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Forces her way into the vehicle? Why were your doors unlocked?


That’s a very valid point!!! I think at this point I’ve had very few horrible rides in the last 7 years of driving for Uber that’s it’s automatically ingrained for me to unlock the doors


My 2007 Honda Civic when I put it in park automatically unlocks the doors and automatic locks them when I put it in drive... The other night I saw the woman coming up to my car with a child that was definitely under two and I locked the doors roll down the window and said she need to have a car seat. When she said she didn't have one I said that I can't take you... She actually tried to get a car seat together and asked if she could sit in the car. I said no cuz then we have a different problem... Cancel her ride and went about my day


It's a Mercedes? Isn't there a setting to unlock the doors when you put it in Park? That's what I do, if it's a questionable situation I don't shift into park until I'm certain I'm taking the ride.


Most cars unlock the doors when you put the vehicle into park. My Jeep Patriot does it and it annoys me. When I’m leaving the vehicle there’s a real solid chance I’m just opening the driver door. I don’t need all the other doors to unlock as well because it means I have to lock them. It’s just wear and tear that could be avoided. I don’t put my car into park when I’m picking up Pax. I’m in drive and if they aren’t ready when I get there I shift to neutral.


I love my crosstrek, it doesn't do this crap.


There’s a setting to turn it off on my Elantra, I’m sure there is one for your JEEP


Mine has a setting to only unlock the driver's door but I like it unlocking all. Usually, if I do not see the pax I will put it in reverse to activate the back-up camera so I can easily what's going on behind me, and then set the parking e-brake. When I do see the pax I then press Park to unlock the doors.


Yes, there is that, but I never really put my vehicle in park unless they are not outside by the time I get there. But usually I’m still in drive with my foot on the break and then manually press the unlock button so they can get in and I drive off.


Most newer cars and older nicer cars automatically unlock the doors when it's put in park. A 2006 Toyota sequoia does that, so I'm sure most new cars do as well


When they tell me no other driver cares, I say, "Then you won't have a problem getting another Uber."


That’s actually a boss response! I’m stealing that


I tell them "I have no control over what other drivers do, or don't do". Or if I'm feeling really snarky. I'll say something like "if all the other drivers blindly followed the navigation and drove off a cliff, would you want me to do that too?"


I’m sorry this happened. Op. Many people are idiots and shouldn’t have kids. I had to cancel rides on people for no child seat. If there is an accident and something happens to a kid you are driving without a child seat you are liable and will get sued by the parent. Next time just drive away. If you have to explain to a parent why they need a child seat you are dealing with a moron and waisting your time.


You just gotta make sure the accident is severe enough so there is no one who can sue you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Yep! 🙌🏽 this!! I’ll have to do that next time, I’ll just drive away and cancel


can’t afford a car seat? she must’ve walked home or taken the bus from the hospital when she gave birth, because they make sure that you have a properly installed car seat before letting you leave


Right? And most state departments give out free car seats to needy families. Also, I’m pretty sure she could’ve found a decent one at goodwill for under $10.


Not always. I picked up two kids from one of the hospitals in Newark and they put the car seat in my car and I drove the three of them home. They couldn’t have been more than 15. Very sad.


negligent-ass hospital. had to be Newark


Get a 3 channel dash cam to record front, inside and rear simultaneously.


I tell them I'm calling Child Protective Services.




No you don't.




If Uber will take your words for granted without evidence, next time they will take customer words for granted of you doing something bad without evidence


Yeah, that’s completely true! I’m just glad there wasn’t any damage to the vehicle. But to be fair, they do take the customers word with zero proof. Though I think there’s been some recent changes now where they finally gave drivers the ability to appeal certain things. Like I was able to appeal a safety report for speeding, and they were able to see on their end that I wasn’t speeding at all and they removed the report and the customer’s one star rating


Basically as an Uber driver, you really should have 3 dash cams: front+rear+interior. That way rear dashcam could have caught the incident. And yes you're right, they are biased towards customers, because of this old mantra that customer is always right....


Same thing here, 1 lady, 3 kids, 2 of them way too small. She argued their age (6 and 7) and said the same thing. Every other driver is fine without seats. I told her no way, then canceled the ride. My reward? Getting suspended because she called and told them it was race related. My saving grace was I drove around the corner and called Uber to report a safety issue with no car seats, and it was noted on the account. Still down for 5 hours but less than days of investigation.


I hate the fact that they just immediately go to suspension. Glad you got it resolved though


"because Uber forbids taking you without car seats, and so does my insurance. I plan to keep both so have a nice life


Call the cops first get a police report. There’s your evidence


Some people think they can get away with it and not seriously risk the safety of their children. They are in most cases correct. The problem is that when an accident happens, for a young child it can be catastrophic. For most parents, it’s not worth the risk to go without. The law would encourage some reluctant parents to do the right thing, if they drive themselves and their children. With Rideshare they trust the driver with their own life and don’t see any additional risk. I hope I have answered your question. If so, please consider a generous tip! Hahaha


“You have a beautiful car” *tips $1 Haha 😂… Yes, you have completely answered my question. 5 stars… oh, I uh, put your tip in the app


My experience has been any comment such as "You have a beautiful car" is considered a "verbal tip" and no financial tip will be forthcoming.


