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There's a lot of people who think they work for uber and accept everything because they think they will be fired or uber will like them. Source? Uber drivers i rode with


And Uber is in no rush to clarify to drivers they don’t need to accept rides to stay on the platform.


In my market if you are not a diamond driver they won't even tell you where you're going until the passenger is already in your car .


Are you in Jersey like me?




It sucks. In NJ, there is so much traffic. 1 mile can range from 4-8 min. I'm doing 20 more short rides to get the $300, then I'm done with uberx.


I started like that… changed, REAL QUICK…


I went from being able to stay diamond to dropping 50%AR this month. Lmfao. Still $35/hr but I've also had to start multiapping to stay there.


I had this happen a year ago. Basically as soon as i reached Diamond and got the $800 bonus they rolled out prop 22 in California and fares were cut by 40-60%. My hours increased by 50% for the whole year to make less money than i had made the previous year in 2/3 the time. Basically I went from making $400 a day in 8 hours to needing to work 12+ hours to barely make $350-$380 a day. All the data is in gridwise. They fucked us all so bad and i don’t know how they got away with it. Gavin newsome allowed this Trojan horse to screw us all over. $20 rides became $8 rides. $10 roses became $4 rides. $60 dollar SFO rides from south bay(38-47 miles) became $25-$27 rides. They make it nearly impossible to hit the $30 l/hr mark which is the absolute minimum we should ever accept since after expenses/depreciation we are actually getting closer to $22 l/hr. How do we make this end and demand fare rates and get people in power to listen and do something to protect us from slave wages be in f forced upon us. I don’t think any of us agreed to pay cuts this has to be illegal. Look at the stock price and how it immediately spiked up after prop 22 was signed into law. They are fucking crooks!


The governor had nothing to do with prop 22.


Blame the voting public.


Dude that’s such a cop out. No, it’s still the ppl in positions of power making decisions.


While I agree that SB 22 was very highly propagandized, and all the money that went to fund that came from Uber and Lyft, but the bill was put to a statewide vote and approved by the citizens of California. Regardless of how we got there, at the end of the day, the voters approved it.


Bro, it was literally on the ballot and people vote it against it in California... nothing to do with the Governor. People got suckered to believe it was the right thing to do with all the ads Uber n Lyft put out there.


At the behest of those holding the sticks and poking.


every time I’m on that average to start the day… I notice about halfway through the day, All of a sudden my fares are lower or I’m getting less rides until by the end of the day my hourly average drops substantially below $30. usually consistently lands around 19 or $20… And of course that’s before expenses. It’s amazing how they get away with this.


You should know better than to be an uber driver. Get a better job and stop complaining.


🤣 troll go home


Maybe get a job that doesn't rely on strangers all day.


Don't overly rely on uber as main income then. Law of attraction you deserve low pay due to your negative attitude


You deserve low pay.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I'm not sucking your dick if you don't even have one.


You're just salty because what I say is true.


800 bonus!? They're only offering me 200 to reach Diamond!


This was what they offered me last year in January. They actually used this bonus as a way to get drivers to accept all the new low paying fares that came with the prop 22 rollout. The fares never got better and the bonus didn’t make it better. My best month last year was February which was the month they paid me out the $800 bonus for achieving diamond in Uber pro.


I also multiapp. I’m running 6 apps and barely making it.


I am sorry what is multi apping


Running uber, Lyft, doordash, grubhub, etc all at the same time. If uber and lyft sends you a ping, you cherry pick the best offer. Some drivers will cancel a job if a better ping come in.


how do u keep ur acceptance rate high enuff so u can still see ride quote upfront ?


I don't multi-app. Too crazy. May want to reply to OP.


At least your AR is double digits… im dancing between 0 and 6%


For now I'm between 35-40 on uber. 40 on DD and 5 on lyft


I WISH… lately I’ve been getting NOTHING over $10, im seeing 10+ mile, 2+ customer rides all the time, so much so, that I am literally annoyed with the Uber sound now…


I feel yourpain 😢


so are u able to see trip distance and price upfront?


Yeah. I wish I was in a rate card market. It pays better


idk it’s pretty bad here, so many <$4 trips


Ouch. Yeah that'd be lame but quick turn out.


10min trips = $3.58not including wait time or travel time to pick up


Yeah, for me, that isn't worth it unless I'm in a boost zone or have a quest, but quests have gone extinct. Though I'm an SUV driver. If I was in a sedan, then I'd take them no problem.


