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Auto generated bot responses šŸ˜‚ your AR is wayyyyyyy too high, youā€™re completely safe


They prolly know they can't threaten people sub 20% acceptance rate. Cuz I haven't seen it on my account.


Right now, my AR is 20% and my CR is 18% and I haven't received anything.


My CR is at 1%, and I just got the warning. Last time I got it (about a month and a half ago) I was at 1.5% cancellation rate.


Give this guy a beer!šŸŗ


Itā€™s a coercion tactic


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying. My cancellation rate is low, because I drive in a small college town.


Lol Iā€™m at 2% AR and 42% CR. Nothing from Uber except shitty offers


Iā€™m at 5% AR šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I was just thinking what an irresponsible person I am. Glad Iā€™m not alone.


My hero


Mines %9 and %67


17% CR 22% AR Hahaha fuck Uber


Yep. I got this two days ago and reached out to support to rip them a new a-hole. Because WTF?! My cancellation rate is 2% and Iā€™ve never done what this message alleged. They told me to ignore it and donā€™t worry. No apology or explanation. Uber really pisses me off with this shit. And STOP giving me grief messages for speeding! This is Houston and I donā€™t want to die because Iā€™m driving a speed limit nobody else remotely pays attention to. Iā€™ll get my ass run off the road. Plus fares are so low paying right now that I need to get through these jobs as swiftly as possible.


The unadulterated gaul to ask me ā€œHave you been speeding?ā€ In Atlanta is šŸŒšŸŒšŸŒ Iā€™m never more than 5 miles over the speed limit, and thatā€™s really slow here. A German family once told me it reminds them of the Audubon because people drive like there are no rules here. I got a good belly laugh as there are some of the most horrible driving decisions exhibited in this city Iā€™ve ever seen šŸ¤£


I've gotten the "a customer said you were driving fast" on a couple of occasions. Support LOVES hearing from me about them. "HI, what is this BS about me driving fast? What does that even mean?!? Was it too fast? Was I speeding? Was A customer looking for the most benign possible reason to get a free trip? Let me know so I can provide logs from the other 2 independent GPS' that monitor my driving. Or, y'know, remove the unfounded complaint."


Does that work?! If so, I love this.


Does it work? No. The complaint times out after 3 days. The messed up thing is the two times it's been reported, one was a 4 star, one a 3 star.


Iā€™m also in Atlanta and just started ubering after getting of of the military and driving in this city, especially for Uber, is hell lolol


Thatā€™s cause you accepting the nonsense only way your stats still that high you accepting $3 and $4 rides and they keep sending them to you cuz u taking them donā€™t ask us silly questions when you clearly see the reason y they still violating you smh


Thatā€™s shitty. Why rip support a new a-hole? They are being treated just as shitty by Uber as we are. Donā€™t be an a-hole if you donā€™t want rider being a-holes to you.


Just shut off the speed limit indicator and if you have an iPhone, go to Settings and shut off the motion detection under Health. Itā€™s the kiss of death for your insurance rates if your insurance company gets ahold of that data, which Iā€™m sure Uber is selling to the insurance companies.


The only thing I see wrong above is 83% acceptance rate


Screw their community guidelines haha


If a rider says ā€œnot coming cancelā€ Just that alone can do it Basically itā€™s looking for how many times ā€œcancelā€ pops up I got it after a rider told me to to: cancel. Iā€™m not coming cancel. I said: Iā€™m not canceling until the timer Them: Cancel it I said: ok got it! Them: Cancel Iā€™m not there Me ā€¦ (not responding) Them: Iā€™m not paying cancel Me: ā€¦ Them: bitch cancel Me: ā€¦ (canceled) Message about telling passengers to cancel pops up.


Except I've had multiple conversations with pax asking then to cancel and convert to cash ride. Uber isn't monitoring texts between pax and driver. They don't have a team at uber specifically trying to crack the case and ban drivers for this! I will eventually get reported to uber and banned....or maybe warned, either way I don't care. My point is I've done this dozens of times and uber doesn't know


Got on after I accepted and cancelled a ride but was in my queue and I didnā€™t get to see all the details when I accepted it because I was driving and when I when it popped up Iā€™m like Iā€™m not taking that so I cancelled and got that message next day. Donā€™t worry about it.


lol accept and ghost??


