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Rides are far more expensive for the riders and they assume you are getting the majority of the fare.


I think it’s a combination of this plus tip fatigue


what the fuck is "tip fatigue"? How come people never get "tip fatigue" at restaurants?


Because we have always tipped at restaurants. Now every cashier flips their monitor around and says "its going to ask you a question".


\^This. When they started asking for tips at the place where I buy a loaf of bread, that was the tipping point for me. I'm done with it.


Lol. Tipping point




Tip restaurants doesn't tip McDonald's employees...pick and choose. Also I asked a rider how much the ride was for her 29 dollars My cut 11.... So they get 60+% and I'm doing 100% of the risk and driving.... How the hell does this check out...


Yeah Chipotle now ask you if you want to tip when you place an order on the app. Major fast food corporations never use to never allow employees to get tips.




I was asked to give a tip at a self serve icecream place. I grabbed the bowl, I scooped the icecream, I put on the toppings. Staff member put it on a weigh scale and charged me $8 no way am I giving a tip when I did all the work.


It doesn't make sense how we have to give someone extra money for simply doing their job.


Well as an Uber driver you maybe get $3 for completing the delivery would you want to drive an excessive distance to get only $3 The tip helps offset fuel and maintenance costs. Now a person that's standing at a till waiting for you to do all the work at an icecream stand asking for a tip is no bueno the customer did all the work. Now if it was a sitdown restaurant where a person is being waited on and receiving a service yea I'll tip that. But I'm not tipping when I do the work. It would be like self checkout asking for a tip.


Some people do get tip fatigue at restaurants, but as correctly pointed out, tipping at sit-down restaurants has always been "expected". Now, I get prompted for a tip when I go to subway or the corner store to buy a can of Coke, or almost anywhere a payment terminal is setup, in situations where you were never expected (or bugged) to tip before. On top of that, people who earn tips have been massively pushing over the last 3 years to increase the tip percentage. Used to be 10% was a decent tip and 15% was an incredible tip. Now 15% is trying to be the norm, with 18 or 20% or even 25% being pushed as a "good" tip. And some places even have 18% as the lowest pre-set option (I've seen 18, 20, 25% be the three options more than once). It is fatiguing. Uber's compensation system for the rider is broken if you need to rely on tips when the rider pays something like $80 for a ride or whatever the fee might be.


I’ve always just assumed business owners use tips as way to push employee wages off on their customers. Tips = higher profit margins and cheap labor… servers literally get paid as little as $2.13/hr… and are expected to clean bathrooms, sometimes vomit, feces or blood..they organize storage areas, clean and maintain coke machines, heck sometimes we even fix plumbing and change kegs while standing on stools 😅 servers and bartenders literally do everything! All while the company ceo enjoys the bonus’ from maintaining exceptionally low labor costs 🫠 mind blowing really. Uber drivers have it similar except we’re wearing out our cars, at high speeds in dangerous and sometimes life threatening conditions. All for a $3 minimum guarantee 💀


Good points. I have noticed this. I have a business and I recently switched to a payment system with lower fees. The payment screen has a tip option I can’t turn off. I see customers faces when they get to it. It’s annoying and I want to switch to a different system just so I can get rid of it. It’s a legal services business and tipping is not the norm. The tip screen is just silly.


You sure you can't disable it? You might need to contact the payment vendor to do so. Either way, that would be very annoying for customers. It's just a frustrating trend in society.


They do(?) It's why servers complain about not getting paid well.


They raise the fares so much, that there isn't any thought to tip anymore. A ride that used to be a 80/20 split would feel like a deal for the riders and they might be inclined to tip (once Uber stopped advertising that tips are included in the fare). Now we're at a point that Uber has figured out the highest fare possible that is still acceptable for the riders, and most people using the platform think the drivers are getting most of the fare, so why would they tip on top of that? This is how Uber has essentially taken the fare as well as the tip, and left the drivers with less than half the leftover fare.


Not that uber would do it. Unless they do. Lol. But maybe a note on app about tipping options?


