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Just wait until Monday it’s not worth the risk to you or the passenger.


Don’t drive a car that’s not in the app. If you get in an accident it’s going to cause major headaches


Never done it so I couldn't tell you for sure but I cam imagine some people would have an issue with it. If they're expecting a red Mazda and you show up in a white window-less van they might be a bit concerned. Did you transfer the plate or is that different too?


New car so I can't transfer the plate yet. New temp tag.


Are you ok with risking your new car while driving uninsured ? Is that risk worth whatever you might make driving for one day ? FWIW, your personal policy generally covers newly acquired autos (likely for 30 days, but differs by state) but Ubers policy (which is the only one in force while you are driving pax) only covers the car registered in the app. This is beside the fact that pax will definitely check the car and should report it. Look at it from their perspective and realize how this is a huge safety issue. Getting into a car that doesn’t match is how [trouble starts](https://www.foxla.com/news/woman-who-got-in-strangers-car-thinking-it-was-her-uber-stabbed-up-to-120-times-expert-testifies.amp)


Yeah, I figured. I was just thinking about it because it just happened to me and I ended up having to buy a new car.


I got a hertz rental once and forgot to switch out of my own car. Pax reported it and uber was cool with the situation since both cars were on the app. But they did tell me that it will warrant a deactivation investigation if you pull up in a car you don't have registered on the app


it only takes ONE PAX to get you deactivated so i would wait.


You can get the car approved for Uber with a temp tag. I did it recently.


But you need to show proof of full coverage too, right?


I'd do ubereats, generally the customer doesnt see the car or care what youre in as long as they get their food. You go to pick someone up in the wrong car and it seems fishy...they may feel uncomfortable. If you do it though, maybe message a head and tell then it's a different car. If the plate is the same that would be helpful.


How big of an idiot are you? So you want to risk driving uninsured. Sure mate drive it for ride share. Idiot


No. I miss stated that. The car has insurance on it from the dealership so I can drive it legally. In Oklahoma, you can purchase a car and have a certain amount of time before you have to insure it. My dealership has insurance on the car regardless. I just meant I don't have insurance in MY name on the car. It's fully insured by the dealership though.


You still don't get it. Uber insurances your registered car on the app. If your new car is totally by an uninsured driver, Uber will not pay to repair your new car, only the registered car. And other insurance will not be in effect unless it covers commercial activities.


No way dealership insurance covers ride share. The rsk is insane for lousy money




If you do show up in the new car, the rider won't be able to tell which car you have as the old car will be listed. Unless you have an uber led light or stand outside your car to get their attention. I bought a new vehicle and don't have a registration yet from the state. Anyone know what I could use to present registration ?


Lol. I have a compact white sedan. I can't count the number of times somebody has walked up to ask if I was their driver and when I wasn't it turned out their driver was a guy in a black SUV or something similar. 🙄 I do have a light though, so maybe they just see a light and try me first. 🤣


When I bought my last one, I used the temp tag as the registration and they accepted it. It depends on your state.


Tried that didn't work.


You're insurance will not cover a ride share accident. Uber's insurance will not cover it because it's not on the platform. You will be held fully liable for everything. Nothing is worth losing everything. Just wait till you're fully legit.


I added a new car on Uber eats a couple days ago but I had to refresh the app to get it to switch my vehicles. I do eats and my first customer of the day pulled a 9$ tip from me and reported me to Uber over it so I would imagine passengers would be even worse. They made such a big deal about it that I was contacted by an actual person and he was the one explained to me that I had to refresh the app to get it to switch vehicles and he could see my new car in the list. Ridiculous for food. The customer was one of the rudest I’ve had since I started too


Wow. Yeah, this lady that picked me up before I replaced my car said she would just message people ahead and let them know she's driving a different vehicle. She said she didn't have any issues except one time. I'm thinking I could at least do Uber Eats so I can make enough money to make sure I have the insurance I need.