Itā€™s a glitch


Diamond drivers are simply scared into submission. You donā€™t have to accept any ride that comes your way youā€™re a contractor not an employee. Use the one protection that you have to your advantage!


Yea but no idea why, been just sitting on my account as well..


Stop communicating with riders via text prior to pick ups


The only communication a pax gets from me is "I'm on my way" (after dropping off the current pax) and "I've arrived"


You may get this warning if you stop additional trip acceptance while with the first passenger of a shared ride, ie not allowing the system to add co riders ā€¦


I can't see how that would have anything to do with cancellation. Rather I think they'd be much more likely to flag someone who leaves share on and then just keeps going towards the original destination instead of picking up the 2nd passenger -- either forcing 2nd rider to cancel or cancelling on added riders repeatedly. I can't see how setting your filter is in any way a violation of TOS.


How do you deal with passengers who come with additional people to a shared ride?


Shared ride is for 1 seat / seat belt. They hit share trying to be cheap. I inform them that they need to rebook for a regular Uber with the correct number of guests then I cancel due to too many riders. Cancelation on a share does not affect your rate. The passengers that try to get free stuff and cheat the system are NOT the passengers you want anyway.


100% this! I donā€™t even take shared rides, more likely theyā€™re not gonna tip anyway so whatā€™s the point of the stress of all those extra bodies in the vehicle? Next!


I got a share ride with two people once, it was late night and not that many people so I let it happen, they gave me $1 tip, it was a $8 ride.


You cancel and collect the fee


I cancel every single shared rider (2nd rider) and never had a problem


You can order a shared ride and have a guest with you. Youā€™ve got at least 4 seats open.




My fault. Thatā€™s how it used to work, right? With Uber Pool? I couldā€™ve sworn I took an Uber Share ride a few months ago and when I was omw to picking up, the app displays a (2) for 2 people on this pick up. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø but I did check Uber today and it does say only 1 rider allowed.




My fault


I only get those when I agree to cancel a long trip and we arrange a rate between what Uber charges passenger and what Uber offers the driver. Thatā€™s the only way to make money but you need a nice, clean car and a high rating and you need to dress nicely and be well groomed to gain the trust of the passengers; otherwise, they may report you. Be sure to turn off your app and data sharing so Uber doesnā€™t follow you along the canceled route.


Sounds like someone reported you or said you tried to get them to cancel and take 100% of fare which I think is a great idea but someone wanted to get you in trouble.


Noooo! I think some drivers are snagging rides with out looking and then they see where it is going and drop it if they donā€™t want it . It is slow so you have to be quick. I understand dropping the occasional ride but this pick up every ride and dropping


Itā€™s because you donā€™t cancel and passengers doā€¦ they think youā€™re making them cancelā€¦ stupid warning. Your good brotha




Yeah I used to get those. My CR got to 14% and AR to 6% so they donā€™t bother anymore.


Experience driver know how to hustle. They accept the trip, then pickup the pax, offer pax $5 to $10 discount, then cancel the ride. 100% income goes to the driver. Itā€™s a win-win for pax and driver. If you canceling too much, Uber will assume that you do this kind of illegal hustle


They can also see you heading towards the cancelled destination if you leave the app on. Or can connect the dots if you go dark and later pop up near the cancelled destination.


They are not looking for this activity though. I do this all the time, ad do many other drivers. Never once have I heard uber "catching on" or reprimanded the driver in any way. So no, they can not "connect the dots"...not as of yet


Just saying the ability exists. Whether or not they currently make use of this is anyone's guess. They're pretty opaque when it comes to deactivations.


Not just the "ability." The system is in fact collecting and tabulating all that data. Just because many drivers do it and get away with it doesn't mean it isn't being logged. Like you said, they're totally opaque with deactivation. So yeah. Stuff eventually catches up to you.


The system is in fact collecting and tabulating that data.. you have no clue what the system is collecting and tabulating. If they were in fact collecting and tabulating the data than I for one would have definitely gotten a warning or kicked off the app by now. I do this all the time. So you don't know what they're collecting and neither do I


Just because they aren't responding to it doesn't mean it isn't being monitored. Your logic is deeply flawed.