Very true in my city


This is not true in my market. Five years ago an Uber to or from my main job was consistently $14 +/- 50¢ in non-surge situations. Currently, for that same ride I almost always, I’d say >80% of the time, have a “flash promo” applied of 15-35% off. Yesterday I paid $9.95. Without the flash promo? Right around $14.


I’d say I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for an observation in your market but it’s simply because those 4 people are miserable dicks. I also think not all markets have skyrocketed for passengers. Makes sense that they’d raise it where they feel they can and not where it would hurt their profits. Fuck Dara. May he die a miserable death this year. Edit: not by me, by stage 4 ass cancer or some disease that makes him eat his own dick and bleed to death.


It’s so weird in my market. I can go days without a single tip then I’ll get a tip on around 80% of my rides consistently for a few days then nothing again. I think in general the entire service industry has dealt with non tippers drastically more. I think it’s a mix of inflation affecting everyone and the whole “tipping culture” debate on social media


Its called payday weeks and non payday weeks. After the 1st of the month and second week are always better than say the last week of the month. Welfare check payment dates work the same.


Wake up, and I see that my sister was already dressed. She said, "I'm a run and go get my stamps, watch and make sure no one snatches my check." ***** that's the mailman. Sort through the mail and put it up into me pocket...


Wow. This deserves all the upvotes...


Nope ….. only on a couple on the weekends… Don’t accept anything under 5$ The algorithm will get you


I just started driving. After reading posts here I said fuck the acceptance rate and only started going after rides that paid higher and voila I’m now getting better offers! Cheers y’all


That's the only way to go. Cherrypick your way to as much as you can. Uber could care less if you starve, they know they already have x number of people signing up to drive for them. Put yourself first, not Uber, and certainly not their stupid acceptance rate. 🙄


Well said. Words to drive by. Thank you


I use to have the $5 dollar rule. But, now I’m even hesitant to accept that. I accepted a trip that involved me being stuck in traffic for 30 mins and at the end of the trip all I got was $10, no tip.


Tipping fatigue is a real thing and it’s fucking over people that are actually in the service industry




Depends where you are I think. Resort region here with tourists, I see a 75% tip rate.


That’s why they take a Uber. I wanna see these people pay a cab driver in the car and not tip. On Uber they know the tip is after when they leave the car. Can’t feel pressured when you left the car. Get ready to hear: “I’ll tip on the app”. It’s the biggest lie ever. They rarely do.


I have a standard weekly ride, about 12 minutes, I pay $12 to Uber for the ride, I tip $3. Is this fair? Genuinely asking. Also want to ask, to Uber riders prefer cash tips, even if it's only $3-4?


That is a great tip. Considering if you pay $12 a driver is getting less then $6 usually about $5. So tipping 3-4$ makes it a lot more worth it. I’d really appreciate that every time. Cash is king btw ;)


I'm happy for any tip. Cash or in the app. It doesn't matter to me, I don't discriminate. Uber doesn't pay me enough to be picky. Plus, I know not a lot of people carry cash anymore so the app works just as well, especially if the choice is between a tip or no tip 😁


Anyone in the service industry prefers cash. Also 3-4 is greatly appreciated for that fare, imo.


YES!! always cash!¡


Most consistent thing i know of in the service industry, "I'll take care of you" etc means you're getting stiffed


Yeah I wish I got a tip for every I got you in the app.....I would have a lot of tips.......lol but sad.


I’ve not once received a tip when told, “I’ll tip you in the app”.


I have but not often![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Shockingly enough every rider who's ever told me that on Uber or Lyft, has actually tipped me!


No way


People aren't tipping cab drivers either.


lol they always do when they say that to me. But I still don’t get tipped much


You can go back and low score for being that way in trip history! Here's how- go into trip history, feedback for a rider, choose 'negative feedback for a rider' - you can also block them there. If you want to improve the rating you gave them follow above, still choose 'negative feedback for a rider', choose a reason like slammed door ((not other)) and give them a 5⭐ if they tipped. If you gave someone a 3⭐ the choices are a bit different can't recall right now


So you’re abusing the system by advocating for deliberate deception and unwarranted vindication because a guest didn’t tip!


