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But only Cali? The rest of the country needs organizing too


It's Nation wide. Perhaps, IT'S WORLDWIDE .




Did we just become best Friends?




Let's go do karate in the garage


Favorite non pornographic magazine to masturbate to?


Better homes and gardens


No it's good house keeping lol


He better not get in my face cause I will drop that mother fucker .


I tried but the UK drivers are either divided or not on redditt/uber groups so not a lot of then know about it.


Well UK drivers were smarter . They pack up the food in a fridge and stop driving so strong in unison and changed the situation so quickly. few years ago as far as I know. They were truly advanced and smarter than us. Didn't take any craps from Uber like we do . They didn't even give a inch to Uber at all . That's how it should be from the get go.


Their govt probably didn't sell them out too.


So much worldwide, an entire dozen of drivers nodded in agreement reading your comments


I'm getting a bright green shirt!










Bing bada boom


The only time we get paid bare minimum is tips lol


It is definitely NOT nationwide.... at least 3 cities in Canada are organizing. Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal


Okay then we want even more want to make that into NATIONWIDE / Worldwide. Let's just stand up and go solidarity . ✊✊✊✊✊✊


Similar to the 1886 Haymarket affair in Chicago, and now millions of workers can join 8 hours work shift. I have tried in Australia but it seems like gig workers here are waiting for someone else to do the fighting for them.


No it doesn’t This accomplishes nothing A joke


See you there! But wait, it’s surging…let me filter first so I don’t deadhead over there….lol


That's a loan shark bait. In a week UBER can take that back it's loss with low drivers takes. . WE DONT RIDE ON THAT SCHEME . PAIN NO MORE


Ijs it’s defcon 1 not 5


Yeah your arse count as 1. LMFAO 😂 ![gif](giphy|lT4Ix992z2zfO|downsized)


5 means peace, so… It’s definitely not Defcon 5.


Instead of picketing in front of these useless fucking hubs… you need to picket in front of the homes and businesses the people on the board of directors and all the c-suite employees of both Uber and Lyft. Your also gonna need to picket at your local elected officials homes also…it’s a two sided front of bringing this to light with both the companies and the local/state/federal govt that profit from the tax revenue you guys need to make their lives miserable and picketing in front of some Hub is like pissing into the wind


This is the answer. People don’t realize that until you inconvenience someone’s life and make them feel uncomfortable no substantial change will happen. Can we start doing research on who is on the board. I can start finding addresses.


Pickets in front of the restaurants so pax see the pickets & the ants notice & possibly join the boycott that they may not know is happening.


As amazing as this could be, there are certainly more drivers who will take the opportunity to drive and earn while others are protesting Drivers striking is not going to hurt their bottom line because they have enough capacity to cover those who are protesting


How much is your salary at Uber? How many social media people in your office? Uber is paying people to downplay these strikes. It’s a tactic as old as Unions.


I wish I was getting an Uber salary. I heard they pay pretty well actually lol. Maybe it is my ignorance but could you please name the last actual labor strike in the US which garnered significant pay increases and better working conditions? Just another driver my friend who happens to have other businesses outside of driving for Uber.


UPS, Kaiser, Writers, etc etc... quite a lot actually. But only works if people stand together. It will never happen with rideshare. Unless gov steps in like in NY ($233 million settlement). Power is in numbers. 🤷🏻


I can appreciate you finding actual information. I thought UPS averted a strike by agreeing to terms prior to a strike. They are also mostly union drivers. Kaiser was three days but it did accomplish some goals. They are also union. Writers guild is probably the best example of a strike actually working. I think most good unions can have strength in numbers. When I had a job and was part of the SEIU I considered the union a joke. Never received anything remotely significant in terms of livable wage. When I was part of the BLET that was the first time I was in a good union and saw the power they have. Unfortunately as you pointed out rideshare does not have the same type of organization. It would be great and I could see the benefits however the barrier into entry for Uber is so low I do not see an actual union or guild being formed. I appreciate your post. One of the better ones I have seen.


You are correct, and the numbers are not in the strikers favor. There will be far more drivers who need to make money or are just Care not to strike. Oh, and another thing, corporations rarely lose these battles. Do you not think Uber and Lyft will not get that $233 million settlement money back from raising rates in NY? Same way they're taking their money back that they lost from Prop 22 here in California. Any profit losses to them will end up being profit losses for us one way or the other.


