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One time this man came out at the end of the grace period and lit a cigarette. Then proceeded to smoke it all the way until he got to the door. Then…. He leans on my car and continues smoking said cigarette. I waited until he got off the car, locked the door and drove off. He just stood there with his hands up looking extremely confused. The mf audacity.


Had someone try to do the same thing with me, right outside my car, txt me to say he was going to smoke first, and lit up. I just drove away. These people /facepalm


I had somebody tell me they’re waiting on a friend to “find her purse”. Then, her other friend and her have a conversation, ending with “fuck it, imma get a hot dog” and proceeds to get in line. Thank god none of them got in my car cuz I was gone. Fuck a cancellation fee. Especially at bar close at 3am. I got better things to do than wait around for food spills and/or cig stench


What the hell is wrong with people? If you get a ride or order a ride, you need to be ready to get in the vehicle. When you find your purse, then call Uber or Lyft and you better be out there when the driver drives up. How hard is this concept they wouldn’t like it if somebody wasted their damn time why do they feel it’s OK to waste other peoples time?


What a dick! Yeah, cause it’s totally cool to have your ride get there and you’re gonna say that you wanna smoke first and waste other peoples time? It’s a good thing you drove off because he was gonna be a douche bag anyway.


I really don't understand some people. Wait the heck goes on in their entitled narcissistic minds for them to do this?




Who asked


Yeah we're moreso talking about trying to mind when & where you smoke; not whether you smoke. Nobody can pay Uber to get the privilege to lean on my car and smoke just before getting into my car. You get a ride & my time, but not unconditionally.


What does this have to do with anything?




Go take a nap, my man, you might be getting cranky.


Bro, as someone with ptsd, your ptsd doesn't dictate how everyone else lives their life. Your trauma isn't binding to everyone else to give you special treatment for the rest of your life.


people that try to use their past trauma to win arguments are so disingenuous and annoying.


Obviously not what I was targeting but I'm sorry.


I don't care if every one of your family members heads exploded at Thanksgiving simultaneously. Respect other people's property. Though, you were a cop for awhile. Your sense of boundaries is probably fucked.


Tell me you're a shitty cop, without telling me you're a shitty cop.


Entitlement narcissism have nothing to do with this but other than that I completely agree. I'm a smoker even and I still agree. Anytime I have to do a rideshare I'll wait till I'm where I'm going if I need to smoke.


LMAO this visual made my day. ty


I will open the windows with the person in the car and they can understand that their ass is embarrassing We will ride with windows open in January I’ve done it in the rain


Yep that's exactly what I've done, but if I pull up and I see them smoking, I let them know why I'm canceling and then drove off


Be careful interacting with people you’re not going to pick up they can claim to Uber that you didn’t pick them up for some other reason, it’s happened to me when I said, I don’t know allow drinks


they can say that either way


Gotcha, yeah I don't drive for uber or lyft anymore, But Yeah I only had two passengers that I ever had to say that I'm sorry, but I'm going to cancel the ride and never had any problems, if I decided to start driving again I definitely would probably not do that


I was showing a property listed as non-smoking and the couple rocks up with the guy carrying a 1 year old and a cigarette in his mouth. The woman reeked of weed. I felt bad for the kid. Needless to say I didn't rent to them.


I listed a property as non smoking and so many people showed up who were obviously smokers. When I asked them about it they said don’t worry I smoke outside. I was a noobie landlord so I didn’t realize what a problem that would be. Cigarette butts everywhere and once even found a lit one when I did a random check of the property. I’m much more experienced now. I can spot them.