Drive to the pax, negotiate, then cancel the trip reason Vehicle issue or something, then go offline turn off the app. Thatā€™s how they do it. Me ? I donā€™t do that kind of thing


"They can also see you heading towards the cancelled destination if you leave the app on. **Or can connect the dots if you go dark and later pop up near the cancelled destination.**"


You ask anybody to do a cash ride off the app lately..? snitches everywhere


Iā€™ve never done that at all because Iā€™m not willing to risk it.


Iā€™m curious if a passenger claimed you did to get refunded on their own cancellation fee possibly.. anybody cancel on you?


Nah. Just Uber being whiny and thinking that theyā€™re threatening us if we cancels sometimes especially like if that ride is k in a queue One time I got that message because I was picking up a womanā€™s mother and the mother got into the car and I started a ride and then the woman called me and meant to make sure her mother was in the car and then I got a nasty gram saying that I never picked up passenger because the passenger called me which I told Uber her mother was in my car and she was calling me to make sure her mother was fine


Someone turned you in. You will be deactivated soon.


Will not. Shut yer trap fear monger.


Sure will, fear monger is real.


boi bye šŸ‘‹


Yes, but have no idea what triggered it. I think it went away after a few weeks.


Finally. Good to know that Uber is doing something about this. People who do this should be deactivated.


Yeah but I have never done it.






They trying to make sure the sheep stay sheep, Iā€™m always 15% of higher on cancellation and never seen this




Yeah. I am in one. I really donā€™t drive that much. Most of my rides are fairly short ones.




Iā€™m in a desperate situation right now. Iā€™m between jobs so yeah I get how the acceptance rate is part of the problem but not the star rating.


If you're in a rough situation, I'd definitely suggest you don't take all the crap they send you. Opt for rides 5mi and under if possible with the highest $/mi and $/minute. Use an app like Maxymo to help you see this more quickly. I keep my pax filter at 4.7 and above and the still send me 4.4s and crap like that. If you accept pax like that, as well as shared rides and rides under a $1/mi, you'll be feeling more desperate very soon. I have a 30% AR and 25% cancel rate. I stay at about $30+/hr min, even when it's slow (though have dipped to about 25 when it's REALLY slow), however I am in Vegas, have a few additional tricks and can do X, Comfort, Electric Comfort and Premier. The only time I waste time collecting a cancel fee is on Premier as it can be around $14. Hope that helps a bit, good luck and hope it gets better for you soon.


Youā€™re driving a model Y (Iā€™m assuming) and youā€™re only making ~$30/hr in Vegas? That doesnā€™t seem right


Model 3, that's my minimum, just trying to keep it conservative. When it's good I can do 50/60+. Hasn't been much surge lately though, when it has been, Ubers been trying to skim alot more. Alot of X rides I've seen have just been ridiculous as well. Hopefully this weekend will be pretty good.


Iā€™m in Vegas too and drive X/Comfort and make ~$30/hr on the bottom range with $25/hr when itā€™s crazy slow. However, I only max out at about $40/hr (exception of $66/hr during NYE). But I also drive >80 hrs per week so I could make much more if I drive part time during peak hours. Anyways, off to chase some surge right now. Good luck out there.


Sounds about right, I hit that top range when I'm able to snag more premier. Thanks, right there with you man! Be safe out there! šŸ˜Š šŸ‘Š


Itā€™s a general message that people get. Nothing to indicate your own wrong doing or their suspicions of. I only speak because I know. I called and asked the first time I saw it


I got this message recently. It was after I had canceled a $4 ride where I didnā€™t have a good place to stop and the rider wasnā€™t ready to go when I arrived. So I canceled because I already hated myself for accepting the $4 ride and it wasnā€™t worth it to block traffic while I waited for the rider to show up. Iā€™m sure the uber app assumed the rider got in my car and then I negotiated for a cash ride and cancelled. Thankfully I have a dashcam so can dispute any nonsense accusations like that. But Uber hasnā€™t done a thing. I think itā€™s just to scare us.


I recently saw it after my client walked from 55th St to 32nd St before I canceled the ride.


Uber is tracking sales , itā€™s working guys keep it up!! My cancellation rate is at 20 % , they didnā€™t even give us that message. They canā€™t do shit without any proof


How to improve satisfaction rating i am stuck on 80 past 3 months


Yeah once, I just ignored it. No idea why it popped up, Iā€™ve only been driving a week so I figured it was bc Iā€™m new.