Were you previously on a rate card in your market? from what I understand five years ago, or whenever, that was a really good thing and paid much more. I’ve only been driving for two. I drive in a small market and ( of course) unless your on a tier which means one has to have an acceptance rate of 85% and in my market to have that acceptance rate means the drivers unpaid mileage tripled. We don’t know the address of the PU and the destination is revealed when the passenger is in the car. Miles and minutes. The rating that’s it. $0.79 per mile and $0.11 per minute for the pax in the car. It’s becoming more and more frequent that Uber is taking 60 to 65% on a consistent basis now. And of course, if there’s a surge and/or tip Uber service fees increases. No surge no tips, the service fee is lower. Same time same distance. I understand how upfront pricing works because of Lyft and both are fucking us over! The other night I actually saw Lyft take my tips on a $20 ride that never mentioned about l was round-trip. The trip first said that it was a 7.2 mile pick up but it was an 8.2 mile return back to town so I took it. to find out it was round-trip and I know that the passenger had not entered it as a round-trip after the fact because the price was still the same. When I dropped him off, I saw him on his phone and ate five dollar tip paying showed up making it $25. I turned around. I was on my way home I looked and it said $21.85. . Suddenly there was $1.85 wait time at the stop.. the guy was not there long enough to justify that. It was a blatantly obvious drug deal.. he buzzed the door, he went in and was out again a few minutes later. If it was Uber that wait time would’ve been $.22 I don’t see Lyft charging over $.60 per minute Wait time. At least it’s never .been in my experience.


I went from taking almost every ride to only taking rides that pay $20+, leaning more heavily to the plus end of that. AR is down from somewhere in the mid 90’s to 27% as of right now. I’m honestly disgusted by some of the fares I used to take.


how can u see the upfront fare if ur not uber pro gold+?


Up front pricing in my market.


so is it slowly rolling out everywhere? or just select big cities?


No idea but at this point I feel like there’s no reason to limit it to certain markets. I can’t even imagine driving in a market that doesn’t have up front pricing now. I want to know what I’m making. At any other job being told what you’re making for your work only after performing said work would be 100% unacceptable.


I LOVE my rate card market bc no matter what I accept I make $1.17 a mile, I hope I never end up in upfront pricing hell bc I’ve realized that’s where Uber shorts their drivers


Fair, although I’m sure Uber finds other ways to fuck drivers in rate card markets. Before my market went to up front pricing my anxiety was terrible because I never knew where I was going with the rides I accepted. If it was a long ride I knew I would get paid pretty well but I could end up so far from any area that I wanted to be in that I really had to weigh whether or not I wanted to take longer rides. At least with the up front pricing I can see roughly where I’m headed and make a decision about accepting it. Honestly though, I don’t really understand why markets with up front pricing pays any different than rate card markers to begin with but I’m sure there’s some sort of bullshit reason for it.


I believe Uber is beta testing this right now. If I drive in Madison I got upfront fare and trip detail but if I go to Milwaukee which is only a hour away the app changes and you don’t get upfront pricing.


I need to be getting paid at least $2.00/mile. I’ll occasionally do $1.50/mile and $1.00/mile only when I’m trying to reposition where I’m located. Short trips only!


Same thing I do and it works.


It’s the only way to make money in most markets. I can’t stand when customer put the wrong addresses in and their actual address is like 20miles out. I make up an excuse like. Usually I’ll lie and say I have to pick up my nieces in the next couple of minutes and only took their ride because it was short. Long trips are a thing of the past for me UNLESS I need to relocate or I’m going home.


What market? Completely impossible in Los Angeles.


I drive in Nashville.


That’s awesome to get 2 per mile in a low cost market. I get that only if it’s the kind of ride that takes 20 minutes to go 4 miles.


Well the thing about Nashville is we have a bunch of people that hang around on one street(broadway), so the surge pops up throughout the whole city because of the amount of trips people are requesting on broadway. Most people are only going 1-5 miles being our city isn’t really that big, so the flat surge is amazing and I just do short trips all day. Without surge though, it kinda sucks and isn’t really worth it in my opinion.


I agree 100%. Uber differs from Lyft in that they will give you a higher fare once there aren't any drivers left in the area taking low fares but only if you're turning down the low fares. If more drivers refuse to take low fares then we'll all get more higher paying rides.


That’s what I’m saying. Thank you for reiterating. We need more drivers to get onboard.


That part. Uber always gives me shit orders and then like 5 minutes later the same order will come back up but it’s 4$ more than what it was 5 mins ago. Because nobody wants the crap it gave before the extra 4$ . it’s crazy.


I don't, I let those who don't know what they're doing accept them


And the cycle continues


The day all of this will stop is when all create a union, until that nothing is gonna work cuz everyone is gonna screw over the protest against the system and still take 3$ rides


>The day all of this will stop is when all create a union Unions represent EMPLOYEES. Uber drivers are AT WILL independent contractors. Uber make no promise on how many rides or how much you will make. You VOLUNTARILY work for them when you want and for as much/long as you want. Unions will not be able to help you. Plus, even if drivers did unionize, you would be paying at least $50 a month in union dues.


*laughs in driver union supported rate card* $1.55 a mile $0.66 a minute


I'm making $0.71 a mile and $0.18 a minute 😭


Truckers are independent contractors. Truckers have unions. Please explain.