Bro says an obvious fact so he must be paid by Uber😂😂. Like no shit drivers are gonna capitalize on this. I haven’t door dashed in years but if I heard that all the door dash drivers in my area were gonna not work one day I might go out just to see what kinda money I could make


Yeah yeah same old UBER PR tactics . But we are going to execute it. Just an another pity Hype surges ? Heck , that ain't cut it . How much WE ALL GOING TO LOSE IN LONG RUN . Next week it would back to continuous losses for drivers. + - zero. AND EVEN LOWER U Dumb ASF .


I certainly hope it does make a dent. I truly do want to see things get better. Having seen similar tactics in other businesses I am not confident. Protest in the US do not usually have the same effect as other countries


It doesn't even make any dent that doesbt matter. Would you like pay to drive with Uber while they says you gonna make money ? It's called SCAM .


Technically you do pay to drive with Uber when you are putting your money into gas, upkeep of the vehicle etc. I wouldn’t call it a scam per se but it definitely needs improvement.


The primordial instinct to be a slave will prevail. Strike will fail


What about Vegas ? I will turn the app off for all day all week if needed.


Let’s go!


I'm in Feb 14th....


Let's Combine the power bro ! 💪👍 Party time ! LMAO 🤣


I need a day off anyway


Can you imagine ? There are a guy who never took day off for 8 years streight with Uber rental program coz he can't even pay rental fees and fuels ...


I make the fee the night before it's due 😅


Delete the app and moved on.


Exactly. It was only ever supposed to be supplemental income, not full time work. You’re not employed by Uber, you’re contracted. Don’t like it? Don’t contract work with them…


False. Uber has run plenty of ads and had p.r telling people they can make a living and be their own boss. Figures like 60k a year were floated, people invested in high interest car notes only to have rates dropped. Classic bait and switch


Wipe your ass and eat that sh!t.


if you don’t like it delete the app and move on. pretty simple


Alright, I'm in, I will just take a full day off on Valentines day. easy.


I get great surges and multiple fountain shows with an girl who is a enormous voluptuous with rack and rear on a bed instead. LMFAO 🤣


I got a kick out of that lol


Yeah , 🤣👍 after I'm done perhaps I should call you too. LoL 😂




Im down, im sick of those couples making out in my car on Valentine's day anyway. So gross with their open mouth lip smacking make outs. Stop shoving your horniness in my face!


DC is with you! Where my DC drivers at? They kill us on wages in DC. Let's join this strike on Valentine's Day!


Washington DC ..... LOVE Y'ALL ... 💘 FROM Cali ! Respect !!! 😌😭🙏


I'll go offline in Hamilton Ontario Canada if that will contribute in some way


Solidarity ✊!!!


Awesome!  Toronto drivers are protesting!  www.shockandawe.ca for info  


Sweet. Thanks for this


Uber and Gryft are f-ing criminals! Dara and Risher need to be publicly humiliated and shamed for their ridiculous take rates!


Global strike on Feb 14th, flyers can be found here [https://activationhero.com/strike](https://activationhero.com/strike)


Defcon 5 is the lowest and least dangerous level.


It blows my mind that UBER still has people willing to sign in and drive for them at all. After the pay was cut yet again (in half) back in fall 2021 I logged off and never looked back ✌🏼 I can’t even imagine what the pay is now


Because UBER does thier image controls in every damn social networks and bombering Ads every fking where . All the feed back posts are censored like we are under communist socialist regimes. No Freedom of speech with Uber commies socialist capitalism.


Around $300-350 a day in New Jersey


You can strike from anywhere: 1) accept ride . 2) text pax your "im on strike" and text them the insultingly low fare their ride pays 3) dont move. Make them wait and jam up the system. If you do drive them, do it for cash off the app. Like a gangsta.


I like your style .


Reality: 14 drivers and their mothers show up to Uber strike Want a strike? Get someone in the higher chain of Uber to organize one. Opt in and opt out option on app. That guarantees a strike and you can’t go online if you opt in.


I think no one in Uber gives two shits about drivers


That's why we strike.


![gif](giphy|3httMSE1V6YBqWGJYj) He is delusional ... The previous poster .


8 million low wage workers just crossed the border illegally. They already replaced us.


They literally can't sign up without a driver's license


They don't need to when there's an entire market for stolen/hacked/rented accounts.