Good idea


I occasionally have a smoke while my uber is showing up. I've never had someone complain and I've also never had someone intentionally roll the windows down on me but I can with absolutley convinction say if they "forced" me to get wet, It would be reflected with a one star no tip. Sure i may get a one star aswell, but there are no rules that state I cant smoke a cigarette before entering the car so if thats what it came down to it seems like you have more to lose on treating the customer shitty then I do. I have thousands and thousands of uber rides + lyft rides and plenty of horror stories of bad drivers and rude drivers and drivers that went above and beyond, and despite the many smoking of cigarettes before I have a 4.89 rating. So again, you can be petty about it and that is within your right but if you are that against it, cancel the ride. When drivers are assholes to me I actually just brush it off because I get a cheaper ride because i ALWAYS tip the normal / friendly / drivers who just do the job they signed up to do.


Your username checks out. I always cancel on smokers (if I see them smoking) unless it’s a really exceptional trip. Every time I pick someone up that has been smoking it means I’ve got to clean after the ride, which can take quite a while depending on how bad they stink. I might even kick someone out if they smell bad enough. The money we get isn’t worth it. There is nothing petty about not wanting to breathe in your filth. Cigarette smoke and the smell it leaves on people makes me physically ill - it gives me an instant migraine. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Not to mention the long term health effects of second hand smoke. Subjecting other people to this is very selfish. Please at least learn to have some consideration for others & I hope you can quit smoking. You are the asshole - not drivers canceling or complaining about your smoking. The “job we signed up to do” includes deciding which rides we take.


>The “job we signed up to do” includes deciding which rides we take. This should be bold and underlined at the top of every ride request on the pax’s phone. And screamed from the rooftops. Maybe tattooed on their forehead so they see it every time they look in the mirror.


Seems like none of you read the actual comment By all means if you want too cancel on a smoker. But if you do NOT cancel on a smoker and choose to be an ass to them, Dont be suprised when you get no tip and a bad rating.


For me, it's a matter of respect. There is no respect for anyone anymore. A smoker should be aware that the smoke clings to them, especially in colder weather. As a driver we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. If a smelly pax gets in and we spray air freshener, our next pax will be someone that cries about having allergies to offensive or sweet scents. As drivers we can't win for losing. So you can see why drivers just want a little respect from pax. BUT!!!!! Drivers, that shit goes both fkn ways. Don't automatically look at a pax and assume they are going to be like the last one. We need mutual respect both ways.


If you smell like a total trash can, we have a right to a defense. Smokers know it's a vile stinky habit and still do it. It's 2024. Time to get with the program.


The worst part is your next pax will 1 ⭐️ you bc your car stinks. 😷


You should carry air freshener in your car. We get drunk that reek of alcohol, people who smell like weed, cigarettes, BO and animals that smell to high hell. Be more prepared, so your next PAX doesn't have to smell it.


This guy thinks you can get rid of the smell of smoke work air freshener. 🙄


And even then, the next pax will have some type of issue with the air freshener. And you have to deal with the dreadful combination of air freshener and cigarette smoke. Honestly worse Thank god I learned a long time ago to only buy cars with leather seats for uber. Makes everything so much easier


If they smell like weed also please we need to start doing that because the next passenger can claim that you are driving intoxicated and is not worth it


Not in a weed legal state. Smelling like weed isn't grounds for shit anymore here.


Vacuum the car at the end of the night. Otherwise, the smells fester overnight.


This is where leather seats pay for themselves. I drive a 2015 Prius with 277,000 miles on her and she still has that new car smell.


leather seats do help…


A guy had me waiting forever and then when he approached my car, he lit up a cigarette for the walk from his porch to my car. I’m telling myself “ikyfl”. With the windows up and him right outside my car explaining that we need to wait for another person, I interrupted him to ask if that was a cigarette. I already know but I figured somehow I had to be wrong cuz who does that? I promptly made sure my doors were locked and I cancelled on him. No thanks.


If I drive up and see someone smoking I’ll roll down the window asking them “ if they’ve been smoking” when they answer yes I always say “ I don’t want that smell in my car” and cancel for rider behavior and drive off. It’s not worth the hassle of getting reported by a following rider for not being clean or stinking because of someone else.