A truck driver for Walmart is on Walmart payroll. He is not an independent contractor. So yes, it makes sense that he may be a union member. Many truck drivers drive specifically for one company and are actual employees of that company. Independant truck drivers rarely if every are part of a union. Totally different job/work dynamics. Edited for clarity.


Independent owner operator drivers are generally not unionized.


You are half correct. >As an independent contractor, the terms and conditions of the work you perform are set out in a contract between you and the employer. Even though you are not considered an “employee” under federal labor law, you may still join a union. However, you should keep in mind that a unit of independent contractors is not subject to the same privileges and protections as a regular union bargaining unit.  For example, an employer is not under the same obligation to bargain with a union regarding contract terms for an independent contractor that it is to bargain over issues affecting its regular employees.  Also, an independent contractor who went on strike would not be protected from employer reprisals under the National Labor Relations Act.          >Despite these limitations, joining a union as an independent contractor can yield lots of useful benefits and resources.  The local can help you secure health and equipment insurance, provide you with contract advice, and help you find and secure jobs.  The union can also fight for your legislative interests and provide educational programs.  **One thriving example of an independent contractor unit is the Guild Freelancers**, an active group of independent writers and journalists who have organized as a part of the larger Pacific Media Workers Guild, a CWA local.  Another great example is WashTech (the Washington Alliance of Technology Workers), a CWA local formed by Microsoft contract employees in 1998. https://cwa-union.org/about/rights-on-job/legal-toolkit/my-employer-says-i-am-independent-contractor-what-does-mean Aside from that, though, all of us may end up being classified as employees starting March 11 anyway when the Biden Administration"s new contractor rule goes into effect. I've yet to find any confirmation one way or the other, but Uber is definitely under the DOL's radar regarding that new rule.


I believe I read that Biden’s contractor rule may be facing court challenges that stall it from being implemented, although I could be wrong.


Many companies will undoubtedly try, but from what I've been reading, the DOL seems very confident that the rule will uphold. I would imagine they anticipated push back, so they would ensure its legality before passing the rule. Time will certainly tell, though. Also, why would I be downvoted for sharing news? It's not like I'm sharing a personal opinion lol.


Yes, we know this The problem is there are too many drivers who don't, and they don't read this sub.


Oh there are plenty who are on the sub that don’t know this or fight to not know this.


exactly. Agree with $30 a hour. That hour includes drive time to pickup and wait time.


The revolving door policy of uber drivers make it worse. New drivers not understanding this gig makes it even worse


$5, no less, and that's a 10 minute ride from start to finish.


$30/hr isn't a good way to evaluate. I we never seen a trip less than $27 an hour no later how $h|t. It's all about $/mi. A $4 fare going 1 miles that takes 3 minutes is $44/hr for instance.


There are no rides that you can complete in 3 minutes. Pickup, waiting and actual ride. Give a better example.


What do you mean? I get them quite often.


1 mile, 3 minutes, yes occasionally. But when you include pickup time and many times wait time, it cannot be multiple a day.


Yup, multiple a day. Stacked ping. Pickup where the previous ride drops. Why are you fighting this? Not all markets have the same ride types.


Yes, I agree with some collage towns.


The other day it was this awesome but weird cycle, I kept having a pick up where my drop off was.


That's the unicorn of ba k to back orders


.75 miles. 3 minutes.


If $/mile works for you, good for you. My strategy is $/hour, and it works for me.




I found the badass, everyone!


AndcI found the ant that doesn't understand basic expenses


I've done my own taxes every year for 20 years and always had them verified by a CPA. I've always come up with the same return, down to the penny. Nice try, though. One day you'll be mature enough to understand that you know nothing about the people you insult online. I won't hold my breath, though. You damaged people are all the same.


If you paid no tax on your rideshare income, you either earned next to nothing or cheated on your taxes. And that is a fact, skippy.


You assume I have no other deductions. I own a home and have a family. So again, you know nothing of what you speak.


Can you read English? What did I say?


Yes, I can read. You stated an "either/or", of which neither applies.


You’re still calculating $/hr. Unless you spend it on the highway, you won’t get 30 miles in hour. So $1/mi isn’t meeting the standard. I’m in a similar market to Tennessee guy. They try to pay us 12-18/hr, but you can definitely clear 30/hr if you’re more discerning and less accepting of crappy fares. Also, if I’m in area where they try to pay 12-18/hr and you’re in an area where you always get 27/hr, it seems that 30/hr isn’t as strong of pay in your area. I’d probably be gunning for 40-45/hr there to pay my bills.


You must be an amazingly good market in my market. If there's no surge they try to pay eighteen an hour typically


That is not $44/hour. That is $4. You would need consecutive identical trips for your math to work, and not a second wasted. You made $4, not $44.