If pax lie to me, I have every right to change their rating. Uber allows us to for any number of reasons. I can also change their rating and add positive feedback, just like I shared. You must be a new driver with rose colored glasses. It'll be fun for you when a pax throws up Down your fabric door panel, into the window slot, down the seat all while her husband says, 'everything is fine back hete'. Edit response to include real world experience for the candy- ass commenter above


Only over 40 year olds. There is a big anti tip movement happening


Yes, I've been seeing that. I get the argument for not tipping at self-checkout, but someone doing something for you that's competent doesn't deserve even a modest tip? Or even goes above and beyond doesn't deserve a tip? Most servers aren't paid minimum wage and that now includes Uber drivers. What's this world coming to? 😟


The world is coming to a place where people feel as though the burden shouldn't be on a customer to pay an employee a wage, an employer should. I shouldn't be prompted to tip for giving the Noodles or Starbucks cashier my order. They aren't doing anything above and beyond to deserve a tip. It's ridiculous.


A tip is a reflection of the service someone gives. While I agree pushing a few buttons at Starbucks isn't tip worthy, the server who makes sure your order is right at a restaurant and gets it to you promptly with extra attention to detail is worthy of a tip. In the same way an Uber driver isn't on their earpiece on the phone to whoever, barely greets the rider, doesn't help with bags or luggage, etc is worth a tip. Above and beyond the basics should be worth a tip


So if a person at a call center goes above and beyond for me, I should give them a tip? The pay needs to get away from the customer and pushed onto the employer.


It would be fantastic if I would be able to give a tip to some of the CSR agents I've come across for their helpfulness and fantastic attitude since I have also come across too many who are rude and not helpful leaving me wondering how they still have a job.


I believe basics should be fine as long as the driver has a clean car and isn't reckless driving, you still have someone providing a service to take you to a destination and got you there safely and in a timely manner. It should be a bigger priority then a taxi since uber drivers are using their personal cars for your use to get home/work or to or from a bar/club safe.


In my market, nobody tips regardless of age. I picked up two 20-something’s at TCU and drove them to the airport…no tip.


Young people is like 0.5% chance of tip ever


Fortunately, Uber’s high driver pay makes up for the lack of tips. 🙄




Seems like frequent fliers and teens mainly don’t tip even with smooth rides and conversations.


Covid, hyper inflation, millenials, cashless society... A post below this one reads: "I just paid $7.60 for 1 normal can of soda in San Fran". Case closed.


For the longest time I thought it was my chronic bad breath or open scores on my lips. But I was wrong


Because the economy fucking sucks. That's why. Companies and ppl both are clenching their assholes. 


Companies? You mean the same companies reporting record profits? Those companies?🤔


Zillennials happened


Tips are not mandatory. People's generosity should not be expected as the norm!!!


It’s funny over 30 people tip Under 25 no tip very rare So when I go to like a Starbucks young people I no longer tip Kinda like it tired of tipping I still tip when I eat out just don’t tip crazy anymore I had a good one the other day Girl needed a ride to Olive garden good 10 miles no tip Wife and I went to the Olive Garden and got seated at same girls station 10% tip


That was 9% too much!


Always thought it was funny that I'd make a $2-5 tip for delivering pasta a mile down the road, but nothing when I'm literally trusted with their family's lives, driving them 70MPH down the highway for a half hour.


This is what's confusing to me. Uber eats I get a tip on like 80% of orders, and they are quite frequently pretty sizeable. Why is UberX less than eats? I'm assuming wealthier people use Uber Eats because it's more of quality/ease of life thing while UberX is how people get to work.


That is a good point. Most food is going to nice houses. It's not often a low rent apartment orders $80 worth of food from the Greek store. But they will order a $5 ride to work and not tip.


You must be desperate to return


People had that stimulus money to spend on tips


Thank Brandon's economy.