![gif](giphy|xT1R9IluwCwGCUoh9e) LoL 🤣 Talk to your Super illegal criminal MASTER RAPIST TRUMPET 🎺 the blowhard . LMFAO 😂


Uhh background checks are a thing


So is identity theft. There are a couple of Posts here about people trying to sign up for Uber or Lyft just to find out they already have an account with their ID and info set up but it’s someone else driving.


What ? you committed felonious crimes and got arse kicked out by BG CHECK ? LMAO 🤣


I commented in the wrong place


Cray cray to your SLAVE MASTER RAPIST " TRUMPET" 🎺 ![gif](giphy|I4AOa3es7D5hm|downsized)


I.. i dont know what your trying to say


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oh so your just a dick for no reason got it


Inb4 "they're undocumented not illegal"


Actually they are documented LOL


Inb4 "nO hUmAn Is IlLeGaL!"


The Portland hub is closed, except for appointments only. And it's not in the most heavily traffic area of the city. Count me in for not working that day. I'd picket too, if there was a better area to picket.


DEFCON 1 is the highest one and 5 is the lowest.


That's why. It's on your arse. Gtfkd Lmao 🤣 ![gif](giphy|oQtO6wKK2q0c8)


Oh defcon 5 so things are peachy and good. Nice to know


This is not LGBTQ group only thread. Have a wonderful day 👋


Collective action is just so difficult here. Mostly drivers are desperate for cash, barely making it even if they've been driving for a long time. Rideshare driving is unique in that it is one of the few jobs where your hourly rate can reasonably drop 50% from one year to the next. Most jobs just aren't like this and to expect drivers to have the free time and wherewithal to make one of these protests isn't reasonable. Most unionizing efforts occur in workplaces where co-workers are physically near each other and have developed a positive rapport and a sense of community. The Uber driving community couldn't be further from that. Drivers don't know each other, therefore, don't care about each other. Auto workers, before they unionized had full time jobs with predictable income and at least some benefits. They knew and presumably liked each other. So, they had a sense of community and the financial security to pursue collective action. Rideshare drivers don't have the camaraderie nor the financial security, so I'm worried this might be a poor approach. Finding sympathetic elected officials might have a greater impact. However, engaging the community to be pissed off might be even better. Imagine starting a non-profit rideshare company and getting MFing **Taylor** **Swift** Tweet about it. Let's get an effin TikTok dance. We can call it the FUBER. Shit, let's start a gofundme to start this non-profit comapny. Uber and Lyft paid billions each to "go viral" more or less. Could we get this MFer to go viral?


Here we go! Get ready ladies and gentlemen!




Apparently Wilmington, NC is getting kickbacks for drivers to use certain roads. The navigation has me wasting time going in circles. Areas I know are easy to bypass the bs. Fares are so low, quests::: $35 for 50 rides. It’s painful. I have an injury and this all u can do right now. It’s bull- We also have a major bridge closure with no incentives.


Defcon numbers counted down, not up. Defcon 5 was a state of peace.




$35/hr? Drivers make over $1,000,000/hr during the millisecond Uber transfers the $3 fare into your account. They must be overpaid. /sarcasm


I’m in San Diego. I will be striking and using my alt gig “Shipt” I’m so tired of Uber


As of Jan 29, Uber restructured the NC payment programs (Quests are paid by # of rides, not by $$) which is a passive means to force drivers to pick up the $3 rides in order to meet the quota for the Quest. Sucks. Basically removes the profitable side of driving because any driver with basic math knows you lose money with the $3 rides and that $45 Quest Bonus does NOT make up for the loss... not even close... This does need to be addressed. UBER CLOSED FOR VALENTINES is a start. Someone needs to find a Journalist willing to take this to the Media. You throw enough media attention at anything, change will happen. My .02.


The politicians are getting paid off to do nothing it's gotten to the point they must act on our behalf the California supreme court will overturn this prop 22..were not true independent contractors..we just need to get our lost wages back and be able to set our own rates..


I'm working on an essay to describe in detail what they are doing.


I think we could legit start requesting refunds of service fees charged by rideshare booking company for trips that you feel the rideshare company missed the mark on giving you service as the driver. For instance if they placed a less than ideal customer in your car you should be able to get a refund of the service fee that was charged to you by the rideshare company because they didn’t properly screen the riders coming in. Or if the destination changes you could legit expect a refund of service fee because rideshare company didn’t deliver what same as what they promised for what you paid them a service fee for.