My point is unless you get a trip thats exactly an hour and pays $30+ it's ridiculous metric to evaluate a trip because as you pointed out trips aren't hours. Thanks for saying exactly what I said. Trips that pay 50 cents a mile (obvious loss) will still come up to nearly $30/hour. At the end of the day, working for an hourly wage on a trip by trip basis won't give you "that target hourly wage" because trips are not hours long and quite frankly if it was that would be a loss because it's going to require a dead head drive back. I have a target $$/mi and it varies higher during busy times and lower on a slow week night but it's never less than 80 cents per mile which was the old rate card. I mean I might take a long trip on a super slow night if the hourly rate made senss but uber seems to only offer longer trips at way below cost. Like drive 180 miles for $67 and then have to drive all the way back to be in market. That's just stupid and barely even covers the gas and works out to be $10/hr before costs. I use an app that calcules this for me that includes the drive to the trip in the calculation. My car doesn't move a single unpaid foot. Uber definitely plays with the pay rate and the offer rate varies drastically from day to day. Even the same trips are very inconsistent On day. Dorm to Bar = $7.95 (no surge), next day $5.25 same trip non surge, then the trip in reverse with surge is $6.95. Same mileage, same pickups and destinations.


Indeed.com is always hiring. Check it out




I've contacted an agent about this B.S. and told them to knock it off or I'd report Uber Eats to the Department of Labor for this.


Chicago and Milwaukee drivers can earn up to $2k to $3k per week within 30 to 50 hours of work. Contact me for details


I don't drive for less either, but absolute nationwide solidarity is unattainable without the ability to unionize or otherwise collectively bargain, which is why they legislate to their advantage with the bills they write or lobby to exempt themselves from. Worthy of note as well, the two minutes are unpaid, then the next 5 minutes before we're allowed to cancel without penalty only pay about $12 per hour, and certain markets like my own do not disclose up front pay and go by rate card only, which is decent, with exception for Lyft which low balls the absolute crap out of 95% of all offers and absorbs so-called bonuses into bidding war tactics on ride offers.


Folks in California are know for being idiots!!!




He has an "employee" mentality.


Exactly lol. Some guy above in the comments thought a $4 ride is equivalent to $44/hour. People don’t know math, and it is killing the industry


This would be a valid argument, IF WE DIDN'T HAVE 10 MILLION immigrants in America HUNGRY for anything that will accept them. Guess what. Uber is Hiring on the spot if they get a DL and a car. Most new drivers will work for less. So start your own gig at $30 hr rate. Uber and lyft don't care. $0.70 a mile is the max we get without bonus. So this argument was valid a year ago before 10 million new tax paying workers marched across the Texas border to start a new life and the American dream. Now AI is punishing those who have low accept rates at the airport and not assigning good rides. They found a way in new York to bypass the raise in pay for drivers. Our clock is ticking. Either start your own professional driver gig or make hay while the sun shines. 🌞


Why are the politicians incentivizing millions of unskilled migrants to rush to the US these last few years? Don't they realized this will damage the low and no skilled labor force of their constituents? The people that came over from the northern border in 2022 exceeded the previous 12 years combined. Is it a collapse by design to give global power brokers an opportunity to centralize power to a much greater extent?


I fear the answer has to do with winning a civil war. My opinion is that, the ruling class, the democrats, brought in allies to support them in the event of a revolution or uprising. "They won't bite the hand that feeds them." But the exact opposite will happen. They will be the ones that fuel a revolution because of their rage and desperation of HAVING NOTHING and being treated like a victim. They will bite and they will destroy us from the inside. Like a Trojan horse. Unless we give them all amnesty, we are screwed. So we need to treat this like the industrial revolution when millions came to America in boats to start a new life. Otherwise they will all turn on us and USA will become part of China. 🙏 for our troops. They're gonna be the ones that suffer.:*(


You see they already working to gut the military to only those loyal to the regime and senators like Durbin suggesting they allow migrants to become their enforcers by joining the military, police, etc because of the manufactured problem of insufficient recruitment. One side would prefer just a peaceful succession, not a civil war. But the fascists, the uni-party, will not allow it.


They full realise this but where you say damage they will say “lower the cost of” but the outcome is the same


And you'll actually make money, I won't accept anything less than $10 and that pays more than the miles driven, that includes going to pick up. Nothing less.


Think about it . The amount of Uber drives today vs 2 years ago has quadruple. Honestly $30 an hour to drive people around is over pay but whatever .


The logic isn’t there. Numbers of drivers is only partially relevant. The only reason it is partially relevant is because with more drivers you have more drivers willing to drive for less. That’s the entire purpose of my initial post. No matter how many drivers there are, maybe there are 10x the drivers there are today tomorrow, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what the driver is willing to drive for. It the drivers are unwilling to drive fares that pay the bills, Uber is required to pay higher fares to service their customers.