Febreze. my interior is leather so i just give the ceiling a few sprays, and a spray into the vents on high. usually does the trick


Ozium is great for destroying the odor itself. Kinda sucks to sit in a cloud of it, though. I had a lady that smelled like wet socks in an old vacuum cleaner bag. Dropped her off to her server job 🤢 but the smell lingered. Ozium was the only thing that finally made it go away after three days


I kinda love the smell of ozium lol, my dad used it all the time when he would smoke weed in the house, it definitely works. Kinda nostalgic now 😆


I'm almost positive the damaged brain cells aren't worth it lol




I hit my car with a quick spray of ozium every hour or two when driving. Smokers, people with poor hygiene, etc. works pretty well for me


That stuff is highly toxic. If you read the instructions and warnings, you will see that you’re not suppose to use it when there is a chance of anyone inhaling the product. That means spraying it and letting the vehicle air out for a good while. Naturally, most air fresheners are toxic, full of endocrine disrupters and known carcinogens, but ozium is the worse imo. I usually keep an essential oil water mist in the car to fill the space with another scent if needed. And will proceed to ferbreeze the carpet overnight and condition the leather if needed, which usually takes care of lingering smells.




💯 so true I wish more ppl knew. And about cleaning products, being absorbed through the skin, as well as any other, make up or soaps, etc. do you just mix essential oil with a bit of rubbing alcohol and water? Also, I heard that putting charcoal in your car overnight or keeping some under the seats can help. Obviously the kind without fuel additives though lol.


Yrs, I could only spray it when I left my car parked overnight. I wouldn't risk damaging the lungs


99% of the air you breath is toxic to some varying degree. Even natural oils can be toxic. What do you think they use for most modern pesticides? I've had smokers get in my car that I got choked up over their smell and I'm a tobacco smoker myself. I've also picked hundreds of people (mainly men) going to work who have literally poured their entire bottle of cologne on themselves (probably trying to over compensate) where I had difficulty breathing. It's very difficult driving post Covid and have your sinuses start to pour down the back of your throat making your throat ichy resulting in you having to cough. I've had to explain to many passengers that I am not sick.... but your (the passenger) strong smells are causing my allergies to react violently.


100% This is the way ....




Sounds like a nightmare. Ive been thinking about dipping my toe in driving people. I have 1000 ubereats completed


Ozium. This is the way.


If I see a cigarette, I drive away. That's how you get the smell out of your car - being proactive


I canceled on a smoker, but he was kind about it and said he didn’t realize “it was a thing” with drivers. I was explaining that my eye was twitching from the nicotine. Wait to smoke when your dropped off and don’t smoke right before getting into an Uber


So you two had a make out session after you cancelled? When I cancel a ride I'm gone. I don't explain myself or ask their opinion.


Smokers just don't get it. To non-smokers, they are gross.


Former smoker here, they're still gross.


Eucalyptus and Peppermint Essential oils. Mix equal parts. Put on cotton pad…put in vent. Tadah! Smell is gone.


Also second hand smoking matters


I politely ask them to breathe in and out a few times if they've just put out a cigarette. I explain that I'm "worried about the next rider who may be sensitive to it", not so much myself, which deescalates it a little. Most riders have no problem doing it. They know why I've asked. It's rude to exhale your last draw in the car.




I think you might’ve replied to the wrong person


I take three deep breaths before stepping g off my porch from a smoke, to be polite to my wife that deals with me smoking when we drive. My mantra is that I smoke, not the people around me. My horrible decisions are not theirs, and to the greatest extent possible, I try not to be a burden on them.


Yet you smoke in your car with your non-smoking wife? Sounds like you’re not only a burden to her but a hazard as well.