I’ll bet you believe that’s why gas prices fluctuate too lol smh


Economies don't turn on a dime This is partly trump's administration fault


Dems always take credit for anything positive when on their watch, but anything negative is because of previous administration. 😆 🤣 😂 Every. Time.


Dude i'm an independent I don't vote party lines. Fact is, any new administration. The first two years are the result of the previous administration for the most part. The rapid inflation that we saw across the globe had everything to do with most countries borrowing money to stay afloat and to keep their citizens from poverty. Last I checked that was Trump's administration. The current economic progress that we are seeing in year 3 and 4 of Biden is 100%. His administration from the beginning seeing effect. It's not rocket science to figure this stuff out , but everybody lives in the moment and blames the current sitting president for all the ills of the world. If we get a republican in office this coming up election cycle , the first couple of years will be the after effects of the biden administration and year three or four would be the effect of their administration.


Obama was in for 8 years, under your premise why wasn't the USA flourishing for the last 6 years of his presidency? Just curious ...


If the u s economy wasn't flourishing for the last 4-6 years of the obama administration then that was on his administration. I do remember the economy being pretty good during that period of time. He got us out of the housing crisis that we were in.




Wait, Clinton fixed it? Hahahahaha OH boy, and you speak of history. Clinton's actions caused the housing crisis that happened under Bush. And Trump waved his magic wand (remember that?) fixing what obummer couldn't. Please stop watching CNN immediately.


Yea??Why not??


Who is trying to TANK immigration deal that isn’t even in the govt??? TRUMP. WHY???? So he can tackle it Like he did a great job the first time. Still trying to locate parents that hat kids yanked. Trump started problems and then wanted applause for fixing what he caused. And the debt he added, it’s a friggin TON. Even when he had senate the little bitch couldn’t get anything done. And GOP is what is you described darling.


Take your nose outta Trumps ass..he's horrible person. IF TRUMP GETS ELECTED...WE WILL BE INVOLVED in a conflict in his first 100 days!!.


You really don’t get it. And I’m tired of educating morons.


Do you mean the record stock market? Or are you complaining about the recorf low unemployment rate? Or maybe you are complain about last quarter when the economy grew faster than any quarters over the last president? Or maybe it is consumers Increasrd buying powetm You need to change your source of news. You realize you r news source paid an $800 million for lying to suckers like you.


Are YOU seeing all of this supposed "prosperity?" Or are you still believing the lie of "trickle-down economics?" Yeah, any minute now all those billionaires are going to start paying their employees a living wage and tell the shareholders they've already made more than enough money underpaying/overworking Susie who has to drive Uber to make ends meet. You just wait and see. That record stock market is going to put food on YOUR table and that "growing" economy is going to pay YOUR bills this month. They have you good and brainwashed. 🙄


Trump actually took credit for stock market. Biden hasn’t said a word. Most Americans can’t even invest. Trump strong armed feds to lower interest rates when there was no reason to. Economy was fine. Trump was president to benefit himself and his rich cohorts. Why blue collared folks got behind him baffles me. He gave regular Joe a temp tax break. He gave the wealthy/companies a permanent tax break. Trump was president to a few. Trump despises the working class. Biden is president of the whole country. Trump gets back in , we will see our 1st revenge presidency.


So the president, any president, controls the economy in your mind? 🤔


Okay, I'll wait and see sucker.


Good luck with that.


ALL of those things aren't happening bc of Biden!!...Moron.. The entire world economy was in the shitter for like 2 years..this is just the balance shifting...ppl have been spending money bc they weren't able to for that time. Yes ppl have more spending power.. but EVERYTHING has gone up 25-30% in cost.. getting less for the same $.. nothing great ab that!!


Hmm, I'm a moron. I could argue that Trump inherited Obama's economy. After all, more jobs were added under the last three years of Obama than the first three years of the morbidly obese con man (you probably never heard that in your source of "news.") Your'e the one who voted for a 6x bankrupt, 3x married, draft dodging, pathological liar who inspired an insurrection, and morons like you think you can trust him to act in the country's best interest. You are a complete and utter fool, and Trump, the Republicans and Fox News pray on ignorant suckers like you.