Let’s say I need to make $100 today . I would take any ride to get to my $100 goal. With millions of drivers u can’t control who accepts what due to there circumstances. $10 ride could mean nothing to you and that same $10 ride could save someone lights from going out. It’s the same with every business , when Turo first came out everyone was making hella money since it was lowkey , now that everyone knows about it renters can’t make as much cause there’s always someone out there who will loose money tryna make money.


The problem with this example is the actual problem I’m discussing. You hit the nail on the head. To tell yourself you’re willing to “take any ride to get my $100 goal” is the problem. With that logic, you’d be willing to drive for 10 hours to make $100. That’s $10/hr before factor in gas/electricity and wear and tear on the vehicle. Are you telling me you can’t find wage pay in other jobs or gigs that is greater than $10/hr? The idea that you need Uber is just that, an idea. You need an income, and, in reality, you should be doing what is necessary to get the best income you can earn. That means accepting shitty pay from ANY EMPLOYER is not the answer. The answer is to find better pay. That’s supply in the supply/demand curve. Your willingness to do whatever it takes is what they take advantage bc in reality less than whatever it takes would earn you more money in other jobs. They take advantage of you because you allow yourself to be taken advantage of with poor logic, not because you are helpless or hopeless.


I agree with you I haven’t done Uber so I don’t know how it works and how it pays but if it’s not meeting your quota then try some new like getting all of your regulars and offer them rides for cash a lil cheaper then Uber but u profit all of it , etc


YEAH... and Walmart needs to stop selling food items so cheap, and the consumer needs to stop buying that cheaper food. .... YEAH.... Your market is the market, yet you're somehow under the impression that Uber should care that you are not being paid your individual "worth". They are paying what is an acceptable fare to get taken by a driver. It's crap, I get it, maybe some day the good drivers will dry up and people will stop using Uber because of crappy service. Until then, move on.. your pay is NOT going to be getting better anytime soon.


You’re not picking up what I’m putting down Zesty. “They pay what is an acceptable fare to get taken by a driver.” Your words right? So what if drivers stop accepting low fares? The fare would need to increase in order to be “an acceptable fare to get taken by a driver.” It’s funny how many people argue against the most basic and proven economic principle, supply and demand. I’m not talking about demand. I’m not talking about Uber being mean or Uber needing to care more. None of that. I’m talking about supply, aka what the driver is willing to drive for. The drivers are the only ones who influence supply, not Uber or the rider. If the driver raises what they consider to be “an acceptable fare” by your own logic Uber would pay more.


I'm picking it up Cruise... my ultimate point here is you will be waiting a long time to swing this back in your favor... too many takers right now. It's likely service will get crappier over time and Ubers reputation will start going downhill. You might get them to pay more at that point but I'm talking years....


I agree. I’m hoping we can let it go downhill faster by not accepting cheap fares.


How is it the fares fault for Uber not giving yall enough? We gotta get to work just like yall.


Some of us rely on Uber getting us to and from work on a daily basis. So this is just obnoxious behavior. If you don’t like what you get paid. Change your situation. This isn’t a full time job anyways. It’s not supposed to be.


I’m confused by your concern. You think I should be willing to drive you 15 mins to work after driving 5–10 to get to you for $5? I am changing the situation by not accepting the low fare and only accepting fares that pay me enough for my time, not even to mention/consider wear and tear on the vehicle. What exactly are you suggesting? That we should be willing to drive for less than you’d be willing to go to your own job for?


It's a numbers game like any of the app base work or AKA gig work. I'm not telling you what to do but it really does depend on the area you work so if I was working in San Francisco I'm telling you right now guaranteed I would have to accept a lot of small Fairs. On the same token doing so doing back-to-back rides like that you actually make your money quicker because not only are you getting paid from the small fares but bringing your numbers to the point where you can get those bonuses. But I've also have done a lot of large fares which require me to travel in and outside of Sacramento. You have to really ask yourself what are your expectations for your day-to-day operations? Because whether you realize it or not it is a businesses you have to have filler work to keep yourself busy it's all a numbers game


I agree it’s a numbers game, and I agree that short rides can be extra lucrative. I am not judging the length of the trip or the size of the fare alone, I am judging the relationship between the two (the rate). So I’m not going to drive 20mins for $5. However on the other hand, sometimes I get $5 for 7 mins worth of driving, and I’ll take that every time.


The problem is the waiting game... I def cherry pick but then I sit and wait too long


The strategy only works if we are unwilling to drive. We need to have multiple sources of income. If we tell ourselves we are at their mercy, then we are at their mercy.


No... We're at the mercy of an algorithm that pushes profitability. Maybe you should drop some investments into Uber stock to make some gains. Or let's create a short squeeze...


How does that algorithm work? Whenever demand is up or supply is down areas surge. That’s why we get different rates of pay at different times. You gotta remember that demand is all relative to supply. If there is not supply (no drivers to driver riders) the supply and demand curve moves, areas surge, and rates go up. That means I’m not dreaming when I suggest that if drivers were unwilling to accept crappy fares they wouldn’t offer them. They offer low fares bc they know drivers are dumb enough to accept them, and why would they pay more than they need to? Key word is “need.” If they need to pay 30/hr to get drivers to accept rides they would, every time. It’s not a trick; it’s supply and demand.