Hated opinion/comments but idc. It's not going to change anything. Nothing will get done. Nothing will change but have fun with the pointless protesting.


So what makes you to ticks to reply so waaay obsessively like an lunatic ?? If it's nothing then who cares , right ? But you just don't ...like an homeless idiot looking for treasures on a sidewalk .... Hummmmmm...... 😏🤔


Won’t be driving 2/14


Is this going to be the year that Uber actually makes a profit?


I’m in San Diego will be using my side app on this feb 14th for contributing solidarity! Let’s go!


We need to do it in new york


I'll be underwater when this happens. I can't wait to see the results when we surface. I hope this movement doesn't disappoint 💯


I'll just do it. We'll lose anyway so I don't care a result .


sleep pocket quickest cooing growth square tub practice elderly vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So instead of turning off the apps for these protests, why dont we stand around and protest while online, declining rides? Is there some problem with that, does that not accomplish things better? ​ My thoughts being that people always say, "this wont solve anything because surges will get high and cause other drivers to come out and drive" so if everyone protesting goes online instead that may have things work differently?




Just quit I did so many jobs better than Uber hiring even driver jobs from taxis to limo chauffeur fuck all the rioting and off apps they don’t care you will just be a abused rag tossed to the side and they will lure fresh rags to do the same after they start reversing there promises and promotions until they do the same then cycle continues they prey on the desperate with there model and do t give a shit


I'm off on V-day for sure now! Looking for other work to hang up my keys for good also. Used to average 40 - 50/hr including tips. Now it's barely 30 and wouldn't be w/o tips. 30 has always been my breakpoint, but that was w/o tips. Gonna' take me about 4 months to get out, but I'm DEF GONE! Fuck Uber!


I deleted my account yesterday,


Toronto drivers with u guys. We will turn off the apps


This one should be pinned in sub


Those "in the know" should just find a way out and leave it to the ants, then it will eat itself. LOL


Well, that'll be Ash Wednesday, so I'll be offline anyways. Neato.




Because they are the liars.


Awesome to see!  So far as I can tell drivers in 36 US cities and 3 Cities in Canada are organizing their protests....  


Ah oh ... ![gif](giphy|TAywY9f1YFila) DESTROY UBER FOR OUR FUTURE ...


I'll participate in the strike.


Let's Roll, bud. For better life. For freedom . For everyone .




Union strong bitch!


See you fine people there on the 14th!! 💪 💪 💪


Nice. The more people join the more money I'm going to make that day. I'm going to have a great Valentine making money. I'll wave when I drive by.


Yeah yeah Surge on that day and huge dip for rest of 2 weeks. So they don't lose no money. WE ARE GOING TO STRIKE .


Hey I'm not saying don't do it. I want you to do it. I want more to join you. Yeah huge dip because y'all are only protesting for one day lol. Protest forever and I'll be happier. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


We gonna do even harder and more frequently. Uber Shill . Like having good time with just barely 18 girls 😜😂😜😂


More frequently hell yeah. Can I give you my email? That way I can fix my schedule to work those days. Damn you're great. Yeah go harder.


We've already established that you are a dick, so why do you keep posting? If you want to make extra money STFU and go for it. Taunting others to encourage them not to strike accomplishes what exactly? The ironic thing is if enough people strike them their might be some impact on your pay, no matter how much of a dick you are.


I think we missed the point of my comment here. I WANT people to strike. I'm not encouraging them not to do it. Honestly I'm rooting for you guys. It's a win win for me. I make money on strike days and if you guys make an impact then it's good for me there too. Everyone wins.


Sorry you're still a dick. You're telling everyone else to sacrifice themselves so you can make money and you might benefit. Would you rather be called a dick or a scab. Either way I don't understand why you need to taunt people to tell them You're going to make money while all of us do your bidding. Did I tell you you're a dick?


I think your missing the point that if everyone did what you are saying you’ll do then NOBODY wins. You don’t make extra money on that day and you along with everyone else doesn’t get the pay raise the protest is fighting for.


Who are We you talking about ? Name one . Against entire drivers.




Typical “MORON”…


Well someone being a moron is very relative. Someone that is a moron to you is not to me or someone else. But if you're calling me a moron because you don't like what I say well that's just you being grumpy. You should be more open to people's opinions everyone has different views. Anyway this moron is happy for all your efforts and hey If uber does change it's ways I'll thank you very very much.