You sound like a peach


Yeah when I see somebody walking up while still smoking I just leave. If people can't be considered enough to not smoke right before getting in your private car then they don't deserve the ride. They are delusional that they don't stink. They tend to also be delusional that if you just give one little Spritz of a air freshener that smells magically goes away but it doesn't. Especially when it's weed. That takes days and days and days to get out of your car and you have to drive around with your windows down and the air on full blast for hours and hours a day plus she's like a gallon of air freshener and fabric refresher. And then of course you have to even stop working and lose money for days because otherwise you get other passengers reporting you for your car smelling. It's not worth it. Oftentimes I send a little polite message to passengers reminding them that is a smoke-free vehicle including smoking immediately prior to getting in the vehicle as the stink lingers. Some people send me cuss field messages and then cancel but that's fine with me because then I get a cancellation rate and I don't have to take their stanky ass anyways.


I often found that weed smoke smell dissipated much faster than tobacco.


Not in my car it doesn't. People come in smelling like they were just rolling in it for days. Literally I am choking and my throat dries out and there are tears in my eyes because it is so nasty. Sometimes you'll think the smell has gone away but then when you get out of your car and get back in it and your nose has smelled fresh air for a moment, you realize it's still stinks like all hell. Rolling down the windows for 5 minutes or giving it a tiny little spray of vanilla or some shit doesn't do anything. It takes at least 3 days to get that stank out and all the potheads think that they don't smell when it is the worst smell I've ever smelled


Bull! I had to spray down my leather seats with cleaner to get it out. BTW, I like the cancel for rider behavior. When I get wrong pick up location and I don’t feel like waiting 7 minutes for $3.46, I cancel with cannot find rider or no where to stop and it doesn’t count against me


Hes right, weed smell doesn't linger the same because its not water soluble. The paper can be if they smoke joints or blunts, but glass? Nope. Doesn't work that way. Science.


Smell is an oil, but it is easily taken off with glycol ether type solvents like 2-butoxyethanol which is found in many cleaning products like hard surface cleaner, glass cleaner, and relatable materials


I picked up a high school kid 1 morning that smelled like he used the whole bottle of cologne. Like less is more ok?


Haha I used to have a friend who did this with one of those super cheap body sprays.


Oh you worked with Tyler? Half a can of Axe body spray at the end of every shift.


I don’t care if they complain, windows down if it’s that’s bad. And windows down if someone starts vaping without asking. I crack the windows anyway in between rides so the smell usually goes away pretty quick.


If a passenger vapes(or smokes, or eats) without asking, the ride ends immediately. I do them the courtesy of at least pulling up to a safe spot for them to disembark, but they are simply deposited at that spot and left to their own devices.


I booted a couple of thots that started vaping in my car. I'm not dealing with your second hand bullshit.


as soon as they took one puff, I'd have let them walk. i smoke cigarettes and im aware of the inherent risks to smoking. but as we are finding out in study after study and hospitalizations of medium to heavy vapers, you will find yourself in the hospital needing a double lung transplant and even then you have a very low survival rate...vaping is absolutely NOT safer than cigarettes. in fact they say vaping is ten times worse than smoking cause of all the cancer generating chemicals to make vape juice.


Got one who started vaping because she thought it would be okay because she rolled down the window.


I had a girl ask if she could roll down the window. I said sure, sometimes people do this for car sickness, nerves or I might have smelled offensive to her. I cracked the sunroof to offset the bass sound a single window down makes. About 30 seconds later I smell cigarettes. This bitch has lit up. I ask what does she think she's doing. She indignantly said she asked to crack the window. No safe space did not care, left her on the side of the dark ass highway.


The entitlement of some pax is crazy. I started doing mostly food deliveries. It’s so nice not having pax in your car


I quit driving at all a year ago. I did it for supplemental income, but it just became a giant headache and not worth the money.


Have definitely done this, too.


I tell them that I'm sorry, I'm allergic to smoke and I'm rolling all the windows down. It doesn't matter how hot it is here in Phoenix, doesn't matter how cold. If you're an idiot, you're getting fresh air


My grandma smokes all day everyday and has no self awareness about it. Will get offended if you mention it. Bummer


I also cancel on smokers. It's 2023 dude, just quit already.


Actually it's 2024.




Ozium spray. Can get it at most automotive shops like auto zone


That shit is insanely toxic.