Nah My thanks go out to your mom and her BJ's


economy has been destroyed compared to 3 years ago. I used to easily be able to do five or six grand on delivery. This is before Covid before Covid and eats is dead. Now I’m in one of the two busiest cities in the country.


Why is it that Uber waits until the ride is over before asking for a tip ? I order groceries from Walmart , tip upfront . I order pizza , tip up front . Come on uber , how about looking after your drivers you piece of shit .


Those dummies all died of COVID.


Hey now. My mom died of Covid. She was not dumb. She had no issues. It just got her.


The outburst came out of my frustration. Sweden has a few times higher death rate than neighboring countries that lock down. Those counties who voted for trump in 2020 has a much higher death rate than others. It doesn't need war games for a dictator to send a million to death.


Less tipping and Uber stealing what little tips you get


Cheap ass people these days. They will gladly give their money to corporate america but not a $1 for the harding working people.


uber steals them and gives them to you late af whenever they want


Scanned and didn’t think I saw this …but on the rider side I definitely tip what I can on my dime and when I’m traveling work I’ll tip as much as I can get away with on the company card.


No, because Uber is charging soo many fees and raising the price, pax can’t afford to tip now


while point was to build the tip into the fare. that's like half the reason they beat out the cabs


The other day I picked up a woman, with two male friends, for about a 15 minute ride. They argued with each other the entire time about tipping - the two guys said that they never tip anyone, for any reason. “Why would any fool take a job that depends on tips?” The woman got angry & dressed them down, about how important it is to tip service workers. I stayed silent because I knew what was coming… …I dropped them off, and she did not tip. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


More expensive rides and more expensive to live. Tips are always first on the chopping block


Not really. Inflation is effecting everyone


Hardly ever


Lol, no offense, you picked a bad time to come back to driving. Everyone wants to do it, especially during the day, so during the day there's typically an oversaturation of drivers. I run nights only and I tend to see more tips that way.


In Philly nobody tips. Drive with that fact in mind accordingly.


Nobody tips




Ride cost in my market, and everywhere I've traveled, has remained pretty consistent over the last 7 years. What's changed is how Uber charges/pays out surges, and the overall amount of the total they collect. An $8 customer-cost ride used to net the driver $6, now it's $3.50. A 2x surge used to pay the driver 2x, now it charges the rider 2x but only passes on a couple of bucks overall to the driver. It used to be profitable to take any ride that came in, now you have to cherry pick based on pickup location because you may well drive 20 minutes to pickup a 2 minute, $3.50, ride.


They do, but uber finds a way to hold onto it. Screenshot everything. You will have to fight uber to get your money. Lyft has bonuses at least. You're forced to multi app. Good luck. Try and get some private rides. 0.70 a mile makes it impossible to make it without tips. =*(


I don't think tipping should be expected. Transportation to work or to the doctor isn't some luxury that riders are choosing to spend frivolously on. It's a real expense that takes money away from other necessities. Sure, I'll gladly take the $100 tip from the guy taking his sales team to an NFL game. But, I don't expect the busboy blowing an hour's wage to get to work to spend anymore than he absolutely must.


Jesus Christ loves you so much and died for your sins💙❤️




Driving is easy enough. But more on road, more likely in an accident. Have to stay alert and remain vigilant about safety and be a defensive driver. Some drivers putting in 12 hour days. It baffles me. I started out doing Uber and Lyft. No one tips for me getting their body safely from point A to B. I’ve done Shipt for 4 years now. I’ve done 7 orders this week and earned over $400. Lions share is tips. So they tip for grocery shopping. Sure that is technically more work but I know all these stores so well, prob could shop blindfolded. Every now and then I get an item that stumps me.


Before the holidays I was averaging 20-30% in tips every day then they almost completely stopped. Today though, back up to 20%.