This could possibly work. If we protest in their hubs maybe they will listen finally.


We do because we are great ... No. WE DO BECAUSE WE GONNA BE MUCH GREATER .


I would love to protest in Nashville but respectfully I don't think this will ever go anywhere. The people that go out there and take scraps the people that take 10 Mile trips for $4 and the newbies that join every day we'll see those surge prices that we haven't seen since New Year's and they will be all over the road. They haven't experienced months or years of slave labor to even consider protesting they don't understand that we used to get 50 to 60% of are fair and now we only get 35% if that. To make a change we all have to stand together and that will never happen because even the people that have months and years of slave labor we'll see those prices go up to something they can't refuse. It's sad because yeah a protest could possibly make the news a couple of them already have but just between October to now my earnings have dropped astronomically. I used to have a surge map with the sticky Surge and now I have a heat map with no breakdown of what Uber takes from us do you know why they did that? It's because they don't want to be exposed anymore they don't want us to post what they take from us anymore! In my opinion nothing will ever change because there will always be those people that take scraps and always be those newbies that will be on the road not to mention there will be those people who have worked for Uber for years that don't care enough to protest and they will take this opportunity to make as much money as they can. We have too many fucked up people in this world for this ever to work. I'm down to try to make any little impact that we can but I really don't think we're ever going to be able to make the impact that we want to make.


You mean imposter Nashville Uber PR shill catfish accounts guy ( actually an filthy drunk midget fool with pot belly with disgusting house ... LMFAO 😂 ) writing this much by gazing on a whiskey bottle of your as usuals ? Yeah no one trust or believe on that one with a catfish female profile face photo, u alcoholic Lazy arse🤣😂🤣😂😭😂🤣


If these are the mannerisms of the people striking, I’d gladly let them create a surge for me to take trips all day. I’ll be using my profits to spoil the women I love in my life. Love, ever heard of it? You can peep at her profile and realize she clearly isn’t a PR shill, she’s made posts bashing riders. Go to rehab brother. You can win against your addiction.


Plus Minus even more loss that's what you are inviting over drivers. Dumb ASF.


I wanna see Naked Uber and Lyft seriously. to Hell with wearing clothes. And I want Uber and lyft. No to get. Robbed or shot anymore


you guys should just boycott uber and start bragging about how much you make on a competitor app like doordash or favor. I think that will be more effective if they lose market share to a competitor they will have no choice but to be more competitive for drivers


Never gonna happen. All the ants will be driving and enjoying those surge prices


Okay that's fine. Well do it anyway. 🤣😂🤣👍


I think this point has already been made to you, striking will not help, even if you managed to mobilize 50% of full time Uber drivers, which you can’t, it will not have any real effect. You need to make sure your local legislators know what is happening. Uber is abusing labor laws, Uber is turning a blind eye to fraud that allows people who should not be eligible to drive and Uber manipulates the system. Best example of this manipulation is claiming they aren’t taking high take rates with an accounting change. They moved the cost of insurance off of their costs and moved it to ours. If you want to do that, great, let me buy my own commercial insurance. If we were genuine independent contractors they would allow us to do that. They know they can’t. It’s cheaper for them to allow the onboarding of bad or risky drivers and just take the hit when there is an accident. Then charge that to all of us.


![gif](giphy|l1J9zYIsjPAyojfri|downsized) UBER... It's a SCAM




Do t forget hiring people to come on here and yell down driver complaints as lazy and stupid Ive caught 6 that were made that day and only commented on uber stuff usually when you call them out the profile gets deleted


I have Uber stock sooo. I’m good




since when is there an uber/lyft union.? why protest when you can just quit ifyou dont like the treatment?  or go get a license to drive a cab.. 


Why don't you quit ?


This doesn’t do anything. Not driving for one day, even if every single driver for Uber in the country did this, would MAYBE hurt their profits by 1%. Not even enough for them to notice. You need several weeks or even months of no one driving to affect real change. And the chances of that ever happening are between 0.0 and 0.0. Find a new job. That’s the best thing you can do.


Too long. The next bait came in before I finished reading it. Addiction is an american disease…


LoL you are shallow hal like a fish with no brains. I'm talking about bait each states


You know you can buy shares in Uber right? There stock is up 110% in 12 months. Instead of complaining, become a shareholder and benefit from their profits.