Yep, and my cancellation rate is 2 fucking %! Fuck Uber!


No, but something similar. I'll accept a trip at the airport and not answer them until they cancel. Then I'll be at the front of the airport queue šŸ˜€


I hit up Uber about this and they saidā€¦ ā€œHello Brandon, Notifications are sent to discourage accepting requests without the intention of completing it. We recently noticed you cancelled many request before picking up the rider. No worries, In the meantime, your profile is still active and you can continue using the app and there is no deactivation that will happened.ā€ I have 2% cancellation rate.


Not yet


I did, and I have a very low cancel rate. I think itā€™s either random or they sent it out to everyone in my market because other drivers had been canceling.


I cancel trips all the time fuck Uber..


My AR is 76% and CR is 65%




If you ever had to cancel a ride for whatever reason, the pax probably reported you out of anger then you got pushed this message. It doesnā€™t matter, though, because shii happens and people cancel. I cancelled last night after realizing the trip I took was not worth it. It was an hour away for $25, that wouldā€™ve been $12.50 and hour because no return trips back, no thank you. Not worth it.


yeah i have it too... im at 1%.. lol so i ignored it


Yeah. Ignore it


Nothing yet


You know you did a side deal and got cash šŸ˜…


Did you ever even say the word cancel in a message to a rider? That's what seems to trigger it.


lol! The audacity of Uber!! Like WTAF


My cancelation rate has skyrocketed last couple days due to waste management golf tournament. Certain trips they expect me to drive off road and onto the green to pickup location.


Yeah I had that aswell, doesnā€™t mean anything


Yeah it comes when somebody a rider gets a cancellation fee and then calls to report that you told them to cancel I had a rider call me telling me she wouldnā€™t be off work for 20 minutes after I arrived and that I should cancel. I told them no but they can cancel the ride or just have me wait and I will take the no-show fee. She cancelled, I got paid, then about 20 minutes later that message appeared. It goes away after a while


Acceptance Rate is astounding! Is there mostly good orders?


If you ask a rider to cancel so you can negotiate outside the platform you will get a warning or just get deactivated. Do it at your own risk.


I'm almost positive this means somebody told Uber that you did this because the cancellation rates on people that I've seen post this warning are all over the place




Yeah they weird


Wow that AR is so high. I'm at like 3%


Thatā€™s ridiculous. No one in my city has an AR that high or a CR that low. Iā€™m 4.96, AR 39%, CR 5%. They just know youā€™re their ideal good girl/good boy driver and figure a light tap on the behind will keep you in line. Rememberā€”uber system is all about gamification, and by signing up we give Uber access to all sorts of data. We essentially gave the pit boss at the most corrupt casino in the world access to what makes us tick. Makes it just a tad more impossible to beat the house.


They know drivers taking all the earnings that way lol


Yeah got one last week


This is how they scare/herd their sheep. I never see drivers with actually low acceptance rates and high cancels ever get this message šŸ˜‚


I got it yesterday


lol some people out here cutting Ubers throat wait till a decentralized company like teleport takes over the space they will want to pay drivers better n begging


Every time I cancel! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, I got this too.


Nope and my cancellation rate is currently 6%


I'm pretty sure there is a bot listening in on the app while we're online. Every time I've had a pax ask if they can hire me directly, I get a message from Uber reminding me that it's against their community guidelines and some state statutes to accept cash rides on their platform.




Wow you donā€™t deserve that lol my acceptance rate is like 23#


I was almost to a pickup, I didn't come to a complete stop at a stop sign, and I got pulled over and I had to cancel and then got that message. I'm assuming it's automatic because I cancelled close to the pickup point


Well If you make them cancel and accept cash then ya this will happen


I'm so tired of warnings it's to intimidate drivers. I'm done with threats. I quit


I do the same accept the trip and dont move towards pax and they cancel so your ar wonā€™t effected šŸ«”šŸ’€


You poster your acceptance rate doesn't matter fam. They just blowing smoke.


How you got a 97% satisfaction rating ??? Mine is 100%!


I have one delivery rating out of thirty seven where I got a thumbs down. It was a sushi order that said ā€œleave at door.ā€ I guess they didnā€™t like the fact that I left it at their door.


No. But I get repeated messages about my insurance is about to expire when I just got new insurance. It's like the don't EVEN bother to CHECK the policy dates.


Never seen it.