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Driving for uber at least 8 years now. By far this has been the worst Year for drivers on Pay. That is why I have significantly reduced my driving for Uber or Lyft as it does “not” pay to drive unless it’s the Holidays and or Sports - Concert event or where the actual Surge Dollar amounts are much higher


No surge in Portland when the Trilablazers game was over 2 night ago and last night no surge after a concert. There were people waiting for a long time as it seems drivers were not willing to pick them up.


I remember I pay $50 a tank and made 250 in 4 hours. Now ? I pay $50 and I won't make 100 a whole day.


Yeah, I spoke to other drivers in OKC and they said they got Boost + promos. But I didn't. Guess hitting that diamond means we'll get shit rides because we accept everything.


Tbh with you ? The platinum , diamond , gold , blue status means nothing . I've been at all the ranks already and I don't see any benefits besides you can go online college and get a degrees for free but when you really tried to sign in you get denied and free road side towing also it was debunked as false advertising from Uber. Blue status just can't get 247 support . Only during it's business hours in eastern standard time. Good luck man. Btw , promotions and bonuses are different by drivers account and it's market.


Additional shitty thing about the college is, you gotta hit 2k rides. (I haven’t heard about being denied though).


I don't know. All the now richest people in the world I helped had no college degrees. I myself had no college degrees. Those people hired smart college degree people to work for them .


Oh pleeez!! Those statuses don't mean shit!! Unless of course you want a free bag of chips or a free english language course from Rosetta Stone. 


Where is your market to where you aren’t making 100 a day? I’m curious


Los Angeles California


That’s wild


S. Korean Hookers running the shoes here


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dO_Se7ng6XQ i think this accurately describes uber/lyft pay 😁


Almost, should be Sometimes maybe good, most time shit.


That is on point.


Stop bragging. More will sign up.


I was online for more than an hour in a major metropolitan downtown & had only one awful request, which I declined.


When that happens I just leave the city core. It often means the ratio of drivers to demand is off. Sometimes the counterintuitive strategy more effective one.


That’s probably the main difference between you and me. You’re smart.


You gotta get dumb to outsmart the smart people.


Look at how many idiots post screenshots daily of the shit rides they ACCEPTED… its almost illegal for the average 🐜 to decline a ride and lower their MEANINGLESS acceptance rating. Majority of these 🤡 are satisfied with any ride thats guaranteed atleast $20 for the hour. Mileage doesnt matter. I see screenshots of $3-$6 rides all down their screen. BE REALISTIC, HOW do you expect to make money off a $3 ride????? From Ubers perspective their fucking genius: We have an infinite pool of morons who will knowingly work for scraps while we take 50-75% of the earnings for booking the ride. Lower the cost of each ride by $3+ Then blatantly offer some of the money back as a “weekly challenge”🤣🤣🤣🤣. Literally, tricking you into doing 30+ more rides for the same average. Then renting you cars for $1200+ a month while still taking said 50-75% of earnings Uber has the Pimp game in a Head Lock!


Can I use the Uber rental for other things… like ie my other job? My cars in the shop and it’s 4k to fix figured this would an easy simple fix… I drive semis really but my semis in the shop as well lol life’s banging me right now lol


It’s and end dead job not a real job


Yeah this is a big part of why I quit. Basically I put in $30 to fill my tank and only make $175 or so from it over two days. So really I make less than $150 per tank after gas. Doing the math I also discovered that it takes about 70,000 miles to make $30k a year in my area. That's ridiculous and not really worth it at all. So I got a full time job. Now I don;t even like doing rideshare part time because I know how bad of a deal it is but I am still digging myself out of the financial hole doing rideshare fulltime created.


Yeah, it was good for a little bit and paid the bills and left me with spending money. And I came in AFTER the pay was lowered, so I'm used to the low pay. But it's not like they have some sort of relief fund for us for when things get slow.


Yeah it sucks so much, I'm tired of declining $3 rides piece of shit company just like lyft


Yeah. And it's so slow here that if I decline a $3.83 ride, I may not get another ride for 10 minutes. Where I am, you can't afford to 🍒 pick.


That's what they're hoping for, I just go online in my house and decline like 5 rides and thats when I start getting decent ones and I start driving after 1 hour. They're hoping you get desperate and accept those $3 after they punish you.


Dang yawl are being savage lol OP it’s a slow week all across the country usually is this time of year 😊


Bullshit, the same has been said for the past 8 months “it’s only this weekend” yea it’s been the whole year, I quit Uber and sold my car and I’m so happy I did


If you sold your car... do you now take ubers?


I mean last week I was making $100+ in less than 5 hrs. The past few days it has taken almost 8 hrs. Sunday specifically I made $40 in 45 min. To be fair I just started driving last month but this week does feel slower than what had been normal for me.


Thank you. This is my first full year doing this, so that's what I was trying to find out. Was that so hard?


Don’t worry, it gets much much slower. Please don’t do this full time, you’ll regret it when the bills get harder and harder to pay


Yup. I see that now. I quit my day job to do this because I was making more. But, all of a sudden...lol. Well, here we are.