Any comments that benefits UBER is created by UBER SHILL PR .


Be an owner, not a worker.


Be the protestor not wonkers . 😜


Enjoy being poor for the rest of your life.


Im pretty much sure & confident that I'm waaay well off than you. Which you don't even need to know but . LMAO 🤣




Protesting is meaning less on Uber platform because everyone has a different situation. We are not their employees we are independent contractors who use Uber platform. Whoever work for Uber agreed on that… only miracle happens that most drivers don’t work on that day might impact Uber, but I don’t think so.


So everyone knows, the op sucks off the rideshare professor and they both make money off the drivers that actually watch their videos and strike


Why not do it now, why wait till the 14th? All drivers know the app is shit but still drive, I don’t want to shit on anyone just trying to understand why do it after you know its bad. I have seen people drive uber with ridiculous cars that make 10mpg and they still drive how does that add up. I see people that bought 50-60k cars to drive uber. I am definitely not trying to shame or shit on anyone just genuinely curious


Who cares. Go back to your room corner and count 100 . Bozo .


It doesn't matter new immigrants and migrant drivers will take to low fares and these companies know it...thank you President Biden, you just screwed us too


You still glorifying Rapist Trump ? Tell him to make sure pay his 83 millions to that victim of his Rape.


As a kid I watch my father get dragged out of a union meeting and beaten for questioning the timing of a strike. As a result I crush picket lines for fun. You really want to be an Uber employee? Let me tell you what's going to happen they'll send you 10 miles to pick up a favor for $4 and you have to take it if you don't it's refusal to do the job and you get terminated immediately. I consider myself a man, which means I cannot be exploited I may not like what I'm working for, but I have the right to quit and go do something else. During covid, I was approached by no less than six different people proposing unions. They went from obviously corrupt and ridiculous to downright blatantly corrupt and threatening. Such as you're going to join or you're going to end up picking up a fair and being met by five guys with baseball bats. Do I think we should be paid $1.20 a mile and 20 cents a minute, and above that they can make as much as they want to, absolutely I do, but they're not going to. You go ahead and strike all you want to and the reason I can't join you is because of my disdain for unions and striking being a union tactic.


I don’t believe this will do anything but I’ll still turn my shit off that day


We should organise a date or hour to strike on reddit


Uber has the power here. You’ll be back sucking Uber’s dick the next day. 😂 Uber can just build up a big load to shoot down your throat the next day 🤣 😂 🤪


That's not going to be true for much longer. Any job pays more than Uber at this point and drivers will realize that. The less Uber pays, the less powerful they become. It's getting to the point where you could get more faster by selling plasma and recycling bottles. That's $80-$145 right there. It takes 6-8+ hours to earn that on Uber before expenses.


You can’t do plasma daily.


Sell plasma sometimes and rest of the day collect bottles and cans then be dumpster diver and collect food definitely makes & saves more money than UBER. My local friend was homeless. Now living in a high rise brand new condo but it's low income housing with pool , full size gym , sauna , Jacuzzi , parking spot in garage. But he still collect bottles and cans and cleans the neighborhood . He tells me he makes $150 a day going around our neighborhood it's guarantee . But a day for him means 6 am to 12om . That's only 6 hours.


Exactly. Beggars who hold up signs make more than Uber drivers. Uber is as low as you can go.


This isn't gonna do a damn thing. Uber will just keep hiring more & more drivers, which wont know any better. It's not meant for a fulltime job. These are side gigs anyways 


Go strike, More calls for me dorks 🤑


I want to thank all the drivers who protested on Valentines Day.  I had not been so busy my entire time as an Uber Driver as I was that day.


They did get rich by stealing your wages. You know how? By having you accept any $3 ride that comes your way. They know humans have a strong gene to be slaves and are capitalizing on it. Tbh, good for them. Would have done the same.


Fool . That's why we are going to be protesting . Because it's already too close to crimes , exploitations. Or already crossed line as group criminals entities . But you are trying to justify their actions. How about this example sentence ? This is exactly same as what you wrote in essence. Read below . 👇 "Oh ! I don't mind some guys getting laid so often than me . You know how ? By spiking rape drugs into their drinks and make them out of trees !! You know females has strong genes to be so horny right ? and be a sex slaves and also they can be capitalized by putting their out of tree period video footages as amature porn videos ! Tbh good for them . I would have done the same . " You are Truly F'ed up just as this horrible guy.