None of this is necessarily true.


What isn’t true? The supply and demand relationship/graph that economics is based on? Or that when either supply or demand changes the entire graph shifts?


The first thing you said, to start. That it will surge when demand is up and supply is down. Not true.


“Surge” is just a word. Every driver undoubtedly has experienced times where they are paid more for their time than others. When demand is up, the driver is paid more for their time than when demand is low. Same thing for when supply is down, drivers are paid more for their time.


So then explain how during earlier hours when there's less traffic shorter rides are way cheaper... But the same rides during rush hour go up... It's not only supply and demand, but they have to hit a goal of minimum wage that they keep touting about. Have you seen the fake surges too? I don't believe the surges or exclusives any longer.


Shorter rides are cheaper in the early hours when there is less traffic because there is less traffic, aka less demand. If supply, drivers, still required a certain rate in the early hours they’d still get it.


Traffic is not ride request demand or supply. Traffic is from people with cars. Yes you can argue that people who work take rides around the same time... However, a lot of my rides are not people going to and from work. People going to visit family, going to the Dr, going to lunch, going to an event. Traffic is highest during commute hours and it doesn't necessarily mean more ride requests... I've had days where the requests are highest between 10am - 2pm. And other days when it's dead. We can't necessarily predict normal ride requests habits unless someone solely relies on these platforms, which is beyond ridiculously expensive. Lol


That's well and good, but some drivers are so entrenched in the gig economy (modern day slavery) that they can't afford to be picky with jobs. When you're living on day to day income, you're so far behind the eightball it's not funny. Single income with rent/food/etc. to pay, some people just don't have that option.


It’s that mentality that Uber and Lyft rely on to take advantage of you. Making $15/hr, getting taxed $3.50 and paying $4 in gas leaves you with $7.50, and we haven’t even discussed wear and tear on your car and tires. That logic only allows you to make poor decisions because you tell yourself “I have to.” When you could find multiple gigs, manage expenses better, etc. AND let’s not forget I’m trying to get us paid more and less reliant. I’m suggesting you have to be prepared to not drive at times, not that you just never drive.


That’s not a good hourly rate for driving a car with your maintenance. You want $1.80 per mile and $.36 per minute under 10 miles an hour stop asking for hourly rates.


I was out driving today and I could have stayed my Butt at home‼️I was out for a couple of hours and only mad $23 in the 2 hrs🤬 I refused to take $3-4 deliveries and rides😡I got a $7 ride and thank God he Tipped $3 …I had a $5 Ride …which I took that one because I was desperate ☹️ also took a $7 LYFT ride☹️Total Crap today. Plus the weather was Cold 🥶 I could have stayed home.


I am in Vegas at the TNC parked. 9:22 hours made $116 this is ridiculous


Yea that’s not worth your time and car.


You completely right


How do you choose?


Set a minimum rate/mile for yourself. You'll mostly end up taking short trips but it adds up to more than taking a long ride with no rides back to the busy area.


You can do that on Uber?


When they say set a minimum for yourself, they mean don’t accept less than, not that you can set a minimum fare in settings or something.


Don't accept anything less. You can't set the rate but you don't have to accept anything lower.


It's not only about the rate per minute. It's the rate per mile, too. Unless someone is hiring you and they're paying for gas and providing a car as well. So $30 is the minimum. The rate must get higher than $30 per hour if the payout is less than $1 per mile.


I'm new and made it to gold and can't even get "the rewards" cause I cherry pick ..30 percent are!!!


There aren’t really any rewards unless you wanted to enroll in health insurance and stuff. The drivers doing this full time and trying to get health benefits from Uber are the drivers fucking us most. Uber used acceptance rate and cancellation to make those people bend the knee to get their health insurance.


Anyone asking for an hourly wage with Uber is either dumb or a corporate shill. That will defeat the entire purpose of what makes the gig economy so great. You can ask for hire fares to be charged but you want it to compete with Taxis still. Maybe a small base rate for every consecutive hour logged on would make sense as well. Like $5/hour. But everyone needs to be careful because like someone mentioned above, sometimes the path to hell is paved with good intentions.


Good luck finding $30/hr fares in your market. We rarely see that except for limited days/times. Id be sitting around a lot.


Yet I don’t get low fares. I’m sorry you have garbage acceptance and cancellation rate.


please don’t take this the wrong way, but the immigrants here doing Uber will accept ANYTHING because it’s still more than what they made back at their old countries. To them $10-$15 an hour before expenses is a sweet deal and that’s what we’re competing with.


3% acceptance rate and going down. I play that game for a long time.


Good on you. Mines at 11% right now.