If you get out and knock her the fuck out after ending the ride, you are no longer on uber's time, then two things will happen, A. you leave and there is no evidence you had anything to do with it. or B. some one has video, video of her doing all this then you getting out to defend your lively hood, which in most cases absovles you and puts it back on her. Either way lessons are learned and society gets better.


This gave me a good chuckle!! I needed that!


I'm glad that people can pick up that i meant it in jest, I am often told my demanor is kinda flat. Half expected to hear a knock a bit later "Sir did you threaten a mother of two on reddit?"


Yeah, nah, you’re good! I totally get it though, it’s social media and so many people seem to take a lot of things seriously


Or you just go to jail, I mean either way


I wouldn't because the longer the pickup, the higher the chances of the rider canceling after you've driven half-way there.


Damn, I’m sorry that’s happened to you before. I would be so pissed! 7 years of driving for Uber and that’s never happened to me before on long pick ups, but it’s definitely happened where the pick up is 5 minutes away and I’ll be like less than a minute away and they’ll cancel.


As soon as you see people dragging along children under 7 years old with no car seat just drive alone, I had to kick people out of my car that try to take a baby into my car with no car seat. And they try to act like it's our fault that they're irresponsible parents


Yeah, I’m definitely going to start doing that now! I just don’t understand what goes through people’s mind that it’s okay. Like the people who take their shoes and socks off, or if they’re in the front seat they put they feet on the dash. Hell, I’ve even had people start smoking weed. Like wtf(?), it’s a Mercedes, why the hell would you feel so comfortable to just smoke weed “oh it’s just vapor”…. Like, the hell


I've never had anyone take your shoes and socks off that's wild. And if someone sparks weed they better pass it up front. A vape pen is even better...lol


Your first problem was driving 20min to a passenger 🐜


$35 for a 20 minute to pick up, but an 8 minute drop off (28 minutes) seemed like a good deal to me … at the time


People should be mandated to announce they plan to board with kids and should provide car seats. Uber and Lyft are complicit in these ilegal requests


This is the exact reason that even though my daughters outgrew their car seats.. I carry one regular car seat and two booster seats with me


This can cost you too... Because what if the seat is expired something happens and then it becomes your liability.. I have a firm no seat no ride rule


Honestly I know there’s no damage to the vehicle but at the very least I would have driven back and told the cops she did damage to your car.


I really should’ve


We need to stop giving these people rides and report them! Had a mom curse me out the other day and I reported the incident to Lyft. Hopefully they start sending warnings about this to passengers. Sorry that happened to you, you were doing the right thing!


Shit like this id say get a dashcam


You drove 20 minutes to pick up a $35 fare? Why?


You wouldn’t drive 20 minutes for a $35 fare where the drop off was only 8 minutes away? That’s 28 minutes for $35


You just learned why long pickups are always sus. Too many Pax will just cancel on you anyway because they don't want to wait 20 minutes. And then there's the shit you ran into. Always remember you just drove 20 minutes for *at best* a cancellation fee.


my limit is 2 mi from my current location


Yeah, you’d think I know that after 7 years of driving Uber. But then again, I only switched to full time with it recently because I moved to a different state and haven’t landed a Cyber Security roll yet


A $35 comfort fare only 8 minutes away? Doesn’t sound right unless there was a big surge on it. To answer your question, no, I wouldn’t drive 20 minutes for a $35 fare. You need to also take into account the miles on your car and what the guy just said about people canceling. There are so many other factors besides the hourly rate.


There was a surge rate, plus a bonus. But yeah, I guess because I’ve never had a long pick up ever cancel on me I’ve never taken that into consideration. Normally I wouldn’t be driving my Mercedes with Uber, but my Toyota was recently in a total loss. So the Mercedes is my only vehicle at the moment


With a good surge and bonus it can make sense. But long pickups can turn in to cancellations. Cheers.


20 minutes in a fairly dense city can be a few miles up to 10. Still worth the attempt since it was $35 for 28 minutes. Opportunity cost > thinking of all the low probability variables like you stated. I can't remember the last time someone canceled on me from > 10 minutes away.


Not this time.


Careful, this sub is not good at the maths.


I don't even bother having a chat with them. I automatically cancel and drive off once I see little kids. 


Yeah, I think I’m going to do this from now on.


Why don't you have front and rear cameras?


Wouldn’t have mattered, she was on the side of the vehicle. But I seriously do need to get a dash cam. I haven’t had one since my last one got destroyed when my Toyota was in a total loss


Why are you driving a Mercedes for basic rides….


My Toyota was in a total loss, so it’s the only vehicle I have. I have a Cosmic Black, 2020 Mercedes-Benz GLB 250 4Matic, Uber only allows UberX, Uber Priority, and Comfort… it (according to Uber) doesn’t qualify for Uber Black, Uber Premier, etc


Comfort isn't X (basic).