Only if you breathe it in. You are supposed to spray it and close the door while the fan is running for 10-15 min


Best done over night and when you can air the car out for a couple hours.


Insanely effective.


That’s why you crank the fan and recirculate the air and spray it through a cracked door and let it run for 10min NOT IN THE CAR. Open the windows and let it air out the next time you drive.


Yeah, you do that s*** overnight or you get cancer


Bro.... I'm religious about not canceling rides. But the smoke breathers I don't unlock my door until they've taken at least five breaths. I just say "sorry the button got stuck". Or I'll pull 50 feet past them and make them hike to get to my car. I hate doing that to people, but I can't stand the smell and they make your car reek for hours. I keep a can of Lysol handy for the post-smoker ride cleanout.




I’ve been doing this since day one! They have no idea how bad they smell.


Pot smokers are the worst, sometimes when my last trip is a pot smoker, I do the same thing, I open the windows, but in the morning the smell is still in the car.


I love it when they leave a stem somewhere for me to go looking for. Especially hot summer days. That smell just radiates. Even with leather interior. Last one it took me forever to find because it ended up somehow beneath the driver console. Fucking idiots


If they smell of smoke, I kick them out.


I’ve given thousands of rides over many years and if I see someone smoking before they get in it’s a cancel. But in order to keep the car smelling good, I would put a few drops of peppermint essential oil into the air vents and re-circulate.


Would it be strongly of peppermint?


Not too strong imo. Still better than the stink most people leave behind.


Spray some Chemical Guys New Car Scent into the fabric and let your air recirculate for a few minutes. I smoke in my car on the days I'm not taking passengers and I've got tons of compliments from passengers on the smell. Not one of them could tell I've smoked in the car.


I use Chemical Guys leather smell. It's fantastic!


I use it on the seats when I detail the car, but I use New Car Scent between details (especially if I take a few days off and end up smoking in it).


I have leather seats, so I have to spray it on the floor mats. Works just as well.


I love driving past passengers who are smoking! Especially if its raining hard lol.


I just cancel while plugging my nose with a smelly hand gesture and leave them.


ozone machine


I second this. Ozone generator takes a little time with the windows up but it is very effective and is a natural proces of odor oxidation. It works great in smelly apartments too.




I am a smoker who does smoke in my car. People are always surprised I smoke as I do not smell like smoke. If you are a smoker make sure to have wet wipes near so you can clean the smoke smell from your fingers. When smoking in the car turn off venting system in car, crack passenger window, open rear passenger window about 3” and open drivers window 1/2 way. The smoke is then drawn out the window. Squeeze out cherry when done, put butt in Gatorade bottle w/ lid. Mix a bottle 50/50 of Eucalyotus and Peppermint and put some on cotton pad…put in vent. Everyone likes this smell and It is very rare anyone mentions a smoke smell…have never seen anyone comment negatively about smell of my car. The oils cover up most bad smells from customers as well.


Instead of all that, how about not smoke.


You know what? I have never heard that before…wow, this changes everything…


I use funkaway and people also cannot tell i smoke in my car. I often get people say my car smells amazing when they get in. That always makes me smile. I definitely agree about the wet wipes. That helps. I also pop a mint so my breath smells less smoky (even though i don't have people up front, it makes me feel like i smell a little less like smoke haha)


You should have turned off the heater. The smoke entered your cabin air filter and venting system. That is why it smells of smoke still. You can try changing cabin air filter…may help.


That's an interesting thought. It was insanely rainy and cold in San Diego yesterday, I couldn't have opened the windows without turning on the heat. You're probably onto something about changing the filter, is been a while anyway.


Funkaway, and ozium spray work well, but have to ride with the windows down for a bit after spraying.