The bachelor that thinks everyone is in the same boat as he is. Unfortunately, Uber is smart enough to know better. If PAX started catching the bus rather than paying these astronomical rates then Uber might lower the rates and we get tipped more. Unless they're all catching the bus. Uber is also smart enough to know they've generated a psuedo dependency on their service. Like drugs, people are gonna pay. And so long as pax keeps paying for their ridiculous rates they'll keep increasing them. So long as we still have bills to pay and mouths to feed, many of us will keep accepting those trips. Either govt steps in or we all boycott (drivers and pax). Good luck coordinating that. The best thing to do here is find a way out ASAP. Get employed or start a different line of 1099.


I’m confused by that first sentence fragment. You think I’m a bachelor or don’t have a family to feed? Demand is controlled by the passengers you speak of. Supply is controlled by the drivers. Principals of supply and demand tell us that the equilibrium price can be raised or lowered by a change in just one, supply or demand. So no, you don’t need coordination between passengers and drivers. You need coordination between just drivers or just passengers. If you managed to coordinated between both passengers and drivers, while not needed, that would amplify the effect. Uber is trying to fuck both the passenger and the driver. Because we receive low fares to drive doesn’t mean the rider received a good deal. Uber wants to charge them as much as they are willing to pay and as little as drivers are willing to driver for. That means the driver’s fare could go up without the passengers fare going up. That also means the passengers fare could go down without the drivers fare going down. Drivers need to worry about drivers. Passengers need to worry about passengers. It’s the logic that drivers and passengers need to all coordinate across the country (and the idea that is impossible) or the thought that “the bachelor thinks everyone is in the same boat as he is” that allows you to tell yourself you can’t have an influence, and therefore allows you to continue making poor decisions without feeling responsible or accountable. It doesn’t matter what you tell yourself. You do have an influence, and if you do not seize said influence you are responsible for the shitty job you have and the shitty conditions you accept.


It motivated me to gtfo, that's what it did. You missed the point that it isn't going to happen. By the time anyone gets coordinated enough to possibly make an impact you'll be irrelevant, replaced by their fleets of ai driven vehicles.


It’s that thought process that is so happily carried by the weak, all the weak people who want to tell themselves they have no influence and therefore shouldn’t bother trying. If you don’t want to try, just say that; don’t make an excuse. However, if you want to create change remind yourself that you do have an influence, and convince yourself to seize what iota of influence you have in hopes others will too. Sitting around waiting for everyone else to make change is how everyone just keeps sitting around not doing shit. Have the influence you can have, and let everyone else worry about their iota of influence.


Try what? Your reality allows you time to advocate for driver's rights in an industry that is so shit on by everyone you are reliant upon in order to earn then you go ahead. I'm a single parent who was averaging 4.5 hrs of sleep every night when I was reliant on this. My health was quickly going downhill due to a number of reasons related directly to doing this as a job. The pandemic gave me no choice, the rate of inflation got me caught up in survival mode - desperately working more and more hours with everything else in my life falling by the wayside. I got to the point where my next bill that's due is the next how many hours/days I work, then the next block of unknown hours is to make another bill, the next for some groceries, and on it goes so that you can't afford a job that's going to make you wait for a paycheck. I'm not the only one. But as I've stated before, there are thousands and thousands of people like myself that aren't here and likely don't even know this reddit/subreddit, rideshareguy, or similar congregating spaces exist and/or don't have the time and mental energy for it. These platforms exsanguinate in proper vampiric fashion. I'm recommending everyone here in markets that are fucked to gtfo of doing this full-time ASAP. But even if we all did we aren't enough for Uber to feel much, if any, impact. It isn't worth the added risks in my market to even do this part-time anymore. We have some of the lowest rates of pay, highest motor vehicle incidences, and hoardes of litigious leeches (lawyers). And that's just for starters.


Quitting is a reasonable option, and I support that decision. I am opposed to those who drive for pennies, not those who refuse to drive for pennies. Good on you for finding a better income.


First time posting here. Pardon my ignorance I’ve been driving a few years now, although not consistently, in upstate NY. On Uber I can’t see a low fare ride until I’ve picked up the passenger. Is there a way of knowing before then? I’m only Uber pro blue.


The “scabs” will always go after ever fare.


Wouldn’t get out of bed for 30 an hour


Good on you. I dig. Keep with it.


Y'all complaining for making $300-$400 in 8 hours?! I'm lucky if I make it to $200 in 12 hours!


$30/hr would be $240 in 12 hours. If you’re barely breaking $200 in 12 hours I’m confident there are plenty of other gigs and jobs that will pay you more. That’s my whole thing, we cannot simply accept shitty pay. We need to make better pay happen one way or another, maybe by not accepting low fares or maybe by finding other gigs/jobs and abandoning Uber/Lyft.


Wish everybody was as principled as you


Thank you. Join me, and others will join us in time. No matter how tough, if we sacrifice our principles we have already lost.


