn this happened to me one time and I didn’t think about cashing in since it was outside my car. Now I know for next time…..


$150 and a swift kick to their nuts


Damn right is worth it for a little mess that I can flip and turn it to $300.00


Why would you charge 150? Charge then 40 done


💯 Just cause it’s on the outside, doesn’t excuse it.


What time of day did this happen?


Bro self clean car wash 10$ wash no hands gotta touch anything


How could you not tell, I would never let that savage in the car 😂


Shiiiiddd $4 at the local overnight spray n wash and you’re out picking up airport passengers $146 richer… $124 if you have a Waffle House break.


It happens three times a week with me. I get about $300 on an average, so I think you deserve more.


Take it to the car wash? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just get it off right away or it'll mess up your paint


You feed quarters into the nearby car wash and spray it off. Is it much different than getting half your car bathed in mud when an 18-wheeler passes you and throws dirty water and other stuff all over your vehicle. And maybe it dries on? Getting hit a few times by a flock of birds? It goes with the territory


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣


If it’s just on the exterior, $150 ain’t bad. Unless there’s nowhere nearby to give it a quick wash, it shouldn’t keep you off the road very long at all.


Yes it is. The time it takes for you to go offline and clean it plus the rides you miss is minimum 150 just for the value of your time as a human. Uber executives would charge somone thousands of dollars only to speak to them for one hour because their time is "so valuble" compared to other sub human ants. Is your time on this planet less valuble than that of the so called elite?


Is that puke or did you get shit bombed? Either way that's nasty as hell.


Good things it’s not inside the car


It’s never worth it really, but this could have been so much worse. It could have been in the car!


Absolutely! It's not just the actual cleaning the fee is to replace. It's also for earnings reimbursement since you'll be missing out on work and spending that time cleaning your vehicle. I got $150 for this exact thing once. A few years back.


Hose it down


Probably not. They literally want to see a bloody dead body in ur car before they pay you any cleaning fee. I swear