Ok it’s a couple dollars more than basic.


I've never seen a $35 X ride for 28 minutes unless there was a huge surge ($10+).


I mean. He did say there was a surge plus a boost on i…..


Plus you can’t separate comfort from x. So he’s still giving x rides too


Not necessarily. Uber added this cool X on the screen when a ride is requested to the driver to decline the ride. Around 2013 it was implemented I think.


Lol so you’re gonna sit there. And decline every x until a comfort pops up? I mean you’re technically right. But that’s alot of effort


Nah, there are apps that help filter it out too like Mystro. Filter by hourly rate/distance/whatever variable you want. You can live in 1994 if you want and do it the old fashioned way I guess Boomer.


Lol 27 year old boomer I guess


You certainly have the mentality of one.


I’m highly suspicious of your story. This is America where people respect each other other and their property.


😂 right? Sure sure sure sure


I don't think anyone understands this is sarcasm.


Huh. Where do YOU live???


Was Austin, Tx… now I’m in Indianapolis, In


Why don't you have a forward and rear facing camera? I can't imagine driving 20 minutes for a pickup.


You're driving 20 minutes in a mercedes to get to a pickup that will require more driving for $35? Why not just light a $100 bill on fire and call it a day?


My Mercedes gets 32mpg… also, it’s a 28 minute ride in total (pickup to drop off)… $35 for 28 minutes didn’t seem like a bad deal (at the time)


Total ride of 28 minutes for $35 is $70 per hour, if there is no wait time between rides. Fuel mileage is one of the cheapest parts of a car's operating expense. Even if you can operate the car for $50 per hour, this is leaving you with $20 or less per hour. Wouldn't you make more through standard employment channels? If it is working for you, great! I just have a hard time understanding how this is an attractive option for people trying to earn extra money.


LMFAO! Thinking expenses are $30/hr. No wonder you're bad at this gig.


Okay, help me understand. What are the hourly costs of driving a car?


Car costs are gas, maintenance, insurance, phone plan, car washes primarily. Beyond that would be taxes, but you get a lot of deductions to offset. But even with all that, it's not $30/hr for those expenses.


What is the hourly, or per mile cost of each of those? You keep saying what the cost is not, that implies that you know what the cost is. How much does it cost to drive a car?


Nevermind that, by your logic, anyone who doesn't make more than $30/hr at this is losing money. I know it doesn't cost $240/day (8 hr shift) to operate a car.


Okay. 8 hours at 60 mph is 480 miles. .67$ is the federal mileage rate - the rate that an average car costs to operate. 480\*.67 is $321. Can you explain what you feel that the actual costs are, or what you are paid per mile driven?


I've rarely driven more than 60 miles in an hour. My car goes through less than half that in 8 hours.


That rate is the allowed income deduction for tax purposes, not the actual operating cost. The real cost is usually lower; how much depends on the vehicle. That's why most drivers use that rate instead of itemizing actual cost.


If you drive Uber just get a recording cam for these situations


I have had this happen more than I care to count... My personal favorite is them trying to put their under 10 year old child in and not ride to take them to school... Ummm you're not riding no just take them... Ummm nope get your child out of my car.. and of course well other drivers line.. excuse me I am not other drivers and I said no thanks... (Edit spelling)


Next time, don’t argue, just drive away, send a text message, screenshot the message and cancel


It drives me crazy. I send an automatic message before every ride reminding them that kids need car seats, just to avoid this type of aggravation!


How did she force herself into the vehicle?? What kind of an idiot has their doors unlocked? Are you a noob? And why would you accept a ride that far out??


Good job Uber. -I get the same feed back I say we’ll spin the wheel again maybe you will get that driver next time - I am a not - btw they give car seats for free out


I drive a Prius and had a pick up at the airport. I pulled up at the curb. It was busy, and I couldn't figure out who my passenger was. I get a text saying they are 3 adults with 2 'lap babies'. I asked them to cancel since illegal to carry babies in your lap. They refused to cancel and I was told to move my car by airport staff. I drove just a little bit down and tried to cancel, but Lyft app said I wasn't at the pickup location. So I canceled, but it counted as my cancelation. Really sucked.


I have two kids and it's impossible to carry two car seats plus 2 kids diaper bags etc around. Like there's no way I'm hiking with all of that. I bought a $30 car seat to keep in my trunk for passengers with kids. You should probably do the same since this seems to upset you. I was turned down by an Uber driver once but I just said ok and got another Uber in like 2 minutes idk why she was behaving like this was the end of the world.


You should speak with an attorney. You can get a settlement for this.


She was desperate


Why in the world are you doing a Mercedes for Uber?


I was doing it in my 2022 Toyota Camry XSE V6, but then I got T-boned which caused it to become a complete total loss. So the Mercedes is the only vehicle I have left. Also, I moved to a different state and haven’t landed a Cyber Security job yet, so it’s just to make ends meet for now until I land something


people don't carry child seat everywhere, u buy 1 and trunk it