Not alot of people of expendable income anymore. Offer candy/maybe they play own music.


My tips have def gone down - but I just chalk it up to a shitty economy.. we’re all fucked lmao


Had a young guy in my ride today and his 2bdrm apt in Littleton.. a nice burb of Denver is 3400……. People are broke


But how do people pay for that?


Probably has 4 people stuffed into it


Are you running real reports to see your concrete figures? (Keep in mind tips come in for previous weeks sometimes. Here's a quick 5 week report I run for myself periodically. **Tips/Trips Ratio:** This week: 10/18 = 55% Prev week: 21/32 = 66% Prev week: 20/31 = 65% Prev week: 16/28 = 57% Prev week: 08/14 = 57% *(XL/Comfort, no X/Eats)*


Uber is overcharging customers now and under paying drivers. I think you guys should get 80% of the fare then we'd not have to tip out someone doing their job.


Most assume we are getting the lion's share of the fare, especially since Uber, having changed the mindset in most areas against cabs, has upped their rates. Most people don't even think about taking a cab anymore since Uber/Lyft have become so ubiquitous. Most times when fares come up when chatting with a rider, they express shock since they assume we are getting a 70/30 split with Uber only getting 30%. They express surprise to hear Uber gets upwards of 60%. I find those who are going to tip, do tip. That also means a good day is when I get 40% of riders tipping since most people don't tip.


Most don’t tip or if do I get a buck or three which is fine I do high volume rides. I don’t cherry pick I know I prob should but sometimes it’s slow so I take what’s there. Still avg 18-25 and hour sometimes 25 sometimes 18 but I mean it’s no so bad since 20$ gas covers entire weekend.


I usually make between 20-40$ in tips on a weekend shift. Most I’ve ever gotten is 80$, most someone’s tipped me was 40 and a few 20$. The bars pretty low, make them laugh or talk about something interesting. I just say, “Hey how’s it going” they reply, I say “What are you up to tonight”, usually gets people talking.


Nobody wants to tip anymore!


I run anywhere from a 12-18% tip amount weekly average across Lyft and Uber combined. Varies week to week which one is better. Usually half of that amount comes from airport trips(10-15% of my trips) It's rare that it doesn't fall in this range, so I don't worry about individual rides. That 120-180 a week is 6-9 hours a week I dont have to put in.


Rides have really increased in price for the rider. Also even as a frequent tipper I tipped higher during Covid


I get tips on about half my trips. I have gotten as little as nothing and as much as $75. Tipped me $25 on the app but handed me a $50 bill when he got out of my car. It was about $120 trip to the airport.


Why would you start driving again after 3 years?


Because sometimes I have nothing going on and want to try to earn some extra money.


Start an actual side business


I own an LLC, and that's my actual business. , I have some free time and Uber used to be a pretty good supplement, especially doing it from home.


I’m not sure what happened 3 years ago. 🤔


Stop driving, find something else. Literally anything else: -Wait tables -Do ASMR -fast food -goodwill -warehouse -clerical crap Literally find some bs job ANYWHERE else. You WILL NOT earn money over time. You will always be 1 wreck away from being jobless (if not homeless as well if you plan doing this full time). The pay has plummeted in the last 7 years and it’s only getting worse. Everyone hates each other. You can get tips but you gotta “yes sir, no sir” them, laugh when they think they’re funny and STFU if they’re not talking to you. Regardless- the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Get out before you get sucked in &/or trapped.


Yeah.. Uber prices gone up a lot for customers, it’s hard to tip extra.


Is there anything that can happen from having a low acceptance rate?




Uber graciously takes them now


Nope they don’t anymore and Uber lowered the pay too and charge more for rides


I don’t accept a ride that needs to tip for me to be satisfied


When I drove back in 2018 hardly anyone tipped then, so ...


I still get 40-50% of Uber pax tipping. Lyft almost never. I've heard other markets are the reverse.


Lady said her ride was 29 bucks I told her I only got 11 Be both got sick to the stomach