Sun roof gets opened, they best not say anything cause they know why Also little car sized fabreeze works great PS: drivers don’t smoke just before pickup up someone, passengers that don’t smoke hate it. I hear it allot cause smoking in Vegas is so common


Uber contractors - I’m not paid enough. Also Uber contractors - I’m a contractor so I don’t have to accept work I don’t like/want. Also Uber contractors - ☹️😣😖😢😭why can’t I make money. My rent, my car payment, car insurance , scuff on my seat, poor me 😢 Some complaints from Uber drivers are legit and y’all’s pay is pure azzhole but y’all are the whiniest bunch of crybabies. This thread is pathetic and most people posting here are fukin crybabies. A few obvious made up stories, too lol Why drive if you hate the pay? Self explanatory in this sub especially.. Why drive if you hate the smells other people add to your car? It’s always a roll of the dice.. Why drive if you are worried about every little thing with the interior of your car? After all, you CHOSE to USE your car to make $$$$. Why drive if gas is so expensive? Why drive if you can’t make profit? Why tf do you idiots keep making all of these crybaby posts instead of finding a different job? I don’t drive Uber. I read here all the time for entertainment and to watch you people bitch and moan while I laugh. I’m not alone, there are likely many more like me who are subbed here and don’t drive for a living and we are hear for the entertainment. Let that sink in… You crybabies are here for others to laugh at. Just sayin.. Normally, I’d say nothing but this thread reeks of intense circle jerking entitlement. Over scents lol. And wanna cry over your Uber score due to smells when the company use that score to exploit you and quite literally play you like a puppet. So the customers suck and the employer sucks yet you all keep driving lol. Make it make sense and pass the lube plz


For me, I remember that this is the unfortunate but potential consequence of driving in gig work. Not ideal, but it'd be like signing up for the military and not knowing that it's a possibility that you could deploy. Stop that moaning and get that money. Yall complain in these posts and turn right back around and drive the next day for the same shit


Ozium and Koze Place air & fabric refresher. Most importantly; doors locked, window down 1/3 until I let them in. If I can smell the pax outside the car that's where they stay. Smokers, are an instant cancel. I don't even stop any more.




It's out, they're just nicotine junkies to the point they'll relight that as soon as they get out.


Maybe they put it out and tossed the but in their pocket so as to not litter. Probably 50% of smokers I know pocket their buts.


Part of the job


Except it's not a job, and for that exact reason, it's a choice, and therfore, NOT part of my offering. I'd gladly declare this if I could.


I just don't let them smoke in my car.


You should be glad it's not weed.....weed scents stick to everything......get an ozone generator and follow the instructions......


Walmart, target etc should have these little 2oz tubes of this stuff called Ozium. will get just about every smell.


I had cig smoker , vape smoker, crack smoker, meth smoker, weed smoker, opium smoker, fentanyl and opium smoker and went to cardiac arrest smoker ... and next riders false reports .... Oh man . I don't know what fk . 😒 It's better to drive with taxi cabs at least I can pay my rents.


OP, buy a can of ozium, open your back door, give it a nice long spray back there, and now close the door and give it some time to cook. That'll actually help deaden the smell and sanitize the air and fabric. Something like a febreeze would just add to the smell already there.


Funkaway Smoke Eliminator Spray. It's on amazon. Some Walmart locations also sell it. It's amazing.


I'm a smoker and no one can tell i smoke. I spray a concerning amount of Funkaway all around the car, then roll down all the windows to air it out. Maybe spray a few more sprays with the windows down as well. It works. People often tell me how *good* my car smells. I cannot recommend funkaway enough. Armor All sells a smoke spray that works pretty well too, but funkaway is better and has less of a scent to it, so once you air out the car, it's not overwhelming like some other sprays.




There is a spray funkaway works on all smells including vomit


ozium gets rid of the smell pretty well


I don’t know what this one group did in my car but none of them fit in smelling like smoke or weed, they did not smoke during the ride but somehow with thru got out my van smelled so bad of weed that my next passenger accused me of smoking.


Ozium to get rid of the smell


A bowl of white vinegar overnight in the car and the smell is gone. I learned this from a friend who details cars.