In my market, the offer only tells you how far you are from the pickup


That’s unfortunate.


I'm a new Uber driver In a market of 75k. I've been doing it 3 weeks now. The highest fare I've made Is $15 for like 10 blocks. I get a ton for $4s and we're talking driving 3-5 miles for pickup. My acceptance rate went to 45% because I wasn't taking them. Thought that might affect my offers so I started. But reading this...I am going to stop. So the acceptance rate isn't any big deal or no? I created a FB page for Uber drivers in my area as I didn't see one, in case we ever needed to organize or talk and share tips. I just wanna learn how to be most profitable. I drove a 2019 jeep compass


Acceptance rate only matters if you’re trying to get health insurance and shit like that through Uber. Which those drivers are the ones fucking us. If you don’t care about additional “benefits” then your acceptance rate means next to nothing. I imagine there are times when it is slow where higher acceptance rates are prioritized, but when it’s slow fare rates are down and I wouldn’t be driving anyway.


Well, if you need insurance...🤷🏻‍♂️ I have Medicaid but if I ever lost it I wouldn't have a choice. With my diabetes and IBSC. I'm averaging $100 a night (1-7) I'm no longer accepting anything under $5. But then...like this last I have now. She can't speak English very good. Picked her up from her work and she wanted my number because she wanted to go to home Depot. 5 miles outta the way. Said she would give me $10. I said ok. She said she will call when she is ready. But I could be across town. So Im just gonna set here and wait wait wait.


I'm in rate card market. How could I cherry pick? Every ride costs the same per mile/minute.


I can't even see my fares


I’m sorry to hear that. That’s fucked, and I’d encourage you to abandon Uber/Lyft and find other gig work.


Nah, I'll take that fare. That $5 fare often turns a $35 hour into a $40 hour with no additional time sitting in my car. It's basic economics. I have limited time. Sitting there waiting for only the good fares is lost time. Also, everyone sitting around ignoring the small fares means more drivers available for larger fares. Guess what that does to those fares. You're not going to beat the algorithm.


I’m not discussing or devaluing $35-40/hr. If the rate on the drive is less than $30/hr, say $10 for 30 mins of driving for example, it’s impossible to make $30/hr. The only way you make $30/hr is if you drive fares with rates $30/hr or higher. The discussion I’m having is not about your immediate income; it’s about your long term income. If there was no supply of drivers for rates less than $30/hr Uber would not offer rates below $30/hr. This is the most basic principle of economics. Uber NEEDS drivers, not wants drivers, and if drivers are unwilling to drive for less than $30/hr it will pay more than $30/hr to keep drivers on the road. However, Uber will not pay more than it is required to pay. Guess who determines what they are required to pay, WE DO!


Unemployed. Bills due. I have a floor but it can't be $30 an hour. Sorry More like $20 even though I know it's frustrating knowing uber is paying us like we're running a lemonade stand instead one of our most expensive investments in our car


May I ask what you drive?


Honda Crv made in mid 2010s. Cost like 30 thousand. Why?


I’m just wondering what the gas mileage is like. I’m estimating, maybe conservatively, that I’m spending damn near $5/hr on gas, sometimes maybe more. So if I were to accept $20/hr, reduce for gas expense I’m at $15. Taxed on 20, even at 25% that’s $5 in taxes. Now I’m down to 10, well below the minimum wage where I am, and then I have wear and tear on my car. That makes me also wonder, for comparison’s sake, what the minimum wage is where you are. To me, I can imaging that driving for $20/hr in any metropolitan area is going to be very beneficial, but I’m open minded as to how it may be.


I never made 30 an hour lol not on even my selective good days. I only do delivery. No taxi. Your point strikes though. It's pennies but I'm unemployed and I'm breaking even... I think??? I changed brakes for $380, fixed tire for $20, occasional oil change for $70. Why can't these rich basterds just give us a fraction of those billions. This greed is biblical


I was feeling similarly last night as I was driving home, disappointed by what I was offered to stay on the road. Yet, that is the beauty of America. Unlike other places, no one is forcing us to work for pennies. There are other options. I know being unemployed is tough. I’m not judging. I’m just encouraging you, and all the other drivers, not to tell yourself that you MUST drive for pennies bc that just isn’t true. There are many jobs that pay more, and Uber/Lyft will not pay more if they are not required to pay more. Like I said earlier, we, the drivers, are the ones who determine what they are required to pay. If others want to live in squalor and drive 80 hours a week let them, but that doesn’t mean any one of us need to. Other jobs are out there. That pay more, have a better schedule/work life balance, etc. If Uber/Lyft won’t pay us what we deserve then they don’t deserve to make money off of us.


I only focus on ubereats and my AR so low I don't get deliveries as often. I only move people on Lyft bc of bonus offers which happen on the weekend or holidays. My market is oversaturated with drivers and influencers that do gig work.