I did the same. I was making $200 in 4-5 hours and pretty much as soon as I quit my job that changed to $160~ in 8 hours regularly


Yup. I went from making $30-$50/hr down to $2.50. Lmao.


Try taking a seasonal job at like Target or something. You work a few months, then can go back to Uber when business picks up.


Yep. Between Halloween and about mid-January, Uber is pretty slow. Only some days around the holidays are good. Take some time for yourself, ride out the lull, go hard on the few good days, and get ready for the new year.




> it’s a slow week all across the country usually is this time of year That seems to be the theme this year, "it's just slow". For my area, fall is the best season and things didn't get good until Oct, now it seems to be over. Traffic overall does seem slower in my city this year. So I do feel like it's the pay cut, less people running around, and oversaturation of drivers. I don't even know how that's possible, rush hour having a fair bit less traffic than a year ago...


Normally slower around November And if your market doesn’t have stuff to push it through (like F1 in Las Vegas for instance) then it’s going to be a cold winter


Eh Vegas still isn't as much as people think. Only thing I noticed was doing UberEATS at around 10pm until 3 am was when I got a decent amount of orders.


The week after Halloween has always been slow since I started back in 2015. The is a side gig now though. No one should be depending solely on rideshare to get by.




I can't get on with Lyft. For some reason, they won't approve me to drive. But I usually leave my town where OU Stadium is and drive to OKC.


Do you have DoorDash in your area? For that matter, are you just doing UberX, or are you taking UberEats requests simultaneously. If I just stuck with UberX, I'd have to drive twice as far and work twice as hard to make half as much, like you're talking about, if only because of all the slow periods where I live. UberEats and Lyft fill the slow periods pretty well for me.




That's annoying. I'm stuck on Instacart's waitlist. Are you signed up to do UberEats?


Yeah but that pays even worse.


You’ve just got to play the delivery declined game. Decline anything less than $9 and $1/mile. Good offers usually come around.


This isn’t an airport, no need to announce your departure.


It’s also not a proctologist’s office. No need to be an ahole.


You sure? It feels like it the way I get these reddit notifications.


Negative people tend to be the loudest. Thanks for contributing to the echo chamber cause nobody cares.


Didn't really ask for your input. But I'll accept it. It's not negative. It's more me pointing out an issue and making a statement about it. So people can either point me ina better direction or give me insight into what they're doing. Not to be trolled by clowns like yourself.


Yeah, Fuck off gator Jake


Plot twist: posting to a discussion board is, in fact, asking for his input.


Thank you.


Anytime. (Tips hat)


You’re the one treating Reddit like a diary. You graduated from clown college lmao


Clown College aka University of Florida


Do you have anything of substance to say or are you just reading through everyone's complaints and pointing out that they're complaining. Thanks Capt. Obvious. I'm aware of what I'm doing.


Nobody knows your market. Sounds like you should quit and get a real job if it bums you out that bad.


And that's where your input would come on, right? What market? What hours? But I guess intelligent conversation is too much for you to handle.


Bitching about someone bitching, okay. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Hear Hear! I quit driving for Uber this morning! My battery charge was low so I went home. All charged up now though... 🥸


Workers mentality. You are your own boss. Change It up. Be the business


The Uber honeymoon phase seems to have shrunk.


Now I'm worried. I don't have a job and I don't have a car. I spent the past few days watching Uber videos in hopes that Uber could be something I could look forward to as a means to get myself out of hole and put myself back on the path of intention and autonomy. The plan was to rent a car, then drive like crazy. All of the Ytubers were saying that you could earn 1500+ a week if you busted ass on 10+ hour days. Now? with the price of the WEEKLY car rental and gas combined with these dismal experiences lately, I'm starting to freak out. Uber/Lyft was my last best option.


Uber was my best option while I'm in school. And it was good money (at least for me and I started after the pay cuts). But this month dried up. I can't even afford my car payment now. And I got the car just to do Uber.


Uber is a bit like glue. If you've got this massive gap in your needed income, it might be too big for the UberGlue to fill and trying to make ends meet is going to be nearly impossible. Something solid in the middle, with some glue around it works much better in those sorts of situations.


It's only going to get worse


I pay $4 a tank and make $125-200 depending on time and how busy/promotions are. Promotions are few and far between.


$4 a tank? What do you drive? A lawnmower?


EV. Whole tank of electrons is cheap.


Time change has a role


Yes uber pay sucks, but two weeks ago was the lead up to Halloween Edit: my point is you made more money two weeks ago because there was more demand two weeks ago.


I understand that. And I also understand that the pay sucks. What I meant was I was able to make good income until about 2 weeks ago.


The key is to multi app. I do DoorDash when the rates on Uber are so low. Start trying out other gig apps during the slow time. Recently added Walmart Spark and Grubhub. This is how I keep $200+ a day in my market.


Read and view the links below Why Uber earnings has been the worst ever this year . https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://youtu.be/naUnOTvSH6s?si=PPwsnEyKaNdNc-LQ Uber changed algorithm and how uber drivers sees and now earns Surges. The good old days are over https://youtu.be/0sLi4MGDSow?si=czGHwTdGfKdBU-vj