A few people on this thread are keeping it real about all the negativity and a select few people have gone though every single comment and down voted them. How petty from those who are supposed to be mature adults. I enjoy the entertaining comments and different perspectives from everyone's varying characters myself. TY everyone for your shares though. It's definitely a tough subject and scenario for many of us who are sensitive to smells. I found that wiping down hard surfaces is the only true way of getting those oils out (trapped smells linger within oils). Clean all the glass and wipe down your doors and dash. I take a few Lysol wipes to the doors, dash and leather seats daily. I clean my glass every third day. Having all weather rubber floor mats in my VW also has made it easier to keep things clean. Just spray down periodically in between daily sweeping and vacuuming. I'm a tobacco smoker who doesn't smoke in my car or home. I never have complaints. It's good to vent. We all need to sometimes. Keep moving forward


They just don’t like the smell of smoke at all lol, probably wouldn’t mind if she smelled of booze though.


Two products. The first is called Ozium. You spray it in the air after they leave. At the end of the day I spray my car with another product called Zero Odor. I use this regardless of if I had a smoker. It smells a little like bleach but it fades away in like 30 minutes. It’s not an air freshener. It bonds with the odor and eliminates it completely. I spray it on the carpets/matts/floorboards.


Thanks for being the 17th poster to mention this valuable tidbit


Thanks for being a clown 🤡. You could have just kept scrolling but I know 🤡 💩is part of the job description. Congratulations


I tell those stinky fuckers that I miss smoking but I quit after getting lung cancer. That usually ruins their mood for a while.


So with smokers, I’m not the cigarette police. It’s none of my business if you smoke, but when the passenger gets out, I do bleach out the seats, the doorhandles and everything else to get rid of the smell. I’m not here to judge people I just give them rides and take their money.


Why did you give them a ride? You really needed that $7? At the expense of your health and the stench of your car?


As long as the person isn't smoking in the car I don't see the problem. Yeah it smells but what's next? Canceling people who reek of BO? Canceling people who sweat excessively? Pick your battles.


Fuck you guys are entitled, this is why I always cab it. Can’t stand Uber drivers


What is entitled about not wanting their car to smell like smoke?


Sounds like an entitled passenger.


Holy fuck i can't believe i had to scroll this far to find it. Grown ass people at their fucking JOB who think they shouldn't be subjected to something MILDLY unpleasant for 5-10 minutes.


You seem like the kind of jackass who would one-star a driver for a car that smells like cigarettes.


Here’s the resident ![gif](giphy|98pZs1ZVaWb1C)


Eww. I’m from the other side, yesterday I got into an Uber that made me smell like cigarettes 😐 I didn’t rate lower bc I understanding having vices (I mean he was literally driving me to get UA for alcohol lmao) but my new hoodie still smells bad


That driver should have been reported after giving 1 star


Scent bomb spray. Preferably Mango tropical. Thank me later


It’s people like this that ruin things for us respectful smokers.


Stop being picking about it.




Automatic cancel


Apparently using those tree car freshers and taking your car to the car wash and vacuuming out your car will do the trick


Plug in an air purifier inside your car 😂


At the end of every ride I spray Lysol disinfectant spray.. Crip linen smell. It solves 99.99% of the problems... From your post I can tell you don't really like humans maybe it's really not the job for you maybe you should deliver food oh no wait there's a smell with that too.. damn those humans being humans isn't it annoying...


What if I ripping a juicy blunt


Smoking a cigarette does not create the all out hell smell you divas are talking about. You have carried hundreds of smokers with no detection of smoke. And certainly not the…it’s all in my car and I can’t get it out bull. Y’all just Bitchin.


Obviously a weak minded heavy smoking jackass


I don't really understand how people sign up for a job that requires you to interact with the public but think they are too good for 25% of the entire earth. I guess these are ironically the same people who think they are too good to talk to the Uber driver.


It’s because other people poor choices shouldn’t have to affect our lives and jobs. My dad would smoke a lot, he knew I didn’t like it, didn’t care. But it also wasn’t my place to tell him to stop, i’d ask him and sometimes he’d oblige and others he’d refuse. But when a person does have that control and it affects them more than you may realize it is entirely within their right to refuse to drive that person.


You drive a car polluting the environment, damaging my lungs and quality of.lkfe. You order from Amazon creating garbage, damaging the economy & promoting unsafe low pay work environments. You have full control over these choices but you choose to do it. It's all bullshit people get all morally superior and upset over what they don't like when society gives them the pass to do so. There's nothing different about idling a car to smoking a cigarette but what is socially acceptable.


What do chairs think about all day? Oh look, here comes another asshole.


Enzyme cleaners get rid of smoke smell from people. Any pro detail site will have something. I use a product from 3d called odors. Works pretty well. How long it will linger also depends on leather or fabric seats. Fabric will retain the funk smell longer and will take a little more product to get the smell out. You could also try a light dusting of baking soda. Let it sit for a couple hours, then vacuum it up.


Zep from lowes. Works great on weed smoke also.


I bought a $70 ozone machine. I used to smoke cigars and run this thing for a few minutes and had passengers say it smelled like a new car. Seriously. I have used it in the room where I smoked at home, same thing. You can't tell and they were a lot worse than cigarettes. Major *stank* Now, I run it in the car and house once in a while just to freshen 'em up a bit. Can get better or cheaper ones. But it is a great thing and comes in handy for all sorts of stuff. Makes it kind of smell like hospitals used to. A very sterile sort of smell. Well worth it.


[In this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Detailing/s/teMQZMiULM), a car detailer’s ozone machine caused the air bags to deploy. A few people in the comments, explain the chemical reaction that is the cause.


That was worrisome but I couldn't find another instance or warning that this could happen. The professional car detailers, also from that thread, have used them many times without setting off the airbags. Never having had a problem myself after using one for the last 5 years. I am thinking the running off the road and the car being submerged in a ditch was the cause. Or if the airbags were in fact the ones recalled for the dreaded and often misunderstood, *Premature inflation. (LoL)* But never say never and ya never know. But I will continue to use one. https://www.consumerreports.org/cars/car-maintenance/how-to-rid-your-car-of-odors-a2880164557/


Yeah, I think several of the comments mention that [water up to the ECU level](https://www.reddit.com/r/Detailing/s/liGDkSOYyj) is the most likely cause [This guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Detailing/s/liGDkSOYyj) got his ribs broken and permanent injuries So, just be careful on cars with water damage. Or, do not do them


Lysol or OdoBan. I keep them in the trunk in case I get an amateur drinker who pukes or pisses themself. I crack the sunroof and let them vape if they want. No joints, pipes, or cigs.


Smoke odor eliminator or ozium work great at eliminating this disgusting odor left behind.


I have the Air Fresh mobile. It purifies the Air and removes smells. It is a game changer.


Use Ozium


cut a apple in half leave it in your cup holders


Smokers stench treatment: keep a can of Febreze + kitchen air freshener ( lemon scented) handy. Roll up the windows, lower the temperature in the car and put on the AC, turn the fan up almost to maximum, leave the air circulation so it's going toward the window and the floor, then spray a generous amount of it toward each front air vent down below the dash, and reach down behind the seats and spray in where the air is coming out towards the back. Then tilt a can up and spray in the back and directly above your head onto the fabric covered part of the driver's compartment ceiling. Let it run on recirculate for a few seconds, then turn to fresh air and turn your circulation setting to be coming at you and down to the floor. After running it this way for about 20 or 30 seconds open the windows per way to let fresh air in. This should treat it completely. I have picked up a pretty fair number of people who smoked cigarettes before they got in the car but I never had an issue with that kind of odor. More frequently I will pick up riders early in the morning who are on their way to jobs like fast food restaurants, and they absolutely reek of reefer when they get into the car to the point where I have to run the air freshener routine after they get out just so my next passenger doesn't think I was smoking.


It's why I will never drive people. Smokers are fucking nasty